Re: [web2py] Re: Grid: Pull field, but not display it, so it can be used by links

2012-02-23 Thread Johann Spies
On 23 February 2012 00:30, naveed wrote: > A slightly related question: In the grid, how can I show values from > referenced tables? > > I have the table: > db.define_table('table1', > Field('field1'), > Field('usr', db.auth_user)) > > How can I show the user's first and last names in the gri

[web2py] Re: Attaching files stored in blobstore in a mail

2012-02-23 Thread Saurabh S
No, there is no stacktrace in the logs only the warning. Also I have tried passing the stream as payload but I get an error there as well. Its stacktrace is: File "/base/data/home/apps/s~app-id/1.357014326405166801/applications/ abc/controllers/", line 384, in report_download Fil

[web2py] Re: db manipulation

2012-02-23 Thread davidjensen
Migration was not disabled. However, I made a new application duplicating the original db procedures, and I was able to add a field in the field definition in The new one: db = DAL('sqlite://storage2.db') from import Auth auth = Auth(db) auth.define_tables() db.define_table('in

[web2py] Re: Passing arg from view to controller.

2012-02-23 Thread Annet
Hi Anthony, Thanks for you reply. I'll give your solution a try, and let you know if it solved my problem. Best regards, Annet

[web2py] Logout time

2012-02-23 Thread Prakhar Srivastava
how can i capture the logout time i can easy capture the login time with help of .now() bt i couldn't the logout time

[web2py] Related to Lgoin

2012-02-23 Thread Prakhar Srivastava
how can we fetch the login time and logout time from the server I need store both timing into my database

[web2py] auth

2012-02-23 Thread Prakhar Srivastava
is there any way to change the path after Login by default in direct to the index

[web2py] Re: what are these css classes?: w2p_fl w2p_fw w2p_fc

2012-02-23 Thread Prakhar Srivastava
nice one thanks On Feb 17, 8:55 pm, Anthony wrote: > > w2p_fl: web2py field label > > w2p_fw: web2py field widget > > w2p_fc: web2py field comment > > Each input field in a web2py SQLFORM gets a label, widget, and (optional) > comment. Those classes are added to the appropriate TD, DIV, or LI ele

[web2py] Re: Parsing a list of items - how-to?

2012-02-23 Thread Larry Wapnitsky
Thanks to both of you. I'll try these when I get to my office this morning. Assume I'll be back with either good results or more questions :)

[web2py] Re: concurrency, web2py, and GAE

2012-02-23 Thread Wikus van de Merwe
You're probably right, access to global variables in mulithreading environment requires extra care. You might find reading this helpful:

[web2py] Error on page (>1) of grid

2012-02-23 Thread Johann Spies
Using the following controller the first page shows up and everything works as expected until I select a next page of the grid. First page: On the second page there is no 'tt 'nor 'tabel'. Why? The controller is below. Johann. def lys_vermiste_titels(): tabel = request.vars.tabel t

[web2py] Re: GAE and Web2Py - Current Issues and some thoughts on Best Practices?

2012-02-23 Thread Wikus van de Merwe
Goggle bigtable support in DAL is already GAE specific. You can also access entities by id (which is returned after insert) or key using DAL. Mixing in native API is possible if needed too, as app portability is lost anyway with GAE. And the non web2py specific things such as N:N relations, deb

[web2py] Re: in my IE 6.0 the layout is wrong.

2012-02-23 Thread LightDot
I have written a calming reply yesterday but now I see it hasn't showed up. Hm. I use the google groups web interface and this isn't the first time this has happened. Ah well. Anyway, it wasn't my intention to attack anyone, but it seems that I still have a strong opinion about IE. I thought th

[web2py] Re: in my IE 6.0 the layout is wrong.

