I need to display a form (similar to a blog post), but only when a
user is registered,
but the page should be displayed even if user is not authenticated,
except the form
#a list of posts
{{if auth.user:}}
{{=T('Posting messages requires login')}}
Exactly what I was looking for - many thanks! This is the sort of thing
that should be documented rather than hidden.
BTW - Where/how did you come up with that syntax?
Thx much,
On Wed, 9 Nov 2011 23:52:19 -0200
Bruno Rocha wrote:
> The CMS (bloog) from Lucas is nice, but it is incomplete, can be used
> as base for a new project.
Better than Instant Press?
If I'd have skills, I'd 'port' Concrete5 to web2ps making the match in
heaven from C5's front-end capabilities (ea
Someone posted it here in this list, I just favorited here for future use.
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 6:33 AM, BrendanC wrote:
> Bruno,
> Exactly what I was looking for - many thanks! This is the sort of thing
> that should be documented rather than hidden.
> BTW - Where/how did you come up with
Everything seems to work with the following set up except for when
signing on with an incorrect password in which case the user gets
directed to "default/user/login" instead of
Basically I have moved the user function into a different controller
along with the corre
> * {{if auth.user:}}
> **{{=form}}
> ** {{else:}}
> **{{=T('Posting messages requires login')}}
> ** URL("default","wheretoredirect")})}}">
> **Click here to login
> **
> **{{pass}}*
Bruno Rocha
On Wed, 9 Nov 2011 15:44:40 -0800 (PST)
Carlos Hanson wrote:
> As far as a CMS vs a Blog goes, I have always viewed a Blog and
> viewing content in a particular manner. To me a Blog is a subset of a
> CMS. If we have a basic CMS, adding a Blog simply means organizing
> that particular set of data
ok, thank you
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> * {{if auth.user:}}
>> **{{=form}}
>> ** {{else:}}
>> **{{=T('Posting messages requires login')}}
>> ** > URL("default","wheretoredirect")})}}">
>> **Click here to login
>> **
In Auth class we have:
settings.on_failed_authentication = lambda x: redirect(x)
so try
auth.settings.on_failed_authentication = redirect(URL(.))
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 6:45 AM, Chris Steel wrote:
> Everything seems to work with the following set up except for when
> signing on with an
forget about it, it needs to be a lambda because of:
return call_or_redirect(
it says that should be
hello friends when i was given auth.requires.login() on table then i
was try for login then they login page give me need verification
if u know plz give me need full think
Anthony you're right. the class .columns is Skeleton.
I repeated the case indicated by Massimo without modify other than
web2py.css (the html code is generated automatically from web2py).
The ugly layout depended on the width of the table (containing web2py_grid)
inserted in div.colu
if this key in db.py (or other model) is set to False
auth.settings.registration_requires_verification = False
you have not to see this message.
if thats True, you have to check your email for verification link (is mail
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 3:31 AM, Manoj Sharma wrote:
> hell
This may be more of a js/browser question than a web2py question, but I'd
like to clarify what happens in the following scenario.
If I define an 'onload js call' in both the the base layout and a layout
that extends the base ( iow both templates make 'Onload' calls) which of
the following shou
this seems a bit shorter for what I need
vars={'_next': request.url})
{{=T('Click here to login')}}
On Wed, 2011-11-09 at 23:23 -0200, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> On *UNix terminal
> wget --recursive -l 1 --no-clobber --page-requisites --html-extension
> --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows
> --domains web2py.com --no-parent http://www.web2py.com/book
This works great (somebody posted it on
web2py will produce a single HTML page to send to the browser, so look at
the resulting code in that page, and it will be handled however the browser
would normally handle such JS. If you are assigning an event handler to the
window.onload event, I believe each new assignment will override any
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 6:58:44 AM UTC-5, Samuele Santi wrote:
> Why are always the more useful things undocumented??
This is not any kind of official web2py method -- it's a general method
available in Linux for copying the content of websites (and there are other
methods). We can't d
OK, then I assume it's safe to remove the .columns references, right? That
way it will still work when not using Skeleton.
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 4:18:12 AM UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
> Anthony you're right. the class .columns is Skeleton.
> I repeated the case indicated by M
Looks like there are several existing projects that can be drawn from:
Plus plugin_wiki.
