SergeyPo - Many thanks to you for your earlier post with which I am
already intimately familiar. I've been able to follow the advice from
that post successfully in many other cases.
However, I can't seem to figure out how to write a lambda statement
that duplicates the link that web2py/gluon auto
Massimo, I don't think it's dirty at all. Especially if the DIV could
be given a moveable target within the HTML layout AJAX style, like you
showed in another thread. It may not be immediately intuitive to the
novice user, but it seems to me that it's consistent with the
controller/viewer division
The key is to get rid of the padding. I prefer the skinnier flash,
.flash { margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear: both; border: 1px
#00; background-color: #FF5C1F; color: white; margin-top: 0.0em;
margin-bottom: 1.0em; padding-top: 0.0em; padding-bottom: 0.0em;
cursor: pointer; }
Is there a color picker that could be easily invoked to dump an RGB
value into a field for me, just like the calendar tool that works with
datetime fields?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web F
Sorry Weheh, did not recognize you :)
You can not achieve desied effect with lambda for represent because
lambda does not get enough information: try = lambda o: type(o)
and you will see that lambda gets str datatype as parameter, so all
links to SQLRow etc. are lost.
I found the reason, this may be interesting, Massimo,
I have a lot of math in /modules dir and they are obviously loaded
(imported) by framework at startup. Recently I turned on psycho
speeding up and this caused all those segmentation errors on Mac
(haven't yet tested this on Windows).
Which ris
I asked how to change the output of a query result [1].
As my table is rather huche and I do not want to force my users to do
vertical scrolling, I would like to transpose the SQLTABLE:
instead of:
header1 header2 header3
value_row1 value_row1 val
That issue is still existing :(
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Framework" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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Issue still existing :(
On 13 Kwi, 00:03, virhilo wrote:
> Hello:)
> I want to send a form using get method, so i make form like this:
> form=FORM('Package name: ',
> INPUT(_name='name', requires=IS_LENGTH(25), value=''),
> 'Arch: ',
> SELECT(OPTION('Wszystkie', _value='all'),
Inported aplications don't have web2py_ajax.html file and have
corrupted layout.html file(coping that files from another applications
solves problem)
Sorry for short description but I don't have time now.
You received this message beca
I am a bit closer to getting my event list to display the dates
The following error was solved replacing fromdate=request.vars.datum
with fromdate=form.vars.datum
Exposing the fu
Ok...just had a chance to try this again.
I'm on a win2k3 server, running web2py as a service (python2.5), using
the included cherrypy web server.
This morning I overwrote my web2py dir with a backup which took me
back to 1.49.1 and everything ran fine again. Then I unzipped 1.61.1
over the dir
In my point of view, this has nothing to do with web2py. Just use google
and find free js color picker like:
etc, etc...
weheh wrote:
> Is there a color picker that could be
just reading your sentence, and trying to see if your code is doing what you
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 1:37 AM, annet wrote:
> In the following function, the idea is to select a club's data based
> on the id in request.args. Then if the club's status is 0 (the field
> is of type string) the
The repesent code below produces following A title output:
'table.field2 123.456' if the field2 value is 123.456 and
'table.field2' if the field2 value is None
What I want to achieve is following A title output:
'123.456' if the field2 value is 123.456 and
'None' if the field2 value is None
sorry. My fault Fixing it.
On 20 Apr, 00:19, Iceberg wrote:
> "Pack all now also cleans up errors and sessions" works as
> expected. :-) By the way, you lost a fix to a minor, minor bug: when
> trying to "cleanup" admin, now a ticket is issued (at least on Windows
> XP). In my previous patch, I
I believe this is working but I think you want something slightly
def test():
form=FORM('Package name: ',
INPUT(_name='name', requires=IS_LENGTH(25), value=''),
'Arch: ',
SELECT(OPTION('Wszystkie', _value='all'),
OPTION('i686', _value='32'),
OPTION('x86_64', _va
Which imported apps?
