3 is the correct choice for several reasons. If the jobs should not
overlap, it's the scripts reponsibility to provide a check and react
accordingly. IMHO Cron should not skip tasks or change the start time
voluntarily (it's not a resource manager). Also, 3 is how the 'real'
cron works.
On Mar 1,
The Polls application (from http://wiki.web2py.com/Polls_Tutorial)
doesn't work in GAE, though I can't read the tickets. The controller
seems to be okay, but not the view (detail and results.html).
def results():
p = db.poll[request.args(0)]
if not p: raise HTTP(404)
I have used css in forms to position the default submit button as the
first button declared in the form html before, even though on-screen
it may appear anywhere in the form. If you need a javscript-free
solution this arrangement works across all the browsers.
The basic premise is:
I'd lean toward option 3 as the default behavior also as its the most
flexible and allows the programmer to handle the situation as his
application requires.
>From that, option 1 and 2 can be implemented by the user using a flag
and a mutex.
On Feb 28, 11:27 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> follow up...
Ah, a possible limitation of implementing option 1 from option 3,
however, would be that the number of threads/processes (depending on
which one is used for the jobs here) would increase linearly during
Not so bad if exceeding 15 minutes only happens occasionally (and the
task takes a l
when using appadmin for gae to delete all records that satisfy the
query "db.scrape.id>0" I get:
Invalid Query
object of type 'Query' has no len()
I get this with both the latest release and trunk.
On Mar 1, 12:09 am, mdipierro wrote:
> they should be quivalent
> On Feb 23, 10:11 pm, Richa
Having mirrors would be another option.
On Feb 28, 4:13 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I moved because vps.net was cheaper and had automatic daily weakly
> and monthly backup.
> Except for the fact that vps.net seems to be down on Saturdays I am
> very happy with their support. They answer emails imme
I downloaded web2py version 1.75.5. I then renamed the welcome
application to init.
I want to remove the application prefix from the application's URLs
because I want to only expose one application. I created a routes.py
in the web2py folder and tried the following:
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 05:03, AchipA wrote:
> 3 is the correct choice for several reasons. If the jobs should not
> overlap, it's the scripts reponsibility to provide a check and react
> accordingly. IMHO Cron should not skip tasks or change the start time
> voluntarily (it's not a resource manage
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 03:47, Elam Watkins wrote:
> I downloaded web2py version 1.75.5. I then renamed the welcome
> application to init.
> I want to remove the application prefix from the application's URLs
> because I want to only expose one application. I created a routes.py
> in the web2py
Good job!
I am still having problem with unit testing forms. It seems that I
cannot do a post.
# Set variables for the test function
request.env.request_method = 'POST'
request.post_vars["body"] = "body"
#request.vars = Storage(body = "bod")
resp = ind
for now I wrote my own monitoring script running on the server
On Feb 28, 11:53 pm, Álvaro Justen [Turicas]
> I think adding a monitor to HTTP port of web2py.com's server (using a
> free service like Hyperspgin[1]) could help.
> [1]http://www.hyperspin.com/en/
> On Sun, Feb
Can you show us the traceback. It should work.
On Mar 1, 3:40 am, mdmcginn wrote:
> The Polls application (fromhttp://wiki.web2py.com/Polls_Tutorial)
> doesn't work in GAE, though I can't read the tickets. The controller
> seems to be okay, but not the view (detail and results.html).
> Controll
I agree for web2py.com/examples for book and other apps it could be a
sinchronization nightmare. I will check if vps.net dns supports this.
On Mar 1, 5:33 am, DenesL wrote:
> Having mirrors would be another option.
> On Feb 28, 4:13 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > I moved because vps.net was cheap
or the new simpler way
routes_in = (('/$anything', '/init/$anything'),)
routes_out = (('/init/$anything', '/$anything'),)
On Mar 1, 5:51 am, Álvaro Justen [Turicas]
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 03:47, Elam Watkins wrote:
> > I downloaded web2py version 1.75.5. I then renamed the welcome
The best summary is that it converts a CSS selector into HTML. Watch
the video here to get a good idea:
On 2/28/2010 6:43 AM, mdipierro wrote:
Can you explain a little bit about what this does?
