Hi mdipierro,
After setting auth.settings.reset_password_requires_verification to
True, I got the mail with the below content
"Click on the link
to reset your password"
however I am not able to load the link
Followup question on this,
After email is sent, user is navigated to the login page, but I want
user to head back to homepage. Can you please share the settings for
On Apr 20, 12:19 pm, Rohan wrote:
> Hi mdipierro,
> After setting auth.settings.reset_password_requires_verif
well kind of ... the users should get their "old" customization back
once they are logged in
this is the easy part, I just have to load the pickled session from
the db (I guess), but my question is how to store it properly
if I store the session information on logout is not enough
I would like to s
Hi mdipierro,
After setting auth.settings.reset_password_requires_verification to
True, I got the mail with the below content
"Click on the link
to reset your password"
however I am not able to load the link
Hi mdipierro,
If i override the text of email by setting
auth.messages.reset_password and replace "http://...reset_password/
1271747658-828516dd-150c-43a9-bfe3-fb8f8986b6fb" with "http:///
1271747658-828516dd-150c-43a9-bfe3-fb8f8986b6fb", it works.
Is this correct wa
In gluon/tools.py
function register()
starting from line 1246
must read:
elif self.settings.registration_requires_approval:
table_user[form.vars.id] = dict(registration_key='pending')
Currently it is:
elif self.settings.registration_requires_approval:
user[form.vars.id] = dict(registrati
Hello Massimo,
I'm almost done with my exames, so i've a little sparetime left.
What brings me back to webpy packaging.
Well I'm fairly new to web2p development.
And have no clue how the process goes.
I read somewhere in the mailinglist that you approve changes.
And publish them into a new versi
I found out that if the java scrip files (.js files) are loaded in the
initial load of the page the embedded javascript of the ajax loaded
pages is executed
def index():
In db.py I defined the following tables:
Thank you. It's always good to see the fruits of one's labor come out.
On 4/19/2010 3:57 PM, elffikk wrote:
a simple test loading one by one the same link, leaving concurrency
and advanced testing to Tim and others :)
just wanted to feel the improvement, and I have to say Tim did his job
Looks good to me.
On Apr 20, 12:37 am, Rohan wrote:
> I found some code onhttp://codepad.org/tadGosTd
> I want to know if below piece of code is sufficient for creating a
> record in auth.user table and creating a session for a user connected
> using facebook connect?
> logged_user = U
This is fixed in 1.77.x
On Apr 20, 3:05 am, SergeyPo wrote:
> In gluon/tools.py
> function register()
> starting from line 1246
> must read:
> elif self.settings.registration_requires_approval:
> table_user[form.vars.id] = dict(registration_key='pending')
> Currently it is:
> elif self.
Look at the first code example in this page:
On Apr 20, 3:00 am, Rohan wrote:
> Hi mdipierro,
> If i override the text of email by setting
> auth.messages.reset_password and replace "http://...reset_password/
> 1271747658-828516dd-150c-
This is partially true. I approves changes in the web2py source code
but I am not convinced that packaging for debian requires changing in
the web2py source code. In fact, I hope it does not. If it does not,
there is nothing for me to approve, although I will be happy to review
your proposal and te
The error refer to a field Supplier and I do not see it defined. Some
other part of the code is causing the problem and I cannot help tell
without look at it all.
On Apr 20, 6:51 am, annet wrote:
> In db.py I defined the following tables:
> db.define_table('company',
> Field('company',lengt
I think I understand better the problem. Oracle uses the same time for
I made in trunk the change you suggested. Can you please check this
does not break insert and select of Field('somename','date')?
On Apr 20, 12:37 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> Oh, well.
> May be
I made a mistake. Left references to cherry in some of the pages in
applications/example. Could you help me locate them and suggest
On Apr 20, 8:11 am, Timothy Farrell wrote:
> Thank you. It's always good to see the fruits of one's labor come out.
> On 4/19/2010 3:57 PM, elff
My excuses, that was not what I ment.
I ment was.
How do you package the application before publish it?
Is there a repo? Do have a script to do that?
It is a question about the process, not a technical web2py question.
And my second question was how should we develop the deb package? Is
there a
I have a script to make the binaries but for the source, I just zip
the mercurial source.
I do not have an answer to the second question.
On Apr 20, 9:34 am, Mark Breedveld wrote:
> My excuses, that was not what I ment.
> I ment was.
