in a model i define a table tab1 and a field f1 that if some condition is
met should be not empty, otherwise could be empty
How do i code this situation at model level?
Best regards
Ok, I understand that, but I am trying to implement a generic
controller (e.g. 'mylist') which takes as argument a table name (e.g.
'units') and returns its records. This is fine done, but I would like
to have also a header of the returned table, which is kind of a
'label' of the table, and it is d
Hi Massimo,
I finally found where the problem is. It is something to do with the
SASL CRAM-MD5 authentification at server side. Just to debug purposes,
is there any way to use the 'sasl_method=PLAIN' when using
thanks a lot,
On 1 dic, 23:38, Bernardo wrote:
> All right. It
How about we do something similar to what Blender foundation is doing
for Blender? Build an interesting web app every year as a community
project, and deploy it somewhere, get some publicity, have people try
it... While doing that, we could focus our efforts on improving web2py
The project wi
Hello list,
need some help finding out why my server is so slow.
The server is with a Intel Celeron 2.66 GHz CPU, 4 GB of memory
CentOS 5.5 64-bit, Apache 2.2.3, MySQL 5.0.77, mod_wsgi, Web2py 1.89.5
The server is dedicated to web2py, there is three instances of web2py
I have migrate
I'm assuming John Heenan's criticisms of web2py would apply equally to
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Django can scale pretty well - here's a presentation showing how Disqus have
scaled their Django app to 250 million visitors a month and a peak of 17,000
requests per second to Django wi
I should have said "John Heenan's criticisms of web2py *relating to
On 2 December 2010 11:46, Tom Atkins wrote:
> I'm assuming John Heenan's criticisms of web2py would apply equally to
> Django?
> Please correct me if I'm wrong.
> Django can scale pretty well - here's a pres
> requests per second to Django with Apache and mod_wsgi:
> http://nosql.mypopescu.com/post/1409154668/disqus-scaling-the-worlds-largest-django-application
exactly and already mentioned in this thread
>Real WORLD scalable implementations are VERY CUSTOM thing.
>like for example:
Very sorry - I missed the link you already posted - will make sure to read
full thread in the future!
On 2 December 2010 12:23, Kuba Kucharski wrote:
> > requests per second to Django with Apache and mod_wsgi:
> >
> http://nosql.mypopescu.com/post/1409154668/disqus-scaling-the-worlds-largest-dja
Hi All,
I have a page which can be viewed by both visitors (not logged in) and
logged in users. Page works fine for visitors but when I visit page
after logging in, "invalid function" is shown on page and no error is
I put few debug logs in controller and logs are getting printed. What
Is there someone using Geraldo Reports 4.0 with web2py?
sometime ago someone created a tutorial
but I guess this is outdated for the new version.
I am giving a try today, if someone has a wor
Of course I forgot something,
python 2.6.5
Hello list,
need some help finding out why my server is so slow.
The server is with a Intel Celeron 2.66 GHz CPU, 4 GB of memory
CentOS 5.5 64-bit, Apache 2.2.3, MySQL 5.0.77, mod_wsgi, Web2py 1.89.5
The server is dedicated to web2py, there
You should be able to do
db.unit.label=Τ('physics units')
On Dec 2, 4:18 am, Kostas M wrote:
> Ok, I understand that, but I am trying to implement a generic
> controller (e.g. 'mylist') which takes as argument a table name (e.g.
> 'units') and returns its records. This is fine done, but I woul
I want the id of a record show an 'edit' (eg. crud.update) link when certain
users are logged in and 'show' (crud.read) when others are logged in.
How can that be done using lambda?
May grace and peace be yours in abundance through the full knowledge of God
and of Jesus our Lo
No but I can add that. I will take a look.
On Dec 2, 4:35 am, Bernardo wrote:
> Hi Massimo,
> I finally found where the problem is. It is something to do with the
> SASL CRAM-MD5 authentification at server side. Just to debug purposes,
> is there any way to use the 'sasl_method=PLAIN' when usin
I thought experts4solutions.com would help with that.
On Dec 2, 5:07 am, Branko Vukelic wrote:
> How about we do something similar to what Blender foundation is doing
> for Blender? Build an interesting web app every year as a community
> project, and deploy it somewhere, get some publicity, have
You can at least do in your model file:
if user=='edit': # or your condition
On 2 pro, 15:14, Johann Spies wrote:
> I want the id of a record show an 'edit' (eg. crud.update) link when certain
> users are logged in an
Please tell us more about the setup. Are the three instances behind
running on the same server? why three? What do they do?
This is not normal but I suspect the problem is with database.
Did you set DAL(...,pool_size=10)?
On Dec 2, 5:13 am, Kenneth Lundström
> Hello list,
> need some
On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 3:18 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> I thought experts4solutions.com would help with that.