2012-02-23 Thread Wikus van de Merwe
I'm sorry, but I think you are on your own on this one :) Anyone who was ever involved in coding CSS workarounds for IE6 remembers this nightmare very strongly and would not go back to it even if paid lots of money :) If you need your app to work perfectly on IE6, I suggest starting the nightma

[web2py] Using regular expressions in DAL queries

2012-02-23 Thread Omri Har-Shemesh
Hi All, I have been wondering if there is somewhere a hidden method of using regexps in queries. I found this discussion on the mailing list, where a way to do it was suggested and it was said there that this will be added to we

Re: [web2py] auth

2012-02-23 Thread David J
Yes please look in docs. On Feb 23, 2012 5:33 AM, "Prakhar Srivastava" wrote: > is there any way to change the path after Login by default in direct > to the index >

[web2py] Re: stuck on trivial problem

2012-02-23 Thread Cliff
You have to manually restart the server to see changes in the module directory. Life is simpler if you use Rocket for your local development. Modules are useful for common code. It doesn't make sense to have 15 controllers all doing pretty much the same thing. Code in the modules directory cann

[web2py] Re: 1.99.4 Active Directory LDAP Issue

2012-02-23 Thread Larry Wapnitsky
Getting the same error and just updated from the git repository. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'user_groups' snippets from my (added to the original skeleton) ## create all tables needed by auth if not custom ta

Re: [web2py] Re: 1.99.4 Active Directory LDAP Issue

2012-02-23 Thread Massimiliano
try that: auth.settings.create_user_groups = False Ciao On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 1:50 PM, Larry Wapnitsky wrote: > Getting the same error and just updated from the git repository. > > > 'NoneType' object has no attribute > '

Re: [web2py] Re: 1.99.4 Active Directory LDAP Issue

2012-02-23 Thread Larry G. Wapnitsky
genius! I just need to read through and figure out how to do the proper name/group mapping from AD to web2py. Great framework, BTW, Massimiliano! On 2/23/2012 8:08 AM, Massimiliano wrote: auth.settings.create_user_groups = False

[web2py] Re: auth

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, February 23, 2012 2:11:19 AM UTC-5, Prakhar Srivastava wrote: > > is there any way to change the path after Login by default in direct > to the index auth.settings.login_next = URL('default', 'index') If the user requests a specific URL that requires login and gets redirected to t

[web2py] Re: Error on page (>1) of grid

2012-02-23 Thread Johann Spies
I solved the problem by using: if request.vars.tabel: tabel = request.vars.tabel session.tabel = tabel else: tabel = session.tabel if tt = = tt else: tt = But I stil do not know

[web2py] Re: db manipulation

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
> > It should be made clear in the documentation that some db operations > must use web2py DAL concepts. In the original, I added a field once > using db.sqlexecute and once in the sqlite3 bash command line and they > do not show in sqlform indicating some operations must have a specific > for

[web2py] Re: Logout time

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, February 23, 2012 4:46:10 AM UTC-5, Prakhar Srivastava wrote: > > how can i capture the logout time > i can easy capture the login time with help of .now() bt i couldn't > the logout time Note, the auth_events table already records all Auth events, including all logins and logouts

[web2py] Re: Using regular expressions in DAL queries

2012-02-23 Thread DenesL
My fault for not bugging Massimo about it ;) I suggest opening a ticket in google code referencing the original post, the patch is mostly there.

[web2py] Re: dynamic keywords on database update

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, February 23, 2012 2:27:44 AM UTC-5, Mchurch wrote: > > **{'%s%s' % (Keyword, n): checked}) > Anthony, can you explain it better? It's something that I would like > to understand very well. > '%s%s' % (Keyword, n) is Python string formatting -- if Keyword is "hello" and n is 5, it w

[web2py] Re: Related to Lgoin

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, February 23, 2012 2:09:23 AM UTC-5, Prakhar Srivastava wrote: > > how can we fetch the login time and logout time from the server > I need store both timing into my database As mentioned in another thread, this is automatically captured in the auth_event table. Anthony

[web2py] Re: dynamic keywords on database update

2012-02-23 Thread Mchurch
thanks a lot! On 23 Feb, 15:19, Anthony wrote: > On Thursday, February 23, 2012 2:27:44 AM UTC-5, Mchurch wrote: > > > **{'%s%s' % (Keyword, n): checked}) > > Anthony, can you explain it better? It's something that I would like > > to understand very well. > > '%s%s' % (Keyword, n) is Python stri

[web2py] Re: Using regular expressions in DAL queries

2012-02-23 Thread Omri Har-Shemesh
I opened an issue: Thanks for finding out how this should be done, I don't mind helping nagging about it ;-) Best, Omri

