I just saw that 1.75.5 is out.
Since it has : "fixed problem with GAE deleted by id (thanks what_ho)"
Do you think it is related or is this to fix the count vs len issue?
In any case I will try it tomorrow morning.
On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 3:33 PM, Miguel Goncalves wrote:
> Hi
I do not know if this helps but perhaps something like this?
jQuery('tr').each(function(this){var a=jQuery(this).child('td:eq(1)');
if(parseFloat(a.html())<0) a.css('color','red')});
1 is the col number
On Feb 26, 1:23 am, BrendanC wrote:
> Massimo,
> Thx for the response - however that's the h
The fact is the web server may be restarting the process or running
more than one process. Apache does the same. In this case you should
use cache.disk, not cache.ram.
On Feb 26, 1:34 am, szimszon wrote:
> Hello!
> I wonder if somebody could it confirm:
> I have a db:
> --- cut
The next stable version 1.75.5 is out and includes your fix
On Feb 26, 1:58 am, Ben wrote:
> At this stage I've just patched my current version of gluon/main.py as
> it was only a two line change. I can confirm that everything works now
> as it should.
> I will upgrade when the next stable vers
I am a bit confused myself and I have low bandwidth to search the
thread. Please let me know if there is a problem still.
On Feb 26, 2:03 am, Miguel Goncalves
> I just saw that 1.75.5 is out.
> Since it has : "fixed problem with GAE deleted by id (thanks what_ho)"
> Do you think it is re
Sorry for the lot messages :-o
I have a controller:
def captcha():
return dict(form=form)
but the validation is always succeed...
I have 2 errors on javascript console (chrome) but I don't know if i
Okay. It looks good now. Thanks for the prompt replay.
But if I understand well than the cache.ram is useless all the time
apache is used?
On febr. 26, 09:10, mdipierro wrote:
> The fact is the web server may be restarting the process or running
> more than one process. Apache does the same. In
it is not useless. It works of if you run only one wsgi process but
cache lives only within the lifetime of the process.
On Feb 26, 2:32 am, szimszon wrote:
> Okay. It looks good now. Thanks for the prompt replay.
> But if I understand well than the cache.ram is useless all the time
> apache is
I see, thanks.
On febr. 26, 09:42, mdipierro wrote:
> it is not useless. It works of if you run only one wsgi process but
> cache lives only within the lifetime of the process.
> On Feb 26, 2:32 am, szimszon wrote:
> > Okay. It looks good now. Thanks for the prompt replay.
> > But if I
For a further explanation of different modes you can run application
under with Apache/mod_wsgi read:
On Feb 26, 7:42 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> it is not useless. It works of if you run only one wsgi process but
> cache lives onl
On 26 фев, 12:09, mdipierro wrote:
> Changelog #1.75.5
> fixed behaviour with languages.py, thanks Iceberg
I had an issue with shifting translation.
Does this issue fixed or something else?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gr
Probably not because I cannot reproduce the problem.
I need an example to be able to reproduce it.
On Feb 26, 4:28 am, KMax wrote:
> On 26 фев, 12:09, mdipierro wrote:> Changelog
> #1.75.5
> > fixed behaviour with languages.py, thanks Iceberg
> I had an issue with shifting translat
Allow me to hijack this thread for a related question.
How do you usually import a module from a module. I've tried using
local_import but I had problems (don't remember details) so I solved the
problem by hardcoding the path like 'applications./modules/...' but
don't like it.
Can local_import do
How about this? http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/msg/94ab1188910ae303
On Feb26, 6:44pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Probably not because I cannot reproduce the problem.
> I need an example to be able to reproduce it.
> Massimo
> On Feb 26, 4:28 am, KMax wrote:
> > On 26 фев, 12:09, mdipie
Thanks. Didn't know about it :)
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 2:19 AM, mr.freeze wrote:
> I started using ActivePython instead of the stock releases of python.
> They have win32 extensions built in and a few other helpful things.
> http://www.activestate.com/activepython/features/
> On Feb 25, 8:12
Thanks for the pointer. I think I found and fixed the problem. This
was ONLY a problem if you opened the translation window, add a new
translation string from another tab or from the shell, then submit the
previous form that did not include the new strings. Anyway. Now even
this problem should gone
The problem with Python is that path for searching modules is one for
each process and not one per thread or one per application.
This means if you use third part modules you should install them AS IF
web2py was not there and import them from web2py in the usual way.
If you want to make some modu
If you get the web2py binary it also includes win32 extension.
ActiveState does not solve the problem that the Python standard
distribution for windows does not include it.
On Feb 25, 8:19 pm, "mr.freeze" wrote:
> I started using ActivePython instead of the stock releases of python.
> They have w
Nice. TNX.