On Feb 26, 10:27 am, Dragonfyre13 wrote:
Even better!
I like it. I am going to add this. If nothing breaks it will stay.
On Mar 1, 7:28 am, Timothy Farrell wrote:
> The best summary is that it converts a CSS selector into HTML. Watch
> the video here to get a good idea:
> http://vimeo.com/7405114
> -tim
> On 2/28/2010 6:43 AM, mdipierro wrote
I have the following definition in models:
SQLField('createdat', 'datetime', default=datetime.datetime.now())
It automatically timestamps record when it's created. Used to work
well with oracle under web2py version 1.65.1
Now it stopped working, error is validators.py line 2006. Str object
has n
Somehow when it calls formatter in line 2006 of validators.py, it uses
IS EMPTY OR validator, passes empty string there and tries to call
strftime for this string.
On 1 мар, 16:43, SergeyPo wrote:
> I have the following definition in models:
> SQLField('createdat', 'datetime', defau
Disregard previous msg. Problem is in conflict with 'represent'
On 1 мар, 17:04, SergeyPo wrote:
> Somehow when it calls formatter in line 2006 of validators.py, it uses
> IS EMPTY OR validator, passes empty string there and tries to call
> strftime for this string.
massimo, this breaks admin. :)
On 1 Mart, 14:53, mdipierro wrote:
> or the new simpler way
> routes_in = (('/$anything', '/init/$anything'),)
> routes_out = (('/init/$anything', '/$anything'),)
> On Mar 1, 5:51 am, Álvaro Justen [Turicas]
> wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 03:47, Elam
oops. Try this
routes_in = (
('/admin/$anything', '/admin/$anything'),
('/$anything', '/init/$anything'),
routes_out = (('/init/$anything', '/$anything'),)
On Mar 1, 8:18 am, Mengu wrote:
> massimo, this breaks admin. :)
> On 1 Mart, 14:53, mdipierro wrote:
> > or the new simpler wa
Limitby clause works when you select db.table.ALL
It must be possible to use aliases carefully to be able to select
eequired fields only.
On 28 фев, 16:02, mdipierro wrote:
> No limitby is not working on Oracle with Joins. This is because Oracle
> does not support pagination. We do it anyway us
I think it is kool. But IMO I think it is not a good idea to include it in
web2py. All this magical stuff, I still vote for normal HTML not generated
Sorry :(.
2010/3/1 mdipierro
> I like it. I am going to add this. If nothing breaks it will stay.
> On Mar 1, 7:28 am, Timothy Farrell w
Don't worry Pynthon, it will be an added feature, not replacing any
current functionality. It won't hinder things as they currently are.
On 3/1/2010 9:20 AM, Pynthon Pynthon wrote:
I think it is kool. But IMO I think it is not a good idea to include
it in web2py. All this magical stuff,
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 5:42 AM, Álvaro Justen [Turicas]
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 05:03, AchipA wrote:
>> 3 is the correct choice for several reasons. If the jobs should not
>> overlap, it's the scripts reponsibility to provide a check and react
>> accordingly. IMHO Cron sh
this is just awesome. i really would use this with web2py. and it also
has a gedit bundling so i'm going to learn and use :)
thanks for letting us know selecta.
On 25 Şubat, 17:49, selecta wrote:
> Sometimes you still have to write html in web2py which is annoying. It
> might not be new to all o
I understand but I am more scared of how we need to learn this. Is there
going to be a new book or should I just read docs? I know it is an addon but
I like to keep up with the time. The only thing I am afraid of is that new
users will think 'what the h*ll is he doing'.
I respect your opinions!
In my (limited) playing around with it, I just used it as a fast auto
complete for HTML. There's nothing new to learn, nothing new to use,
unless you want to use the auto complete feature, which is a Ctrl+
[button] combination when in editarea.
It's actually quite slick, and a pretty low learning
since there was mention of slicehost.com, just curious is anyone has
tried / looked at the new http://www.rackspacecloud.com/ ?
It seems to start at about $11/month
- Yarko
On Feb 28, 3:13 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I moved because vps.net was cheaper and had automatic daily weakly
> and monthly b
Thanks for the helpful replies, everyone! I think you all pointed out
my simple mistake: specifying port 8080 when I wanted to hit HTTPS
which is configured for port 443!