On 20 Apr, 07:40, virhilo wrote:
> Hello:)
> Inported aplications don't have web2py_ajax.html file and have
> corrupted layout.html file(coping that files from another applications
> solves problem)
> Sorry for short description but I don't have time now.
I do not know but python is pure python. It just imports
gluon.* for you and defines some global objects for you.
On 20 Apr, 03:50, SergeyPo wrote:
> I found the reason, this may be interesting, Massimo,
> I have a lot of math in /modules dir and they are obviously loaded
My fault..."formatter" not "format"
On 20 Apr, 07:51, wrote:
> Massimo,
> I am a bit closer to getting my event list to display the dates
> properly.
> The following error was solved replacing fromdate=request.vars.datum
Can anybody reproduce this?
On 20 Apr, 08:05, Mike wrote:
> Ok...just had a chance to try this again.
> I'm on a win2k3 server, running web2py as a service (python2.5), using
> the included cherrypy web server.
> This morning I overwrote my web2py dir with a backup which took me
> b
I think you just need = lambda value: A(db.table
On 20 Apr, 08:55, Hans wrote:
> The repesent code below produces following A title output:
> 'table.field2 123.456' if the field2 value is 123.456 and
> 'table.field2
Apps which I exported using previous version(1.61) and imported in
current version.
On 20 Kwi, 16:16, mdipierro wrote:
> Which imported apps?
> Massimo
> On 20 Apr, 07:40, virhilo wrote:
> > Hello:)
> > Inported aplications don't have web2py_ajax.html file and have
> > corrupted
Some people have volunteered to help. Here are some tasks that need to
be completed.
1) applications/admin/controller/ can now do:
- unpack app
- pack app
- delete app
- cleanup session/errors/cache
- update languages
- check for latest version
It would be nice t
which browser? which os? are you using a web server?
The tar file got corrupted during download.
On 20 Apr, 09:28, virhilo wrote:
> Apps which I exported using previous version(1.61) and imported in
> current version.
> On 20 Kwi, 16:16, mdipierro wrote:
> > Which imported apps?
it fixes an issue with packing on windows (introduced in 1.61.2) and
has 'warn', 'error', 'info' styles for flash messages (which are now
Please check it out.
Any outstanding issue except for the Oracle issues raised by Sergey?
ummm gee I heard today that Oracle bought Sun Micorsystems
(Java) for cash...
Does this mean DAL will need to support Java instead of SQL? (Ha! JUST
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 9:41 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> it fixes an issue with packing on windows (introduced in 1.61
Thanks about the link to this hidden documentation.
> Read doc here.
> The "headers" argument does what you want.
Searching for SQLTABLE on this list I got:
predefined label and SQLTABLE header [1].
Can you tell me how I need to define my tab
Tested on: firefox, opera, konqueror and arora browsers-the same
OS: Linux - architecture i686
Python version: 2.6.1
I don't used web server-just runned it by typping: python
I think i found the error-the same in current version, the archive
created by web2py are corrupted:
No i don't want redirections-i want to stay on the same site:) Only
don't want to have _formname in url.
formname=None cause the INPUT and SELECT '_value' is not parsed
formname='' disable validation :(
or maybe I doing something wrong?
On 20 Kwi, 16:16, mdipierro wrote:
> I believe this is wor
This is a bug in the 2.6 python tar module. That is why we only
support 2.5.
On 20 Apr, 11:05, virhilo wrote:
> Tested on: firefox, opera, konqueror and arora browsers-the same
> OS: Linux - architecture i686
> Python version: 2.6.1
> I don't used web server-just runned it by typping:
Then this should do it
if request.vars and form.accepts(request.vars,formname=None):
On 20 Apr, 11:16, virhilo wrote:
> No i don't want redirections-i want to stay on the same site:) Only
> don't want to have _formname in url.