On febr. 26, 11:25, Graham Dumpleton
> For a further explanation of different modes you can run application
> under with Apache/mod_wsgi read:
> http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/ProcessesAndThreading
> Graham
> On Feb 26, 7:42 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > it is no
OK, it works! Thanks!
On Feb26, 8:38pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Thanks for the pointer. I think I found and fixed the problem. This
> was ONLY a problem if you opened the translation window, add a new
> translation string from another tab or from the shell, then submit the
> previous form that did not
Minor, minor issue. You forgot to change VERSION file to 1.75.5...
On Feb26, 2:09pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Changelog #1.75.5
> fixed behaviour with languages.py, thanks Iceberg
> added chinese (thanks Iceberg) and Hungarian (thanks Gyuris)
> fixed problem with GAE deleted by id (thanks what_ho)
Error traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gluon/restricted.py", line 173, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "applications/raktar/compiled/controllers_lista_szamla.py",
line 360, in
File "gluon/globals.py", line 96, in
self._caller = lambda f: f()
File "g
Also, there is a typo in gluon/contrib/markdown/__init__.py
['extra'] should be ['extras']
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 8:24 AM, Iceberg wrote:
> Minor, minor issue. You forgot to change VERSION file to 1.75.5...
> On Feb26, 2:09pm, mdipierro wrote:
>> Changelog #1.75.5
>> fixed b
Actually I think this is a valid bug :)
For a simple solution, you can try using SQLFORM.custom... this way
you won't run into the invalid html markup
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 2:27 AM, szimszon wrote:
> ello!
> Sorry for the lot messa
So a simple
# mymoduleA.py
import mymoduleB.py
def functionA():
print mymoduleB.functionB()
should work ?
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 6:42 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> The problem with Python is that path for searching modules is one for
> each
Cache.ram is not "completely" useless in a multi processes. If your
caching the entire html output of your front page, then its faster to
have this cached in ram instead of on disk, but its not a big deal
since its ok for new threads to recreate the cache in this single
Also if your runn
This code works under FF not under Chrome (5.0.330.0 (39184) Ubuntu ).
form = FORM(
LABEL("Get our monthly
newsletter:",_class="InputCaption", _id="NL"),
your email here",_onfocus="th
On Feb 26, 2010, at 3:46 AM, Tiago Almeida wrote:
> How do you usually import a module from a module. I've tried using
> local_import but I had problems (don't remember details) so I solved the
> problem by hardcoding the path like 'applications./modules/...' but
> don't like it.
> Can local_im
On Feb 26, 2010, at 4:42 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> the modules/ folder
> IS NOT and CANNOT be added to the search path.
Why is that?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" group.
To post to this group, send email to web...@googlegroups.com.
What is the output? Any error message? Form is accepted?
On febr. 26, 17:16, LBarret wrote:
> This code works under FF not under Chrome (5.0.330.0 (39184) Ubuntu ).
> form = FORM(
> LABEL("Get our monthly
> newsletter:",_class="InputCaption", _id="NL"),
> INPUT(id="Email
I'm already using SQLFORM.factory and if form.accepts(... and it's
working :-D
On febr. 26, 16:45, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> Actually I think this is a valid bug :)
> For a simple solution, you can try using SQLFORM.custom... this way
> you won't run into the invalid html markup
> http://web2p
It depends on the browser.
IE8, FF/Linux, FF/Windows do the checks (like if the email is a real
Chrome/Linux, Chrome/Windows don't .
I get the emails from FF & IE, not from chrome.
I don't have any errors due to this behavior.
On Feb 26, 5:32 pm, szimszon wrote:
> What is the out
Can we get a link to the web2py uservoice forum on the web2py main
On Feb 25, 9:32 am, waTR wrote:
> The idea of uservoice is not simply a list of feature requests, but
> also a measure of popularity or demand. The forum isn't a good list of
> features (as they
Yes, when EditArea is off, Its All Text works perfectly.
I think that the best way of EditArea DISPLAY parameter control using
GUI is storing the user choice in session.
Now I am exploring EditArea to make it possible...
On 25 фев, 22:22, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> So this patch allows you to disab
Limitby clause still is not working with Oracle backend when used in
queries that have any kind of join, left or inner.
SQLField('name', 'string')
SQLField('header', db.headers),
SQLField('komment', 'string')
data = db(db.heade
please print the output of
db(db.headers.id == db.alarms.header)._select(db.header.name,
db.alarms.komment, limitby=(0,5))
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 12:00 PM, SergeyPo wrote:
> Limitby clause still is not working with Oracle backend when used in
> queries that have any kind of join
I'm pretty excited about migrating my app to EC2, however I'm confused
about your package selection choice in setup-web2py-ubuntu.sh:
It installs emacs!
Why the devil does emacs need to be installed? That mess is huge!
Thanks for all your help so far(via the web2py book and myriad
Even better!