[web2py] web2py auth with Novell Edirectory

2012-02-23 Thread António Ramos
Can i use web2py auth with Novell Edirectory any sample code? thank you António

[web2py] Re: dynamic keywords on database update

2012-02-23 Thread Wikus van de Merwe
You can pass a dictionary to a function as if you are passing keyword arguments. kwargs = {"a":1, "b":2} f(**kwargs) # this call is equal to f(a=1, b=3) There is similar mechanism for positional arguments in Python: args = [1, 2] f(*args) # this call is equal to f(1, 2)

[web2py] Reference Manual for Web2Py

2012-02-23 Thread Sathvik Ponangi
Is there a PHP like reference manual for Web2Py? Or maybe an IDE that'll help a newbie, ex-PHPite like me build faster?

[web2py] Re: Attaching files stored in blobstore in a mail

2012-02-23 Thread howesc
perhaps you can try the GAE mail class directly as shown here: ?

[web2py] Re: Reference Manual for Web2Py

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
Aside from the book, there's the Epydoc auto-generated source code documentation: You might also find it helpful to just explore the source code directly. You can use any IDE, and if you want auto-completion for the web2py API, you can ad

[web2py] multiple 'requires'

2012-02-23 Thread Larry Wapnitsky
I'm trying to use the following in my applications, but only one works at a time: db.ips.ipaddress.requires = IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'ips.ipaddress') db.ips.ipaddress.requires = IS_IPV4() How can I get them both to process? Thank you, Larry

[web2py] Re: multiple 'requires'

2012-02-23 Thread Niphlod
requires can be a list, so you can : db.ips.ipaddress.requires = [IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'ips.ipaddress')] db.ips.ipaddress.requires.append(IS_IPV4())

Re: [web2py] Re: multiple 'requires'

2012-02-23 Thread Larry G. Wapnitsky
you are a god amongst men! thank you! On 2/23/2012 12:19 PM, Niphlod wrote: db.ips.ipaddress.requires = [IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'ips.ipaddress')] db.ips.ipaddress.requires.append(IS_IPV4())

[web2py] Re: multiple 'requires'

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, February 23, 2012 12:11:48 PM UTC-5, Larry Wapnitsky wrote: > > I'm trying to use the following in my applications, but only one works at > a time: > > db.ips.ipaddress.requires = IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'ips.ipaddress') > db.ips.ipaddress.requires = IS_IPV4() > > How can I get them both to

Re: [web2py] Re: Reference Manual for Web2Py

2012-02-23 Thread Sathvik Ponangi
Thank you Anthony :) On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 10:29 PM, Anthony wrote: > Aside from the book, there's the Epydoc auto-generated source code > documentation: > You might also find it helpful to just explore the source code directly. > You ca

[web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Larry Wapnitsky
(newbie disclaimer :)) I'm logging in to my application via AD/LDAP. I can get the variable of the username with no issue. What i need to do next is take this variable and insert it into a field in a CRUD form and have it show in my database. Thanks, Larry

Re: [web2py] Re: Grid: Pull field, but not display it, so it can be used by links

2012-02-23 Thread naveed
Thank you, Johann, I'll try this.

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Richard Vézina
I am not sure how you connect to LDAP, but there is utilities to connect LDAP with web2py. You should read about those in the book searching with LDAP as keyword. If you only want to import LDAP user into web2py database table, I suggest you to use the user table of the RBAC. So then you can acces

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Larry G. Wapnitsky
The issue is not putting the username into the web2py database, but another database that's storing information. On 2/23/2012 2:32 PM, Richard Vézina wrote: I am not sure how you connect to LDAP, but there is utilities to connect LDAP with web2py. You should read about those in the book search

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Richard Vézina
Ok, but what's is the problem... I don't understand sorry. Richard On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Larry G. Wapnitsky wrote: > The issue is not putting the username into the web2py database, but > another database that's storing information. > > On 2/23/2012 2:32 PM, Richard Vézina wrote: > >

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Larry G. Wapnitsky
I need to have the username added to another SQL table on submission of a form. This is some of the code: db.define_table('ips', Field('id', 'id'), Field('ipaddress','string', length=15, unique=True), Field('dateadded', 'datetime',, Field('reportedby', 'stri

