[web2py] Re: anchor ends up under black menu bar

2013-10-16 Thread Carlos Hanson
Thanks. That works quite well. While I realize that I can use make the target element be anything I want like the H1 tag in this example, the anchor is created by a web text editor called CKEditor. I'll have to see what I can do to add the class when the anchor is created. Thanks again. On Wed

[web2py] Re: anchor ends up under black menu bar

2013-10-16 Thread Paolo Caruccio
A classic solution applied in such cases is to assign a css class (named for example 'hashlinked') to the target element. The related css rule is the following: .hashlinked:before { display: block; content: " "; height: 40px; /* the height of the element that hides the target */ visi