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 7:35:46 AM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
> Looks like there are several existing projects that can be drawn from:
> https://bitbucket.org/mulonemartin/instantpress/wiki/Home
> https://github.com/lucasdavila/web2py-cms
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#
LESS is used by Bootstrap but is a completely separate project --
see http://lesscss.org.
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:09:43 AM UTC-5, Rahul wrote:
> I would like to make it work for me. What all you included? Where?
> what is in the view?
> I tried to include this (below) previously - b
We still need to identify the div container to prevent the CSS rules apply
to generic tags (such as table and div).
In the case under discussion, I used div.columns because it already existed in
the html layout.
I noticed that the table is inside another div generic. We could give a
identities t
I have a couple of problems with 'text' fields in databases. I want to
be able to use a WYSIWIG editor, so I have set up ckeditor using the
instructions here
This works fine, but there is no toolbar appearing with the editor.
How does one get the b
I don't think this is a web2py-specific issue. Check the internet for
If I have a text field in a database, and I try displaying this using
the MARKMIN function, then the conversion does not happen. i.e *text*
gets output as it stands rather than emboldened. What translation does
one need to do to a 'text' field to allow MARKMIN to work correctly.
> wget --recursive -l 1 --no-clobber --page-requisites --html-extension
> --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows --domains web2py.com
> --no-parent http://www.web2py.com/book
You can add --mirror as an extra option. In that case it will skip files
that are already on your computer and
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 7:58:57 AM UTC-5, peter wrote:
> I have a couple of problems with 'text' fields in databases. I want to
> be able to use a WYSIWIG editor, so I have set up ckeditor using the
> instructions here
> http://www.web2pyslices.com/slices/take_slice/18
> This works
In markmin, **text** is for bold, not *text*.
See http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/13#Markmin-syntax.
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 8:02:52 AM UTC-5, peter wrote:
> If I have a text field in a database, and I try displaying this using
> the MARKMIN function, then the conversion
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 7:50:01 AM UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
> We still need to identify the div container to prevent the CSS rules apply
> to generic tags (such as table and div).
> In the case under discussion, I used div.columns because it already
> existed in the html layout.
> I
On Wednesday, November 9, 2011 11:58:36 PM UTC-5, Cahya Dewanta wrote:
> Anthony. Just tried and indeed it works. Can I combine it with
> pepper_bg's tips so I get the same behaviour? Once login will
> autologin all apps if we visit them. I still need to click login
> button right now.
I'm n
On Wednesday, November 9, 2011 11:13:02 PM UTC-5, mikech wrote:
> +1 for this. I wasn't thinking about major edits, but we could see
> whether the typos etc. had already been reported and not
> crowd the group with repeats.
The online book is temporarily locked, but normally when a minor typ
I used the automatic script to setup web2py on webfaction:
But then within a few hours my processes were terminated because of
excessive memory use:
baron - 1MB - 3:56:53 - 10201 -
/home2/baron/webapps/web2py/apache2/bin/httpd.worker -f
Does you have a custom model for auth_user? does it have a
Do you have data in mysql? If not, drop the entire database, delete
stuff in databases/* and run it again.
This is a problem with MySQL not supporting multiple alter table in
transaction. Somehow is got stuck in between tw
There is a question at the bottom of my last email if some one has any idea?
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:11 PM, Richard Vézina
> Ok I just read trunk sqlhtml.py that already have the patch I was about to
> submit (Miss this easy one :)
> if create and len(request.arg
search this group, I provided some steps to install uwsgi with web2py and
to limit memory consumption
There are two warnings in this page:
They have bot been addressed one year ago. They have been addressed by
quoting the string.
This is the expected bahviour. What problems does it cause you?
On Nov 9, 6:55 pm, africanacloud wrot
On Wednesday, November 9, 2011 5:11:40 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
> Now I would like to know how I can intercept the html form before it get
> in the face of the user... I mean I use to do this hack to show user help
> bubble to the user :
> form = crud.create(db[request.args(0)])
> for i i
Ah ha!
This works like a charm, makes sense
auth.settings.controller = 'plugin_user_admin'
This the result I get when I call the function
this the xml that I get back my apostrophe is changed to '
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 8:31 AM, Massimo Di Pierro <
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There are two warnings in this page:
> http://www.pythonsecurity.org/wiki/web2py/?version=
Other css rules are related to the specific case and override the general
css rules applied to web2py_grid.
But I'm agreed with you: the best solution is to give a class or an id to
the container div.
