[web2py:14580] Re: gae - specifying choices to StringProperty

2009-01-05 Thread sudhakar m
Opps its been a long thread.. so I am going to keep it very short. Premature optimization is the root of all evil! Yes. I am completely inline with this. Its time to get things done. Will post back with results!! Thanks again, Sudhakar.M --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Yo

[web2py:14575] Re: Sub domain routing using web2py

2009-01-05 Thread sudhakar m
Okie. I got the reply from some kind guy in google. This is what he says. *"You just have to manually add them and look for them in the request and handle accordingly"* I m going to look into the routes.py now. Anybody have a quick soln for this? Thanks, Sudhakar.M --~--~-~--~~-

[web2py:14563] Re: Sub domain routing using web2py

2009-01-05 Thread sudhakar m
Too bad. App engine doesnt support it. http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=113. Any other alternative? There should be a possibility. Let me dig deeper ;) Thanks, Sudhakar.M --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subsc

[web2py:14559] Sub domain routing using web2py

2009-01-05 Thread sudhakar m
Have any one tried sub domain routing in web2py? I am exploring DNS & A records now. Just wondering if there's any easy way out in the application level. Thanks, Sudhakar.M --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gr

[web2py:14501] Re: gae - web2py performance

2009-01-04 Thread sudhakar m
Hi Robin, Thanks for sharing the snippet. I spent a few hours with it but couldnt figure out. Anyway it was only for trial purpose. I am ok with edit action allowed only thro' POST. This might help you get something working, it is a form that does the > bookmarklet on ru.ly via GET using url param

[web2py:14500] Re: gae - web2py performance

2009-01-04 Thread sudhakar m
Hi Benn, > > *Here's my results* > > time/request : 1.02669 sec > > time/request : 0.81934 sec > > Thanks for running those tests. Since my application is pretty > database intensive, this might be a showstopper for me on GAE. :( I > had assumed that Big Table would be *much* faster than this (l

[web2py:14487] Re: gae - web2py performance

2009-01-03 Thread sudhakar m
Hi Massimo, Happy to see you back ;) @Is this the latest trunk? Yes I am using the latest trunk Hi Robin, Try setting formname = None: > > team_form.accepts(request.vars, formname=None) > > Then try inspecting the request.vars to ensure that 'id' var matches > db.Team.id. > > Also try submit

[web2py:14474] Re: gae - web2py performance

2009-01-03 Thread sudhakar m
Hi Robin, > Not sure why datastore api calls are made twice for each request. Need to > > investigate further. If anyone has any further information on this pls do > > share it in this thread. > > How are you counting Datastore api calls? Could it be a sessions > table making the extra request? >

[web2py:14473] Re: gae - specifying choices to StringProperty

2009-01-03 Thread sudhakar m
Thanks James for sharing the info. Set up the models with the suggested work- > arounds. Bulk upload a few thousand records. Set up a page or three > that run the most complicated queries you expect to see. Then check > your logs. I reached the same stage 2 days back. I designed models in w

[web2py:14470] Re: gae - specifying choices to StringProperty

2009-01-03 Thread sudhakar m
> The GAE datastore is pretty slow. From what I've gathered, depending > on your data model, if you're doing more than 2 read/writes (with > writes being *much* slower) per request, you'll probably have issues. Yes I did a small test with a simple model. It was taking around 1sec/request for sin

[web2py:14458] gae - web2py performance

2009-01-03 Thread sudhakar m
Further to the discussion on the following thread, today i have decided to test the performance of web2py on app engine http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/e04dd277360d28b4?hl=en Disclaimer: My only Intention of these tests is to measure the performance & if possible contrib

[web2py:14454] Re: Many to Many (sort of)

2009-01-03 Thread sudhakar m
In my case Match_ids column contains collection of match_id's seperated by '|' in text field. This allows me to have many-to-many relation between Ground & Match with out defining additional join table. Thanks, Sudhakar.M --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this mes

[web2py:14441] Re: Many to Many (sort of)

2009-01-02 Thread sudhakar m
uot;string"), SQLField("no", "integer")) db.Match.Ground_id.requires= IS_IN_DB(db, 'Ground.id') db.Ground.Match_ids.requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 'Match.id', multiple=True) Thanks, 2009/1/3 sudhakar m > Referencing the table before definition cau

[web2py:14440] Re: Many to Many (sort of)

2009-01-02 Thread sudhakar m
Referencing the table before definition causes error. Following test case fails. db.define_table("Ground", SQLField("won_by", db.Team), SQLField("Match_ids", *db.Match*)) db.define_table("Match", SQLField("Ground_id", *db.Ground*), SQLField("win_margin", "string"), S

[web2py:14426] Re: gae - specifying choices to StringProperty

2009-01-02 Thread sudhakar m
Thanks Robin for a detailed explanation on HABTM vs ListProperty. db.define_table("Match", > SQLField("ground", "string"), > SQLField("result", "string")) > > db.define_table("Team", > SQLField("name", "string")) > > db.define_table("Player", > SQLField("name", "string")) > >

[web2py:14419] Re: gae - specifying choices to StringProperty

2009-01-02 Thread sudhakar m
Yep got the source from http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/examples/static/1.55rc2/web2py_src.zip I will do some trials and post back. Sudhakar.M --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web Framework" group.

