On 15 November 2010 01:38, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> Doesn't work with code completion, and will be a maintenance nightmare!
> I spent weeks trying different code organisation patterns with web2py
> including what you mentioned, everything I attempted just caused more
> problems and made the cod
On 13 November 2010 20:44, Carlos wrote:
> Hi Massimo,
> I did not delete anything when this problem appeared, I just switched
> from sqlite to postresql in the DAL.
> Should I worry about this problem appearing again (in my local machine
> or in a production environment)?.
I have seen thi
On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 9:13 AM, Johann Spies wrote:
> Do you use SQLAlchemy with web2py? How?
I think he meant Flask[1] + SQLAlchemy, not web2py + SQLAlchemy.
[1] http://flask.pocoo.org/
Branko Vukelić
Check out my blog: http://www.brankovuk
I have a Centos server running web2py with mod_wsgi, apache, MySQL,
MySQL-Python, python 2.6
As Centos uses python 2.4 I have installed 2.6 parallell with 2.4.
Then I have a new server where I´m trying to get everything to work but
no luck sofar. First I thought everything was OK until I no
The patch is in the text of this message:
patch to make Rows.setvirtualfields work with SQLTABLE
or e-mailing patched sql
Yes that is what I expected too. This is how I tested it:
In the Welcome app, add this to the bottom of db.py
Now go to insert a
Is it possible to create a French Speakers group ?
The main purpose of this group will be to work on the translation of
Of course!, you can create the group and tell the world about it.
Remember to add Massimo as a manager.
On Nov 15, 7:47 am, lannick wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to create a French Speakers group ?
> The main purpose of this group will be to work on the translation of
> Web2py.
> Regards,
If it's for small things you can use:
On Nov 9, 2:36 pm, villas wrote:
> I want to customize the result of SQLTABLE so that it can make me a
> nice table without li
Groups are created voluntary by the community.
If somebody create a new group wherever. Just have to report the link to
Massimo to be included in /usergroups page.
Is it important to create a google group because the mainsite just has the
ability to fetch rss on google.
Or, somebody have t
Thanks Johann for confirming this problem.
Massimo, is there another easier/faster/better way to solve this in a
production environment?.
On Nov 15, 2:57 am, Johann Spies wrote:
> On 13 November 2010 20:44, Carlos wrote:
> > Hi Massimo,
> > I did not delete anything whe
I believe that patch should go in shell.py too.
On Nov 15, 12:32 am, mdipierro wrote:
> fixed in trunk
> On Nov 14, 8:13 pm, DenesL wrote:
> > ^bump^
@Martin - I like that!
I think the ability to add rows and columns in an obvious way is
something that has been missing. SQLTABLE needs this feature for
quick 'views'.
However, for DB rows, I think Mr Freeze's Webgrid might be the right
vehicle for further development mainly because we really ne
This is the correct syntax.
db.export_to_csv_file(open('somefile.csv', 'wb'))
the problem is that db.does not see the models. Are you using?
python -S app -M -N -R yourscript.py
On Nov 15, 12:39 am, mart wrote:
> Hi,
> Since connecting remotely is an issue for now, I went to the server
> hos
which browser? this works for me with FF on Mac.
On Nov 15, 6:26 am, villas wrote:
> @Massimo
> Yes that is what I expected too. This is how I tested it:
> In the Welcome app, add this to the bottom of db.py
> db.define_table('mytable',
> Field('myfield1','string'),
> Field('myfiel
> I have seen this several times when I change definitions of tables using
> Postgresql as backend.
this very much confuses web2py which keeps its own metadata about what
is in the db.
On Nov 15, 2:57 am, Johann Spies wrote:
> On 13 November 2010 20:44, Carlos wrote:
> > Hi Massimo,
> > I d
shell calls app_create which not has the problem fixed. Is it not? Can
you provide a test case?
On Nov 15, 9:05 am, DenesL wrote:
> I believe that patch should go in shell.py too.
> On Nov 15, 12:32 am, mdipierro wrote:
> > fixed in trunk
> > On Nov 14, 8:13 pm, DenesL wrote:
> > > ^bum
FF 3.6.12 on Windows
On Nov 15, 3:16 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> which browser? this works for me with FF on Mac.
> On Nov 15, 6:26 am, villas wrote:
> > @Massimo
> > Yes that is what I expected too. This is how I tested it:
> > In the Welcome app, add this to the bottom of db.py
> > db.d
Hi! I want to create a FORM using TABLE but i need to create TR's
depending of the number of Rows in a query, for example if the query
returned 3 rows i need something like:
I want to do this dinamically... Any thoughts?
Perhaps my statement is wrong.
DAL works fine with keyed tables.
