[web2py] Re: web2py with Aptana - optimization required

2012-02-25 Thread Anthony
On Saturday, February 25, 2012 10:44:55 AM UTC-5, haggis wrote: > > When just using "from gluon import *" then Aptana shows me many errors > (i.e. dal() and http() not found). > Where is your code calling dal() and http() -- neither of those are part of the web2py API (instead, there is DAL() an

[web2py] Re: web2py with Aptana - optimization required

2012-02-25 Thread haggis
When just using "from gluon import *" then Aptana shows me many errors (i.e. dal() and http() not found). auth = Auth(db) and service = Service() works fine, thank you! On 24 Feb., 16:20, Anthony wrote: > > 1) At default controller Aptana shows me errors at "@auth..." > > decorators (Undefined va

[web2py] Re: web2py with Aptana - optimization required

2012-02-24 Thread Anthony
> > 1) At default controller Aptana shows me errors at "@auth..." > decorators (Undefined variable auth). Also the service() in the call()- function is unknown. You see my actual imports at the end of this > post. > You'd have to add the following to your list of dummy imports/instantiation