[web2py] MS-SQL DAL Problem ( connecting is ok )

2017-08-03 Thread Razvan Cristian
Hello all! I am in the process of learning web2py. I downloaded the binaries and the sources for windows and give it a run but i encountered a problem. When i try to create a new user ( from welcome app ) i get the following error : " File "d:\web2py_surse\web2py\gluon\contrib\pypyodbc.py",

[web2py] MS-SQL DAL Problem

2017-07-26 Thread Jacob König
Hi all, since updating from 2.14.6 to 2.15.2 I have a problem with accessing a remote MS-SQL Database. It does not recognize certain fields and always gives me an "incorrect syntax" error. This is the test with the "old" gluon: >>> from gluon2146 import DAL, Field >>> py = DAL("mssql://DRIVER={