Everything works great now! (Except I had to also copy over
parameters_8080.py to parameters_443.py - which I don't think is
Sorry, not quite there.
I can't see why for myself but when I pass a python list into this
SQLCustom definition in db.py data is stored (and pickled) without
complaint but when I unpickle the data, the data is returned as a
python string (perhaps because the field it of native 'text')
If I use a
BTW I wouldn't advise combining DNS and webhosting in one single
supplier. Much better to have two independent ones. After all, if
you have a problem with your webhost (they go bust, dispute, or go
down for whatever reason), you may need to switch over to something
else without even having to c
this is in trunk. Option 3. Please check it.
Mind that if a cron process gets stuck option 3 causes a proliferation
of processes that will eventually crash the machine.
On Mar 1, 9:26 am, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> 3
> -Thadeus
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 5:42 AM, Álvaro Justen [Turicas]
> wro
zencoding is now in trunk.
On Mar 1, 10:21 am, Dragonfyre13 wrote:
> In my (limited) playing around with it, I just used it as a fast auto
> complete for HTML. There's nothing new to learn, nothing new to use,
> unless you want to use the auto complete feature, which is a Ctrl+
> [button] combina
Can you send me the complete traceback please. This is different than
the error that strasted the thread (about count()).
On Mar 1, 5:24 am, Richard wrote:
> when using appadmin for gae to delete all records that satisfy the
> query "db.scrape.id>0" I get:
> Invalid Query
> object of
Interesting service but the cloud service is $149/month.
Right now considering the web2py needs we are at about $45/month.
Almost all providers are about the same once you add up ram, storage
for backups and monthly bandwidth.
On Mar 1, 11:40 am, Yarko Tymciurak
> since there wa
there is also a problem, i cannot store a datetime object in session,
it says unmarshallable object. why is that?
On 1 Mart, 19:55, Carl wrote:
> Sorry, not quite there.
> I can't see why for myself but when I pass a python list into this
> SQLCustom definition in db.py data is stored
This should work. I just tried it again and works for me. Something
else is the problem. Can you show me a piece of code that exhibt the
problem and your complete traceback?
On Mar 1, 12:59 pm, Mengu wrote:
> massimo,
> there is also a problem, i cannot store a datetime object in session,
> it
hopefully this solved the problem with alignment in syntax highlighting
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"web2py-users" group.
To post to this group, send email to web...@googlegroups.com.
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I just received an email from VPS.net saying that they have been busy
upgrading the system to give all clients 50% more RAM and some extra
CPU speed, free of charge.
That's good news, but maybe that was their upgrade work that
disrupted the system on Saturday. (BTW I didn't have any probs, but
I got it too and it is a really good deal.
The told me they did not have downtime on Saturday. At this point I
cannot completely exclude that it was my fault since I had upgraded on
Friday to 1.75.5 and forgot to turn off cron which I know can cause
problems with the low memory I have. I have put
On Mar 1, 2010, at 10:39 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> Interesting service but the cloud service is $149/month.
Looks like 10.95 to me (256MB), plus bandwidth. It sort of looks like a
rebranding of the slicehost product.
> Right now considering the web2py needs we are at about $45/month.
> Almost a
Hi Guido,
I use a method some where between yours and Thadeus's solution. The
thing I find interesting about having some settings in their own files
is that is allows you to isolate "features" and to have different
developers work on different features without stomping on one
another's work all th
What if the db definitions of "news" requires the db definitions in
"polls" (such as a news post including a poll, the FK references would
not be there ?)
In this case, would you always use "reference " instead of
"db." for FK relationships?
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 1:54 PM, Christoph
* editarea 0.8.2 + zencoding
* new (better) cron locking mechanism
* no storing session cookies on session.forget(), thank you Alvaro
* routes_apps_raw allows disabling of request.args validation, thanks
Jonathan and Denes
* fixed problem with edit_languages ad multiple tabs, th
thanks M; I'll delve deeper
On 1 Mar 2010, at 19:07, mdipierro wrote:
> This should work. I just tried it again and works for me. Something
> else is the problem. Can you show me a piece of code that exhibt the
> problem and your complete traceback?
