Hello. I'm new here.
I just bought a vps at intovps.com , I installed archlinux on it with
everything that I'm used to work with, and tried launching web2py, but
to no avail.
$ python web2py.py --nogui --password="a" --port="55000"
web2py Enterprise Web Framework
Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Cop
On Jul 31, 2:38 am, Scott wrote:
> I do not agree with item 1. Session data should never be stored
> client-side as it opens a rather large attack vector.
Which attack vector exists for signed cookies with a signed timeout
compared to just session IDs in cookies? Both can be hijacked by a ma
What's the process for migrating an app from one host to another or
from localhost to a hosted environment?
I want to use web2py with pymongo.
I don't need ORM or or anything. I just want to connect use pymongo
from Web2Py.
How can I use it inside web2py. I need it for high performance use.
edit models/plugin_wiki.py
there is a place with
extra['link_target_blank']=lambda x: '%s' % (x.rsplit(' ',1)[1],x.rsplit(' ',1)[0])
On Jul 30, 10:38 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> As i really didn't figure out how to implement w
It was a toy example. this will not be in web2py.
As far as the book goes, I will see what I can do.
On Jul 30, 9:32 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Jul 30, 2010, at 7:22 PM, Iceberg wrote:
> > On Jul 31, 1:15 am, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> >> On Jul 30, 2010, at 9:19 AM, VP wrote
On Jul 31, 1:02 am, BearXu wrote:
> report block is not defined
There is a difference.
If you have a uuid sessions cookie and a serverside session and an
attacker hijacks the cookie, he can only get access to the account of
the compromised user.
If the session is stored client side and the attackers hijacks the
cookie, he can tamper with the data in the sessi
yes. Just set dbio=False in forms and do your own mymongo IO after
On Jul 30, 11:18 am, Amit Ambardekar wrote:
> I want to use web2py with pymongo.
> I don't need ORM or or anything. I just want to connect use pymongo
> from Web2Py.
> How can I use it inside web2py. I need it for high pe
>From admin click on [pack app] and on the other host admin upload the
generated w2p file.
host1:/web2py/applications> zip -r myapp.zip myapp
host1:/web2py/applications> scp myapp.zip y...@host2:/
host1:/web2py/applications> ssh y...@host2
host2:/web2py/applications> sudo -u www-da
which python version?
On Jul 30, 11:41 am, Johan wrote:
> Hello. I'm new here.
> I just bought a vps at intovps.com , I installed archlinux on it with
> everything that I'm used to work with, and tried launching web2py, but
> to no avail.
> $ python web2py.py --nogui --password="a" --port="5500
Hi Massimo, can you give ua a hint how to impelement persistent
connection in web2py for pyMongo? PyMongo requires database connection
and to use it efficiently the connection has to be persistent and
shared among requests like a connection pool for database connections
as DAL has. But how to do it
how about this? (None below means cache forever)
def make_connection():
from pymongo import Connection
connection = Connection('localhost', 27017)
return connection
connection = cache.ram('mongodb',make_connection,None)
On Jul 31, 3:11 am, David Marko wrote:
> Hi Massimo, can you
I'm using python 2.6.5
On 31 iul., 11:00, mdipierro wrote:
> which python version?
> On Jul 30, 11:41 am, Johan wrote:
> > Hello. I'm new here.
> > I just bought a vps at intovps.com , I installed archlinux on it with
> > everything that I'm used to work with, and tried launching web2py,
Can you try with the -N option?
On Jul 31, 3:20 am, Johan wrote:
> I'm using python 2.6.5
> On 31 iul., 11:00, mdipierro wrote:
> > which python version?
> > On Jul 30, 11:41 am, Johan wrote:
> > > Hello. I'm new here.
> > > I just bought a vps at intovps.com , I installed archlinux on
ok, I understand.
Then what is better:
handle the redirects via htaccess or via a web2py solution?
Any experience with that?
On Jul 29, 11:58 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> None of them.
> routes_in does not generates a response. The map is done internally
> before dispatching. web2py only sees the n
I tried with -N 1, 2, 3, etc., same error message.
On a side note: I configured web2py to work with apache and mod_wsgi,
it works , but I noticed an exception in the apache error_log
[error] Exception KeyError: KeyError(-1211209984,) in ignored
It doesn't seem to affect web2py, but I'm not sure
I just found when I set auth.settings.formstyle = 'divs'in welcome app of
1.81.5,the last line of register form wired change.
it also break my app by changing submit buttom to top of from,when I change back
to 'table3cols', things are fine.
