I've come across another subtle problem with web2py's DAL running over IBM
DB2 database.
DB2 requires the left table to immidiatedly preceed the 'left outer join'
select * from a, b left outer join c on c.a_id=a.id
is incorrect. Correct form is:
select * from b, a left outer join
Hello. There is a bug in these lines:
if [key for key in attributes if not key
in valid_attributes]:
raise SyntaxError, 'invalid select attribute: %s' % key
At the moment of raise the 'key' variable holds last ispected value which is
not neccessarily incorrect.
You are free to write it the way you want. You don't you do that?
I think, though, that using wrappers gives lower perfomance so you'll be
consuming more CPU.
Otherwise - no objections to your method.
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 12:39 PM, Stef Mientki wrote
I think your version of python must at least match version on Google's
server. Did you check that?
On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 7:48 PM, mat -- wrote:
> After clicking the `compile` button in appadmin, my web2py app no longer
> runs on GAE.
> Is this expected behavior?
> Can only u
On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 7:14 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> I encourage eveybody running from source to try the new dal:
> cd gluon
> cp s
Sorry, didn't check if that bug still exists in latest version.
Here is the problem: in Oracle substracting one datetime column from the
other gives the floating number (days).
However the web2py considers the result to be another datetime, so this Set
produces invalid condition string:
select * from PINGER_RESULTS where (time_stop-time_start)>0.0034722;
-- Oracle measured datetime difference as floating number - days.
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:14 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> can you provide an example of usage?
> On Feb 11, 12:48 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
I'm trying to use 'exists' keyword from the DB2 database. I know that web2py
doesn't support that natively so I tried to pass the additional condition in
as a string.
However I struck a problem that the same table used in the same query 3
times (query greatly simplified here but it still has
nt db(t1.id==123).select(t1.id,t2.name, left=t1.on(t1.key==t2.key))
*** OperationalError: no such table: t2
-- Regards
Alexey Nezhdanov
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"web2py-users" group.
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(Pdb) print db2db.executesql("call webxdsl.abonsearch (123, 'port_id',
'41110', '1', ?, ?);")
*** Error: ('07001', '[07001] [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0100E Wrong number of
parameters. SQLSTATE=07001 (-9) (SQLExecDirectW)')
(Pdb) print db2db._execute("call webxdsl.abonsearch (?)",(1,2))
Ok, I bumped into same problem again.
But this time I actually DO use same table twice.
So, the task: there is a table that MAY refer to itself.
In my application monitors network tree for disconnections (is just pings
hosts). Some alerts 'come out of the blue' and some are caused by these -
Question not clear.
What does mean 'map' here?
On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Leandro - ProfessionalIT <
lsever...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Friends,
> I have a situation where I can have a dog that I don't know your
> father and mother. How to resolve this ? for example, a dog that I buy
> in a
Hmm. Model looks ok. Why?
On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 8:35 PM, Leandro - ProfessionalIT <
lsever...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Alexey,
> sorry, map = define table in models.py.
> -- Leandro.
> --
> To unsubscribe, reply using "remove me" as the subject.
works in this second case. So this should
> work
> db(db.TEST.id>0). select(TEST.ALL,
> b.id.count(),left=b.on(b.top_id==TEST.id))
> I agree this is not completely equivalent to your query.
> Massimo
> On Apr 15, 3:07 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> >
> there.
> Can you explain the fix below? Oracle does not understand AS? Is there
> documentation about this somewhere I can reference as a comment to the
> fix?
> Massimo
> On Apr 16, 1:11 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > Oh, Massimo, actually I was wrong he
Sometimes I have to execute this line prior to making a query:
oradb.executesql("ALTER SESSION set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = '-MM-DD
That is because Oracle by default uses different date format that causes my
queries to fail.
The problem is that doing that in model is incorrect
> On Apr 19, 12:32 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > Hi.
> > Sometimes I have to execute this line prior to making a query:
> > oradb.executesql("ALTER SESSION set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = '-MM-DD
> > HH24:MI:SS';")
> >
> MM-DD';")
> '-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS';")
> Now you propose adding:
>self._execute("ALTER SESS
Ah, one more little comment though. In two cases select yielded an empty
list - that is intentional.
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 9:37 AM, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> Oh, well.
> May be that's an Oracle bug then. I use my custom 'console.py' script here,
> but output should
> I made in trunk the change you suggested. Can you please check this
> does not break insert and select of Field('somename','date')?