I just updated my web2py from trunk today and noticed that the columns
arg in SQLFORM.grid is gone. I was using it to specify which fields to
display in my grid. Can the 'fields' arg be used the same as columns?
I am a bit bemused, surely the reason for using ckeditor is to have
wysiwyg editing. Yet I have tried both the slices version and the the
plugin of ckeditor and they both just seem to allow editing but with
no toolbar for emboldening etc. I woudl have thought the defualt ought
to include this.
I h
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 10:17:20 AM UTC-5, Jim S wrote:
> Can the 'fields' arg be used the same as columns?
Based on the comments in the new code, looks like that is the intention.
It does not work that way in 1.99.2.
On Nov 10, 10:17 am, Jim Steil wrote:
> Hi
> I just updated my web2py from trunk today and noticed that the columns
> arg in SQLFORM.grid is gone. I was using it to specify which fields to
> display in my grid. Can the 'fields' arg be used the same as colu
Hello Anthony,
Are they flowing by the function where the SQLFORM.grid is calling or do I
have to modify the grid class into sqlhtml.py?
I naively try this that didn't work :
def test_sqlformgrid():
table = SQLFORM.grid(db.TABLE, ui='jquery-ui',
I did it like this (using the jQuery adapter to start CKEditor):
$(function() {
var toolbar = [
{ name: 'document',items : [ 'Source' ] },
{ name: 'clipboard', items : [
'Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Undo','Redo' ] },
{ name: 'links',
Here is the change I made in my code to accommodate:
Old code:
New code:
Other than that, seems like they work the same. Can anyone provide a
deeper explanation of the differences?
On 11/10/2011 9:17 AM, Jim Steil wrote:
On Thu, 2011-11-10 at 04:03 -0800, Anthony wrote:
> On Thursday, November 10, 2011 6:58:44 AM UTC-5, Samuele Santi wrote:
> Why are always the more useful things undocumented??
> This is not any kind of official web2py method -- it's a general
> method available in Linux for copy
Fix, in case anyone interested:
--- a/custom_import.py 2011-10-01 12:03:20.0 +0200
+++ b/custom_import.py 2011-11-10 16:22:29.466847323 +0100
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
def custom_import_install(web2py_path):
global _web2py_importer
global _web2py_path
-if _web2py_import
Hi here!
I am experimenting with the smartgrid. Very nice time-saving feature
which reminds me why I love web2py! ;-)
(I believe there is still no doc about grid and/or smartgrid?)
I have a problem with linked_tables.
The model looks like this:
>I still need to click login
> button right now.
Just add
on top of the controller functions you want to auto login from in the
consumers and if you are logged in at the CAS provider you will get
logged in here as well (I believe this what you are describing you
want to do now
Hi Richard,
This thread:
... provide two solutions to reduce memory usage.
Kind regards,
Workin in console :
In [1]: test123 = 'test/test2/test3/'
In [2]: test123
Out[2]: 'test/test2/test3/'
In [3]: for v in test123.split('/'):
...: if v != '':
...: v
Out[3]: 'test'
Out[3]: 'test2'
Out[3]: 'test3'
In [4]: XML(UL(*[ LI(v) for v in test123.split('/'
Hello Anthony,
I am trying to do something bizzard... I would like to have your advice if
it's even possible :
represent=lambda value, row: (value!=None and XML(UL(*[ LI(v) for v in
value.split('/') if v != '' ]))) or 'None'
I would like the default navigator drop box to display html stuff is th
I had the same problem with webfaction - be sure to set your static files
to be delivered by ngenix or apache.
I followed the info in the link above and it reduced my memory usage
However I have both a Django and a Web2py instance set up on my account and
Web2py takes more memory for my a small
I've been using SQLFORM.smartgrid for some time now. I updated to the
latest trunk this morning and am now having a number of different issues
with code unchanged from yesterday.
Are there changes pending and I should hold off reporting problems, or
should I start going through them?
So can we assume that the typos we see there now, have not been reported?
I don't understand -- where is that ul supposed to go? What field are your
representing? What is the "default navigator drop box"?
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:03:27 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
> Workin in console :
> In [1]: test123 = 'test/test2/test3/'
> In [2]: test123
> Out[2]: '
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 10:52:42 AM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
> def test_sqlformgrid():
> table = SQLFORM.grid(db.TABLE, ui='jquery-ui',
> editable=auth.has_membership('reviewer'),
> deletable=auth.has_membership('reviewer'), formstyle = 'divs')
> for i in range(0,len(form.create_for
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:25:09 PM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
> When you first call this function, there will be no form.create_form
> because it's just generating the grid. When you click on the "Add" button,
> it should call this same function, but with "new" as one of the URL args.
