Re: [web2py] iOS + web2py

2013-04-11 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On 11 Apr 2013, at 12:27 PM, David Marko wrote: > > What do you use for creating iOS application? Do you use xcode directly or > some framework like Titanium? Xcode directly, all native code. I could see using something like Titanium if the app weren't my main product and I also needed it on

[web2py] iOS + web2py

2013-04-10 Thread Jonathan Lundell
I've been working on a news-video iPad app (awards and everything! featured by Apple! brag!) that uses web2py for a back-end server, maintaining a database of videos &c and serving them up to the app via JSONRPC. web2py also implements our internal curation UI to the database. web2py has been a