> On Apr 20, 12:37 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > Oh, well.
> > May be that's a
1,aaa,2010-04-22 00:00:00,
2,bbb,2010-04-22 10:00:00,
(Pdb) print db(db.mytable.mydt2>'2010-04-22').select()
While writting an application bumped into partial translation of russian
Updated file attached. It is from welcome.py application, no my app specific
strings present.
# coding: utf8
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or
The question is not THAT clear, but I guess you can use external library to
connect to barcode reader.
However there is at least one problem - using the barcode reader is not a
browser operation.
So you will need either an ajax app that will poll the server for the
presence of an active barcode or
Yes, once I used it to print an 'enhanced stack backtrace'. Each time the
site engine was crashing (not web2py, long ago) the stack trace was emailed
to me along with all variables values that existed at all levels of the
On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 6:53 AM, GoldenTiger wrote:
> do you refer
I use web2py's DAL in my project (daemon).
I modified db.py so that all calls to create_table happen with migrate=False
(because I reuse the same db as in web app).
So all I need from DAL is .select, .update, .delete and .insert. Also I take
care to
call these functions only from single thread. Tha
These times fans don't need to be around the place where the site located.
More than this - it says that it runs on AppEngine :)
On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 1:23 AM, hcvst wrote:
> Hi,
> http://www.domain-name-registration.co.za powered by w2p,
> South African (co.za) domain name registration.
> Any
Hi. I think that I found some inconsistency in the topic.
When you do, say,
auth.add_permission(group_id) - it assumes the permission name 'any', table
name empty and record_id 0.
Which in turn feels like "full admin rights" - any action on any table on
any record.
In fact, that gives no permission
On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 5:14 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> I think this should be considered a bug and I agree with the change.
> Anybody opposed?
> Massimo
> On Sep 7, 11:46 pm, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > Hi. I think that I found some inconsistency in the topic.
On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 6:11 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> No, it does not. It must be done in two queries. Can you send me the
> patch by email? thanks.
> On Sep 8, 8:44 pm, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > Updated version of the patch then. Includes case where there is no such
Recently I had to setup web2py on a shared hosting. However that hosting has
wsgi support.
Also that was not a new site but rather an old site, ported to web2py
I didn't find any good documentation on how to setup web2py in this case so
had to google and experiment.
1) The problem:
I managed to crash SQLFORM(db.table).accepts(request.vars,session) call
by adding a 'delete_this_record=on' to the list of request variables.
Proposed fix:
--- sqlhtml.bak.py 2010-10-13 09:52:01.202884906 +0400
+++ sqlhtml.py 2010-10-13 09:52:06.662884519 +0400
@@ -949,7 +949,7 @@
changes on-disk and then just keep built structures somewhere
around, probably pickled. May be it is still possible to use that approach to
some extent?
Or may be I am just completely missing the point. Please comment.
Sincerely yours
Alexey Nezhdanov
annot use pooling and that means web2py has to
> open the db every time.
> Massimo
> On Jun 5, 2:58 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > Hello again.
> > Recently I measured the perfomance of web2py regarding to 'milliseconds
> > per request'. Got some une
be CPU-friendly. GAE
can help with adding more nodes but it charges for processor time anyways.
And actually the same goes about dedicated hosting too. If someone targets
only a few visitors per day - it's ok. But not if we want tens and hundreds
pageloads per second.
> On Jun 5, 1
e of table.
if it has __exec__ method - execute it and replace it with return result.
This way my tables will be lazily defined when controller actually needs them.
> Massimo
> On Jun 5, 3:05 pm, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > On Friday 05 June 2009 21:03:20 mdipierro wrote:> Can yo
On Saturday 06 June 2009 07:53:18 Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> ON Saturday 06 June 2009 00:25:47 mdipierro wrote:
> > One other trick you can try is replace
> >
> > db.define_table('table',SQLField('field'),...)
> > db.table.fie
e too. Definitely worths looking closer.
5) another __init__, now the SQLTable's. Same strings attached as to (4).
> Massimo
> On Jun 6, 1:14 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > Switched to lazy table definitions.
> > Model init time was cut down to 0.046s.
> > Some of exces
On Sunday 07 June 2009 11:13:49 Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> 1) When initialising, SQLField uses dir() call to find any clashes
> with reserved names.
I was a bit incorrect here. It checks for already defined fields too.
