Re: [web2py] Re: export data to OOO and Excel

2011-07-26 Thread Kenneth Lundström
Please let us know which one you found to be better. I´m going to need to switch away from CSV to a "real" Excel format in a couple of months. Kenneth @selecta, thanks for directing to 'tablib'. It is also a good choice. I am assessing whether to use 'excel-python' or 'tablib'. :-| On Jul 2

Re: [web2py] Re: cron problem

2011-07-26 Thread Manuele Pesenti
On 26/07/2011 00:00, Rowdy wrote: Greeting. Different time zone perhaps? fetch_m_data is expected to run at 06:30, but runs at 12:30 (= +6 hours). this time a ticket is not necessary ;) the server that runs my web2py is a virtual machine, the date command gave the correct date info but I di

[web2py] Re: please check out the nightly built

2011-07-26 Thread Iceberg
I gave it a shot. The "generic_patterns=[...] and LOAD(..., ajax=False)" issue is finally fixed. Good job! By the way, will a fix for "IS_NOT_EMPTY and list:reference" issue be included in 1.98.1? Regards, Ray (a.k.a. Iceberg) On Jul 26, 6:42 am, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > I am planning to rele

[web2py] Re: export data to OOO and Excel

2011-07-26 Thread Vineet
Sure. I will post here my observations after trying out the 2 excel libraries. Cheers :-) On Jul 26, 12:26 pm, Kenneth Lundström wrote: > Please let us know which one you found to be better. I m going to need > to switch away from CSV to a "real" Excel format in  a couple of months. > > Kenneth

Re: [web2py] [Newbie] Best practice to set application wide settings

2011-07-26 Thread Jagmal
Thanks Bruno for the suggestions. I will keep these in mind.

[web2py] Re: [Newbie] Best practice to set application wide settings

2011-07-26 Thread Jagmal
Thanks David for the link. I think I am not at a stage right now, where I need to store configurations in the database. I will definitely give this a try once I am at that stage.

[web2py] query quest

2011-07-26 Thread Manuele Pesenti
can you help me to translate this sql query that correctly runs under my mysql server? SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM power_curve ORDER BY start DESC) AS TMP GROUP BY site; moreover if I execute: db.executesql('SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM power_curve ORDER BY start DESC) AS TMP GROUP BY

[web2py] Re: query quest

2011-07-26 Thread Manuele Pesenti
On 26/07/2011 11:18, Manuele Pesenti wrote: can you help me to translate this sql query that correctly runs under my mysql server? maybe it's better to say what here is needed... suppose to have the subsequent model: db.define_table('site', Field('name'), ... ) db.define_table('curv

[web2py] Deleting uploaded files

2011-07-26 Thread Johann Spies
I have the following model: db.define_table("files", Field("title", "string"), Field("description", "text"), Field("file","upload", autodelete = True), # something to be uploaded signature) = \

[web2py] appadmin - insert new auth_permission

2011-07-26 Thread Marin
Hi, while inserting new auth_permission entries via appadmin, you can choose only tables that are defined before auth_permission table (auth_user, auth_groups, auth_membership, auth_permission included). Custom table (db.define_table(...)) is visible only if defined before auth tables. file

Re: [web2py] Re: upload - S3 storage

2011-07-26 Thread nils
Hi, I forgot about Mounting S3 as partition, I'm already using the boto interface. The computer field sounds like an Idea, but now to come up with the code :) Thanks for the tips. Regards, Nils On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 6:32 AM, howesc wrote: > pbreit might be right - you would still end up upl

[web2py] def data()

2011-07-26 Thread Johann Spies
I have read something about security related modifications in recent Web2Py versions which caused the previous code using the data() controller to fail with 404 NOT FOUND. I have als seen the comment in the new Welcome-app telling us: " but URLs bust be signed, i.e. linked with A('table',

[web2py] Re: appadmin - insert new auth_permission

2011-07-26 Thread David Marko
This general behaviour irritates me as well :-) ...