[web2py:14416] Re: gae - specifying choices to StringProperty

2009-01-02 Thread sudhakar m
> Assuming one player playes only for one team you can store the team with > the player in the Player table not use a many2many between team and player. In my case player plays for more than one team. > > . The problem is GAE does not allow retrieving more than 1000 records at > the time. I am

[web2py:14410] Re: gae - specifying choices to StringProperty

2009-01-02 Thread sudhakar m
Thanks Massimo. > > db.define_table("Player", > SQLField("name", "string")) > > db.define_table("Team", > SQLField("name", "string"), > SQLField("player_ids", "text")) > > db.define_table("Match", > SQLField("ground", "string"), > SQLField("result", "string"), > S

[web2py:/] Re: gae - specifying choices to StringProperty

2009-01-02 Thread sudhakar m
Hi Robin, Thanks for the explanation. But I still couldnt quite get it right. This is what I have. For example in case of cricket match, 1. Each match has many teams(say 2) 2. Each team has many players 3. Each Player belongs to many teams So we have many-to-many relationship between m

[web2py:14383] Re: gae - specifying choices to StringProperty

2009-01-01 Thread sudhakar m
Thanks Fran. This would suffice my current requirement. But is there a way to define StringListProperty or ListProperty in model. Sudhakar.M --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web Framework" grou

[web2py:14380] gae - specifying choices to StringProperty

2009-01-01 Thread sudhakar m
In Gae, we can specify the choices when creating the stringproperty. * phone_type = db.StringProperty( choices=('home', 'work', 'fax', 'mobile', 'other')) * This will prevent other value's to this field. I am finding it very much useful for my current design. But how do i represent this in w

[web2py:14214] Re: Running web2py with python 2.4

2008-12-28 Thread sudhakar m
My fault. Got few answers from old threads. Will post back if any addiional info is required. Sudhakar.M --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web Framework" group. To post to this group, send email

[web2py:14213] Running web2py with python 2.4

2008-12-28 Thread sudhakar m
Did any one tried running web2py with python2.4. As per the documentation at download page , it supports only 2.5. To make the admin app to run on 2.4, what changes needs to be done? Can anyone give me some lead on this? I have a shared hosting

[web2py:14211] Re: Dark color scheme for admin EditArea in web2py

2008-12-28 Thread sudhakar m
erro > > do you know of a way to keep the current (default) color scheme but > improve the contrast in the highlighted (selected) text? > > Massimo > > On Dec 28, 12:29 pm, "sudhakar m" wrote: > > I have created a dark color scheme for EditArea. For those who

[web2py:14205] Re: error with date field

2008-12-28 Thread sudhakar m
I too got the same error with the date field, when I was trying to import the data from csv. After investigation, it turned out to be problem with imported data. It was expecting data for date in -MM-DD format but some of my data were in YYY-MMM-DD format. After changing the data, things were f

[web2py:14203] Re: Minimal web2py installation on GAE

2008-12-28 Thread sudhakar m
In app.yaml, the section called skip_files lists file patterns that > appcfg skips when uploading to GAE. > Yep. This is a much better approach for doing the same. For contribution, I have created a dark color scheme for Edit area. I will put it in another thread, so that it can be easly accessib

[web2py:/] Re: Minimal web2py installation on GAE

2008-12-28 Thread sudhakar m
orking great. Thanks again for web2py. Sudhakar.M 2008/12/28 mdipierro > > mkdir applications/mynewapp > cd applications/mynewapp > tar xvf ../../welcome.tar > > Massimo > > On Dec 28, 1:35 am, "sudhakar m" wrote: > > Sorry for the double post. I was hav

[web2py:14177] Re: Minimal web2py installation on GAE

2008-12-27 Thread sudhakar m
uon/*.py (and folders therein) > web2py/deposit/ (empty) > web2py/applications/ (and your own apps in here) > > should be about 1MB > > Massimo > > > On Dec 27, 6:30 pm, "sudhakar m" wrote: > > I have been playing with web2py for last few days. I c

[web2py:14169] Minimal web2py installation on GAE

2008-12-27 Thread sudhakar m
I have been playing with web2py for last few days. I came from rails & my exposure to both python & web2py is very limited. I tried django too as it comes bundled with GAE, but choose web2py for portability of Web2py ORM as it can generate GQL quires (with some obvious limitation of joins, counts,