[web2py] Re: KeyError: 'users'

2010-12-18 Thread sushanth
Nope, its not working I have posted the issue in pymsql group. if possible can you please add mysql documentation on web2py site. coz most of the web application are designed in mysql i didn't much documentation. right now i am finding most of the content sqllite. Thank for the support. Regar

[web2py] Re: KeyError: 'users'

2010-12-18 Thread mdipierro
Is this something that worked before? The error appear to be in the new pymysql driver. I do not know what it means but they have a very responsive mailing list (like ours) and perhaps you should also ask them. Massimo On Dec 18, 12:36 pm, sushanth wrote: > I am using new dal.py file from trunk,

[web2py] Re: KeyError: 'users'

2010-12-18 Thread sushanth
if possible,can you please small mysql example for creating FK for string field with dal.py. this example will help me lot in fix key issue. Thanks in advance

[web2py] Re: KeyError: 'users'

2010-12-18 Thread sushanth
I am using new dal.py file from trunk,but it throws below error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/sushanth/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in restricted exec ccode in environment File "/home/sushanth/web2py/applications/new/models/db.py"

[web2py] Re: KeyError: 'users'

2010-12-18 Thread mdipierro
I am not accepting any more patch to sql.py. This file is deprecated. Any new DAL patches should apply to trunk and the dal.py file. Massimo On Dec 18, 10:40 am, sushanth wrote: > I have added below lines to gluon/sql.py,but stil getting same error > >  'reference FK': 'INDEX %(field_name)s__idx

[web2py] Re: KeyError: 'users'

2010-12-18 Thread sushanth
I have added below lines to gluon/sql.py,but stil getting same error 'reference FK': 'INDEX %(field_name)s__idx (%(field_name)s), FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference TFK': ' INDEX %(field_name)s__idx (%(field_name)s), FORE

[web2py] Re: KeyError: 'users'

2010-12-18 Thread DenesL
Only DB2, MS-SQL, Ingres and Informix have support for keyed tables so far as per the note in http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/06#Legacy-Databases-and-Keyed-Tables But it can be added with fairly little effort, see section E) in http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/db1