[web2py] checkbox labels

2011-07-26 Thread peter
I am trying to use checkboxes in a form. I want several, one above each other. Each must have a label just to their right. If I use TR(INPUT(_type="checkbox",_name="checkbox1",value="on"), "box_label")) Then there are a lot of spaces between the checkbox and 'box_label'. I have tried a lot of dif

[web2py] search by Tag blugin

2011-07-26 Thread Web2Py Freak
hey all , am using the tags in blugin wiki . and i want to make a search using them , how can i do that ??? please help

Re: [web2py] web2py for freelance work

2011-07-26 Thread Miguel Lopes
1. web2py is especially good for freelancers and single developers because it is such a tight package. Everything works really well together and right out of the box. 2. From the forum I get the impression that there is a lot of intranet work. But if you look for sites built with web2py I think th

[web2py] Re: Can't get linkto working in SQLFORM

2011-07-26 Thread DenesL
That was the point of posting the original text from the book: "the appadmin UPDATE form shows a link" this says appadmin uses it, but then "This behavior can be replicated using the linkto argument of the SQLFORM" this says you can use too, and gives an example. Just playing devil's advocate h

Re: [web2py] web2py for freelance work

2011-07-26 Thread Anthony
On Tuesday, July 26, 2011 9:06:13 AM UTC-4, miguel wrote: > > > 2. From the forum I get the impression that there is a lot of intranet > work. But if you look for sites built with web2py I think that are enough > examples out there to make anyone feel comfortable. See

Re: [web2py] checkbox labels

2011-07-26 Thread Richard Vézina
Have you try without base.css to see what it looks like... Then you will know if it comes form css... Richard On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 7:21 AM, peter wrote: > I am trying to use checkboxes in a form. I want several, one above > each other. Each must have a label just to their right. > > If I use

[web2py] Re: search by Tag blugin

2011-07-26 Thread pbreit
Can you tell us more about what you are doing? Have you read al about plugins? Can you show us any code examples?

[web2py] Re: checkbox labels

2011-07-26 Thread Anthony
Do you want the label in the same table cell as the checkbox? If so, you should wrap the INPUT and label in a TD (as is, TR is assuming you want two separate TD's). So, you could do: TR(TD(INPUT(_type="checkbox",_name="checkbox1",value="on"), "box_label"))) To control cellspacing, add _cel

Re: [web2py] Deleting uploaded files

2011-07-26 Thread Richard Vézina
It's maybe related somehow with this issue :!topic/web2py/-tFA1G5wbsI It seems to me that 1.97.1 had break something about upload type... Richard On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 6:23 AM, Johann Spies wrote: > I have the following model: > > > db.define_table("files", >

Re: [web2py] Re: upload - S3 storage

2011-07-26 Thread pbreit
I use a computed field to create and save thumbnails: Field('image_display', 'upload', uploadfolder=request.folder+'static/uploads', compute=lambda r: resize_image(r['image'], (320,320), 'display'), readable=False, writable=False), def resize_image(image, size, pat

Re: [web2py] Re: please check out the nightly built

2011-07-26 Thread Richard Vézina
This one is still there :!topic/web2py/-tFA1G5wbsI Richard On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 4:03 AM, Iceberg wrote: > I gave it a shot. The "generic_patterns=[...] and LOAD(..., > ajax=False)" issue is finally fixed. Good job! > > By the way, will a fix for "IS_NOT_EMP

[web2py] Re: search by Tag blugin

2011-07-26 Thread Web2Py Freak
am making a blogs website and am using the taging widget in blugin wiki and i want to make a search using tags . every blog post has a tag , so i want tags to be searched by that tag

[web2py] Re: Extend default user/group model

2011-07-26 Thread Simone Fiorenzoni
Ok, I will try... Thanks you both for your support!!! On 25 Lug, 22:35, pbreit wrote: > Also, "extra_fields" was recently added: > > - auth.settings.extra_fields['auth_user'].append(Field('country')) > allows to extend auth_* tables without need of definiting a custom > auth_* table. Must be pla

[web2py] Command line authentication (in one line?)

2011-07-26 Thread Richard Vézina
Hello, I would like to know if this still the proper way to login in web2py command line shell : Or if there is a new one line command as Massimo was expecting to write... Thanks Richard

[web2py] important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Web2Py Freak
am losing my mind ... i am making the blogs i told u about , but with images and videos .. but every post gets all the images and videos .. why :(( :: like this here is my Code please guys help me . am going crazy

[web2py] Re: appadmin - insert new auth_permission

2011-07-26 Thread Anthony
The problem is the 'requires' for the table_name field is set at the time the permissions table is created: table.table_name.requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_SET(self.db.tables)) and at that time, db.tables only includes the names of the tables that have already been defined. As

[web2py] how to hide arguments passed in url in sql update form

2011-07-26 Thread sagar
Hi, I have created sql form form=SQLFORM(db.test) if id is present: update="updatetest/"+ str(id) redirect(URL(update)) Is there any way to hide passed argument in url for update form.. Thanks, Sagar