> S
Got a little embarrassment here.
In an earlier post I wrote something incorrect, as follows:
# even more
# for those times when the grid default form isn't sufficient
form = SQLFORM(db.sometable, .)
if form.accepts(...) #old method, I know
return dict(form=
Yes but there is nothing wrong with that. Your page is in unicode and
that is the right way to represent the apostrophe un unicode.
Does it show an postrophe when you look at it?
On Nov 10, 9:04 am, eric tchonfene wrote:
> This the result I get when I call the function
> this the xml that I get
> web2py is normally multithreaded when running as a WSGI app (as with its
> internal Rocket server, or Apache mod_wsgi). GAE is just catching up.
> One GAE consideration, though, is that while normally requests within the
> same web2py session are serialized, that is not the case on GAE.
Lots of typos have been fixed. Will post a book ed 3.3 shortly
On Nov 10, 11:19 am, mikech wrote:
> So can we assume that the typos we see there now, have not been reported?
please repost problems asap about it. I have made some backward
incompatible changes to the grid/smartgrid in order to clean up the
API and updating the book.
the columns argument is gone because it was redundant. we have fields.
I have added some params.
On Nov 10, 11:16 am, Jim Steil wrote:
Working up some test cases now and will submit tickets.
On 11/10/2011 11:33 AM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
please repost problems asap about it. I have made some backward
incompatible changes to the grid/smartgrid in order to clean up the
API and updating the book.
the columns argument
Thank you. Am testing it out now.
On Nov 3, 8:48 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> There's now a new version of app.example.yaml in the trunk. If you're working
> with the Google App Engine, read on.
> GAEhas been evolving a bit, and now supports Python 2.7 (vs 2.5). The new
> app.example.yaml is
On Nov 10, 2011, at 9:32 AM, pallav wrote:
>> web2py is normally multithreaded when running as a WSGI app (as with its
>> internal Rocket server, or Apache mod_wsgi). GAE is just catching up.
>> One GAE consideration, though, is that while normally requests within the
>> same web2py session are
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 12:26 PM, Anthony wrote:
> On Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:25:09 PM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
>> When you first call this function, there will be no form.create_form
>> because it's just generating the grid. When you click on the "Add" button,
>> it should call this sa
On Nov 10, 2011, at 9:40 AM, pallav wrote:
> Thank you. Am testing it out now.
> On Nov 3, 8:48 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
>> There's now a new version of app.example.yaml in the trunk. If you're
>> working with the Google App Engine, read on.
>> GAEhas been evolving a bit, and now suppo
When I look at the data in the database it shows up just fine (Lady's room)
the error only happens when I am trying to view data as xml I get
Lady'sRoom.As I said I am new to web2py so I need to do some reading
to understand the tool.
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 11:29 AM, Massimo Di Pierro <
I have a dropdown, I use to represent the id of the linked table with the
reprensent I wrote... Now the dropdown witdh get pretty large because of
user data that I need to concatenate to make thing clear on what will be
selected... User use to duplicate the unique key of the foreight table
since qu
Ticket created
On 11/10/2011 11:33 AM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
please repost problems asap about it. I have made some backward
incompatible changes to the grid/smartgrid in order to clean up the
API and updating the book.
the columns argum
Responding to my own post... I found the problem by using tethereal to
capture the exchange between my server and the Active Directory
I was under the mistaken impression that because the web2py LDAP
authentication does not require binding information that the AD server
had been configure
When you say "dropdown", is it a element, or some kind of JS or
CSS menu based on a ?
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:55:57 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
> I have a dropdown, I use to represent the id of the linked table with the
> reprensent I wrote... Now the dropdown witdh get pretty large be
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:42:49 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
> "if 'new' in request.args:" works (allow to load the grid) but the "if
> form.create_form:" not work alone or in conjunction with the former
Yeah, looks like it would have to be something like "if hasattr(form,
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:42:42 PM UTC-5, africanacloud wrote:
> When I look at the data in the database it shows up just fine (Lady's
> room) the error only happens when I am trying to view data as xml I get
> Lady'sRoom.As I said I am new to web2py so I need to do some reading
> to
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 1:20 PM, Anthony wrote:
> When you say "dropdown", is it a element, or some kind of JS or
> CSS menu based on a ?