When I started to make web2py interface to a legacy database I tried
keyed tables because many tables in the db have composite primary
keys. I kept bumping in documentation examples that describe how to do
things with normal id tables
Doesn´t SQLFORM do this automatically?
One other way to do this would be like this.
In controller:
rows = db(db.data_table.id < 0).select()
return dict(rows=rows)
In view:
{{for row in rows:}}
Hi! I want to create a FORM using TABLE but i need to create T
I think I fixed it in trunk. Can you try?
On Nov 15, 9:16 am, mdipierro wrote:
> which browser? this works for me with FF on Mac.
> On Nov 15, 6:26 am, villas wrote:
> > @Massimo
> > Yes that is what I expected too. This is how I tested it:
> > In the Welcome app, add this to the bottom
>From what Johann said, I understood the table definitions were changed
in web2py (using postgresql as the backend), not in postgresql
directly ... or did I misunderstand it?.
On Nov 15, 9:18 am, mdipierro wrote:
> > I have seen this several times when I change definitions of tables using
> > Po
When the app is being created from the shell.
See shell.py line 159.
The patch would be almost identical to the admin.py one except for
subpath = os.path.join(path,subfolder)
which in shell.py should read
subpath = os.path.join(adir,subfolder)
On Nov 15, 10:19 am, mdipierro wrote:
> shell
BTW I prefer the normal TimeEntry behaviour:
Tab into time field with hours selected
Tab again into mins
Tab again into secs
Tab again to exit field
This is very accessible and logical - no one needs extra training to
use the Tab key.
On Nov 15, 3:42 pm, villas wrote:
> FF 3.6.12 on Windows
Has anyone got gluon/contrib/login_methods/linked_account.py working?
I've built directly upon /gluon/contrib/login_methods/
oauth10a_account.py with my own specific LinkedIn code but having
found http://code.google.com/p/python-linkedin/ I wanted to use this
to avoid reinventing the wheel (Özgür
done, although it would be better if shell were to call app_create
from admin.py
On Nov 15, 10:21 am, DenesL wrote:
> When the app is being created from the shell.
> See shell.py line 159.
> The patch would be almost identical to the admin.py one except for
> subpath = os.path.join(path,subfol
> I think I fixed it in trunk. Can you try?
Yep, that's it!
Thks, D
I believe you need 'list comprehensions'.
I am not good at this myself, but you might like to try something like
this to get you going...
TABLE(*[TR(row.as_dict().values()) for row in rows])
This may not be the best way!
Please let me know whether it works or if you find a better idea.
Sorry for posting what I'v already posted, but it looks like my post
on the patch to make SQLTABLE work with Rows object with added virtual
fields was lost.
I think the easiest solution to add a column to select result and view
the result in SQLTABLE wold be something like:
class ExtraFields:
Maybe WebGrid(http://web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/39) can
help you? I didn't use it but it says that it lets you build a table
that supports paging, sorting, editing and totals easily.
Or you can put forms in a SQLTABLE column. How to add columns to
SQLTABLE is being discussed in tread:
Wow thanks guys, iĺl try and let you know :)
On 15 nov, 12:39, Ivan Matveev wrote:
> Maybe WebGrid(http://web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/39) can
> help you? I didn't use it but it says that it lets you build a table
> that supports paging, sorting, editing and totals easily.
> Or you c
You can also do
def index():
form=SQLFORM.factory(*[Field(name) for name in fields]))
if form.accepts(request):
response.flash=str([form.vars[name] for name in fields])
return dict(form=form)
On Nov 15, 11:46 am, CesarBustios wrote:
> Wow thanks guys
In the application I am writing there are IP video cameras displayed
in a grid for one part of the application. In non-IE browsers this is
realized as an IMG tag connected to the MJPEG video stream of the
camera using the src= attribute.
In the 1.88.2 version I used a padding: 1px; style to put a
Ok, i did this (Kennnet way):
{{for imagen in imagenes:}}
Thanks for all the help so far. I have made tons of progress on my app, and now
I'm trying to add a little polish.
I have this code:
# Loops through the MAC Addresses and puts them in a list
# MAC Addresses is from a prior query
options=[str(my_macaddr[i].MacAddr) for i in range(len(my_mac
On Nov 15, 12:19 am, mdipierro wrote:
> On Nov 14, 7:00 pm, pierreth wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I've tried to edit my language files but my changes are all the time
> > overwritten.
> Do you use windows? If so, do you Mark hammond win32 extesions
No. OpenSuse 11.3.
> > When I use the web
I had the same problem, same message, when trying Instant Press (I have
filled issue 12 there)!