I have never seen this before but it seems something is wrong in the
threading module in python 2.6.5.
Has anybody else seen this with other Python versions?
On Jul 31, 3:49 am, Johan wrote:
> I tried with -N 1, 2, 3, etc., same error message.
> On a side note: I configured web2py to work with
i want to make the generated html form to have name attribute.
in controller we write : form = SQLFORM(.) and then form is
translated to html code.
Is there an attribute that make the generated html code of the form
has attribute name?
<-- that what i want to do
Thanks in Adv
I'll see some images not rendered.
for example on http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/01#Model-View-Controller
On source page they are linked like:
but I think they must be:
on login.
I c
Did you actually try Googling for it?
Python 2.6.5 and 3.1.2 (???) made a change to C api behaviour.
The message is harmless all the same.
Upgrade to mod_wsgi 3.3 where the message has been suppressed.
Go read ticket 197 on mod_wsgi site and read mod_wsgi release notes
for version 3.3.
If you use divs you must edit the css to dispore the divs the way you
like them.
On Jul 31, 4:10 am, Frank wrote:
> hi,
> I just found when I set auth.settings.formstyle = 'divs'in welcome app of
> 1.81.5,the last line of register form wired change.
> it also break my app by changing submit but
On Jul 31, 4:28 am, Neveen Adel wrote:
> Hello,
> i want to make the generated html form to have name attribute.
> in controller we write : form = SQLFORM(.) and then form is
> translated to html code.
> Is there an attribute that make the generated html code of
Good to know. Thanks Graham.
On Jul 31, 5:47 am, Graham Dumpleton
> Did you actually try Googling for it?
> Python 2.6.5 and 3.1.2 (???) made a change to C api behaviour.
> The message is harmless all the same.
> Upgrade to mod_wsgi 3.3 where the message has been suppressed.
Thanks a lot mdipierro
On Jul 31, 1:54 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> SQLFORM(...,_name='abc')
> On Jul 31, 4:28 am, Neveen Adel wrote:
> > Hello,
> > i want to make the generated html form to have name attribute.
> > in controller we write : form = SQLFORM(.) and then form is
> > trans
VERY NICE . Even if i dont understand the magics , i can understand
the result. It is a poem(almost ) . I disagree also with the
conservative spirit of some responces . Fun like this must always have
positive acceptance . Documentation problem about the many features of
Web2py is existant and unsol
id = db.person.insert(name='john')
You can now do
print db.person(id)
print db.person(db.person.name=='john')
print db.person(name='john')
print db.person(id,name='john')
they all return the same record 'john'. On failure (record does no
I'll post links to websites for each submission. ( where possible. )
On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 11:12 PM, Iceberg wrote:
> On Jul 31, 2:12 am, NetAdmin wrote:
> > Web2py Application Exhibition
> >
> > Submissions must be e-mailed before
> > 12:59pm pm CST July 30, 2010
> >
> > Do yo
How many? do you have any statistics?
We may also want to link to appliances.
On Jul 31, 9:18 am, Mr admin wrote:
> I'll post links to websites for each submission. ( where possible. )
> Mr.NetAdmin
> On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 11:12 PM, Iceberg wrote:
> > On Jul 31, 2:12 am, NetAdmin wrote
Massimo: when a new version is released, it is the latest in trunk,
On Jul 31, 6:57 am, mdipierro wrote:
> given
> db.define_table('person',Field('name'))
> id = db.person.insert(name='john')
> You can now do
> print db.person(id)
> print db.person(db.person.name=='jo
I completely support these ideas. It seems the book is Massimo's
effort, not a community's effort. Documentation needs to be a
community effort; look at Django, Drupal.
On Jul 30, 11:03 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> I completelly agree with Jonathan, I also want to have a deeper explanation
> on DAL
### print db.person(name='john')
Does it also return many items when many items matches the condition?
On 31 čnc, 13:57, mdipierro wrote:
> given
> db.define_table('person',Field('name'))
> id = db.person.insert(name='john')
> You can now do
> print db.person(id)
> print db.p
No. Only the first.
On Jul 31, 10:50 am, David Marko wrote:
> ### print db.person(name='john')
> Does it also return many items when many items matches the condition?
> David
> On 31 čnc, 13:57, mdipierro wrote:
> > given
> > db.define_table('person',Field('name'))
> > id =
Thanks, Rob.