Re: [web2py] important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Richard Vézina
You should read at : You need left join... Write your query at in raw SQL then write it in web2py... If you can't write the proper query in raw SQL you maybe have a wrong database schema... You are trying to do something

Re: [web2py] Re: multiselect with part of a table

2011-07-26 Thread Nicolas Palumbo
I'm currently having a problem with this validation: db.audienceInstances.instances.requires=IS_IN_DB(db(db.instance.type==auth.user.product), '',db.instance._format,multiple=True) If the user changes the profile to other product and susbscribe to instances shown for that product, the p

[web2py] Bugs release 1.97.1

2011-07-26 Thread Nekron
Hello Massimo, I recently installed web2py for a small customer project and found that the online shell access is no longer working. I compared the contrib/ with an older working version and I do see that you added a represent(obj) method. Launching the online shell this gaves me: Traceba

[web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Web2Py Freak
ITS not working ???!

Re: [web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Richard Vézina
It's a lot of code to review... If you point me the exact code that cause problem it will help to solve your issue faster... Also... What's not working? Richard On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Web2Py Freak wrote: > ITS not working ???!

Re: [web2py] important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Richard Vézina
Notice that SQLField is deprecated, we now use Field('field1','typeX'...) Richard On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 11:16 AM, Web2Py Freak wrote: > am losing my mind ... i am making the blogs i told u about , but with > images and videos .. but every post gets all the images and > videos .. why :((

[web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Web2Py Freak
it gets all the images and the videos ...

[web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Web2Py Freak
this is the code for adding an image to a blog : when i use it it gets all the images to all the blogs ... import datetime db.define_table('blogposts', SQLField('title', length=64),

[web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread pbreit
What you are trying to do is a bit complicated and your code is very hard to follow so it's difficult to help. One thing you might consider doing is *radically* simplifying. For starters, you are doing quite a number of non-standard things. For example, "SQLField" is not really used any more. I

Re: [web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Richard Vézina
images=db( Here you are saying to the database to do exactly what you don't want... You should pass the id of your db.blogposts and not all the ids... Try : images=db(db.image.blog_id==1).select(db.image.ALL) If there is a blogposts that h

[web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Web2Py Freak
id tryed it and it WORKS but why dosent it work why we but

Re: [web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Richard Vézina
Then depending of your URL format... You will request the id of your blogposts table passed in the URL... Of course when you create a new record in blogposts table there will have no ID since you are creating it. request.args(1) I guess could containt your blogposts id if your URL looks like this

Re: [web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Richard Vézina containt all the id of the record containt in your blogpost table... is a short cut for : db().select( Richard On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 12:32 PM, Web2Py Freak wrote: > id tryed it and it WORKS but why dosent it work why we but > db.image.blog_id==db.

[web2py] Re: how to hide arguments passed in url in sql update form

2011-07-26 Thread pbreit
I suppose you could put the id in session but why?

[web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Web2Py Freak
when i do it ==1 it gets me the image with the blog_id=1 so i get the same image for all the posts

[web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Web2Py Freak
what can i do now !!?? what do u suggest

Re: [web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Richard Vézina
Just correct myself containt or tablename.fieldname Richard On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 12:35 PM, Richard Vézina <> wrote: > containt all the id of the record containt in your blogpost > table... > > is a short cut

Re: [web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Richard Vézina
== is comparison = is affectation It's python stuff... Richard On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 12:37 PM, Web2Py Freak wrote: > when i do it ==1 it gets me the image with the blog_id=1 so i get the > same image for all the posts

Re: [web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Richard Vézina
I suggest you make some lecture... You seems to have some learning to do before make a complex application like you want to... Web2py book is a good start : There is a python recap tutorial : It could help you a lot to read it.

[web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Web2Py Freak
it gives me an error : web2py™ administrative interface site edit about errors versioning logout help ERROR TICKET FOR "AZEZ_BLOGS" TICKET ID VERSION web2py™ Version 1.96.4 (2011-06-07 21:08:15) Python Python 2.5.4: C:\Users\Ha

Re: [web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Richard Vézina
I suggest you to make your app by small steps... Small steps theory... When all the little steps will work correctly you will get your app the way you want it... And you will also understand what you wrote. When you face a problem you ask the list and you solve one single issue at a time... Richa

[web2py] Re: checkbox labels

2011-07-26 Thread peter
Thanks Anthony both useful answers. I had tried _cellspacing (by guessing) and it had not worked for me, but I think I must have misplaced it. It works now. Peter On Jul 26, 3:01 pm, Anthony wrote: > Do you want the label in the same table cell as the checkbox? If so, you > should wrap the INPUT

[web2py] The web2py book is broken

2011-07-26 Thread Matt Gorecki
A quick FYI. is throwing errors right now. Matt

[web2py] Problems with online book?