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Richard Vézina
You maybe have to redefine the auth_user models to append new fields... If you add username field web2py will use the values stored there as login automatically. But for that you have to redefine the user table. Then you can use CRUD as well... Richard On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Richard

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Richard Vézina
Ok, So you need to create a foreign key relation... So you need "requires="... db.ips.reportedby.requires=IS_IN_DB(db, '', '%(first_name)s %(last_name)s %(username)s %(whateverfieldname)s') If you have only one referenced user you will have to change the type of reportedby to integer since

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Larry G. Wapnitsky
it's only one user that I need to enter into the database at a time, and only the username. reportedby needs to be text due to another application that uses the same database. On 2/23/2012 2:51 PM, Richard Vézina wrote: Ok, So you need to create a foreign key relation... So you need "requir

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Richard Vézina
In that case I think you will have to build something on your side... Maybe implement your own IS_IN_DB could be a solution... A hack could be this : db.ips.reportedby.requires=str(IS_IN_DB()) But I don't think you will be able to define a foreign key... You will have to enforce your integrity ch

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Richard Vézina
I am pretty not sure about the hack, but you can try... It is pretty dirty... And you will not be able to use represent except if you transform back you id from string to int. Why you don't just write a simple function that you other ressource will call to get the ids under string format like this

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Larry G. Wapnitsky
I'm pretty lost in everything you've described. I've been working with web2py for 2+ days and am slowly getting the hang of it. If you could dumb it down a bit, that would be helpful. FYI - I can print the username using auth.user_id.username anyplace else in a web page. I just need to subm

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Richard Vézina
How your other system call you ips table? Directly at backend level? If so you can't just use the proper field type to make work web2py correctly and use plainfully you will have to master much more web2py and how it works to make it works the way you need it to work. If the orther program that us

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Larry G. Wapnitsky
I apologize, but there is a bit of a language barrier here. What you've written is very confusing to me On 2/23/2012 3:14 PM, Richard Vézina wrote: How your other system call you ips table? Directly at backend level? If so you can't just use the proper field type to make work web2py correctly

[web2py] GAE - Rendering uploaded Blob as jpeg image rather than as a string?

2012-02-23 Thread BrendanC
I uploaded a small (<1mb) jpeg image to my local dev app server. In this case the blob goes in the image file and is stored as a large string in an 'image_blob' field. However when I retrieve this image it is displayed as a string, rather than as an image. Is there something else I need to do

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Richard Vézina
Sorry, my english is terrilble sometimes... I just thought about an other solution : You could have two ips table one that interact with web2py and an other for your other program that access ips table. Then you will have to trigger data synchronisation between the 2 tables. Richard On Thu, Feb

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Larry G. Wapnitsky
two tables does not simplify things. why can i not just enter that variable into a crud submission? On 2/23/2012 3:24 PM, Richard Vézina wrote: Sorry, my english is terrilble sometimes... I just thought about an other solution : You could have two ips table one that interact with web2py and

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Richard Vézina
Because you don't use the proper type for the field to allow web2py to work properly... An other solution : remove "db.auth_user, writable=False, readable=False" from this line : Field('reportedby', 'string', db.auth_user, writable=False, readable=False), Then you will be able to put what ev

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Larry G. Wapnitsky
found this: yes you can do this: db.mytable.myfield.default='best' db.mytable.myfield.writable=False # user cannot change it db.mytable.myfield.readable=False # user does not see it before form=crud.create(db.mytable) via working for me. On 2

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Richard Vézina
Happy you solve your big problem Richard On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Larry G. Wapnitsky wrote: > found this: > > yes you can do this: > > db.mytable.myfield.default='best' > db.mytable.myfield.writable=False # user cannot change it > db.mytable.myfield.readable=False # user does not see it

[web2py] I would like to learn Web2py but where do I start?