2010/11/10 Jose
> I have to edit some applications problems with the new admin. With
> some works without problems. In other gives the following error:
> Traceback (most recen
Probably a missing {{if something}} somewhere. Maybe {{for}} in
templates could be wrapped in an implicit if block. Like when you say:
{{ for something in other}}
blah blah
could translate to:
if other:
for something in other:
blah blah
Would that be too much work, Massi
where is the offending line in design.html?
On Nov 15, 1:47 pm, Branko Vukelic wrote:
> Probably a missing {{if something}} somewhere. Maybe {{for}} in
> templates could be wrapped in an implicit if block. Like when you say:
> {{ for something in other}}
> blah blah
> {{pass}}
> could tran
On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 8:59 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> where is the offending line in design.html?
I think it's in this block:
{{=helpicon()}} {{=T("To create a
plugin, name a file/folder plugin_[name]")}}
{{=button(PLUGINS_APP, T('download plugins'))}}
Nevermind, list comprehensions worked for me!!!
Thank you all :)
On 15 nov, 13:23, CesarBustios wrote:
> Ok, i did this (Kennnet way):
> cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
> {{for imagen in imagenes:}}
> value={{=imagen.id}}>
On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 5:24 PM, villas wrote:
> This is very accessible and logical - no one needs extra training to
> use the Tab key.
Don't say that twice. :) I work in a medium-sized company (few hundred
employees), and you can't imagine the pain some trainers went through
(and trainees, no d
Hash: SHA1
mdipierro wrote:
> yes.
> On Nov 14, 5:50 pm, David Zejda wrote:
> What do you think, would it be good idea to attach web2py process to one
> CPU core to avoid overhead related to switching between cores?
> Ryan Kelly writes: "I just halved th
Hash: SHA1
Well.. thanks for a very straightforward answer :)
Will you apply this in a next web2py version? Or is it better to leave
it on each web2py user?
mdipierro wrote:
> yes.
> On Nov 14, 5:50 pm, David Zejda wrote:
> What do you think, would i
Does anyone use this with web2py?
seems interesting!
Hi Ron
I hate tracking down CSS problems too. It is good to use some tools
for this.
I often find Firebug on Firefox is good because you can alter the
settings at the same time as viewing the form.
Maybe if others use good tools for CSS, they could also recommend
them to you.
On Nov 15, 6
I think the offending line is in design.html, see the ticket below.
(The 'real' line number is 207, because the python code is generated
by {{=...}}.)
289.if '/'.join(file_path).startswith('/'.join(path)):
At that point
path: ['js', 'ckeditor', 'plugins', 'table']
file_path: ['js
Never tested, just a suggestion write something similar in your model
class LinkedinTest(OAuthAccount):
def get_user(self):
if self.accessToken() is not None:
Hi, i had the same problem.
To fix this while a new version is launched, you can edit the file
And go to line 207 where youl find
if '/'.join(file_path).startswith('/'.join(path)):
Try to chage it with
if len(file_path)>= len(path) and
Hello ,
I had the same pb :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/sylvain/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/sylvain/web2py/applications/admin/views/default/
design.html", line 290, in
IndexError: list index out of range
Good afternoon
I am trying to use webgrid in a master- detail form.
But i can't find the way to link the crud with the master form.
any body knows how to do it?
On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Napoleon Moreno wrote:
> Good afternoon
> I am trying to use webgrid in a master- detail form.
> But i can't find the way to link the crud with the master form.
> any body knows how to do it?
> Thansk
You need to expose crud through a controller. In default.py, put this:
def data():
return dict(form=crud())
Then set the grid accordingly:
grid.crud_function = 'data'
On Nov 15, 4:15 pm, Napoleon Moreno wrote:
> Good afternoon
> I am trying to use webgrid in a master- detail form.
> But
On Nov 14, 4:40 pm, pierreth wrote:
> On Nov 13, 11:33 pm, Christopher Steel wrote:
> > Works fine for me from the web2py shell:
> > 1) install plugin
> > 2) run the web2py
> > shell:http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/04?search=shell
> > OR
> > 3) run shell from browser:
> >http://
Looks like a good candidate for doing comet type client refresh, I
might need this for what I am working on. So much software, so little
time :-)
On Nov 15, 1:24 pm, Michele Comitini
> Does anyone use this with web2py?
> http://www.ape-project.org/ajax-push.html
> seems interesting!
I have Firebug on Firefox and the mystery is I could not find the
contributor of the extra space. I finally took a copy of the old
layout.html and put it in place to run the application after fixing
the obvious things like css and js files moving. This gave me the
original style sheet driven separa
Could not let it go ;) So, here is that exception I got while
attempting to update to latest release (1.89.1). This time, on windows
with python 2.65 (as opposed to last time on Mac OS X 10.6 with python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\web2py\gluon\restricte
Thansk for your answer
I am doing that. but the crud form does not the key value from the master
table. ( or master page )
This is my code
I am doing that. but the crud form does not the key value from the master
table. ( or master page ). The user has to input the referencia value in the
crud page.
