Hi all,

The semester is beginning again, so is a good time to restart the web2py 
learning. This time (besides finishing my old exercises portal) I would 
like to start a project creating something like Tiddlyspot[1]. The idea 
is to have a web2py site where people can create, upload and manage 
microwikis made with tiddlywiki[2]. For the moment the idea is that 
people create a user and after that the user choose a name for his/her 
microwiki and get a url with that name with the microwiki ready to use 
(tiddlywiki is contained in just one html file).
[1] www.tiddlyspot.com
[2] http://www.tiddlywiki.com/

Of course the login part is already managed by web2py, but I don't know 
how to put files that serve as templates for the microwikis and make 
them available at that url. Any pointer about how to start this project 
would be really appreciated.



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