2011-07-26 Thread mikech
Getting an Internal Error Ticket issued: unrecoverable when I try to access the book from the web2py front page.

Re: [web2py] Problems with online book?

2011-07-26 Thread Ismael Serratos
I've just triend and it's working fine for me On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 12:17 PM, mikech wrote: > Getting an Internal Error > Ticket issued: > unrecoverable > > when I try to access the book from the web2py front page. >

Re: [web2py] Problems with online book?

2011-07-26 Thread Ismael Serratos
ohh I've catched If you go trough the documentation page ( you get the error, try with may be a DNS mistake or even a routing problem.. On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Ismael Serratos wrote: > I've just triend and it's working fine for me > >

Re: [web2py] Problems with online book?

2011-07-26 Thread cjrh
I get the ticket error on both URLs.

[web2py] Re: Bugs release 1.97.1

2011-07-26 Thread cjrh
I strongly recommend that you add an issue for this on the web2py bug tracker (Google Code):

[web2py] jQplot

2011-07-26 Thread steveL
Has anyone installed jQplot on their web2py servers. Which directory should it be installed into and how should I include it in my application Anyone got a simple example floating about of their views in relation to where it was stored? Thanks in advance Steve +

Re: [web2py] Problems with online book?

2011-07-26 Thread Ismael Serratos This is working fine here :S On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 12:40 PM, cjrh wrote: > I get the ticket error on both URLs.

Re: [web2py] Problems with online book?

2011-07-26 Thread Bruno Rocha
May be it is a Marketing strategy, making you all to buy the printed version of the book! LOL... (or just Massimo updating something)

Re: [web2py] Problems with online book?

2011-07-26 Thread Bruno Rocha
seend to be a routes problem (on web2py or on webserver) layouts book Every other app then the default one is broken.

[web2py] WindowsError 2 and markmin2pdf

2011-07-26 Thread Martin Weissenboeck
Hi, I wanted to learn more markmin. I have the examples from the documentation, markmin2html and markmin2latex work fine: >>> from markmin2html import markmin2html as mh >>> m='hello **world**' >>> print mh(m) hello world >>> from markmin2latex import markmin2latex as ml >>> print ml(m) \documen

Re: [web2py] jQplot

2011-07-26 Thread Ismael Serratos
I've never used it, but I've use other javascript stuff, just place it in static and call it from the view On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 12:54 PM, steveL wrote: > > Has anyone installed jQplot on their web2py servers. > > Which directory should it be installed into and how should I include > it in m

Re: [web2py] jQplot

2011-07-26 Thread Ismael Serratos
{{response.files.append(URL(r=request,c='static/media/css',f='demo_table.css'))}} {{response.files.append(URL(r=request,c='static/media/js',f='jquery.dataTables.min.js'))}} Include it like this (this is a data tables example) On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 1:02 PM, Ismael Serratos wrote: > I've never u

[web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Web2Py Freak
Thank you alot Richard , you are a great man :) .. it was nice talking to u , Do u mind if i take you Email and ask u questions every once in a while ?

Re: [web2py] Re: important , help me please

2011-07-26 Thread Richard Vézina
No problem... But better to ask to the list... You will have much larger audience and much more answer to your questions. Richard On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 2:14 PM, Web2Py Freak wrote: > Thank you alot Richard , you are a great man :) .. it was nice talking > to u , Do u mind if i take you Emai

Re: [web2py] Problems with online book?

2011-07-26 Thread Caleb Hattingh
hehe On 26 July 2011 19:55, Bruno Rocha wrote: > May be it is a Marketing strategy, making you all to buy the printed > version of the book! LOL... > > (or just Massimo updating something) >

[web2py] Re: How to debug HTTP 500 error on GAE?

2011-07-26 Thread Wikus van de Merwe
Thanks for the hint! It was the logging indeed. Apparently the logging.conf that comes with web2py was hiding the error: ERROR2011-07-26 18:44:54,452] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/momat/workspace/pm-cmp-python/web2py/gluon/", line 531, in wsgibase

Re: [web2py] The web2py book is broken

2011-07-26 Thread Kenneth Lundström
Hopefully it is fixed now because it works for me now. Kenneth A quick FYI. is throwing errors right now. Matt

Re: [web2py] The web2py book is broken

2011-07-26 Thread Marin Pranjic
still not working 4me.