That's what I figured. I tried downloading and reinstalling, forcing
the interpreter to be python 2.5 and 2.4, but no luck.
The netstat command didn't reveal anything, but thanks for the tip.
One final thing: does it matter which flavor of Eclipse is used? I
have tried the javascript
I support community contributions but there still needs to be an
"editor" or someone ultimately responsible for the changes.
On Jul 31, 11:27 am, VP wrote:
> I completely support these ideas. It seems the book is Massimo's
> effort, not a community's effort. Documentation needs to be a
> commun
That is incorrect. That is indeed true for a regular cookie, bit that
has all kimds of problems. I was referring to actual signed cookies.
On Jul 31, 9:56 am, mdipierro wrote:
> There is a difference.
> If you have a uuid sessions cookie and a serverside session and an
> attacker hijacks the co
To crack a signed cookie you need the secret hmac key that is usually
stored within the application. Brute forcing an hmac key will take
more time than any hacker has, especially if you change it once a
month or so.
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Armin Ronacher
> That is
If there are multiple records we need to know about it =/
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 11:36 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> No. Only the first.
> Massimo
> On Jul 31, 10:50 am, David Marko wrote:
>> ### print db.person(name='john')
>> Does it also return many items when many items matches
The book is not released as open source. Massimo can only post it
online through a loophole with his publisher.
any community based documentation will need to be started from the
ground up, and not taking anything from the book.
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Scott wrote:
> I
Something wrong with your setup, probably due to the fact your on a
Mac, they are not the friendliest for python development.
Have you tried installing the official python .dmg from python.org?
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 12:05 PM, pabloest wrote:
> Thanks, Rob.
> That's what I fi
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 2:52 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> ?
> On Jul 31, 1:02 am, BearXu wrote:
>> report block is not defined
Hi Thadeus,
Yes, I tried that also. Same result.
On Jul 31, 11:48 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> Something wrong with your setup, probably due to the fact your on a
> Mac, they are not the friendliest for python development.
> Have you tried installing the official python .dmg from python
Thanks so much! That is astonishingly easy. I've been looking at
working with web2py (coming from Django and Pylons), and I'm quite
convinced now.
Thanks again.
On Jul 31, 4:00 am, mdipierro wrote:
> From admin click on [pack app] and on the other host admin upload the
> generated w2p file.
I am using Web2py Version 1.81.5 (2010-07-22 23:56:21).
In user_auth I use "username". I am trying to setup access control
measures. When I try to add a record to the auth_membership table
using appadmin, I get the following ticket:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/js/Programm
Odd. I am using eclipse classic with pydev on ubuntu. Debug works fine
for me. There is something wrong with the installation paths.
I'm thinking that now you have so many different versions of python on
your mac that it is causing even more issues =/
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 2:42 P
I have the sony reader and epub should work great with that! I have
the PDF, but the spacing and such does not lend itself to the small
reader format.
-- Joe
On Jul 25, 2:43 pm, Donald Hughes wrote:
> Any chance of getting an epub version of the official book in addition
> to the pdf? I wo
In essence your argument is that it would take too much time and you
could change the hmac key monthly to prevent an attack. I understand
and respect that signed cookies are one way to solve the problem, but
I do not believe they are the "most correct" way.
My analogy would be the difference betw
No, he is NOT right.
I need tools EXACTLY like clone.py. Right now I'm working on a web2py
version of a site I OWN. I want to make the look and feel as close as
possible to the old existing site so my users won't notice the
change. (Except the change from going from a pile of PHP to a real
On Jul 31, 2010, at 5:09 PM, Scott wrote:
> In essence your argument is that it would take too much time and you
> could change the hmac key monthly to prevent an attack. I understand
> and respect that signed cookies are one way to solve the problem, but
> I do not believe they are the "most cor
@Scott, I think your argument is based on assuming a bad programming
design. If you have any type of data that needs to be secure to that
detail, I hope to god your not storing them in the session in the
first place! I mean, if I somehow copy your sites cookie from a user,
I now have access to the
True, the PCI-DSS mandates things like that, such as tokenizing credit
cards and only passing the tokens, using a centralized secure database
to store the data, etc. WRT the site cookie, you'd have access to
what that user has been authorized to see, sure. There are other
standard-practice method
IP addresses can be faked... well anything sent to the server can be
spoofed. It is much easier to hijack a session token and steal the
users login than it is to crack a signed cookie.
I agree we need both methods in web2py, with the ability to specify
which method we want.