Anyways - I optimised it by commenting it out :-P
In practice I'
d be
with sql_locker:
just two lines - instead of 5 with the same breakpoint benefit.
On the other hand - it requires doing
from __future__ import with_statement
and that WILL break python 2.4 compartibility once again.
Sincerely yours
Alexey Nezhdanov
On Sunday 07 June 2009 15:49:31 Iceberg wrote:
> On Jun7, 6:35pm, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > > 2) is_integer is a fast call, but with 1.1k (!) calls ...
> >
> > Replaced it with my own version:
> > integer_pat=re.compile('[0-9]+$')
> > is_integer
as is - because I knew that I possible breaking other people's apps. But
these changes were too effective to not try.
Sincerely yours
Alexey Nezhdanov
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
looked into profile file and then into sql.py.
You omitted the validators patch completely. Why?
W/o it all that testing is loss of time. :(
I need to go now. I'll provide backwards-compartible validators patch when I
return (something like 5 hours from now).
scaffolding app (replace welcome.w2p with
> any packed app). There are many bug fixes in the library and new
> features that you would otherwise miss.
> Massimo
> On Jun 7, 7:33 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > On Sunday 07 June 2009 16:10:10 mdipierro wrote:> BTW
Sincerely yours
Alexey Nezhdanov
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Framework" group.
To post to this group, send email to web2py@googlegroups.
On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> On Sunday 07 June 2009 18:41:30 mdipierro wrote:
>> I implemented a backward compatible speedup of the default validators.
>> I also realized that those many calls to is_integer could be avoided.
>> I think I
> model 0.00966
> > min 0.02415
> > avg 0.02850
> > max 0.03208
> >
> > So it makes some improvement about 1%-5% but somehow it also makes
> > testing results more disperse. Do not know if it worths including.
> > Massimo, your opinion?
> >
> >
uite slow, will finish in ~10minutes.
Preliminary results (10 sets:)
min 0.05579
avg 0.055944
max 0.05611
model time unknown
That is against revision 875.
> Massimo
> On Jun 8, 9:54 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > On Monday 08 June 2009 17:57:36 mdipierro wrote:> Thanks Alexey
On Monday 08 June 2009 19:27:29 Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> On Monday 08 June 2009 19:18:26 mdipierro wrote:
> > I understand what you say below but I think it is important to measure
> > the total speedup from the original/stable sql.py and the one in trunk
> > on the same mac
ing additional tricks. We'll keep working on this.
A pity really that we didn't yet hit 100% barrier.
If you don't mind - I'll continue working on it.
And btw - I just realised that my 'optimised inits' patch is not optimal. I
can do it bet
to work out new plan. Probably we
won't hit 100% barrier :(
I'm sorry guys. So much excitement...
Sincerely yours
Alexey Nezhdanov
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Fra
Ok. Now the confusion is resolved.
1) Speed improvements of 70% and up that I reported yesterday are
really exist. I just reproduced a 3.47 times model speedup and 2.15
overall speedup for my app (r875 vs r822+inits).
BUT this app is atypical. I have added some time measuring code there
so it prin
software 90deg rotation - performs BETTER), that does not matter.
What does - is that I can now be sure that these results are
noise-free so I can safely compare timings from various patches.
Proceeding with writing 'inits v2'.
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Alexey Nezhdanov w
> it might help to have tests in a state that you can ask others to run them;
> a dozen or so other random boxes will help you gain the confidence you
> seek I think....
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 2:12 AM, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
>> new testing:
P.S. I'm surprised about last line... Noise?
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 11:12 AM, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> new testing:
> --prints
> r875 0.04898
> r822ini 0.03070 1.60x
> --silent
> r875 0.04914
> r822ini 0.03049 1.61x
have same perfomance parameters so could be used for testing.
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 1:35 PM, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> Wrote 'optimised inits v2' patch. Tested everything.
> Once again I changed my testing pattern a bit.
> 1) I dumped my own timing tool in favor o
Forgot about patches. Here they are.
'optimised inits v.2'
'lazy tables' (this one is modified to be applicable to trunk version of
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> Results of second set of test runs:
> r87545.523
I'd really like to be able to write in my controller:
See attached patch.
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> Forgot about patches. Here they are.
> 'optimised inits v.2'
> 'lazy t
Wanted to attach test data as well but automatically clicked 'send' and
oops... it gone.
