Even if I'm logged in, I couldn't view a record when I click the
parent record. The parent field is a clickable representation viewable
in a grid.
re [2]
the relevant portion is the links parameter where I create a new
button. I want to create an icon for that button.
On Oct 23, 12:53 pm, Massim
Thanks alot :)
On Oct 16, 12:54 am, Massimo Di Pierro
> You should not use local_import. It is deprecated and anyway not
> designed for this.
> Just put the packages in site-packages, and use normal import. site-
> packages is in sys.path.
> On Oct 15, 8:54 pm, Minocha wrote:
Please help with exporting some dict to .xml view with attributes
inside tags.
I am talking about "hello='world'" in the itemtitle tag.
I know, I could do it with TAG, but how to make it using regular
dict() return?
i mean:
def myxml():
return dict(itemti
This is a minor cosmetic issue, but cosmetics do matter in a
professional/commercial website. The login nav looks like this after
Welcome Richard [ logout | profile | password]
There should be a space between 'password' and ']', just as there is a
space between 'lost password?' and ']'.
any idea?
On 10/23/11, Phyo Arkar wrote:
> I am using 1.98.2
> here is my model :
> db.define_table("item",
> SQLField("name", "text", length=512, notnull=True, default=None),
> SQLField("base_price", "integer", notnull=True, default=None),
> SQLField("price", "integer", not
Hello Massimo!
the demo is now avaliable at :
On GAE tho , joining tables not working so the main table , Sales
table having error with Too many Tables selected.
Can you show me how can i fix it?
I am totally new to GAE.
On 10/20/11, Massimo Di
i also released w2p appliance , can you guys check it out if it works or not?
Please note if you install w2p appliance application name needs to be
changed to HersPOS (Case Sensitive)
On 10/23/11, Phyo Arkar wrote:
> Link : http://code.google.com/p/herspos
> Demo : http://herspos
thank you to both of you. i am learning this stuff and i always have
to start at the base. lucas
I'm using the latest stable version, 1.99.2.
On Oct 23, 9:17 am, Anthony wrote:
> What version are you using? I think this has been fixed.
What version are you using? I think this has been fixed.
This will be in the updated book soon, but for now:
On Friday, October 21, 2011 3:53:34 PM UTC-4, BrendanC wrote:
> I know this has probably come up before, but
I see -- the pre-login navbar was fixed, but still a missing space in the
post-login version. I submitted a patch to fix it.
On Sunday, October 23, 2011 9:19:49 AM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:
> I'm using the latest stable version, 1.99.2.
> R
> On Oct 23, 9:17 am, Anthony wrot
hello one and all,
playing with auth_user. trying to follow the manual with a bit of
modification, thinking:
auth = Auth(db)# authentication/
auth.settings.extra_fields['auth_user'] = [
Field('prefix_title', length=12, comment='Enter your Name
I believe that there will be versions of web2py with python 3, so far the
project had been with python web2py 2.xx. There is nothing to fear as the
founder of Masimonot discontinue web2py.
Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto
Web Developer
On Sunday, October 23, 2011 9:33:34 AM UTC-4, lucas wrote:
> hello one and all,
> playing with auth_user. trying to follow the manual with a bit of
> modification, thinking:
> auth = Auth(db)# authentication/
> authorization
> auth.settings.extra_fields['
I am new to web2py. I just started a new app to become more familiar
with the technology. So far I have the following.
# controller
def index():
form, rows = crud.select(db.domains,
return dict(rows=rows)
# view
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
yes, putting the requires under the field worked great, thanx.
well, i tried to just change the natural/ordinal order of the columns/
fields in the database (postgresql in my case) but that didn't work.
how can i direct the register/profile of auth to another view and how
do i customize that view
Hello Graham,
This is exciting. Hope other users can jump in and help more.
It think what you may be looking for is in
which displays among other things:
This variable stores each SQL query and the time in seconds to
On Oct 21, 8:
If you run on GAE you need to explicitly import and call
run_in_transactions if you want to use GAE transactions.