Well, it hasn't proposed any projects yet, no? What I had in mind is
something along the lines of:
"Ok, so Company XXX has a product that does A, B, and C. The goal of
this project is to do A
> Please tell us more about the setup. Are the three instances behind
running on the same server?
> why three? What do they do?
One is production, one is testing and last one is development. I had two
instances running on a virtual server before and it worked fine.
> This is not normal
interesting... the risk for me is just about a non-issue so it didn't
occur to me... this is for a web app living inside a corporate network
where the same resources could be had by other means. the
"impersonate" feature would be very efficient and convenient in this
case, would there be another to
Sorry to rehash this topic. It's that important to me.
What I really want is the plugin_wiki functionality but without
compromising the MVC way of making things with web2py. I wanted to be
able to create some pages with the plugin_wiki in a way that allowed
me to plug a normal controller and a spe
Maybe I am just tired now. I am struggling to find the mistake and will
appreciate some help please.
I want to select an ID from one table and use that ID to show the full
record from one table and related records from another table.
Two problems:
1. If I use {{=form}} for the first form in '
On 2 December 2010 16:23, David Marko wrote:
> You can at least do in your model file:
> if user=='edit': # or your condition
> db.table.field.represent=
> else:
> db.table.field.represent=
Thanks. It has clearly not been my best day :)
May grace and peace
Sometimes I still forget the flexibility offered by Python..
On 2 Δεκ, 16:12, mdipierro wrote:
> You should be able to do
> db.unit.label=Τ('physics units')
> > I think it would be nice and coherent if it was possible to set an
> > additonal attribute to atablewith its 'label'. S
Does any of you have an experience with such combination? I was
wondering about how easy it would be to implement such option like
uploading using inline editor with GAE blob for image storage.
Thanks for any hint's links to blog's or ideas.
I think the best argument to end this discussion, is that someone,
possibly you, write a simple
and sane example that brings down and locks web2py, so we will come
over it and there will be no excuse to fix.
On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 3:18 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> I thought experts4solutio
When you test is that the only active connection to the db?
2010/12/2 Kenneth Lundström :
>> Please tell us more about the setup. Are the three instances behind
>> running on the same server?
> Yes.
>> why three? What do they do?
> One is production, one is testing and last one is
I want to create a demo mode for my application where everything
should look like it works nomally but the actual insertion of data
should be prevented. Is it possible to do that if I use crud.create/
update?? Or should I replace all forms with form_factory forms?
I could easily add this feature but should it be done only for crud?
Perhaps the demo mode should be done at the dal layer.
On Dec 2, 12:37 pm, selecta wrote:
> I want to create a demo mode for my application where everything
> should look like it works nomally but the actual insertion o
The security risk is not the existance of the function but the way the
parameters are passed to the function.
I changed it in trunk, please give it a try and tell me what you think
before we make it into stable.
On Dec 2, 9:19 am, mart wrote:
> interesting... the risk for me is just abo
But you can do
def index():
return dict(comments=plugin_wiki.widget('comments'))
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
{{='bla '*100}}
what is wrong with this?
On Dec 2, 9:27 am, blackthorne wrote:
> Sorry to rehash this topic. It's that important to me.
> What I really want is the plug
You have two forms both called form (the second overwrites the first
one) and you return only one of the
return dict(...,form=form)
You should call them form1 and form2 and return both.
On Dec 2, 9:52 am, Johann Spies wrote:
> Maybe I am just tired now. I am struggling to find the mistake and
Taking the example of the auth_* model (users, groups, memberships,
permissions), is there built-in functionality to show this kind of
inter-related data (including many-to-many) via SQLTABLE, or should I
just do it from scratch with the helpers?.
Something like the following per each user t
Good afternoon, everyone.
My query is:
I query the database controllers/default.py, is specifically
rows=db().select(db.accountcode.ani, db.clientes.rsocial,
left=left, orderby=db.clientes.rsocial)
If I
print rows
the result i
BIGNUMBER = the max string length of your longer string...
On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 3:20 PM, mmartinez wrote:
> Good afternoon, everyone.
> My query is:
> I query the database controllers/default.py, is specifically
> left=db.clientes.on(db.accountcode.id_cliente
return (table=table)
in view
On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 3:24 PM, Richard Vézina
> truncate=BIGNUMBER
> BIGNUMBER = the max string length of your longer string...
> Richard
> On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 3:20 PM, mmartinez wrote:
>> Good after
I have worked placing
table = SQLTABLE (rows, truncate = number)
Now a new query
I can take a SQLTables to display the plugin data_tables
2010/12/2 Richard Vézina
> table=SQLTABLE(rows,truncate=...)
> return (table=table)
> in view
> {{=table}}
> On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 3:24 PM, Rich
I don't follow you.
