Is there a recommended way to send a patch for web2py? I was looking
for something like github's equivalent of pull request, but did not
seem to find it. It will be great if this is documented on the web2py
website, if not already done so.
The following is just a fix to improve readability in the
Thank you all for the kind words!
Yes, it is a web2py website :)
@Mikech: We are in the process of fixing the bugs and it should be
resolved soon.
We request you all to go through the website and let us know your
feedback. It will help us greatly in further enhancing the website.
You can contac
I added your suggestion to trunk.
This is the proper way to report an issue:
In most cases it is a good idea to first discuss it here. If no
response or if you have a patch (like in this case), then open the
Thank you.
On Jul 3, 2:18
Looking through the source code,
I deduce that
is the same as
db((db.connection.source==auth.user_id)) &
Is this new syntax? I did not recall reading it in
To the best of my knowledge, count() doesn't take an argument, such as
left. I would like to be proven wrong. If so, then how do we count if
there's a left join, except by doing a select and then a
len(db(query).select(...left=[...]))? Seems like it should be able to
do db(query).count(left=[...]).
I've checked autocomplete widget can not work in gae, as it uses like in its
Checking this group archives, I've found this
but even if it looks like it would work, finally it was not implemented.
So, does anybody k
I dont know about autocomplete widget, but, for 'like' in GAE you can use
term = "something"
pages = db(>0).select().find(lambda row :
row.field.startswith(term) or row.field.endswith(term) or row.field == term
or term in row.field)
On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 1
startswith and endswith are not supported in GAE either
2011/7/3 Bruno Rocha :
> I dont know about autocomplete widget, but, for 'like' in GAE you can use
> Row.find()
> term = "something"
> pages = db(>0).select().find(lambda row :
> row.field.startswith(term) or row.
the only argument you can pass to count() is a fieldname, so it will count
>>> db(>0)._count('id')
'SELECT count(DISTINCT id) FROM products WHERE ( > 0)'
Left Joins are Row objects, so this object is a fetched rows from database,
there no way (that I know)
actually i install 2.5 but still is not working after i install ubuntu
11.4 all problem is coming anyway thanks ..i'll try again.
On Jun 1, 5:38 am, José Luis Redrejo Rodríguez
> 2011/6/1 ramkrishan bhatt :
> > $ cd workspace/Running\ Project/
> > ramkrishan@ramkrishan-As
For me it is supported..
take a look, this is a plugin_wiki based "outdated" website (the search box called 'Busca')
The code behind:
def searchPages(string=None,nfmessage='Nothing found with %s'):
string =
Thanks Bruno for the response. Yes, that's what I do -- I almost never
use ALL unless I really need it. I'm into minimal overhead at ALL
On Jul 3, 12:20 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> the only argument you can pass to count() is a fieldname, so it will count
> using DISTINCT
> >>> db(db.produc
in ubuntu 10.x is working but in ubuntu 11.4 its giving some error. ok
i'll check it out once again.
On Jun 1, 8:10 am, dhmorgan wrote:
> check to see whether the command you indicated:
> $ /home/ramkrishan/Downloads/Python-2.5.5/./python
> is running 2.6 or 2.5.5
> not sure what the ef
I'm sending email with html message body. Problem is, html doesn't
seem to be working. I'm trying to inline an tag and an text link but neither of them is displaying properly in
Thunderbird, my email client.
On a 2nd note, I am also testing out the mail.send(...,
message=('plain text message','ht
On Jul 3, 12:20 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> the only argument you can pass to count() is a fieldname, so it will count
> using DISTINCT
> >>> db(>0)._count('id')
> 'SELECT count(DISTINCT id) FROM products WHERE ( > 0)'
> Left Joins are Row objects, so this object is a
Can you look at the raw message to see if you can spot any problems?
Here is My Model
db.define_table('img', timestamp,
Field('caption','string', length=1000,
Field('upload', 'upload', requires=[IS_LENGTH(20)],
To Display I've tried:
I accidently clicked "Send".
More info to come soon.
On Jul 3, 12:50 pm, Lennon wrote:
> Here is My Model
> db.define_table('img', timestamp,
> Field('caption','string', length=1000,
> requires=[IS_LENGTH(1000)]),
> Field('upload', 'upload', requires=[IS_LENGTH(20)],
> up
In the DB the upload field looks like this which I think could be part
of the problem:
FieldStorage('upload', 'Mars.jpg', '\xff\xd8\xff\xe0\x00\x10JFIF
\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\xff\xfe\x00>CREATOR: gd-jpeg
v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), default quality\n\xff\xdb\x00C
I would suggest following the Book more closely:
Field('file', 'upload'))
Curious, got it working, now. Not sure what changed, exactly. Thanks
@pbreit for the response.
I was wondering how I could decrypt the passwords in my DB?
I want to change me auth.settings.hmac_key but if I do that then
existing users wont be able to login
so I thought if I could decrypt and then encrypt using the new key my
problems would be solved.
They are one-way hashed and thus not decryptable. What is typically done in
this situation is 1) everyone has to re-generate a password (not ideal) or
2) begin using the new scheme and continue to accept old passwords for some
period of time.
I'm not exactly sure how #2 would be accomplished in
Thanks; Not exactly the answer I was looking for :)
On 7/3/11 1:43 PM, pbreit wrote:
They are one-way hashed and thus not decryptable. What is typically
done in this situation is 1) everyone has to re-generate a password
(not ideal) or 2) begin using the new scheme and continue to accept
00 Preface
"whilst always maintaining backward compatibility"
Please, return previous ajax=False functionality (with passing current
request to all LOAD(ajax=False) functions).