2012-02-23 Thread newbie
Hello, I would like to learn Web2py but know nothing about programming. I'm convinced it's the best language out there so I don't want to waste time learning something that would not be applicable if I ended up using Web2py (PHP, etc). Do I need to learn Javascript first? Do I need to know HTML

[web2py] Re: Using regular expressions in DAL queries

2012-02-23 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Do you know if those engines that support it, have the same regex syntax? On Feb 23, 9:41 am, Omri Har-Shemesh wrote: > I opened an issue: > > Thanks for finding out how this should be done, I don't mind helping > nagging about it ;-) > > Best,

[web2py] Re: multiple 'requires'

2012-02-23 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Notice is works even without the []: db.ips.ipaddress.requires = IS_IPV4(), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'ips.ipaddress') tuples in python do not requires brackets, only commas. On Feb 23, 11:20 am, Anthony wrote: > On Thursday, February 23, 2012 12:11:48 PM UTC-5, L

[web2py] Re: GAE - Rendering uploaded Blob as jpeg image rather than as a string?

2012-02-23 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
you need to set the response.header['Content-type']='image/jpeg' else the browser does not know what to do with the file. On Feb 23, 2:23 pm, BrendanC wrote: > I uploaded a small (<1mb)  jpeg image to my local dev app server. In this > case the blob goes in the image file and is stored as a la

Re: [web2py] I would like to learn Web2py but where do I start?

2012-02-23 Thread Richard Vézina
For web2py, you will need to learn python first and you can start by reading the chapter dedicated to python in web2py book. Richard On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 3:34 PM, newbie wrote: > Hello, > > I would like to learn Web2py but know nothing about programming. I'm > convinced it's the best langua

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
> > db.define_table('ips', > Field('id', 'id'), > Field('ipaddress','string', length=15, unique=True), > Field('dateadded', 'datetime',, > Field('reportedby', 'string', writable=False, readable=False, > default=auth.user.username > if auth.user else 'some_oth

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Richard Vézina
It was difficult to understand what he wants to do... Richard On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 3:48 PM, Anthony wrote: > db.define_table('ips', >> Field('id', 'id'), >> Field('ipaddress','string', length=15, unique=True), >> Field('dateadded', 'datetime',, >> Field('

Re: [web2py] inserting username into database

2012-02-23 Thread Larry G. Wapnitsky
that works even better than what I found. Thanks, Anthony! On 2/23/2012 3:48 PM, Anthony wrote: db.define_table('ips', Field('id', 'id'), Field('ipaddress','string', length=15, unique=True), Field('dateadded', 'datetime',, Field('reporte

[web2py] Re: I would like to learn Web2py but where do I start?

2012-02-23 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
You pose an interesting challenge. Learn to use web2py without knowing how to program I think it can be done. I will try record a video tutorial for you. It may take a couple of week. remind me if necessary. Meanwhile you can take a more traditional approach: 1) learn to program using python:

[web2py] web2py meetup at pycon

2012-02-23 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
So far there is six of us: Anybody else from this list will be at PyCon? RSVP using the link above. Look forward to see you there. Massimo

[web2py] Re: I would like to learn Web2py but where do I start?

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, February 23, 2012 3:34:08 PM UTC-5, newbie wrote: > > Hello, > > I would like to learn Web2py but know nothing about programming. I'm > convinced it's the best language out there so I don't want to waste > time learning something that would not be applicable if I ended up > using

[web2py] Re: I would like to learn Web2py but where do I start?

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
> > Eventually, you will want to get deeper into Python, and there are plenty > of online resources for that. > For example:

[web2py] Re: plugin_wiki Insufficient privileges on Google App Engine

2012-02-23 Thread howesc
the table creation understanding requires an insight to google big tablewhich is that big table actually does not have tables. it has entries, and those entries contain data stored in key-value pairs. under the covers are some secret key-value pairs that tell GAE that this entry actually

[web2py] Re: multiple 'requires'

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
> > Notice is works even without the []: > > db.ips.ipaddress.requires = IS_IPV4(), > IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, > 'ips.ipaddress') > > tuples in python do not requires brackets, only commas. > Though note that tuples are not mutable, so no appending, inserting,

[web2py] Re: I would like to learn Web2py but where do I start?

2012-02-23 Thread Mchurch
Massimo, You are incredible!! On 23 Feb, 21:51, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: ...You pose an interesting challenge.I think it can be done...It may take a couple of week. remind me if necessary > > Meanwhile you can take a more traditional approach: > 1) learn to program using > python:http:/

[web2py] Re: I would like to learn Web2py but where do I start?

