On Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:17:18 PM UTC-7, mrtn wrote:
> I have installed virtualenv and setup an environment for a web2py project. 
> I came across a post before where people say you can use pip to install 
> web2py, but it is still experimental and possibly not working well. I 
> wonder if I can just copy the whole web2py source folder to somewhere 
> (/bin, or, /lib) inside the environment directory, and run python 
> web2py.py every time there? Would that work?
Well, YMMV and I wasn't very thorough about testing lots of stuff, but pip 
just worked for me.

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute web2py.py27.venv
$ source web2py.py27.venv/bin/activate
$ pip install web2py
$ w2p_run --run_system_tests 
test_md5_hash (gluon.tests.test_utils.TestUtils)
Tests the md5_hash function ... ok
testEqualWrite (gluon.tests.test_template.TestVirtualFields)
test generation of response.write from = ... ok
testRun (gluon.tests.test_template.TestVirtualFields) ... ok

Ran 118 tests in 1.620s


That said, using the web2py source from a download is totally fine too. I 
don't think that you even have to copy it into the virtualenv. Someone can 
correct me if I'm wrong.

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