Re: [web2py] The web2py book is broken

2011-07-26 Thread Marin Pranjic
works now :D On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 9:22 PM, Marin Pranjic wrote: > still not working 4me. >

Re: [web2py] Re: How to debug HTTP 500 error on GAE?

2011-07-26 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Jul 26, 2011, at 11:57 AM, Wikus van de Merwe wrote: > Thanks for the hint! It was the logging indeed. Apparently the logging.conf > that comes with web2py was > hiding the error: > ERROR2011-07-26 18:44:54,452] Traceback (most recent > call last): > File "/home/momat/

Re: [web2py] Problems with online book?

2011-07-26 Thread cjrh
Book is working again.

Re: [web2py] The web2py book is broken

2011-07-26 Thread cjrh

Re: [web2py] Re: How to debug HTTP 500 error on GAE?

2011-07-26 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Jul 26, 2011, at 12:26 PM, Jonathan Lundell wrote: > On Jul 26, 2011, at 11:57 AM, Wikus van de Merwe wrote: > >> Thanks for the hint! It was the logging indeed. Apparently the logging.conf >> that comes with web2py was >> hiding the error: >> ERROR2011-07-26 18:44:54,452

Re: [web2py] Problems with online book?

2011-07-26 Thread Bruno Rocha
On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 4:34 PM, cjrh wrote: > Book is working again. WOW, it means that web2py printed book goes out-of-stock and the selling campaign could be interrupted. :) But, don't lose your hope you can still find some copies to buy.. run to or amazon and buy yours now!

Re: [web2py] The web2py book is broken

2011-07-26 Thread Bruno Rocha
On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 4:34 PM, cjrh wrote: > Confirmed. Yep, it now working here! also /plugins :)

[web2py] Re: Bugs release 1.97.1

2011-07-26 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Do you define "StringO" in your code? Both the old web shell and the new web based shell have problems. The issue is maintaining state and make it work on GAE. The shell we use now is the one provided by Google. On Jul 26, 10:14 am, Nekron wrote: > Hello Massimo, > > I recently installed web2py

[web2py] Re: WindowsError 2 and markmin2pdf

2011-07-26 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
It requires latex. Do you have pdflatex installed on windows? How do you run it from shell? On Jul 26, 1:00 pm, Martin Weissenboeck wrote: > Hi, > > I wanted to learn more markmin. > I have the examples from the documentation, markmin2html and markmin2latex > work fine: > > >>> from markmin2html

[web2py] Re: How to debug HTTP 500 error on GAE?

2011-07-26 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Done On Jul 26, 2:36 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote: > On Jul 26, 2011, at 12:26 PM, Jonathan Lundell wrote: > > > On Jul 26, 2011, at 11:57 AM, Wikus van de Merwe wrote: > > >> Thanks for the hint! It was the logging indeed. Apparently the > >> logging.conf that comes with web2py was > >> hiding th

[web2py] Re: Problems with online book?

2011-07-26 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I apologize. The server run out of disk space. Fortunately the database did not get corrupted. I did a lot of cleanup and now everything should be up and running as usual. Massimo On Jul 26, 2:34 pm, cjrh wrote: > Book is working again.

[web2py] Importing numeric values with import_from_csv_file

2011-07-26 Thread WillieD
Hi All, I'm a Web2py nube so please excuse my ignorance if I'm missing something obvious. I'm trying to import a CSV file that includes some integer and double values but DAL always inserts NULL in these fields. A little inspection of the 'import_from_csv_file' function reveals that the embedded

[web2py] Upload File via HTTP

2011-07-26 Thread Ismael Serratos
Hi! I was wondering how could I upload a file to web2py from another PC (intranet app) but via http, I mean, make a server and a client script. Is it possible?? client does't have web2py, just python, server is running web2py.

