On 16 апр, 10:21, mdipierro wrote:
> In the version in trunk that line is 768 and not 977 and it is
> defined. It is an argument of the function.
> Your file appear longer than it should be and that is very odd. Please
> try download it again.
I added into sqlhtml.py 2 missing strings:
Hmm. I do not know about if there is a documentation. Probable there is some
but I just do not know about this.
I used just 'try and fail' approach:
sn...@nezhdanov:~/VTC/pinger/elixir$ ./console.py
I do not use os.chdir or explicit calls to thread module.
I'm using PySerial and after the error COM port remains open.
To close it, I restart the web server.
How to avoid this?
On 15 апр, 22:46, mdipierro wrote:
> Do you use os.chdir or explicit calls to the thread module in your
> code?
> On
Sorry that I was kept busy for a few days and did not feedback
Massimo's fix works. Now web2py.py -f another_web2py_folder can serve
applications in that another_web2py_folder/applications/*
Thadeus, in most cases we don't need two instances of web2py running
same app code. But there is
I am using the SQLForm, in which I would like to display just the
submit button. The code works in mac but I am getting an "Index Error:
list index out of range" error in windows. I am specifying an empty
list in the fields parameter to hide all the table columns. Is there
anyother way to do
thanks alot, even though I consider myself quite familiar with python
I regularly discover things that I missed guess this is due to my
learning by doing and not reading manuals properly :)
On Apr 15, 5:08 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Apr 15, 2010, at 3:05 AM, Mladen Milankovic wrote:
> > q
One way that occurs to me is defining 'father_id' and 'mother_id' as
integers instead of references and setting the default to zero.
But then you would have to check if the fields are zero before using
them as a reference.
On Apr 15, 7:45 am, Leandro - ProfessionalIT
> Friends,
> I
I have a SQLFORM.factory form that I need to prepopulate with some
data from a database.
id_nodo = request.args(0)
## I get the data from the database
nodo = db(db.node.id==id_nodo).select().first()
detalle = db(db.node_details.node_id==id_nodo).select().first()
##Now I need to prepolut
where did you get web2py from?
On Apr 16, 2:01 am, aabelyakov wrote:
> On 16 апр, 10:21, mdipierro wrote:
> > In the version in trunk that line is 768 and not 977 and it is
> > defined. It is an argument of the function.
> > Your file appear longer than it should be and that is very odd. Pleas
I think there is a problem with multithreading because of PySerial.
Pyserial open a post connected to COM and COM is a resource that
cannot be shared. In web2py every request is executed in its own
thread so it is not obvious who open the COM, who closes it and how
conflicts are avoided.
Please te
What is the purpose of a SQLFORM without any field?
On Apr 16, 3:52 am, Felix wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using the SQLForm, in which I would like to display just the
> submit button. The code works in mac but I am getting an "Index Error:
> list index out of range" error in windows. I am specifying a
There is not such function.
I think by
if change_user_data(user):
he actually means
if user is allowed change do what he is trying to do:
depending on the logicl you may not need this if statement at all.
On Apr 16, 6:55 am, salbefe wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a
Thank you Massimo,
db.user.id.default = user.user.id
db.user.name.default = user.user.name
db.user.email.default = user.user.email
db.addr.city.default = user.addr.city
is the rigth way to preopulate a SQLFORM.factory form?
Why not once the form is define
Because SQLFORM builds the HTML as soon as you instantiate the class.
So you cannot edit anything after you create your form, since all of
the html is already built, in strings.
Specifying the default is the way to go here (annoying... I know).
I usually perform the following
if record_id:
I think you want
On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 8:31 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> What is the purpose of a SQLFORM without any field?
> On Apr 16, 3:52 am, Felix wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using the SQLForm, in which I would like to display just the
>> submit butto
Nice... Quickly test an app on newer code to determine if you should upgrade.
You can run the app on a local port (like 8000) and access it while
your main site can
still be running smoothly.
On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 2:23 AM, Iceberg wrote:
> Sorry that I was kept busy for a few da
I have used form.element to prepopulate a form :
form = crud.create(db.data, onaccept=give_update_permission)
# add current date as default form
form.element('input', _name="date")['_value'] =
> time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
At this point, form is still not a string but an HTML Helper
I would recommend
form = crud.create(db.data, onaccept=give_update_permission)
On Apr 16, 11:20 am, Mathieu Clabaut
> I have used form.element to prepopulate a form :
> form = crud.create(db.data, onaccept=give_update_permission)
Thanks all,
Now is more clear to me.