That is a demo of zenhtml running against editarea, the default editor
in web2py. Putting zenhtml with our editarea would be pure awesome.
I'd love to see the next version of web2py include zenhtml and zencss
included in the next version of web2py, and it
I have the following code
{{for r in registros:}}
{{u=URL(r=request, c='default', f='download', args=[r.imagen])}}
{{=IMG(_src=u, _border=0, _alt=r.nombre, _title=r.nombre)}}
What it does is that for each
try it in firebug.
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 11:24 AM, Jose wrote:
> I have the following code
> {{for r in registros:}}
> {{=r.nombre}}
> {{u=URL(r=request, c='default', f='download', args=[r.imagen])}}
> [Marcas]
> {{=IMG(_src=u, _border=0, _alt=r.nombre, _title=
Take a look at my slice article that goes about the process step by
step. This way you can only install exactly what you need.
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Oatman wrote:
> Massimo,
> I'm pretty excited about migrating my
On 26 feb, 18:50, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> try it in firebug.
It works. There was an error, apparently some browsers allow.
I changed it:
for this:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the
I just downloaded the new version (1.75.5) and it is still happening :(
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 12:12 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> I am a bit confused myself and I have low bandwidth to search the
> thread. Please let me know if there is a problem still.
> On Feb 26, 2:03 am, Miguel Go
although the script should be changed.
especially there should be no apt-get upgrade inside.. this may do a
lot of harm if someone doesn't read the script before executing
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" group.
To post to this
This is the cached select which caused the trouble:
SELECT invoice.id, invoice.seller_id, invoice.number, invoice.date,
invoice.document, invoice.invoicedata, seller.id, seller.name,
seller.address, seller.email, seller.phone, seller.description FROM
invoice, seller WHERE ((invoice.id>0 AND invoic
The table has upload field and blob to hold file. Can it cause the
On febr. 26, 21:22, szimszon wrote:
> This is the cached select which caused the trouble:
> SELECT invoice.id, invoice.seller_id, invoice.number, invoice.date,
> invoice.document, invoice.invoicedata, seller.id, seller.
I want to make a page where users can enter e-mails to send an invite.
There will be an array of input boxes (1 e-mail each box) and a send
I was wondering what the best way to generate the form dynamically
was... in case the user wanted to add more e-mails.
Also, is there a way to i
I have an existing test db that I was using with Rails, so it conforms
to the basic requirements re PK ID's etc. Can I use this in web2py
without re coding the table defs etc. What is the best way to do this?
I assume this comes up a lot, but I don't see this mentioned in the
Agreed, this is why I do not recommend the script, it does alot of
things that don't seem necessary to me.
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Kuba Kucharski
> although the script should be changed.
> especially there should be no apt-get upgrade inside.. this may do a
> lot of
if they all have the same name you will receive it as a list in
request.vars as the name
You will need to use jQuery to dynamically add more fields.
Also, you could use a textarea instead and have them press enter, and
then split the string on '\n'
So considering the following html
This will
As long as it has a primary key of id then you are good.
The first thing you will need to do is fake_migrate=True so web2py
will generate the .table files.
So define you db.define_table statements exactly like your existing database.
make sure to pass fake_migrate=True to these tables
There are quite a few postings about this but I have never exactly
understood how this is supposed to work. My expectation is that
fake_migrate should work alongside migrate like this:
1. If migrate = True, fake_migrate = True: DB and .table files are
both modified/migrated.
2. If migrate =
What a coincidence -- I literally just made a posting about the very
same thing!
@Thadeus, I will try again what you have said here, but I find it
rather confusing.
Regards, D
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" group.
To post to this gr
I will clarify on your post as well
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 3:38 PM, villas wrote:
> What a coincidence -- I literally just made a posting about the very
> same thing!
> @Thadeus, I will try again what you have said here, but I find it
> rather confusing.
> Regards, D
> --
I have something like this:
form = FORM('Emails:', BR(),
requires=IS_NULL_OR(IS_EMAIL())), BR(),
requires=IS_NULL_OR(IS_EMAIL())), BR(),
I forgot to mention, the form loads fine... I get the error on submit.
On Feb 26, 1:58 pm, minh wrote:
> I have something like this:
> form = FORM('Emails:', BR(),
> INPUT(_name='email',
> requires=IS_NULL_OR(IS_EMAIL())), BR(),
> INPUT(_name='ema
I got this to work by using @reboot cron. It works great, and super
simple. Cross-platform, needs no external daemons.
The trick was that web2py wasn't shutting down when my script was
running, because I had a try-catch that was catching the
KeyboardInterrupt exception. So here's what I did:
apache2 fedora10 web2py1.75.5
I set up my web2py.conf virtual host file per the instructions on
p285-288 of the web2py book (2nd edition). The main differences from
the examples are that I'm running Fedora10 and serving web2py on port
8080 for access over a LAN. I also removed "display-name=%{GR
Oh yeah, and that database lock line only works with postgresql. You
might try file locking if you're not using it.