On Sat
taking advantage of the thead, I wonder if has any secret or tip to
make it working on GAE
to be:
any way to hide "application/controller" part ?
if yes, please show me the
That is correct. But in practice, it is already labor-intensive to
keep the only official book up with the quick evolution of web2py
code, it will be a waste to have two paralleled document project, one
official and one community-driven.
Unless the community works on a complement project, not a re
It is impossible not to use the official book as a reference. since the book
is the only official documentation available.
I use it for writing a series of tutorials and handouts, used for training
that I will give, and I'm also writing a documentation in Portuguese, for
beginners with web2py.
Can I see your model
On 31 Lug, 23:56, Johann Spies wrote:
> I am using Web2py Version 1.81.5 (2010-07-22 23:56:21).
> In user_auth I use "username". I am trying to setup access control
> measures. When I try to add a record to the auth_membership table
> using appadmin, I get the following
You have db(...).select()
This new syntax is a shortcut for db().select().first()
On 31 Lug, 20:40, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> If there are multiple records we need to know about it =/
> --
> Thadeus
> On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 11:36 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> > No. Only the first.
> > Massim
I do not understand what this thread is about
On 31 Lug, 20:49, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> >.<
> On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 2:52 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> > ?
> > On Jul 31, 1:02 am, BearXu wrote:
> >> report block is not defined
This may also be useful
On 31 Lug, 22:56, Chase Lee wrote:
> Thanks so much! That is astonishingly easy. I've been looking at
> working with web2py (coming from Django and Pylons), and I'm quite
> convinced now.
> Thanks agai
I agree we shoud have this as an option.All we need is to add an
option to session.connect(...) Users can decide.
On 1 Ago, 03:07, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> IP addresses can be faked... well anything sent to the server can be
> spoofed. It is much easier to hijack a session token and steal the
> u
Sorry again, I am creating a new thread about plugin_wiki.
I wonder if there is any public place where we can write suggestions,
criticisms, and send questions exclusively about plugin_wiki, markmin and
Not yet. You can post here for now. Not sure it needs a new place.
If you have comments please send them asap since I am about to make
some changes and write a book chapter about it tomorrow.
On 1 Ago, 04:55, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> Sorry again, I am creating a new thread about plugin_wiki.
> I w
Fornow you can post here.Please send your comments asap because I am
about to revise it and write a book chapter about it.
On 1 Ago, 04:55, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> Sorry again, I am creating a new thread about plugin_wiki.
> I wonder if there is any public place where we can write suggestions,
> c
Yes, that might well be it. I'm not sure the best way to "clean"
everything, or if I really want to as Wing is working fine
On Jul 31, 3:11 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> Odd. I am using eclipse classic with pydev on ubuntu. Debug works fine
> for me. There is something wrong with the in
I am developing and writing a lot with plugin_wiki (cube2py). I already have
some suggestions, observations and have also found some bugs.
As I'm finding more issues, I will posting here in this thread. If someone
else has something to add, enjoy the thread.
I am working now on this page : http://
I Just found one more thing:
take this page by example:
now add a ".code" to he action
even logged out, you can see the code behind th
But the ".code" thing, is usefull for editors, so there is a way to ".code"
output be available only to logged in editor users?
its usefull to check the code as in
2010/8/1 Bruno Rocha
> I Just found one more thing:
smells fishy
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 9:23 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> You have db(...).select()
> This new syntax is a shortcut for db().select().first()
> On 31 Lug, 20:40, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
>> If there are multiple records we need to know about it =/
>> --
>> Thadeus
obviously something about no definition for a block of reports =/
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 9:25 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> I do not understand what this thread is about
> On 31 Lug, 20:49, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
>> >.<
>> On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 2:52 AM, mdipierro wrote:
>> > ?
routes_in = (
('/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)', '/$1/$3'),
little explanation:
$1 - app
$2 - controller
$3 - action + vars and args
as you see $2 is skipped
oops, not like that but like this
routes_in = (
('/(.*)/(.*)', '/$1/yourcontroller/$2'),
everything is passed to a controller (e.g. 'default')
Don't forget routes out
routes_out = (
('/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)', '/$3'),
On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 1:16 AM, Vasile Ermicioi wrote:
> oops, not like that but like this
> routes_in = (
> ('/(.*)/(.*)', '/$1/yourcontroller/$2'),
> )
> everything is passed to a controller (e.g. 'def
73 matches
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