Re: [web2py] Upload File via HTTP

2011-07-26 Thread Bruno Rocha
I did it with forms. Client needs to make a POST to web2py with input file in form (make sure the right content type) in web2py server create an action that does: example: #model Field('picture','upload',uploadfolder=request.folder+'static/uploads', autodelete=True ) #receiver in form.accepts()

[web2py] Re: Importing numeric values with import_from_csv_file

2011-07-26 Thread WillieD
Converting value=None to pass in fix() does indeed let me import my numeric data. elif field.type in ('double','integer'): pass #value = None On Jul 26, 3:51 pm, WillieD wrote: > Hi All, > > I'm a Web2py nube so please excuse my ignorance if I'm missing > something obvious. > >

[web2py] Re: DISCUSSION: Dual Desktop/Mobile Functionality

2011-07-26 Thread Rufus
I'm new to web2py but since I have an iphone I've been interested in the mobile view/standard view capability of web2py so I've been watching this thread. Could you possibly generalize display devices even more, to even provide per-user or per-session "skinning" of the web page, storing the displa

[web2py] Re: query quest

2011-07-26 Thread howesc
not sure about the web2py translation (that would take me some time to figure out since i have not done much grouping in web2py), but: SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM power_curve ORDER BY start DESC) AS TMP GROUP BY site; is not valid. i'm surprised that it works on mysql server. every column t

Re: [web2py] Re: DISCUSSION: Dual Desktop/Mobile Functionality

2011-07-26 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Jul 26, 2011, at 3:12 PM, Rufus wrote: > (to tell the truth, the mobile-enabled websites really tick me off > when there is no way for > me to force it back to the "standard" page.) It's a good point. I just visited a site that insisted that my iPad was an iPhone. I've seen sites that allow

[web2py] Re: DISCUSSION: Dual Desktop/Mobile Functionality

2011-07-26 Thread Chris May
I agree. It's very important to not annoy the site visitor by forcing him into one view / solution / experience. Judging by the parallel discussion in the developer group (http:// 2056602a6c30af27#) and the corresponding issue request

[web2py] GAE and atomic inserts: DAL enhancement?

2011-07-26 Thread howesc
Hi GAE web2py users, I ran into an issue today where i need to have atomic inserts into a GAE table. in a normal database you can do a read/write lock and check if a row exists before you insert, and/or put unique constraints on columns to make this happen. in GAE you can't. the right answer

[web2py] Re: New python web framework: Brubeck

2011-07-26 Thread pbreit
Here's another: "Pump: A dead simple Pythonic abstraction of HTTP." I'm not exactly sure what the implications are but it seems like a good direction.

[web2py] Fedora deployment script issues on Amazon (and fixes)

2011-07-26 Thread Charles Law
I was recently deploying web2py on an amazon microinstance with an amazon linux installation. I relied mostly on the fedora script, but I had to make some minor tweaks to the script (which consisted almost entirely of removing uneeded EOF's). Does the latest setup-web2py- script work in

[web2py] Integration MS Office ?

2011-07-26 Thread toan75
HI, How to integrate MS Word or Excel on the web2py site (to read, edit and save ms file type)? Have any examples? Thanks your help.

[web2py] Rocket support IPv6

2011-07-26 Thread Rahul
Hi Tim, All, Does Rocket support IPv6? If not, can we expect this to be added to its feature set anytime soon ? Rahul D

[web2py] Re: Image upload filenames too long

2011-07-26 Thread pbreit
Possible to shrink upload filenames down to 50 chars or so? Collisions seem unlikely.

[web2py] Re: Importing numeric values with import_from_csv_file

2011-07-26 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
This was fixed some time ago. It is possible the fix is still in trunk. Will post a new version to stable soon. On Jul 26, 4:32 pm, WillieD wrote: > Converting value=None to pass in fix() does indeed let me import my > numeric data. > > elif field.type in ('double','integer'): >                 p

[web2py] Re: GAE and atomic inserts: DAL enhancement?

2011-07-26 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Please open a ticket. This should be doable without too much work. On Jul 26, 9:11 pm, howesc wrote: > Hi GAE web2py users, > > I ran into an issue today where i need to have atomic inserts into a GAE > table.  in a normal database you can do a read/write lock and check if a row > exists before y

[web2py] Re: Fedora deployment script issues on Amazon (and fixes)

2011-07-26 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
I have not used it myself. I would like to see the fixes. On Jul 26, 10:08 pm, Charles Law wrote: > I was recently deploying web2py on an amazon microinstance with an > amazon linux installation.  I relied mostly on the fedora script, but > I had to make some minor tweaks to the script (which con

[web2py] Re: Image upload filenames too long

2011-07-26 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
No. We actually had to increase it in te past because of problems. Not collisions but long table and filed names. On Jul 27, 12:18 am, pbreit wrote: > Possible to shrink upload filenames down to 50 chars or so? Collisions seem > unlikely.

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