> formname=None cause t
Thanks a lot-it's working:)
I can have only:
request.vars and form.accepts(request.vars, formname=None)
line(without 'if') if i don't want to display any information-yes?:)
On 20 Kwi, 18:29, mdipierro wrote:
> Then this should do it
> if request.vars and form.accepts(request.vars,formname=
Is it possible to validate in the server?
If it is real.
How it would be the procedure?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Framework" group.
To post to this group, send email to
On 20 Apr, 11:40, virhilo wrote:
> Thanks a lot-it's working:)
> I can have only:
> request.vars and form.accepts(request.vars, formname=None)
> line(without 'if') if i don't want to display any information-yes?:)
> On 20 Kwi, 18:29, mdipierro wrote:
> > Then this should do it
> >
web2py validation is ALWAYS done in the server.
On 20 Apr, 11:43, Jose wrote:
> Is it possible to validate in the server?
> If it is real.
> How it would be the procedure?
> Regards
> Jose
You received this message because you are
Thanks Massimo!
The following code worked for me = lambda value: A(db
(r=request,f='update',args=value)) if len(db(
(db.table.field2))>0 else A('None',_href=URL
Follow on question:
I've defined aliases of db.table.
When I later in the controller set db.alias1.field2.represent then it
is applied also to db.table.field2 and ALL other alliases!
How can the representation of only one specific
db.alias1.field2.represent be set while having different ones on
On 20 abr, 13:56, mdipierro wrote:
> web2py validation is ALWAYS done in the server.
I refer to the following situation:
I am trying to implement a system of confirmation based on questions.
I use INPUT(_name='tcha', requires=IS_IN_SET(tch[1]))
tch[1] is a list with possible answers
It would be nice if colors codes turned to highlighted of the color.
Nice when browsing your css.
IF your looking for a color chooser in linux you can try agave, or
kruler. kruler is my fav, and I even use gnome!
On Mon, 2009-04-20 at 15:29 +0200, Michal Jursa wrote:
> In my point of
It cannot be done. because the same fiels in aliased tables is the
same field.
On 20 Apr, 12:15, Hans wrote:
> Follow on question:
> I've defined aliases of db.table.
> When I later in the controller set db.alias1.field2.represent then it
> is applied also to db.table.field2 and ALL other alli
If you want to display the possible answers:
INPUT(_name='tcha', requires=IS_IN_SET(tch[1]))
If you do not want to display the possible anwers:
INPUT(_name='tcha', requires=[IS_IN_SET(tch[1])])
In both cases the response is validated server side. If the use sends
back a tcha that is not in t
Most of the time validation is done according to the restrictions you
set in your table.
For example, you can set a table item to be only a Email.
After creating a table called users with a item called email I set this.
The first validates if it's an email or not. The second validates if
it's par
On 20 abr, 14:40, mdipierro wrote:
> Si desea mostrar las posibles respuestas:
> INPUT (_NAME = 'Tcha ", requiere = IS_IN_SET (tch [1]))
> Si no desea mostrar la posible anwers:
> INPUT (_NAME = 'Tcha ", requiere = [IS_IN_SET (tch [1])])
It is what I want. Thank you
> I guess I see the checking-for-valid-bug phase a step that others can do
> to help lift some of the load off of members that can code. But your
> right, there is a lot of garbage reports out there.
> I just wish there was a way, that when I have the time, I can sit down
> and start to sift thro
But the answers continue going towards the client. If in the browser.
I show the source code of the page, I can see the answers.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Framework" group.
To p
On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 3:10 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> no ":" at the end of the decorator.
I remember that I saw "@some_decorator():" in some web2py example. I
think it was in auth/authorization examples, but it is fixed now.
Is "()" required?