On Oct 21, 10:56 pm, Sathvik Ponangi wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using web2py on Google AppEngine (SDK v1.5.5) and I'm trying to port a
> script here which uses 'transactions'.
> In wha
This is very helpful. I was expecting this problem. How are datetimes
supposed to be stores in CouchDB?
On Oct 22, 3:13 am, "H.C. v. Stockhausen" wrote:
> Hi
> I am just testing the CouchDB Adapter and it fails when registering a
> new user. I tired both w2py's default auth and janrain. The pro
lines[cash_price]=lines(cash_price) or 0
On Oct 22, 7:50 am, Anthony wrote:
> On Saturday, October 22, 2011 7:47:08 AM UTC-4, apple wrote:
> > I am summing some data using the DAL:
> > cash_price = db.orderline.cash_price.sum()
> > lines = db(db.orderline.order_ == id).select(cash_
You can make a myxml.html view that contains:
On Oct 23, 5:09 am, KMax wrote:
> Hello,
> Please help with exporting some dict to .xml view with attributes
> inside tags.
> Like:
> Title
> Value
> I am talking about "hello='world'" in
We do not have a web2py roadmap but you can assume the basic logic
will stay the same. Dal and templates will stay the same.
helpers will stay the same. Forms and form handling we do not know.
Bottom line: very relevant.
On Oct 23, 1:50 am, Gour wrote:
> There is some talk that web3py will proba
Now sure I fully understand the pproblem but your first controller/
view should probably be:
# controller
def index():
rows = db(db.domains.created_by==auth.user_id).select()
return dict(rows=rows)
# view
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
Manage your domain names
{{for row in rows:}}
On Sunday, October 23, 2011 11:49:31 AM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> lines[cash_price]=lines(cash_price) or 0
I don't think that will solve the problem. That will add a new
'SUM(orderline.cash_price)' key to lines rather than updating
lines._extra['SUM(orderline.cash_price)']. However
On Sunday, October 23, 2011 11:20:40 AM UTC-4, lucas wrote:
> yes, putting the requires under the field worked great, thanx.
> well, i tried to just change the natural/ordinal order of the columns/
> fields in the database (postgresql in my case) but that didn't work.
Right. The forms will
Massimo , can you check is that a bug of web2py?
I got BadValueError , using 1.98.2 version on GAE
Controller is very simple :
def get_items():
response.generic_patterns = ['json']
return response.json(db(query).select(db.item.id,db.item.name))
You are right. I misunderstood the issue.
On Oct 23, 11:21 am, Anthony wrote:
> On Sunday, October 23, 2011 11:49:31 AM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> > lines[cash_price]=lines(cash_price) or 0
> I don't think that will solve the problem. That will add a new
> 'SUM(orderline.cash_price)'
Before we spend time in something that may have been fixed already.
Can you try the latest web2py? can you also remove the list of fields
in select(...) since GAE does not support that?
On Oct 23, 12:20 pm, Phyo Arkar wrote:
> Massimo , can you check is that a bug of web2py?
> I got BadValueErr
On Sunday, October 23, 2011 3:16:56 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> You are right. I misunderstood the issue.
Do you think assignments to _extra should be enabled (transparently, not by
directly hacking the _extra dictionary), or should _extra remain read-only?
The current behavior is a
Some time ago I developed a CRUD demo app in Django that used some some
complex forms. Here's an example:
I'd like to convert this to web2py. AFAIK the standard web2py forms/SQLform
features (and related error handling) are based on the use of a single d
On Sun, 23 Oct 2011 08:55:42 -0700 (PDT)
Massimo Di Pierro
> We do not have a web2py roadmap but you can assume the basic logic
> will stay the same.
> Dal and templates will stay the same.
> helpers will stay the same.
> Forms and form handling we do not know.
Massimo , this means that one version may be next Web3py ?
Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto
Web Developer
ITJP - itjp.net.br
83 8826 9088 - Oi
83 9334 0266 - Claro
I am not happy with extra.
Currently we have three mechanisms to deal with "extra" fields.
table._extra, lazy virtual fields, links in grid/smartgrid. None of
them are undocumented in the book which means that for none of them we
promise backward compatibility.
On Oct 23, 2:27 pm, Antho
Are you looking to generate navigation menu's using table data?
If so, you can try a search for web2py "generate menu". Make sure to check
out the web2pyslices as well, I think one of the very first slices was
related to creating dynamic menus.
I have some applications in webfaction (more than 2 years).
I recently upgraded web2py to version 1.98.2 and then to 1.99.2.
What I noticed is that since the first update errors began to appear:
502 – Bad Gateway
I reported this to webfaction and they answered that it is because it
I don't wish to irritate rather just curious to know if anyone else
can replicate this.
A SQLFORM.factory with an empty field of type='list:string' is
submitting as passed when an IS_NOT_EMPTY() validator is used in any
and every way possible.
The very same .factory has a field type string where
On Oct 24, 7:42 am, Christopher Steel wrote:
> Are you looking to generate navigation menu's using table data?
> If so, you can try a search for web2py "generate menu". Make sure to check
> out the web2pyslices as well, I think one of the very first slices was
> related to creating dynamic men
Can you try run your app locally with 1.99.2 and see if you can
reproduce any memory problem. What version did you upgrade from? Di
you have also with 1.98.2? I cannot think of any change that results
in more memory usage, actually the opposite.
On Oct 23, 5:31 pm, Jose wrote:
> Hello
Thanks for the reminder. What is the expected behavior? 'list:string'
only accepts strings that are not empty. Are you trying to have at
least one item in the list?
We do not have a validator to do that but can make one:
class IS_LIST_SIZE(Validator):
def __init__(self, min=0,max=10,error_mes
I'm working in a python 3 upgrade (web2py-py3k), you can take a look at:
Some screenshots:
web2py-py3k: welcome app running python 3! http://pic.twitter.com/BR5PqAJ8
web2py-py3k: after 2to3 and 1 hour of minor fixes, web
On 23 oct, 19:53, Massimo Di Pierro
> Can you try run your app locally with 1.99.2 and see if you can
> reproduce any memory problem. What version did you upgrade from?
I do not remember, but I'm sure it was a version of more than 1 year.
Thank you Massimo,
The expected behavior is for the 'list:string' field to be a required
field in order for the form to pass validation.
It is currently a jquery multi-select checkbox dropdown created from
an IS_IN_SET(...zero=None) validator on the same field (which works
perfectly to my knowled
Hi Massimo
Here are the steps to reproduce this problem in web2py 1.99.2 (these
steps worked fine on 1.98.x versions)
1) In web2py admin create "New simple application" called "foo"
2) Add to db.py:
auth.settings.allow_basic_login = True
3) Decorate call() with @auth.requires_login in defau
On Sunday, October 23, 2011 6:47:45 PM UTC-4, noremac wrote:
> On Oct 24, 7:42 am, Christopher Steel wrote:
> > Are you looking to generate navigation menu's using table data?
> >
> > If so, you can try a search for web2py "generate menu". Make sure to
> check
> > out the web2pyslices a
On Sunday, October 23, 2011 5:14:17 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> I am not happy with extra.
> Currently we have three mechanisms to deal with "extra" fields.
> table._extra, lazy virtual fields, links in grid/smartgrid. None of
> them are undocumented in the book which means that for
it is very much a mindset. joins are expensive no matter what system you
use (well they are not free, though still very fast on a relational system),
so when they build GAE which is supposed to be optimized for web page views,
they disallowed joins. i have a love/hate relationship with it!