Here are couple of test runs:
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> Finally, I started migration (before I was just slapping sql.py, checked
> out of t
6:1 signal-to-noise).
full 'ab' output attached
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> Wanted to attach test data as well but automatically clicked 'send' and
> oops... it gone.
> Here are couple of test runs:
> 1.63.544.572
> On Tue
exey originally pointed out, so it would make a negligible
> > > difference. I will change it though.
> > >
> > > Massimo
> > >
> > > On Jun 9, 11:24 am, AchipA wrote:
> > > > Any particular reason not doing is_integer via a 'try: int(i) e
On Wednesday 10 June 2009 09:01:04 Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> about 10k times faster than yours.
Ah... no. I never used timit module before. You get values of the same order.
Sincerely yours
Alexey Nezhdanov
You received this mess
On Wednesday 10 June 2009 12:40:44 AchipA wrote:
> On Jun 10, 7:01 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > I get these results (best timing):
> > try-variant: 10.24s
> > regex: 9.58s
> > So on my laptop try:except: function loses about 5% to regex - probably
eat tricks) counts the
> timing of the *BEST* iterations. If one was slower than the other,
> that means that the other got interrupted somewhere (disk, app,
> multitaskting, etc).
> See http://docs.python.org/library/timeit.html , it's quite useful.
I was wondering
e DAL anyway I think it is best to
> wait.
> Massimo
> On Jun 10, 7:48 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > On Wednesday 10 June 2009 16:31:31 AchipA wrote:> > > > So on my laptop
> > try:except: function loses about 5% to regex -
> >
> > > > >
look at the trunk tomorrow morning.
> Massimo
> On Jun 10, 11:10 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > Ok.
> >
> > Basically I'd like you to:
> > 1) apply 'inits2.diff' - it optimises SQLTable.__init__ and
> > SQLField.__init__ 2) remove i
It is more proper to use 401 status code than 400 for 'not authorized' case.
Sincerely yours
Alexey Nezhdanov
You received this message because you are
:( I had to read code closer. There are actually three different keys so three
different codes required. Modified patch attached.
On Thursday 11 June 2009 17:15:23 Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> Hello.
> It is more proper to use 401 status code than 400 for 'not authorized
> > > - better LDAP support (thanks Fran and Mr. Freeze)
> > >
> > > Massimo
Sincerely yours
Alexey Nezhdanov
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web
; > > Where do you keep common model code?
> > > common = used by all ctls, except those with a name
> >
> > Now, for the kicker - in the model we could do an equivalent of
> > {{extend 'layout.html'}} (=sort of import ?) to include any
> > depende
s/cpt1002/models/db.py", line 82, in
> SQLField('parent','reference category'))
> File "/home/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line 953, in define_table
> else:
> File "/home/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line 1143, in __init__
> new_fiel
e instead of the form I'm expecting. But not
> all of the functions work this way. Some let me operate normally. (I
> am properly logged in during these operations.)
> I'll play around more tomorrow evening and see if
On Friday 12 June 2009 20:49:28 mdipierro wrote:
> I would go with bare web2py unless somebody wants to work on improving
> and clening up the sysadmin appliance.
Umm... You propose to drop /admin/ from debian web2py package???
> Thanks for your help
Sincerely yours
re is sample page with redirect:
// -->
and redrawn as opposed to 303
which just waits a bit, then instantly replaces page content.
I do not know if there is a way to suppress that page blanking.
Otherwise it seems to be working as intended.
> On Jun 13, 6:19 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > I'm writing unit tests for my ap
Ok, Massimo, do you still think this is a good idea?
Should I make this optional for auth module with default set to [SE-friendly]
On Saturday 13 June 2009 20:08:36 Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> On Saturday 13 June 2009 16:58:33 mdipierro wrote:
> > I will take this patch!
oo (site -> 'you are being redirected' -> site again). If
you think that it is a good idea - I'll do.
On Monday 15 June 2009 01:05:25 mdipierro wrote:
> You can replace the page blanking by adding some content longer than
> 512 chars
> On Jun 13, 11:08 am, Alexey Ne
ld like to hear more opinions about this before changing it.
> Pros? Cons?
> Massimo
> On Jun 14, 10:28 pm, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > No, I didn't meant IE. I meant that since redirect page doesn't have
> anybody
> > for a user AND it is not a 301/303 p
e be included in the error page?
> This way you have both the error and no need for redirect as a user
> can directly login.
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 8:08 AM, Alexey Nezhdanov
> wrote:
> > Sure. For a start I'll provide the list that I have.