> On Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:55:57 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
>> I have a dropdown, I use to represent the id of the linked table wi
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 1:31:04 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
> Yes!
It was an either/or question. Is it a or a based menu?
The XML is being parsed by a Flashbuilder app and yes the apostrophe
showing up that way is causing a problem.
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Anthony wrote:
> On Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:42:42 PM UTC-5, africanacloud wrote:
>> When I look at the data in the database it shows up jus
Am I missing something?
Running 1.99.2 smartgrid works but definitely needs styling. I see
the styling for web2py grid in base css and grid looks fine.
Smartgrid not so much.
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 1:39:01 PM UTC-5, africanacloud wrote:
> The XML is being parsed by a Flashbuilder app and yes the apostrophe
> showing up that way is causing a problem.
Is JSON an option? I don't think the JSON serializer does any escaping.
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:29:58 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Yes but there is nothing wrong with that. Your page is in unicode and
> that is the right way to represent the apostrophe un unicode.
> Does it show an postrophe when you look at it?
Massimo, he's generating XML t
Technically the flashbuilder service is wrong because it does not
understand unicode escaping.
Anyway, I changed the behavior for XML. Check trunk.
On Nov 10, 12:39 pm, eric tchonfene wrote:
> The XML is being parsed by a Flashbuilder app and yes the apostrophe
> showing up that way is causin
Ok I think you were asking if it were the select html menu...
Select menu and I want option to display differently...
I should not used the ul li helper... I just copied this lambda from
somewhere else in my code to try something and ul li seems to cause
confusion in this context. I want to have
Pretty nice... Thanks Richard
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/OriginalHoverEffects/index.html
Need something like this :
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Richard Vézina wrote:
> Ok I think you were asking if it were the select html menu...
> Select menu and I want option to display differentl
I don't think values inside tags can include additional HTML
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 2:06:22 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
> Ok I think you were asking if it were the select html menu...
> Select menu and I want option to display differently...
> I should not used the ul
Have you started a brand new app and used it, or added it to an an older
app? There were a number of css changes/additions at some point.
On 11/10/2011 12:45 PM, Cliff wrote:
Am I missing something?
Running 1.99.2 smartgrid works but definitely needs styling. I see
the styling for
Yeah I can take this awful shortcut :(
Thanks Anthony.
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 2:27 PM, Anthony wrote:
> I don't think values inside tags can include additional HTML
> markup.
> Anthony
> On Thursday, November 10, 2011 2:06:22 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
>> Ok I think you were as
Mean can't...
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Richard Vézina wrote:
> Yeah I can take this awful shortcut :(
> Thanks Anthony.
> Richard
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 2:27 PM, Anthony wrote:
>> I don't think values inside tags can include additional HTML
>> markup.
>> Anthony
It was working "if form.create_form:"...
I thought that grid use form variable doesn't matter if the SQLFORM.grid
wasn't in a form variable at all...
And my bad because I show form = crud... But it was not my SQLFORM.grid...
Sorry about that...
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 1:26 PM, An
Here a working piece of code :
def test_sqlformgrid():
form = SQLFORM.grid(db.TABLE, ui='jquery-ui',
deletable=auth.has_membership('reviewer'), formstyle = 'divs')
if 'new' in request.args:
if form.create_form
for i in range(0,l
If you have "if 'new' in request.args:' you should not also need "if
form.create_form" (even if you did, you could simply put them in the same
"if" statement with an "and"). Alternatively, use "if hasattr(form,
'create_form'):" -- all by itself.
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 2:48:49 P
Ok so this :
"if 'new' in request.args and form.create_form:"
or shorter :
"if hasattr(form, 'create_form'):"
Thank you.
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Anthony wrote:
> If you have "if 'new' in request.args:' you should not also need "if
> form.create_form" (even if you did, yo
hello everyone,
trying to understand why the pmsg below fails to pull the values of
the form ef. all i get is None for each of the three,
ef.vars.email_address, ef.vars.subject, and ef.vars.message_body. all
three are spelled correctly and the full form ef, displays all of the
proper information
Hi Massimo,
I just ran into the same issue on GAE SQL. Any update/ideas since the
last post? I'm happy to help code/debug/brainstorm.
On Oct 19, 10:53 am, Massimo Di Pierro
> This is another of those weird mysql issues
> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS web2py_filesystem (path
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