[web2py] Image upload error when using smarthumb

2019-10-03 Thread Maurice Waka
I followed this example with this code db.define_table('article', Field("title"), Field("article_text", "text"), Field("picture", "upload"), Field("thumb

[web2py] Image upload, translate, crop, resize options?

2015-03-20 Thread pumplerod
I'm trying to find an easy to implement, UI friendly method for allowing users to upload an image at the time of creating their account which will provide translation, resize, and crop options for their profile pic. I've read through a number of separate jQuery options and have tried to impleme

[web2py] image upload not being deleted - 2 questions, 1 possible bug

2012-02-28 Thread weheh
db.define_table('test', Field('test_id',db.referrer,requires=IS_NULL_OR(IS_IN_DB(db,'referrer.id'))), Field('name','upload',label=T('Upload file'), autodelete=True, uploadfolder=os.path.join(request.folder,'static/data'), uploadseparate=True, requires=(

[web2py] image upload problem

2011-11-11 Thread pbreit
I'm trying to upload an image from an iPhone app by posting it to a form and processing it with the following code: def index(): form = SQLFORM.factory( Field('title'), Field('price'), Field('image', 'upload', uploadfolder=request.folder+'static/uploads')) if form

[web2py] Image upload filenames too long

2011-06-29 Thread pbreit
The filename that Web2py is giving my uploaded images is too long. Is it possible to make it shorter? For example (i need them to be under 150 chars): item.image.8651e61b27b66998.6974656d2e696d6167652e396363373962663466616535313834392e3533353434313566333233323331333432653461353034375f646973706c61

[web2py] Image upload

2010-06-01 Thread Aaron Crowe
I'm just getting started with web2py and I'm looking for a way for the user to upload an image and have it stored in the database. Any suggestions or links to relevant code would be appreciated.

[web2py] image upload

2010-01-19 Thread kbochert
Model: db.define_table('product', Field('title', 'string', length=64), Field('image', 'upload'), ) Controller: def edit_product_0(): form = SQLFORM(db.product, _id='product_table') if form.accepts(request.vars, session, keepvalues=True, dbio=False): form.vars.id = d