It's a really important feature for component development.
I have 2 sites broken because of it. =\
On 3 июл, 08:45, pbre
For now, you can revert back to changeset d4c2d8d15bb1 although I'm not sure
if that will cause other problems.
I'm trying to use the script, but am having a little
I use with lighttpd. I changed the DAEMON_ARGS line to
say instead of, and it will start the web2py
instance successfully. But, it doen't seem to make a pid file,
The error I was getting was caused by a missing ')' in the view so
fixing that has gotten me to a new error.
I simplified my model to how you have pbreit just to make things
But when I try to display the image like so:
I get a 400 error in the Chrome Console:
say please how to do it, thx
On 4 июл, 00:01, pbreit wrote:
> For now, you can revert back to changeset d4c2d8d15bb1 although I'm not sure
> if that will cause other problems.
You managed to bypass the web2py upload mechanism and stored a
FieldStorage object in the database. This is a mistake because it is
difficult to take it out. The problem is probably not in your model
but in the form you use to populate. Can you show us the action?
On Jul 3, 2:29 pm, Lennon wrote
I do not have an objection to fix but I need to understand better what
is broken. If the problem with the latest stable or with trunk too?
On Jul 3, 12:59 pm, LightOfMooN wrote:
> 00 Preface
> "whilst always maintaining backward compatibility"
> Please, return previous ajax=False functionality
Here is the form. I'm also using a custom uploader which is probably
where the problem is:
def img_upload_widget(f,v, u):
inp = SQLFORM.widgets.upload.widget(f,v, u)
img_url = URL('default','download', args=v)
img = IMG(_src=img_url, _style='max-width:350px;max-height:350px
I'm doing it it through AJAX so it's broken up into add_form and
add_item. Let me know if you need any clarification or additional
def add_form():
if not 't' in request.vars:
for k in ('t', 'pid', 'ptype'):
Disregard my last post.
On Jul 3, 5:28 pm, Lennon wrote:
> Here is the form. I'm also using a custom uploader which is probably
> where the problem is:
> def img_upload_widget(f,v, u):
> inp = SQLFORM.widgets.upload.widget(f,v, u)
> img_url = URL('default','download', arg
For me, the problem seems to be this changeset:
Light, if you are cloning Web2py with Mercurial (which is a good idea), you
can specify exactly which version you want to be running like this: $ hg
update [ch
Hi all,
I am trying to incorporate Facebook's registration plugin into a
webapp I am developing but I am stuck at a point and need some
clarifications on how Auth in web2py really works.
First of all, I have been able to connect to facebook and retrieve
signed data about users from it. I have also
I just spent the last hour tracking down a conflict between plupload
and web2py. Long story short: plupload.flash.js tags a div with a
secondary class 'flash' which web2py hides inadvertently in base.css,
thereby disabling the flash functionality of plupload. Just wanted to
document this in case it
Notice that flash is only used in views/layout.html, views/
web2py_ajax.html and static/js/web2py_ajax.js
You can replace class "flash" it with class "web2py-ajax" and it
should fix the problem.
On Jul 3, 9:04 pm, "mr.freeze" wrote:
> I just spent the last hour tracking down a conflict between pl
I wouldn't mind seeing an overview of how to code a third party
registration/login. I'm considering doing it for Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Ebay and PayPal but can't make heads or tales of the information
I've seen so far. I have no interest in using Janrain.
Massimo and I are working on it. More on this later.
On Jul 4, 3:22 am, pbreit wrote:
> I wouldn't mind seeing an overview of how to code a third party
> registration/login. I'm considering doing it for Facebook, Twitter,
> LinkedIn, Ebay and PayPal but can't make heads or tales of the informatio
Bump. Anyone?
On Jul 1, 7:24 pm, niknok wrote:
> I have field "gender" that is defined like so:
> Field('gender','reference aux_gender',notnull=True,widget=radio_h)
> The aux_gender table data were inserted from:
> db.aux_gender.insert(code='F',concept='Female')
> d
I do not know. Try experiment some more or send me the app and I will
take a look.
On Jul 3, 10:02 pm, niknok wrote:
> Bump. Anyone?
> On Jul 1, 7:24 pm, niknok wrote:
> > I have field "gender" that is defined like so:
> > Field('gender','reference aux_gender',notnull=
Oh !
I saw that link in old threads.
Did not know that it is the predecessor of
Sorry for that.
On Jul 2, 7:23 pm, Massimo Di Pierro
> Where is that link? That was replaced byhttp://web2py.commore than 3
> years ago.
> On Jul 2, 7:56 am, Vineet wrote:
> > I
Hi Massimo,
Have you been able to look into creating a Teradata Adaptor ?
Thanks and Regards
I added but did not try. Get trunk and try something like:
Look into TeradataAdapter.__init__
I assumed the SQL is DB2 compatible but I am sure there are
On Jul 3, 11:33 pm, Andrew
If you submitted a patch or new info in one of the old issues in
google code, please remind me. I am not ignoring it, just find hard to
keep track.
I am giving two talks in California next week (July 7 at LBL) and the week
after (July 13 at Python Users Group).
Let me know if some of you will be there. I can send more details as they tell
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