> How do you package the application before publi
> The error refer to a field Supplier and I do not see it defined.
'Supplier is the value I enter for the Field application in the
application table.
> Some other part of the code is causing the problem and I cannot help tell
> without look at it all.
Yes, the validator defined after t
In this line:
db.companyapplication.application is a reference field (i.e. an
request.vars.application is a string 'Supplier'. That is the problem.
Please explain in words what these table represent and what y
You mean, I will finally have a way to run stable versions of web2py
but easily update them !? w00t!
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 12:26 AM, Yarko Tymciurak
> heckings, so you can ALWAYS get the latest release from Goog
Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/
On Apr 20, 9:34 am, Mark Breedveld wrote:
> My excuses, that was not what I ment.
> I ment was.
> How do you package the application before publish it?
> Is there a repo? Do have a script to do that?
Mark -
Perhaps this will help:
- The repo is http://code.google.com/p/web2py/
- the appli
This is easier than I thought. Thanks to yarko for insisting about
this. Please make sure I do it properly.
On Apr 20, 10:27 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> You mean, I will finally have a way to run stable versions of web2py
> but easily update them !? w00t!
> --
> Thadeus
> On Tue, Apr 20, 201
I just wanted to pass along how awesome webfaction rocks!
I just signed up for an account with them. During the signup process
they ask what software you will be using with the service. I specified
OTHER->web2py. When I got the email of the server, I went to the URL
and there was already a web2py
Nice. So no more slicehost or is this an additional account?
On Apr 20, 11:47 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> I just wanted to pass along how awesome webfaction rocks!
> I just signed up for an account with them. During the signup process
> they ask what software you will be using with the service
Thank you very much,
This are some of the answers I was looking for.
I'll dive into it, tomorrow.
But this gives me an idea about how the release cicle is done.
And how we could implement the debian packages in it.
Which has been discussed in an earlier.
This is an additional account for a client I am working with. I have
heard the most success with
webfaction and web2py so I wanted to try it out. So good so far.
I would have preferred GAE for this project, but the client did not agree.
I would still use slicehost hands down if cost/time is not a
would like the following behavior:
request = http://www.example.com/
to go to http://www.example.com/exampleapplication
instead of what it would do normally which would be
But I would like this to be entirely unseen by the user.
Subscription setti
is parent a GAE thing?
if not, then wouldn't parent be setup as a reference to book (in this
example), and
db.review.insert(parent = book.id, text = 'The book was great) would
On Apr 18, 9:15 pm, Matt wrote:
> Thanks Massimo.
> Matt
> On Apr 19, 1:53 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > No
you are missing the creation of the default group when you create a
new user (that is done for you in auth automagically), so if you want/
need those groups you would want to add a block like:
if auth.settings.create_user_groups:
group_id = auth.add_group("user_%s" % us
Hi Thadeus,
You're right, WebFaction rocks. However, when you want to upload and
install a packed application you will have to proceed as follows:
1. Log on to WebFaction via terminal/ssh
2. cd to your remote web2py/application directory
3. Make a directory by the name of the packed application
On Apr 20, 12:08 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> This is an additional account for a client I am working with. I have
> heard the most success with
> webfaction and web2py so I wanted to try it out. So good so far.
> I would have preferred GAE for this project, but the client did not agree.
> I w
Companies in the company table can apply for one or more applications,
therefore I defined the combination table companyapplication. The
company table contains records like:
1 Butson Consultancy
2 Dreamwall
3 Preston Counselors
The application table contains records like:
1 Supplier
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 13:27, mdipierro wrote:
> This is easier than I thought. Thanks to yarko for insisting about
> this. Please make sure I do it properly.
> On Apr 20, 10:27 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
>> You mean, I will finally have a way to run stable versions of web2py
>> but easily upd
RE: using R- as a prefix to release number (especially if adding
"RELEASE" as a tag that always points to the LATEST RELEASE):
Note that the "RELEASE" tag will move: it essentially will be re-
tagging at each release.
As relases move along, having a "R-" prefix will leave past releases
Took a bit of playing/searching but I've got it now.
No worries.
Love the framework Massimo!
On Apr 20, 12:17 pm, zxynax wrote:
> would like the following behavior:
> request =http://www.example.com/
> to go tohttp://www.example.com/exampleapplication
> instead of what it would do normally which
I did have trouble getting admin to work properly, it complains about
request.env.http_host being a None type, so I was unable to use admin
without patching its security checks. However I am comfortable enough
with ssh to publish the app manually.
