Re: [web2py] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Bruce Wade
Yes you are correct, I was wrong in that statement. I just looked it up. On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 8:18 PM, Cliff wrote: > Anthony, thank you. I appreciate the update. > > Bruce, of course you can sell the code. There is nothing in the GPL > to stop anyone from downloading the Red Hat source, str

[web2py] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Cliff
Anthony, thank you. I appreciate the update. Bruce, of course you can sell the code. There is nothing in the GPL to stop anyone from downloading the Red Hat source, stripping out the Red Hat copyrighted materials such as logos and trademarks, inserting my own trade dress, compiling the result an

[web2py] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-07 Thread Anthony
> > - License changed to AGPL3 (Gnu Afferro GPL) If I understand AGPL3 correctly, if someone deploys Movuca on a server, they will be required to allow all users of their website to download the entire source code of the site, including any customizations they make to the Movuca code in order