On 16 abr, 19:23, mdipierro wrote:
> I would recommend
> db.data.field.default='value'
> form = crud.create(db.data, onaccept=give_update_permission)
> Massimo
> On Apr 16, 11:20 am, Mathieu Clabaut
> wrote:
> > I have used form.eleme
I want to be able to stream a file that's uploaded via an upload
field. So far, I haven't really found a way to do this, beyond
grabbing the file name out of filedata, and then sticking static
directory path on the front, which is both kludgy, and I have to think
the wrong way of going about it. He
updated that one line to this, but it's not any better, just slightly
more portable. Any insights?
return open("./applications/" + request.application + "/uploads/" +
On Apr 16, 12:49 pm, Dragonfyre13 wrote:
> I want to be able to stream a file that's uploaded via an upl
never hardcode a path:
import os
response stream makes sure that RANGE request are also supported.
On Apr 16, 12:57 pm, Dragonfyre13 wrote:
> updated that one line to this, but it's not any better, just
yea...thanks mdipierro and Thadeus
i was using SQLFORM and forgot about FORM :D
On Apr 16, 8:35 pm, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> I think you want
> FORM(INPUT(_type="submit"))
> --
> Thadeus
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 8:31 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> > What is the purpose of a SQLFORM without any
I am trying to send a mail from my web2py app hosted on
GoogleAppEngine. But it is not working. I had read in the GAE
documentation that python mail library would not work and we have to
use the GAE mail service. Does it also applies to the web2py mail?
Subscription settings: http://g
I have several questions regarding app compiles, but the first one is this:
Error traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/jlundell/VTC/vpeps-web2py/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 173,
in restricted
In admin/default, we have:
def compile_app():
c = app_compile(request.args[0], request)
if c:
session.flash = T('application compiled')
import traceback
tb = traceback.format_exc()
session.flash = DIV(T('Cannot compile: there are errors in your
Text extracted -
Is it OK?
On Apr 14, 5:44 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> That document needs to be updated. The problem is I lost the source.
> If anybody would like to take the time to extract the text from the
> PDF w
Hi all,
python web2py -L options.py
ends with:
File "web2py.py", line 20, in
File "/home/tom/workspace/pyNetSim/web2py/gluon/widget.py", line 750,
in start
if options.test:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'test'
No -T option specified.
On Apr 16, 2010, at 2:11 PM, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> I have several questions regarding app compiles, but the first one is this:
> Error traceback
> 1.
> 2.
> 3.
> 4.
> 5.
> 6.
> 7.
> 8.
> 9.
> 10.
> 11.
> 12.
> 13.
> 14.
> 15.
> 16.
> 17.
> 18.
> 19.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
Can I invoke the compile-app functionality from the command line
(non-interactively) in order to compile an app as part of an external make?
Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en
hi all,
many of you know that i'm developing a web development IDE that will
support many frameworks including web2py. so i want to hear your ideas
and suggestions for both web2py part and the IDE in general.
your sincerely
Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/
The gluon.tools.Mail class is designed to work on GAE. If you use it
wiah a gmail account make sure the settings are correct. The username
has to be the complete email address and the sender has to be the same
email address you use to login.
On Apr 16, 4:01 pm, Felix wrote:
> I am trying
I'm using the following to send mail on GAE.
In your controller.
def do_something():
# send email example
mail.settings.sender = 'per...@yourdomain.com'
hmmm. you may be right. Will look into this tonight.
On Apr 16, 4:15 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> In admin/default, we have:
> def compile_app():
> c = app_compile(request.args[0], request)
> if c:
> session.flash = T('application compiled')
> else:
> impor
Not quite.
{{extend name}} without quote is supported by name has to be a
variable containing the name of the template. This allows to have
templates determined dynamically based on user for example.
On Apr 16, 5:24 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Apr 16, 2010, at 2:11 PM, Jonathan Lundell wrot
python -c "import gluon.compileapp;
On Apr 16, 5:48 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> Can I invoke the compile-app functionality from the command line
> (non-interactively) in order to compile an app as part of an external make?
> --
> Subsc
On 16 abr, 20:25, Mengu wrote:
> hi all,
> many of you know that i'm developing a web development IDE that will
> support many frameworks including web2py. so i want to hear your ideas
> and suggestions for both web2py part and the IDE in general.
> your sincerely
> mengu
Where can I see so
an early preview can be viewed at http://omploader.org/vNDNsag/out-18.ogv
On Apr 17, 3:29 am, Jose wrote:
> On 16 abr, 20:25, Mengu wrote:
> > hi all,
> > many of you know that i'm developing a web development IDE that will
> > support many frameworks including web2py. so i want to hear your
For FLISOL 2010 (the largest latin-america installfest), I adapted
web2conf for our city/venue:
It could be easily installed for other cities, for both spanish or
portuges (brazil).
Packaged app can be download from:
On Apr 16, 2010, at 5:13 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> Not quite.
> {{extend name}} without quote is supported by name has to be a
> variable containing the name of the template. This allows to have
> templates determined dynamically based on user for example.
So instead of {{extend request.layout}},
Thank you , Mariano -
I see you have updated to auth, and added some of the missing T()
I'll look this over more carefully, and eventually merge it in to the
web2conf tree on google code.