Álvaro Justen
Peta5 - Telecomunicações e Softw
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 1:40 PM, virhilo wrote:
> Thanks a lot-it's working:)
> I can have only:
> request.vars and form.accepts(request.vars, formname=None)
> line(without 'if') if i don't want to display any information-yes?:)
> On 20 Kwi, 18:29, mdipierro wrote:
>> Then this should do it
On 20.04.09 02:29, Timmie wrote:
> Hello,
> I asked how to change the output of a query result [1].
> As my table is rather huche and I do not want to force my users to do
> vertical scrolling, I would like to transpose the SQLTABLE:
> instead of:
> header1 header2
On 20 abr, 14:47, Jason Brower wrote:
> Most of the time validation is done according to the restrictions you
> set in your table.
> For example, you can set a table item to be only a Email.
> After creating a table called users with a item called email I set this.
> The first validates if it's
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 2:57 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> I know it is ugly but 1) it works; 2) it very powerful when compared
> with routes on rails and urls in Django; 3) is is backward compatible.
> Does not anybody remember that I never wanted to add this to web2py?
> Now you know why.
Why you d
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Tim Michelsen wrote:
> > I guess I see the checking-for-valid-bug phase a step that others can do
> > to help lift some of the load off of members that can code. But your
> > right, there is a lot of garbage reports out there.
> > I just wish there was a way,
No - I don't think so; see function decorators discussion in
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 12:57 PM, Álvaro Justen [Turicas] <> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 3:10 PM, mdipierro
> wrote:
> >
> > no ":" at the end of th
I did search but didn't find what I was looking for. Using web2py
1.56, is it possible to find out the referring url when someone visits
your web2py site? Just to put it in plain terms, an example would be
if someone visited my site by clicking on a link on some myspace,
would I be able to "
>> instead of:
>> header1 header2 header3
>> value_row1 value_row1 value_row1
>> value_row2 value_row2 value_row2
>> I would like to have:
>> header1value_row1 value_row2
>> header2value_row1 value_row2
>> header3
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 11:31 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> Some people have volunteered to help. Here are some tasks that need to
> be completed.
> 1) applications/admin/controller/ can now do:
> - unpack app
> - pack app
> - delete app
> - cleanup session/errors/cache
> -
Has been there is a while. It is possible it was broken in the pre
1.53 version.
On Apr 20, 1:00 pm, Álvaro Justen [Turicas]
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 1:40 PM, virhilo wrote:
> > Thanks a lot-it's working:)
> > I can have only:
> > request.vars and form.accepts(request.vars, formname=N
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 1:09 PM, TeamBlack wrote:
> Hi,
> I did search but didn't find what I was looking for. Using web2py
> 1.56, is it possible to find out the referring url when someone visits
> your web2py site? Just to put it in plain terms, an example would be
> if someone visited my si
please post a complete controller that exhibits the problem.
On Apr 20, 1:09 pm, Jose wrote:
> On 20 abr, 14:47, Jason Brower wrote:
> > Most of the time validation is done according to the restrictions you
> > set in your table.
> > For example, you can set a table item to be only a
Do no not not recommend it any more. There was a time when I though
that one should use Apache mod_rewrite and such feature did not belong
in web2py. Now that it is there and I see how people use it, I agree
there is value in it. We should all thank user voltron for insisting
that we add that it.
Thanks, that makes sense.
On Apr 10, 7:58 am, DenesL wrote:
> You can set the field's requires using IS_EMAIL and IS_IN_DB
> validators and on form.accepts (if using FORM or SQLFORM) check if it
> is different from the initial setting.
> On Apr 10, 1:34 am,waTR wrote:
> > I have a field who
Thanks Yarko,
I'll take a look. Appreciate the swift response :o)
On Apr 20, 7:39 pm, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 1:09 PM, TeamBlack wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I did search but didn't find what I was looking for. Using web2py
> > 1.56, is it possible to find out the referr
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 3:41 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> Do no not not recommend it any more. There was a time when I though
> that one should use Apache mod_rewrite and such feature did not belong
> in web2py. Now that it is there and I see how people use it, I agree
> there is value in it. We should
On Apr 20, 6:38 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> It cannot be done. because the same fiels in aliased tables is the
> same field.