> On Mar 1, 12:59 pm, Mengu wrote:
>> massi
I implemented a small control/view to sit in front of the impersonate
function that's implemented in web2py. Together, the two just present
a list of users to impersonate and then redirect to activate the
@auth.requires(auth.requires_login() and
selecta, thanks for bringing this up.
I will start using it with Pspad.
On 25 feb, 10:49, selecta wrote:
> Sometimes you still have to write html in web2py which is annoying. It
> might not be new to all of you but I just discovered zen html that
> really speeds up the process.
> In my example
This should do it:
@auth.requires(auth.user and
The arg of requires should be a boolean condition.
This would be wrong
>@auth.requires(auth.requires_login() and
> auth.has_permission('impersonate',db.auth_user,0))
because you have a decora
Sorry, "squirrel away" as in how a squirrel saves/hides food for
later. Thanks, the impersonator information was exactly what I was
after. I have a banner at the top of the page that shows the user
information, and wanted to also show impersonator information in the
case the user is being impersona
Works for me.
On márc. 1, 03:16, "mr.freeze" wrote:
> Patch submitted. It adds crud.settings.create_captcha and
> crud.settings.update_captcha.
> On Feb 27, 12:50 am, "hamdy.a.farag" wrote:
> > Hi
> > The reason for this is that any field added to a form needs to be
> > added b4 if for
How do I include an html entity in a T() string? If I just do it, it appears to
get escaped.
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"web2py-users" group.
To post to this group, send email to web...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send emai
I see the problem. This is a limitation of auth. There should be a way
to customize the URL where to be redirected to. I will try add that
On Mar 1, 3:20 pm, reyelts wrote:
> Sorry, "squirrel away" as in how a squirrel saves/hides food for
> later. Thanks, the impersonator inf
On Mar 1, 4:04 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> How do I include an html entity in a T() string? If I just do it, it appears
> to get escaped.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" group.
To post to this group, send email to web.
Try in trunk
auth.requires(...condition..., else_url=URL())
On Mar 1, 3:20 pm, reyelts wrote:
> Sorry, "squirrel away" as in how a squirrel saves/hides food for
> later. Thanks, the impersonator information was exactly what I was
> after. I have a banner at the top of the page that shows the
On Mar 1, 2010, at 2:35 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> XML(T())
Ah. I had tried T(XML(... and then gave up.
> On Mar 1, 4:04 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
>> How do I include an html entity in a T() string? If I just do it, it appears
>> to get escaped.
> --
> You received this message becaus
could you move to Google App Engine so that there is no cost?
mdipierro wrote:
> Interesting service but the cloud service is $149/month.
> Right now considering the web2py needs we are at about $45/month.
> Almost all providers are about the same once you add up ram, storage
> for backups and
When is a good time for an IRC discussion?
On Feb 25, 8:22 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> When I am back home Perhaps we should an IRC discussion on this. Email
> will not do. Start preparing your proposals.
> On Feb 25, 4:34 pm, pistacchio wrote:
> > i'm late in the whole "plugin" discussion, i did
Twitter just made an announcement about them dropping MySQL for
Cassandra, NoSQL is a very hot trend now and it will do web2py some
good publicity if it becomes one of the first python frameworks to
support NoSQL databases natively. So whats the current state of the
DAL rewrite and would it su
waTR wrote:
> Can we get a link to the web2py uservoice forum on the web2py main
> page?
> http://web2py.uservoice.com
> On Feb 25, 9:32 am, waTR wrote:
> > The idea of uservoice is not simply a list of feature requests, but
> > also a measure of popularity or demand. The forum isn't a
:) I think this is like the 10'th time this question has been asked
within the last month.
Its on the way... still some work to do with modularizing the DAL a
bit more. Massimo has put other things as priority to this feature
(Such as the online book web2py.com/book) and fixing other features
On 1 mar, 18:28, mdipierro wrote:
> zencoding is now in trunk.
Ctrl + s not working It's going to save the page.
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"web2py-users" group.