On Apr 16, 7:40 pm, Mariano Reingart wrote:
> Hi
> For FLISOL 2010 (the largest la
I think I fixed it in trunk, please let check it.
On Apr 16, 4:15 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> In admin/default, we have:
> def compile_app():
> c = app_compile(request.args[0], request)
> if c:
> session.flash = T('application compiled')
> else:
> import t
looks really nice.
On Apr 16, 7:35 pm, Mengu wrote:
> an early preview can be viewed athttp://omploader.org/vNDNsag/out-18.ogv
> On Apr 17, 3:29 am, Jose wrote:
> > On 16 abr, 20:25, Mengu wrote:
> > > hi all,
> > > many of you know that i'm developing a web development IDE that will
I am readying your question and my answer again and I said something
silly. You should be able to do what you originally proposed
{{extend request.layout}} although I'd probably do {{extend
reponse.layout}} instead. I tried and both work for me (unless the app
is bytecode compiled). If the app is
Hi Mariano,
fantastic. I will need this. I will be working on the registration for
the 6th High End Visualization Workshop and I needed these
On Apr 16, 7:40 pm, Mariano Reingart wrote:
> Hi
> For FLISOL 2010 (the largest latin-america installfest), I adapted
> web2conf
You forgot to add your name to the list of authors in the About
page. ;-)
On Apr 16, 7:40 pm, Mariano Reingart wrote:
> Hi
> For FLISOL 2010 (the largest latin-america installfest), I adapted
> web2conf for our city/venue:
> http://www.institutopascal.edu.ar/flisol2010
> It could b
Looks like you are not doing anything wrong but test=false is missing
from the options file. I changed the source in trunk so that it does
not expect options.test
On Apr 16, 5:14 pm, Tomas Pelka wrote:
> Hi all,
> python web2py -L options.py
> ends with:
> File "web2py.py", line 20,
Thank you. I will turn it into a wiki app and ask people on reddit to
add other frameworks and correct any mistake.
On Apr 16, 4:32 pm, ciastek wrote:
> Text extracted
> -http://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1Xg1r8kxfmgo4vC3mSKW_OX-WKTHAW...
> Is it OK?
> On Apr 14, 5:44 pm, mdipier
I spoke with Yarko. The GPL license was not intentional and we suggest
it be changed to BSD.
I normally license apps (but web2py itself) under BSD license (with
some exceptions, depending on collaborators).
On Apr 16, 7:40 pm, Mariano Reingart wrote:
> Hi
> For FLISOL 2010 (the largest latin-am
On Apr 16, 10:04 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Thank you. I will turn it into a wiki app and ask people on reddit to
> add other frameworks and correct any mistake.
... I was thinking a similar thing;
Would be nice to have each "page" have tabs per framework it would
be nice to be able to flip bac
I will try to do that.
On Apr 16, 10:13 pm, Yarko Tymciurak
> On Apr 16, 10:04 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > Thank you. I will turn it into a wiki app and ask people on reddit to
> > add other frameworks and correct any mistake.
> ... I was thinking a similar thing;
> Would be nice to ha
thanks massimo. any recommendations for web2py or general purpose?
On Apr 17, 4:42 am, mdipierro wrote:
> looks really nice.
> On Apr 16, 7:35 pm, Mengu wrote:
> > an early preview can be viewed athttp://omploader.org/vNDNsag/out-18.ogv
> > On Apr 17, 3:29 am, Jose wrote:
> > > On 1
Anyone tried it?
I found a directory test on my account with python and fcgi samples
but I'm not that expert to understand it.
On Mar 20, 7:03 pm, Alex Fanjul wrote:
> Massimo, for what I could figure out it's an IDE on the Cloud, where you
> can also Install open source web applicatio
I cannot think of anything specific. What will the license be?
On Apr 16, 10:37 pm, Mengu wrote:
> thanks massimo. any recommendations for web2py or general purpose?
> On Apr 17, 4:42 am, mdipierro wrote:
> > looks really nice.
> > On Apr 16, 7:35 pm, Mengu wrote:
> > > an early preview
Looking now, the google code site already says New BSD Licence.
When I make some time I'll upload a branch at googlecode, under the
licence you choose, and please fell free to add my name/email for
further contacts.
Best regards,
Mariano Reingart
Please check it:
Subscription settings: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/subscribe?hl=en
Replaced CherryPy with Rocket web server, thanks Tim
CacheOnDisk allows to specify a folder
IS_DATE/DATETIME can handle any year since 0
Field().with_alias, thanks Nathan and Mengu
has_membership(group=...,role=...), thank Jonathan
db.define_table(username=True), thanks Jonathan
Woah nelly. These are cool features!
On Fri, 2010-04-16 at 22:40 -0700, mdipierro wrote:
> Replaced CherryPy with Rocket web server, thanks Tim
> CacheOnDisk allows to specify a folder
> IS_DATE/DATETIME can handle any year since 0
> Field().with_alias, thanks Nathan and Mengu
> has_mem
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