2012-02-23 Thread pbreit
If you are patient, you might be able to learn enough programming by downloading Web2y and following It includes a brief overview of Python which is a great language for newbies. The "Overview" in the book provides the exact code that you can type in to Web2py files to run good

[web2py] Re: Reference Manual for Web2Py

2012-02-23 Thread pbreit
As an ex-PHPer myself, I find IDEs more of a hindrance. Python is a concise language and Web2py a concise framework.

[web2py] Re: Understanding web2py coming from a PHP background

2012-02-23 Thread pbreit
It's not a Python thing. It's a web development thing. URLs should typically correspond to one resource. That's an OK case for rewriting but quite different from the previous example. Depending on how necessary it is to avoid an extra URL segment, you could easily set it up as

[web2py] Re: GAE - Rendering uploaded Blob as jpeg image rather than as a string?

2012-02-23 Thread BrendanC
I thought the content type settings were handled automatically by the framework. Anyway - for some reason setting the response.headers to 'image/jpeg' does not work - just get an empty/blank page. I must be missing something else re handling gae blob properties - here's my test code: Any furt

[web2py] Re: I would like to learn Web2py but where do I start?

2012-02-23 Thread BrendanC
How about: 1) - Download and install the framework (and python) 2) - Read first few chapters of the manual (you might want to invest $10 in the pdf manual and print off a few chapters for offline review) - Sometimes it's easier to concentrate w/out having a terminal to distract you). Try to get

[web2py] Re: I would like to learn Web2py but where do I start?

2012-02-23 Thread Chris May
One caveat: While I agree that w3schools is a helpful resource (as I use it as a regular reference), their examples do not promote best practices, most notably absent is unobtrusive JavaScript. I had to *unlearn much *of what I read on there. For more information and better resources, include

[web2py] Re: I would like to learn Web2py but where do I start?

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
Thanks for pointing that out, Chris. One nice feature of w3schools is the "try it" functionality that let's you play around with some code and see the results, though you can also do that with tools like Anthony On Thursday, February 23, 2012 6:38:50 PM UTC-5, Chris May w

[web2py] How Auth works

2012-02-23 Thread davidkw
I'm reading through the tutorial and just came across the part that adds the code: from import Auth auth = Auth(db) auth.define_tables() def user(): return dict(form=auth()) And suddenly login, register, etc were enabled. This is the first "magic" I've come across in web2py that

[web2py] Re: How Auth works

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
The user() function is called with an additional argument in the URL (e.g., /user/login, /user/register, etc.). This extra argument is accessible via request.args[0]. Now, the Auth class has a __call__ method, so the auth object is callable. When you call it via auth(), the __call__ method esse

[web2py] Re: How Auth works

2012-02-23 Thread davidkw
Thanks. I'm also wondering where the exposed URL's are located (/user/ login, /user/register, etc.). Can I customize these views? On Feb 23, 9:34 pm, Anthony wrote: > The user() function is called with an additional argument in the URL (e.g., > /user/login, /user/register, etc.). This extra argum

[web2py] Re: How Auth works

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, February 23, 2012 10:00:37 PM UTC-5, davidkw wrote: > > Thanks. I'm also wondering where the exposed URL's are located (/user/ > login, /user/register, etc.). Can I customize these views? > The "welcome" app includes a /default/user.html view, which you can edit. You can also create

[web2py] Re: multiple 'requires'

2012-02-23 Thread lyn2py
Learnt something new today. Thanks Massimo :) On Feb 24, 4:44 am, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > Notice is works even without the []: > > db.ips.ipaddress.requires = IS_IPV4(), >                                         IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, > 'ips.ipaddress') > > tuples in python do not requires brackets,

[web2py] Re: Reference Manual for Web2Py

2012-02-23 Thread lyn2py
pbreit, what program do you use to code with web2py? Do you use the admin interface? On Feb 24, 5:14 am, pbreit wrote: > As an ex-PHPer myself, I find IDEs more of a hindrance. Python is a concise > language and Web2py a concise framework.