On Feb 26, 2:05 pm, Michael Toomim wrote:
> I got this to work by using @reboot cron. It works great, and super
> simple. Cross-platform, needs no external daemons.
> The trick
How web2py performs migrations:
Web2py takes your db.define_table statement, and stores a pickle of
its structure. These files are saved in
databases/..table Web2py takes this
structure that is saved on the filesystem and loads it up when you
perform db.define_table. If your db.define_table is dif
Unfortunately you will not be able to "add" fields when using FORM.
You will have to iterate over the request.vars manually.
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 3:59 PM, minh wrote:
> I forgot to mention, the form loads fine... I get the error on submit.
> On Feb 26, 1:58 pm, minh wrote:
Have you taken a look at your error logs for VirtualHost 443 ?
It might give a clue as to what is going wrong. I am thinking it is an
issue with the certificate?
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 4:06 PM, snfctech wrote:
> retty stuck at this point. Any help would be greatly
> appre
Hi, Thadeus. Thanks for your prompt reply.
I get
[error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /
var/www/web2py/wsgihandler.py, referer:
when I hit, and nothing
when I hit https://1
Well for one, https://ip:8080 is not a valid VirtualHost, since your
VirtualHost is configured to run on port 443, not 8080. Aside from
this, http and https have to run on separate ports.
Honestly I have always had problems getting web2py running on rpm
based distributions (redhat, fedora, etc.),
It looks like you're denying access to the admin dir in the apache
Deny from all
What it's setup to do is go to https://yourserver/admin
port 8080 has admin disabled, which (per the security gremlin in me)
is accurate behavior since it's not an encrypted c
Not sure why this isn't going through off the google groups page, but I'll
just reply via email.
The problem centers around the port you're hitting it on. You have admin
access disabled on 8080 via the below lines:
Deny from all
that's why http://myserverIP:8080 do
I will try to make some tests about performance, however: what is
about big 'sites' which currently are using web2py, any information?
By the way, i have read about a trip to Argentina in september for a
conference, maybe you can stop in Peru.
Deny from all
Statement is correct. Remember he is using port 8080 as a substitute
for port 80. SO he does not want access to admin under https, hence
the Deny from all in the HTTP Vritualhost.
This is why his SSL VirtualHost does not have this statement, since
its ssl it allows access
Well, I didn't have enough investigation yet, just posting a quick
question here.
Does anybody else who, upgraded to recent 1.75.x version of web2py,
running it in on Windows, and notice that it starts 5 more python
processes at the beginning of every minute, last for about 10 seconds?
During that
@Thadeus, Thanks for such a comprehensive and helpful answer.
I did get fake_migrate to work eventually, I had been blocking it
with another problem in my code. That aside, part of my confusion was
that the latter two combinations you mention do the same. I suppose
one simply has to remember th
Recent web2py contains a cache statistics page in appadmin. That is
But so far, the total Hit Ratio is calculated as:
total['ratio'] = (ram['ratio'] + disk['ratio']) / 2
that doesn't feel right. Think about that when a scenario only uses
cache.ram or only uses cache.disk, then the total r
I am running linux, development trunk and do not receive this. Perhaps
a windows only issue?
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Iceberg wrote:
> Well, I didn't have enough investigation yet, just posting a quick
> question here.
> Does anybody else who, upgraded to recent 1.75.x vers
Thanks Iceberg, I did not see this when I originally coded it but you are right!
I sent a patch to Massimo.
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 8:07 PM, Iceberg wrote:
> Recent web2py contains a cache statistics page in appadmin. That is
> good!
> But so far, the total Hit Ratio is calculate
What if I want
What exact rule do I use for this situation?
On Feb 24, 12:37 am, GrayMatterComputing
> Open theCherokeeAdmin -> General -> Server Permissions. There you
> are :)
> Cherokeewill respond in the priority order you have set for
The reason for this is that any field added to a form needs to be
added b4 if form.accepts() so that validation can work , otherwise
validation will not work
in case of "crud" , accepting form is already done for you in web2py's
code and actually b4 inserting the new field
and thus validation w
I dusted off some wiki code I was playing with awhile ago and tried it under
the latest version of web2py. I'm getting KeyError exceptions on the string
"source" which I used as a variable name. Has there been some reserved
words added to web2py? It is not an insurmountable problem to change the
On Feb 26, 2010, at 11:43 PM, Joe Barnhart wrote:
> I dusted off some wiki code I was playing with awhile ago and tried it under
> the latest version of web2py. I'm getting KeyError exceptions on the string
> "source" which I used as a variable name. Has there been some reserved words
> added
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