On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 4:00 PM, Marcelo Martinez wrote:
> I have worked placing
> table = SQLTABLE (rows, truncate = number)
> Now a new query
> I can take a SQLTables to display the plugin data_tables
> 2010/12/2 Richard Vézina
> table=SQLTABLE(rows
Thank you for your answer.
Oh, but I do want the wiki behaviour, not just a widget. I just want
the wiki behavior without throwing away the common web2py development
flow with my model, my controllers and possible specific views.
Consider this,
Let's say I make a request to .../whatever/mypage wi
i m totally new to web2py and im trying to use it with google maps api
and javascript to build a map.
So I got some longtiudes and latidues from a MySQL database.
The problem is that I cant convert the Python list [with the lat and
lng values] from the database into a javascript array which
Hi all,
sorry for the delay. my paypal integration code can be viewed here:
please let me know if you have problems with it.
On Nov 26, 8:23 am, Andrew Evans wrote:
> hello
> I am interested in your code :D
> Let me kno
> When you test is that the only active connection to the db?
I tested it on an application running on the test instance. There could
have been lite activity one production site.
But when I tested loading the same function five times in about 10
minutes I allways 39 seconds to load the data.
You can always change requires on the fly.
def action(): # over simplified
if request.vars.condition:
On Dec 2, 4:57 am, António Ramos wrote:
> hello,
> in a model i define a table tab1 and a field f1 that if some condition is
> met s
I'm running Web2py version 1.89.1 and attempting to set up a
production enviornment (Windows Server 2008) on our Intranet running
behind Apache with mod_wsgi & mod_auth_sspi (for grabbing the current
Windows username). Since this is an Intranet application only, I'd
like to have access to bo
Sounds like you're looking for response.json
def test():
coords = ((1,2), (3,4), (5,6))
return response.json(coords=coords)
Returns a javascript array formatted like: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
Or you can use response.json(dict(coords=coords)) to get a javascript object:
{"coords": [[1, 2
Let us be blunt about this. Web2py is out there megalomaniacally
presenting itself as all things to all people at a web framework
level. As it is now, Web2py is a very impressive achievement.
At a purely technical level Web2py is superior to Django in a large
number of important aspects. But that
I want to allow users to add languages and translate strings for my
app. The app is hosted on GAE so overriding the translation files is
not allowed.
What do you recommend? - override T() with my own helper that reads
from the database?
The problem seems to be in serializing the sessions and I suspect the
two virtual hosts confuse mod_wsgi about the web2py location.
Perhaps this is because they have different DocumentRoot and none of
them is what it should be. Try use the examples listed here:
import time, logging
def testing():
orders = db(db.orders.id > 0).select()
logging.info('time to fetch %s' % (time.time()-t0))
return orders
so you can isolate the problem and see if it is in fetching or
somewhere else (for example session locking).
On Dec 2,
The vacuum is full of wonderful ideas. However, execution is
Some nice improvements in the latest release:
Hi John,
You make some good points, but...
> Let us be blunt about this. Web2py is out there megalomaniacally
> presenting itself as all things to all people at a web framework
> level.
I don't think this is quite fair. web2py is presented as a general
purpose framework for building web applicat
That's great. I will be running on GAE, so I guess it wouldn't work
for me.
I expect that all I would need is a notification that the payment has
been credited to my Paypal account, and how much, so the amount can be
credited to the user's account in my system. I would also like to
transfer amount
Is tenthrow.com still actively maintained? Looks like no new concerts
or playlists since June. It's a cool site.
On Nov 26, 9:33 am, howesc wrote:
> hi all,
> i integrated paypal website payments standard onwww.tenthrow.com,
> using encrypted payment buttons and IPN (instant payment
> notificat
Rocket 1.2.0 (web2py's embedded web server) is now in the trunk.
It have various improvements, which perhaps Tim will describe. There is one
user-visible interface change that might affect some of you. In the previous
version, Rocket's min_threads and max_threads were 10 and 1024 respectively.
I think web2py is really making it more and more feasible for the
"idea person" to become the programmer, as suggested in the
article. :)
On Dec 2, 10:14 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> http://www.cs.uni.edu/~wallingf/blog/archives/monthly/2010-12.html#e2...
I don't think anyone is comparing web2py to .net (thank goodness). A
better comparison is Ruby on Rails and Massimo is a bit like DHH. I
get the impression that he is pretty passionate about web2py and his
position at the university would enable him to continue working on it
for awhile. And if that
This is a brilliant observation and Anthony, I think you are right on.
I am a fairly inexperienced programmer, having dabbled with PHP over
the years but never really creating anything, but web2py has got me
extremely excited that I can really implement some of my ideas.
Massimo has struck an incre
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