Re: [web2py] Re: auth

2012-02-23 Thread Prakhar Srivastava
Thanks Anthony , I this thing with mr.sanjeet and i got the success bt is there any other way to solve this problem On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 7:24 PM, Anthony wrote: > On Thursday, February 23, 2012 2:11:19 AM UTC-5, Prakhar Srivastava wrote: >> >> is there any way to change the path after Login b

Re: [web2py] Re: Logout time

2012-02-23 Thread Prakhar Srivastava
thanks Anthony through function we got this i have to try with the timestamps On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 7:41 PM, Anthony wrote: > On Thursday, February 23, 2012 4:46:10 AM UTC-5, Prakhar Srivastava wrote: >> >> how can i capture the logout time >> i can easy capture the login time with help of .no

[web2py] Re: How Auth works

2012-02-23 Thread davidkw
Hmm, I'm still having trouble creating separate actions and views for auth. The ones I create don't seem to override the default ones. Is there any way I can expose auth as a controller? And rewrite the methods in there? Thanks. On Feb 23, 10:08 pm, Anthony wrote: > On Thursday, February 23, 201

[web2py] Re: How Auth works

2012-02-23 Thread pbreit
Apparently it's sort of possible but I don't think for the feint of heart:!searchin/web2py/override$20auth/web2py/dBRbPxRw8uQ/DLgJs-PgwAQJ It is possible to manipulate from things in the user() function. For example, mine looks like this: def user(): if not

[web2py] Re: How Auth works

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, February 23, 2012 11:57:49 PM UTC-5, davidkw wrote: > > Hmm, I'm still having trouble creating separate actions and views for > auth. The ones I create don't seem to override the default ones. > > Is there any way I can expose auth as a controller? And rewrite the > methods in there

[web2py] Re: Reference Manual for Web2Py

2012-02-23 Thread pbreit
I use a good text editor, TextMate for Mac. The only fancy features I think are really necessary are a nice tree view of my directory, smart indenting and syntax highlighting. I try an IDE with code completion every few months and find it very distracting. The admin interface is not really suita

[web2py] Re: I would like to learn Web2py but where do I start?

2012-02-23 Thread pbreit
W3schools is perfectly fine. That fools thing is a little overblown.

[web2py] Hide the Extra added fields from auth table during the registrations

2012-02-23 Thread Sanjeet Kumar
I am added the some extra fields in the auth_user table and i want to hide those fields when the user will go for the registration user can only see the following fields during the registration: - First name - Last name - email-id - Password - verify password

[web2py] Re: GAE - Rendering uploaded Blob as jpeg image rather than as a string?

2012-02-23 Thread BrendanC
OK - Quick follow up here - I was able to display an blob image using the call: def list_image(): myid = 1# test image=db( response.headers['Content-Type']='image/jpeg' mystream = image.image_blob return mystream However

[web2py] Re: Hide the Extra added fields from auth table during the registrations

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
You can set the "writable" attribute of the extra fields to False. You can change that attribute conditionally for registration vs. profile, etc. if necessary (e.g., if request.args(0) == 'registration'). Anthony On Friday, February 24, 2012 12:21:18 AM UTC-5, Sanjeet Kumar wrote: > > I am adde

Re: [web2py] Re: auth

2012-02-23 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, February 23, 2012 11:07:15 PM UTC-5, Prakhar Srivastava wrote: > > Thanks Anthony , > I this thing with mr.sanjeet and i got the success bt is there any other > way to solve this problem > Can you be more specific about the problem? Why can't you use the suggested solution? What hav

[web2py] Re: How Auth works

2012-02-23 Thread davidkw
Thanks, I wasn't trying to do anything specific. I'm just going through the tutorial and trying to understand how stuff works. Thanks for the link though. I hadn't found the settings info before, and it's very helpful. On Feb 24, 12:19 am, Anthony wrote: > On Thursday, February 23, 2012 11:57:49

Re: [web2py] Hide the Extra added fields from auth table during the registrations

2012-02-23 Thread Bruno Rocha
def user(): *if 'register' in request.args: fields_to_hide = ['city', 'preferred_color', 'soccer_team'] for fieldname in fields_to_hide: field = db.auth_user[fieldname] field.readable = field.writable = False* return dict(form=auth(

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