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 1:24 PM, a
On Apr 20, 7:01 am, selecta wrote:
> I found out that if the java scrip files (.js files) are loaded in the
> initial load of the page the embedded javascript of the ajax loaded
> pages is executed
> e.g.
> default.py
> def index():
> response.files.append(URL(request.application,'static/jquery-
On Apr 20, 3:43 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> I did have trouble getting admin to work properly, it complains about
> request.env.http_host being a None type, so I was unable to use admin
> without patching its security checks. However I am comfortable enough
> with ssh to publish the app manually.
Ton's of references in epydoc. Those will be there as long as
wsgiserver.py is in the distro. Otherwise, run epydoc and sphinx.
Other than that, theres:
\examples\views\default\index.html:line 35
- change link to http://launchpad.net/rocket
\examples\views\default\who.html:line 77
- remove th
That might be it. I had not enabled SSL. However, since I will not be
using admin, I do not have time to test if that fixes it.
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Yarko Tymciurak
> On Apr 20, 3:43 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
>> I did have trouble getting admin to work properl
ok. will fix this soon.
On Apr 20, 4:03 pm, Timothy Farrell wrote:
> Ton's of references in epydoc. Those will be there as long as
> wsgiserver.py is in the distro. Otherwise, run epydoc and sphinx.
> Other than that, theres:
> \examples\views\default\index.html:line 35
> - change link tohttp
Hi Annet,
np. The reason you might not want to create sites on your web faction
account using the web interface is because you some day you might find
yourself doing a merge from the command line on your "production
server" (if you start doing versioning with hg or some other system)
which can be
would you mind posting your solution here?
On Apr 21, 6:02 am, zxynax wrote:
> Took a bit of playing/searching but I've got it now.
> No worries.
> Love the framework Massimo!
> On Apr 20, 12:17 pm, zxynax wrote:
> > would like the following behavior:
> > request =http://www.example.com/
previously a webfaction admin said:
"If we ever get enough interest in web2py to warrant an installer in
our control panel, then we'll go ahead and add a forum for it."
Has that happened?
On Apr 21, 9:10 am, Christopher Steel wrote:
> Hi Annet,
how do you find webfaction speed? It has been slow for me lately,
particularly ssh.
On Apr 21, 3:08 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> This is an additional account for a client I am working with. I have
> heard the most success with
> webfaction and web2py so I wanted to try it out. So good so far.
It was ok... not as fast as my slicehost servers... but workable.
They do not have a "installer" for it on their control panel, however
if you tell them you want web2py while signing up, they will run the
web2py installer script on file. Basically, it grabs the latest source
of web2py_src.zip and
FYI - this thread shows the discussion around the installer. You can
have them do it, or you can grab it yourself from the wiki, and use
The installers (for all sorts of applications on webfaction):
I asked yesterday (it is the second time I ask):
> I manage the web2py mailing list. There are 1750 members there are many of
> them are interested in using
> web2py on webfaction. I see you have explicit support for django, rails and
> some other frameworks but not
> web2py. If you are interest
I saw - I think it is nice / good that they provide an installer for
users to use; that's a nice plus.
On Apr 20, 9:37 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I asked yesterday (it is the second time I ask):
> > I manage the web2py mailing list. There are 1750 members there are many of
> > them are interested
Massimo's answer makes sense but does not entirely solve the problem.
Using SELECT(...) instead of TAG.SELECT(...) in my previous sample
code, does not render proper html output. There are two unnecessary
blank option with wrong value.
I guess SELECT(...) need to be fixed to support TAG.OPTGROUP(
Now I see the problem:
do this
def _fixup(self): pass
and use MYSELECT
On Apr 20, 10:41 pm, Iceberg wrote:
> Massimo's answer makes sense but does not entirely solve the problem.
> Using SELECT(...) instead of TAG.SELECT(...) in my previous sample
> code, does not
I have adapted the GAEMA code to allow my applications to authenticate
with Google, Facebook, and/or Twitter. Though lightly tested, I
believe this to work with GAE and in a "normal" web2py install.
Check out the details here:
Happy Authentic
Could you please post on this thread, once there's built-in solution
for keeping pooled connections alive?
For now, I've seen that you may end up with several dead connection in
the pool, so slighly better solution might be as follows:
for x in range(10):
db = DAL(connection_strin
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