To post to this group, send email to web...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubsc
Thanks Massimo, I tried your change, but got an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gluon/restricted.py", line 173, in restricted
File "w:/web2py_win/applications/canyonezt/controllers/
default.py", line 236, in
File "gluon/globals.py", line 96, in
File "w:\web2py_w
In line 23 whitespace should be white-space.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" group.
To post to this group, send email to web...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For mo
There is a very interesting Pylons page on branding:
There is one thing I haven't understood (if a native english speaker
could explain me) : Externalisation : How you come across.
I created a survey for web2py. GO answer it :
Updated to handle multiple forms from the same table per page.
On Feb 28, 11:57 pm, weheh wrote:
> It's awesome. Thanks. Only criticism is that slice is so sparse in
> terms of toppings. A few more details might be needed for the real
> newbies out there. Adding a controller and view would make i
>From index.html:
Latest Polls
Answer the question [vote] [results]
When I click on [results], I'm sent to
ERROR2010-03-02 02:54:08,609 restricted.py:53] In FILE: /home/
Can we see your model?
On Mar 1, 9:05 pm, mdmcginn wrote:
> From index.html:
> Latest Polls
> Answer the question [vote] [results]
> When I click on [results], I'm sent
> tohttp://localhost:8080/Polls/default/results/67
> ERROR 2010-03-02 02:54:08,609 restricted.py:53] In FILE: /home/
> m
The problems are:
1) some of the interactive examples use joins
2) some files are large (like the binary themselves)
3) the book uses full text search
It would take some work to port it on GAE so I'd rather pay for now.
It may happen anyway.
On Mar 1, 6:21 pm, Richard wrote:
> could you
On Mar 1, 7:03 pm, Richard wrote:
> bump
> waTR wrote:
> > Can we get a link to the web2py uservoice forum on the web2py main
> > page?
> >http://web2py.uservoice.com
> > On Feb 25, 9:32 am, waTR wrote:
> > > The idea of uservoice is not simply a list of feature requests, but
> > > also
What else should it do? It is not listed as an hotkey here
On Mar 1, 5:52 pm, Jose wrote:
> On 1 mar, 18:28, mdipierro wrote:
> > zencoding is now in trunk.
> Ctrl + s not working It's going to save the page.
> Jose
You received this message because you are
On Mar 1, 8:12 pm, Wobmofo wrote:
> There is a very interesting Pylons page on
> branding:http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/pylonscommunity/Brand+Strategy+Notes
> There is one thing I haven't understood (if a native english speaker
> could explain me) : Externalisation : How you come across.
It is a bad week. Probably Friday around lunchtime (chicago time)
On Mar 1, 6:31 pm, "mr.freeze" wrote:
> When is a good time for an IRC discussion?
> On Feb 25, 8:22 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > When I am back home Perhaps we should an IRC discussion on this. Email
> > will not do. Start prepar
Not sure what you mean by FK (the editor?) reference. We will be doing
some table inheritance for auditing, as far as adding comments I would
probably just go with the comments plugin ; ). Fancier stuff could be
handled with a special "containers" or "layouts". I suppose we might
have to "break" th
Would it be possible to do in the evening or on the weekend? I'm hosed
during business hours (even lunch). No worries if not, I can just send
you my notes on some discoveries I've made while coding my own folder
based plugin system.
On Mar 1, 10:31 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> It is a bad week. Probab
Could you implement it as
It would be nice :)
On márc. 1, 22:40, szimszon wrote:
> Works for me.
> On márc. 1, 03:16, "mr.freeze" wrote:
> > Patch submitted. It adds crud.settings.create_captcha and
> > crud.settings.update_captcha.
> > On Feb 2
Could you elaborate? You want those two rules to point to a static
If that is the case, you would probably add a new regex rule with
something like "^/app/static$", and add a "static" handler to that
rule, and for the handler just pick the directory where the static
files are.
On Feb 27, 1
Make that rule "^/app/static"
On Mar 2, 1:29 am, Ivan P wrote:
> Could you elaborate? You want those two rules to point to a static
> folder?
> If that is the case, you would probably add a new regex rule with
> something like "^/app/static$", and add a "static" handler to that
> rule, and for th
79 matches
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