It kind-of can though, surely?
i.e. do the default .represent in the model, so that it is always
A transient .represent can then be done within the context of a
HI Again,
OK, I found request.http_referer, but I don't think understand how to
use it. I thought I could use it in a similar way to request.client,
but I did a simple test to output whatever data is in
request.http_referer, but I got nothing back.
Could you possibly give me a basic example of h
On 20 abr, 15:39, mdipierro wrote:
> please post a complete controller that exhibits the problem.
> Massimo
import applications.myapplication.modules.textchas as textchas
def my_controller():
if session.tch == None:
session.tch = textchas.get_tch
email me and I give you the code
On Apr 20, 2:08 pm, Álvaro Justen [Turicas]
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 3:41 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> > Do no not not recommend it any more. There was a time when I though
> > that one should use Apache mod_rewrite and such feature did not belong
> > in web2p
Thanks for the discussion.
> What I can see from the short time I am following this project I get the
> impression that:
> * a lot of useful tips get burried in the mailing list
> Search - if you think it is generally useful, add to wiki!
> Rarely... people usually post again
is it possible to make the helper apps on websites downloadable?
* Layout Designer -
* Interactive Model Builder -
I would like to use them offline while travelling.
Thanks and k
sorry - I was "too swift" in typing (but you can see it in the link):
You want request.env.http_referrer
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 2:46 PM, TeamBlack wrote:
> HI Again,
> OK, I found request.http_referer, but I don't think understand how to
> use it. I thought I could use it in a similar way t
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 3:41 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> Do no not not recommend it any more. There was a time when I though
> that one should use Apache mod_rewrite and such feature did not belong
> in web2py. Now that it is there and I see how people use it, I agree
> there is value in it. We should
some questions and observations:
* is there a common plugin-system to add site-wide plugins tothe core ?
* I would like to add my own
* validators
* tools like the geocode
=> these should be available to all my /applications
* I doubt that will
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 7:25 PM, Tim Michelsen
> Hello,
> some questions and observations:
> * is there a common plugin-system to add site-wide plugins tothe core ?
> * I would like to add my own
> * validators
> * tools like the geocode
> => these should be availabl
I will make the former public. I do not have the latter.
On Apr 20, 5:27 pm, Tim Michelsen wrote:
> Hello,
> is it possible to make the helper apps on websites downloadable?
> * Layout Designer -
> * Interactive Model Builder
> -http://desi
Because people forget about files.
On Apr 20, 5:34 pm, Álvaro Justen [Turicas]
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 3:41 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> > Do no not not recommend it any more. There was a time when I though
> > that one should use Apache mod_rewrite and such feature did no
If you just put them in a place searched by the Python path they can
be imported by your apps and there no need to change is there as a trick to
1) make sure I build the windows and mac binary properly and
2) make sure all stardard modules are imported at startup and n
>> * is there a common plugin-system to add site-wide plugins tothe core ?
>> * I would like to add my own
>> * validators
>> * tools like the geocode
>> => these should be available to all my /applications
> You can change gluon/
But will it not be overwritten by
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 7:49 PM, Tim Michelsen
>>> * is there a common plugin-system to add site-wide plugins tothe core ?
>>> * I would like to add my own
>>> * validators
>>> * tools like the geocode
>>> => these should be available to all my /applications
>> You c
Hi Tim -
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 5:22 PM, Tim Michelsen
> Thanks for the discussion.
> *snip!*
> >
> > For sphinx-doc, best way to start contributing is in the wiki - please
> > join in!
> * many functions of the core are not documented with docstrings.
> * would web2py community ent
I just want to shout out a hearty "way to go!" to Matt Waite and team!