> datetime')
> )
> db.define_table('diagnostico_referencia',
> Field
Good afternoon
I am not sure if i am expressing well. I need that the crud page inheritance
the foreing key from the master page. In order that the user has not to
write the referencia.id value in the crud page
On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 6:02 PM, Napoleon Moreno wrote:
> I am doing that.
ah, no, I was not using that, but will give it a go now :) thanks
for that :)
Here is something that I would like to understand and possibly fix
(and maybe those cmd switches will fix it
?) While I was able to connect to the mssql db locally, doing
db.tables returned an empty list... But, i co
I've applied your patch and it works, at least for i2p...
2010/11/15 Nico de Groot
> I think the offending line is in design.html, see the ticket below.
> (The 'real' line number is 207, because the python code is generated
> by {{=...}}.)
> 289.if '/'.join(file_path)
Sorry, I don't fully understand. You can email your app (with any
personal data removed) and I will take a closer look.
On Nov 15, 5:02 pm, Napoleon Moreno wrote:
> I am doing that. but the crud form does not the key value from the master
> table. ( or master page ). The user has to input the re
Good night
1) Another problem that i have is that the webgrid show me the id's of the
diagnostico_referencia table. I need that it shows the name of the
'diagnostico' table. It could be done with a join, but it is intended to be
deploy in GAE. I understand that GAE does not work with joins.
2) I
Django is not faster than web2py for "real world" applications, this
is my benchmark that proves it (in this particular case, YMMV):
django: Pycon Argentina 2009 site:
(based on pycon-tech, pycon 2010 us talk propossal/ site)
ab -n 100 http://pycon.sistemasagiles.com.ar/2009/about/
Requests per se
Are there any web tools to easily manage users / groups /
For reference, have a list of users with simple checkboxes to assign /
revoke groups / permissions, or something like that.
What should I do in order to support crud operations with joined
For reference, I have a 'central' table in my design called 'entity'
which contains lots of data (including names, company, emails, phones,
address, etc.) and I want many other tables to point to ONE entity
instance, i.
What's the best way to create an auth_user programatically?.
If I do db.auth_user.insert(...), then the password is not encrypted
and the validations are not executed, as far as I can tell.
In order to accomplish this, is it possible to execute a
crud.create(...) as if the form data was alre
I'm not sure, but I think Napoleon wants to save the id key of the
'master table' into the master_id field of the 'detail' table.
I'm not sure how it works with crud. I would suggest that you use
SQLFORM and set the field after form.accepts. Take a look at this
Is it possible to extend previously defined tables with new fields?.
For reference, I want to add a new field in the auth_membership table,
but without having to "copy & paste" the table definition (which is
not a good practice).
Or what would you recommend?.
Hi everyone!
When I try to send html code to a view web2py automatically converts
it to html characters (i.e.: the character "<" is converted to "<")
There is any way to make the unescape the data?
Thanks in advance.
If you are getting this exception the upgrade was successfull. You
must restart web2py.
This is a problem an oversight in this particular upgrade and we will
make sure it does not happen again.
On Nov 15, 4:57 pm, mart wrote:
> Hi,
> Could not let it go ;) So, here is that exception I got wh
Personally, for me, its a none issue (since I always install to unique
directories) I was just looking to reproduce the problem (I actually
thouht I was the only one that got the exception).
Mart :)
On Nov 15, 9:31 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> If you are getting this exception the upgrade wa
quick question... I think i would like to run this script (export
mssql db to cvs) with dal stand alone... since this ia production
server I would want to run it as simple scheduled executable - just
the script sitting on the gluon folder. Am I still able to force the
script to look at the the modu
Senha touch is now free!
Bruno Rocha
On 15 November 2010 18:17, Carlos wrote:
> From what Johann said, I understood the table definitions were changed
> in web2py (using postgresql as the backend), not in postgresql
> directly ... or did I misunderstand it?.
Yes, that is what I meant.
May grace and peace be y
Look in gluon/tools.py at the Auth class, function register to see how
it is done with the code behind the register form. Some of this
function builds the form for initial posting, then on submit the
function is revisited and the real work of adding the user is done in
the if form.accepts(): ar
I copy+paste a chunk of code to do this in a few of my apps, so would
be interested in a good solution for this.
On Nov 16, 11:44 am, Carlos wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there any web tools to easily manage users / groups /
> permissions?.
> For reference, have a list of users with simple checkboxes
I am french and there is no groups and nothing in France about
So I have created the web2py users france group :
The main purpose is to translate web2py and after the website and
documentation. I hope many french users will hel me for
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