> >
> > Pros:
any - why don't you make just
a static file?
I know why though. You just need to have some content inserted into a site
template. static file will not do that.
Massimo - is it possible to have a controllerless static view which is still
have view {{insert}} capabilities ?
> Thank
_ when executing _already_generated_page_.
You can try though:
var param={{=param}}
> Thanks for your help...
> Cheers,
> Yannick P.
Sincerely yours
Alexey Nezhdanov
You received this mes
Sincerely yours
Alexey Nezhdanov
You received this message because you are subscribed to the
I do not
know how the things are at the moment. Do you want me to go over all 'raise'
statements and submit a patch that will add more useful info just like in
this example?
> Just sayin'.
> On Jul 17, 2:12 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > BTW, this is perfect e
urrent trunk
> Massimo
> On Jul 22, 3:09 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > On Friday 17 July 2009 19:11:11 JohnMc wrote:> BTW, this is perfect
> > example of helpless backtrace.
> >
> > > Consider how much better it would be if it look like this:
> > >
k in the not so distant
> future, and then some perminent work if all plays out well. (The
> contract work doesn't need to be in Finland. :D)
> Best Regards,
> Jason Brower
Sincerely yours
Alexey Nezhdanov
Hello Massimo.
'role based access control' is linked to
I.e. one left { is missing
Sincerely yours
Alexey Nezhdanov
You receive
less-predictable salt than the suggestion below,
> > >>>> though. How about the old Unix passwd trick of choosing a some
> > >>>> random
> > >>>> salt, and appending the salt in plaintext to the hash?
> > >>>>
> > &
> > "blah blah hello hello"
> >
> > On Jul 31, 12:28 am, 诚子 wrote:
> > > Hi, I wan't use PUT method and DELETE method,to build a RESTful
> > > service,how to get an PUT method and DELETE data?
Sincerely yours
Alexey Nezhdanov
> > > > > > Massimo
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On Aug 9, 10:22 am, Derek wrote:
> > > > > > > Hi all,
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I'm trying to upload a 126KB static file, and
Never tried but you probably also can try %2c
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 10:57 AM, SergeyPo wrote:
> Yes, in my application comma creates "invalid request' error too. I
> had to write a special javascript routine to ensure that there is no
> commas in requests (they are produced by flot library w
Massimo, I have a question regarding double form submission.
There is a phrase in the book (page 188):
Moreover, when multiple forms are present on the same page, the mechanism
for preventing double submission breaks...
That was a good reason for me to look into the code.
1. Yes, if you want to port your application to python then you definitely
have to learn the language.
2. Since this maillist is most 'web2py developer rich' place probably it is
safe to ask here if Massimo doesn't mind.
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Markus wrote:
> Hello
> I run a succes
have been corrected.
> You cannot have two forms in the same page with the same _formname.
> That is all.
> On Aug 31, 2:34 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > Hello.
> > Massimo, I have a question regarding double form submission.
> > There is a phrase in the
> P.S. Some corrections have been proposed. I will implement those
> corrections asap.
Oh, I've spotted several typos, but right now can recall just one :(
page 187, onvalidation. In model you declare field 'd' but in external
validator you set variable 'c'.
I'll make a list of any other ones
all this neither
it is in html dump that is included under it.
You have to regenerate both.
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 5:29 PM, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> P.S. Some corrections have been proposed. I will implement those
>> corrections asap.
> Oh, I've spotted several t
You don't need the thread lock over the whole function:
try: return MemcacheClient.__mc_instance
if not hasattr(MemcacheClient, '__mc_instance'):
MemcacheClient.__mc_instance = _MemcacheClient(*a, **b)
return MemcacheClient.__mc_instance
On Sun, Sep 13
, encoding)
return s.getvalue()
Alexey Nezhdanov
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"web2py-users" group.
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Alexey Nezhdanov
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o, I can submit a patch (just
like before).
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> I do not know actually as I am not the Oracle expert (or even regular
> user). Will find out tomorrow.
> Suppose - I can't - can you give any clue how to make an alias in web2py?
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 5:47 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> No. "." and "@" are not allowed in table names. Can you alias in
> Orcale?
> On Dec 22, 12:15 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
timespan=db.freight.time_ready_span # FIXME
Sincerely yours
Alexey Nezhdanov
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Framework" group.
To post to this group, send email to web2py@googlegr
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