The St. Petersburg Times web site, (Matt is principle
developer) has won a 2009 Pulitzer Prize for fact-checking during the 2008
presidential campaign. (
Can the DAL be used for desktop applications? I foresee wanting to
write both browser and Windows based apps. I'm just a beginner so
perhaps the answer is obvious, but would appreciate someone pointing
it out to me. :)
You received this
On 20 abr, 17:22, Jose wrote:
> On 20 abr, 15:39, mdipierro wrote:
> > please post a complete controller that exhibits the problem.
> > Massimo
> import applications.myapplication.modules.textchas as textchas
> ...
> def my_controller():
> form=SQLFORM(db.my_table)
> if session.t
Yes. append the gluon folder to the sys.path and then
from gluon.sql import *
On 20 Apr, 18:46, mikech wrote:
> Can the DAL be used for desktop applications? I foresee wanting to
> write both browser and Windows based apps. I'm just a beginner so
> perhaps the answer is obvious, but would a
I am not sure I fully understand but I am not surprised it does not
work. Would do this instead
from gluon.sqlhtml import form_factory
form=form_factory(db.my_table, SQLField('tcha',requires=[IS_IN_SET(tch
if form.accepts(...):...
db.my_table.insert(**dict([q for q in forms.vars.ite
unfortunately some of the latest updates killed my patch system
functionality (latest working was at
will try to update it so it will work for future versions of web2py)
so use this older version that has this incorporated
now you can again use README script for this purpose
Changelog: - updated to new syntax of
applications/init/controllers/ - explicit load of "re" module in
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 2:53 AM, Boris Manojlovic <> wrote:
I was just wondering if there is any reason for the difference between
some HTML helpers used by web2py. Specifically, there is a value=""
and a _value="" argument used by some HTML helpers. I feel this very
confusing, and while I understand the use, I very-much feel it should
be changed to someth
I've written a small flex client to test my amfrpc service. It works
fine in web2py, but not in gae.
The gae log shows
INFO 2009-04-21 03:24:55,043] "POST /cuecut/
projects/call/amfrpc HTTP/1.1" 200 -
which seems normal, but my function is not firing. Could someone
There is a rule. helpers attributes that start with _ are converted
blindly into html tag attributes
DIV(_class="hello") :
INPUT(_value="hello") :
helpers attributes that start without underscore (only value,
requires) have special meaning. "value" sets the value of the variable
associate to
Because when serving and amf request web2py does:
import pyamf
import pyamf.remoting.gateway
return "pyamf not installed or not in Python sys.path"
So if pyamf is not in the path it returns 200 OK with the string
"pyamf not install
Jose, if I understand correctly you don't want to show the drop down
with the options from the IS_IN_SET.
You can do this by changing the input widget of the field:
db.my_table.my_field.widget=lambda self,value:
INPUT(_type='text', _id='%s_%s' %(self._tablename,,
I am looking to create a module in my app that will have a
authentication class with methods to check if the user is logged-in
and such.
I wish to use session, request, redirect, etc. However, importing
gluon doesn't seem to expose those methods.
With the code below I keep getting an error that
On 20.04.09 22:03, waTR wrote:
> Also, could someone give me a link to the python doc that explains the
> use of @ such as
> @cache...
> def myfunc(): ...
I always recommend this article whe it comes to decorators:
Thanks. (my bad). I installed pyamf and now I'm getting 303 instead of
200. Some progress ;) Pyamf does support GAE. (
I guess the issue is getting it to work with web2py. With and debug on, I run a python client and I'm seeing:
>>> print s
I am afraid I failed to describe the problem clearly.
I have a table:
SQLField('bedrijfsnaam', length=54, default='', notnull=True),
SQLField('kvk_nummer', length=8),
SQLField('subdossiernummer', length=4, default=''),
Hi Annet -
Try something like this:
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 1:37 AM, annet wrote:
> In the following function, the idea is to select a club's data based
> on the id in request.args. Then if the club's status is 0 (the field
> is of type string) the function should redirect to an other
> applic
96 matches
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