[web2py] Re: custom registration form problem

2011-03-08 Thread Plumo
awesome - previously I had to hack some custom HTML together to support this

[web2py] Re: custom registration form problem

2011-03-08 Thread pbreit
password_two doesn't seem to be working for me still. My user() function is the default and this is in my user.html view but I still get "None" for the password_two widget. I am using Mac download Version 1.93.2 (2011-03-04 23:48:59). {{=form.custom.begin}} Email: {{=form.custom.widget.

[web2py] Re: custom registration form problem

2011-02-22 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
In your example: form=SQLFORM.factory(db.person,db.auth_user) does not have a password_two field. It just is not there, hence no widget. You must add one somehow. Look how it is done in gluon/ tools.py by searching for password_two. On Feb 22, 3:46 pm, Nasko wrote: > Hi massimo > > First thanks

[web2py] Re: custom registration form problem

2011-02-22 Thread Nasko
Hi massimo First thanks for your great web2py. I link 2 tables (user_auth and person) and create custom registration form here is the controller: def register(): db.person.name.readable=db.person.name.writable=False db.person.user_id.readable=db.person.user_id.writable=False form=SQ

[web2py] Re: custom registration form problem

2011-02-20 Thread pbreit
OK, cool, thanks. Is there a way to use trunk in a Mac install?

[web2py] Re: custom registration form problem

2011-02-20 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
fixed just now, please try it. On Feb 19, 11:36 pm, pbreit wrote: > Did this get fixed? > > I have this: >     {{=form.custom.begin}} >     {{=form.custom.widget.email}} >     {{=form.custom.widget.password}} >     {{=form.custom.widget.password_two}} >     {{=form.custom.end}} > > And it shows

[web2py] Re: custom registration form problem

2011-02-19 Thread pbreit
Did this get fixed? I have this: {{=form.custom.begin}} {{=form.custom.widget.email}} {{=form.custom.widget.password}} {{=form.custom.widget.password_two}} {{=form.custom.end}} And it shows email and password fields and then the word "None".

[web2py] Re: Custom Registration form

2010-07-27 Thread elfuego1
OK!. Thank you for clarifying THAT. On 27 Lip, 09:09, mdipierro wrote: > You are mixing a SQLFORM (the form in the first two lines) with a FORM > (in the register function). If you want db access you need to insert > the former not the latter. If you want a custom form you should not > use FORM

[web2py] Re: Custom Registration form

2010-07-27 Thread mdipierro
You are mixing a SQLFORM (the form in the first two lines) with a FORM (in the register function). If you want db access you need to insert the former not the latter. If you want a custom form you should not use FORM at all, you should just place the {{=form.cutsom.widget}}s in the view. On Jul 26

[web2py] Re: Custom registration form -- password_two [CLOSED]

2010-05-29 Thread weheh
OK Thadeus & Massimo, I agree now that you're right that the way to do it is as you showed using SQLFORM.factory and then a custom form. Then do my own form validation etc. and forget using the default registration code. Doing the custom controller is the same as any other controller and gives yo

Re: [web2py] Re: Custom registration form -- password_two [CLOSED (for now)]

2010-05-24 Thread Thadeus Burgess
http://web2pyslices.com/main/default/user/register Ok here is a link working since I disabled it on my blog. This is just built into Auth class. You can do custom styling with {{form.custom.password_two.widget}} And add by hand your fieldsets and etc. Unless you are looking for more than just

[web2py] Re: Custom registration form -- password_two [CLOSED (for now)]

2010-05-24 Thread weheh
@Thadeus: Thanks buddy. Appreciate it. As I suspected, it's got some complexity behind it and the total solution, including emailing, etc. takes a little doing. I'm going to rethink how I'm approaching this. I think the right thing to do is to leverage the underlying web2py infrastructure for doin

Re: [web2py] Re: Custom registration form -- password_two

2010-05-24 Thread Thadeus Burgess
This may be a stupid question but... Why are you not using form.custom ? {{form.custom.start}} {{form.custom.email.widget}} -- Thadeus On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 11:15 PM, Thadeus Burgess wrote: > Wait... Doesn't web2py already have this built in? > > Maybe I don't understand the question...

Re: [web2py] Re: Custom registration form -- password_two

2010-05-24 Thread Thadeus Burgess
Wait... Doesn't web2py already have this built in? Maybe I don't understand the question... Using a plain vanilla `form = auth()` You get a register form... http://thadeusb.com/admin/user/register -- Thadeus On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 10:57 PM, Thadeus Burgess wrote: > Stick the following co

Re: [web2py] Re: Custom registration form -- password_two

2010-05-24 Thread Thadeus Burgess
Stick the following code in a controller import copy user_table = [copy.copy(f) for f in db.auth_user] form = SQLFORM.factory( *user_table, Field('password2', 'password', length=512, requires=db.auth_user.password.requires), ) if form.accepts(request.vars, session): if form.vars.pas

[web2py] Re: Custom registration form -- password_two

2010-05-24 Thread weheh
@mdp: It isn't obvious to me how to mix the auth code with SQLFORM.factory and accept. The problem is that auth is such a black box that I don't know where to break into the flow of it. I believe this issue has come up enough times and been such a consistent stumbling block that I suggest you or s

[web2py] Re: Custom registration form -- password_two

2010-05-24 Thread mdipierro
No becasue the object INPUT(_type='password',name='password_two',_id='password_two'), is not in the form object and therefore not processed by accept. Moreover in your code I do not see the validation logic for password too so I do not know where the error is. My advice is use a SQLFORM.facto

[web2py] Re: Custom registration form -- password_two

2010-05-24 Thread b00m_chef
I tried doing that you are trying to do and I never got it to work. I just ended up copying the code from the AUTH.register() method that update the session and DB, and putting it in my controller. So I basically re-built my own AUTH.register() method, as the existing one is very limited in terms o

[web2py] Re: Custom registration form -- password_two

2010-05-24 Thread weheh
OK, this is still open. Sorry for the confusion. If passwords don't agree, I don't get any error message.

[web2py] Re: Custom registration form -- password_two [OPEN]

2010-05-23 Thread weheh
OK, this is reopened. It doesn't seem to matter whether the passwords are the same or different. If different, no error message is flashed. If same and the other fields entered correctly, the form doesn't seem to submit, the db isn't updated, and the page redirects right back to register again. Ag

[web2py] Re: Custom registration form -- password_two [CLOSED]

2010-05-23 Thread weheh
There used to be a way to delete a post. I don't see it anymore. Gr. Anyway, ignore this message. I think I found the problem: INPUT(_type='password',name='password_two',_id='password_two'), should really be: INPUT(_type='password',_name='password_two',_id='password_two'), Anyway, I'

[web2py] Re: custom registration form problem

2010-04-06 Thread mdipierro
I think we can fix in tools.py. Will look into it. On Apr 6, 10:09 am, salbefe wrote: > Hello, > > I'm trying to do my custom registration form. I have some problems > with the password_two field.In my custom registration form > form.custom.widget.password_two does not work (when it renders I get

[web2py] Re: custom registration form problem

2010-04-06 Thread salbefe
I have notice that the welcome application has the same problem. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To post to this group, send email to web...@googlegroups.com. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to web2py+unsubscr...@goog