It sounds like you already know about building custom forms
(http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/07#Custom-forms). If you need to do
custom error displays, also check out
http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/07#Hide-Errors. Server-side DOM
manipulation might help as well
(see http://web2p
Ugh, just realized, right from the online book:
Note that when multiple=True, IS_IN_SET will accept zero or more
values, i.e. it will accept the field when nothing has been selected.
How can I have multiple=true AND require the field? Is that possible?
TheSweetlink wrote:
> Thank yo
db.table.field.requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_IN_SET(...)]
I've recently started to use web2py, pretty new to it and python also,
and I'd like to change the identity field that are automatically
created to be decimal(13,0) instead of integer.
Basically I would not like to deal with identity columns overflowing
when it reaches 10**9. I mean, I'm only
How about: db.table.field.requires = IS_LENGTH(1)
On Oct 22, 12:35 am, TheSweetlink wrote:
> I have a SQLFORM.factory that is respecting IS_NOT_EMPTY() for a field
> with type='string' but not respecting it for a diffirent field of
> type='list:string'.
> If the list:string type field is left e
I create new buttons like this in the grid:
links = [lambda row: A('X', _href=URL(args=["view", db.person,
row.id] ))]
How should I specify an icon for the new button?
On Oct 19, 10:04 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> Herehttps://github.com/michenriksen/css3buttonsyou can find a list of all
> suported
> How about: db.table.field.requires = IS_LENGTH(1)
that will limit the field to one character, not to one value from set
PS, I could change the default types in PostgreSQL adapter or whatever
other adapter I'm using, to be BIGSERIAL and BIGINT for id and
reference id as opposed to SERIAL and INTEGER. But this is something
I'd like to control on a table level, not on a database connection
level. I could extend the a
Hello Vasile,
I tried that and the IS_NOT_EMPTY() doesn't take.
I should really test if the IS_IN_SET() is working properly too but I
suspect that it is.
I need to find out how I can override that behavior I described above
from the book.
Apparently multiple=true allows IS_IN_SET() to pass vali
Checkout the solidForm plugin from http://dev.s-cubism.com/web2py_plugins
On Oct 24, 4:18 am, BrendanC wrote:
> Hi
> Some time ago I developed a CRUD demo app in Django that used some some
> complex forms. Here's an example:
> http://theludditegeek.com/prescreen/1
> I'd like to convert this t
not if the field is list:string
On Oct 24, 10:32 am, Vasile Ermicioi wrote:
> > How about: db.table.field.requires = IS_LENGTH(1)
> that will limit the field to one character, not to one value from set
Eeugh. Sorry for the ugly suggestion. Post validation could
def person_processing(form):
if len(form.vars.field or '')<1:
form.errors.field= 'Select one.'
On Oct 24, 10:32 am, Vasile Ermicioi wrote:
> > How about: db.table.field.requires = IS_LENGTH(1)
> that will limit the field t
It looks like elfinder would be a very nice implementation of a file
manipulation area open to users for an application I am working on.
I found this discussion about elfinder which is over a year old
where in the last posting a Ma
So, with return dict() and generic.xml view is impossible to produce
attribute in a xml tag?
Just to stop looking in this way for solution.
Thanks Massimo.
On 23 окт, 22:53, Massimo Di Pierro
> You can make a myxml.html view that contains:
> {{=itemtitle}}
> {{=itemvalue}}
hello one and all,
i think i found a inconsistency in the default auth register form.
the tags for the password_two fields don't have the class
references. so like password has
...Password:for the input
widgetfor the comment...
but the class references are not in there for the password_two whi
Thank you all for your help.
I was able to resolve the problem quirky as it may be but here we go.
For science!!!
To get a type='list:string' to fail validation if none passed from
your SQLFORM.factory form:
1) Used an onvalidation=... in my form.accepts(...) /
process(...).accepted / validate(.
On Sun, 23 Oct 2011 19:59:14 -0300
Mariano Reingart
> I didn't have time to work on it but I expect for December to have a
> full version of web2py seamless working on py3k.
Do you work with the web2py's trunk?
While contemplating the objects of the senses, a perso
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