As per latest documentation:
In model i have:
Field('test', 'string'),
Field('image', 'upload'))
In controller I have:
def test():
form = SQLFORM(db.test)
return dict(form=form)
In view I have:
On Dec 21, 1:44 pm, Murray3 wrote:
> reply to post not showing in group?
> anyway if any ideas to below problem, help appreciated.
> > wrote:
> > As per latest
> > documentation:
> &g
reply to post not showing in group?
anyway if any ideas to below problem, help appreciated.
> wrote:
> As per latest
> documentation:
> In model i have:
> db.define_table('test',
> Field('test', 'string'),
> Field('image', 'u
As per latest documentation:
In model i have:
Field('test', 'string'),
Field('image', 'upload'))
In controller I have:
def test():
form = SQLFORM(db.test)
return dict(form=form)
In view I have
Did this get solved, as I am experiencing the same problem with
SQLFORM.factory not saving images to datastore?
using latest release of web2py.
On Nov 19, 4:04 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 2:02 PM, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> > *if request.env.web2py_runtime_gae: *
> this was a t
seems to happen all the time on google groups, nevermind!
On Nov 4, 5:39 am, BrendanC wrote:
> Ignore my previous qn - they just showed up again - so it's probably some
> sort of refresh issue with my broswer settings.
\db\", line 3635, in validate
if value is not None and not value.has_key():
AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'has_key'
On Nov 3, 2:55 pm, Massimo Di Pierro
> I think I just fixed this in trunk, please check.
I thought this would work with custom SQL
Using latest version of web2py in gae interactive console I have for
testing purposes:
from gluon.contrib.gql import gae
from gluon.dal import *
db = DAL('gae')
Field('name', 'string'))
yeh..sorry, i worked that out after I sent post. thanks for this
On Oct 16, 4:58 pm, howesc wrote:
> is this the line that is failing:
> #this fails, unknown key exception
> entity_keyid = db.funtest[key]
> i meant to comment it out in my example since it fails.
Itried this in the gae sdk development console and replaced args with
a string as request not available and its just a quick test.
I copied the from trunk and replaced into my copy of last
stable release
I get there traceback listed below
#the code in dev console--
from g
It would be great if (when the code is fully tested) some full example
code for getting
this working was posted / made available.
It would be a much welcome addition to the greatly improved (and
ongoing :) documentation done on web2py over the last year.
On Oct 12, 6:03 pm, howesc wrote:
> i
thanks guys, i will see if I can get my collapsible list generated
from a controller function using Anthony's idea.
On Sep 27, 8:39 pm, Anthony wrote:
> On Tuesday, September 27, 2011 3:33:44 PM UTC-4, kasapo wrote:
> > Ok, Anthony's idea is like a million times better.
> I stole it from a pr
how do we do this with DIV() Helper?
for instance in interactive i want to return a div element for
collapsible elements
>>>print gluon.DIV( data-role="collapsible" data-theme="contention")
When a user enter incorrect username / password for a twitter post you
get a returned html 401 when using massim's twitter_update code.
How can you handle this in the code and update the user etc
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" gr
(second attempt: was not showing in the listing of posts!)
Hi I got this all working - problem was due to way vars where defined
in a SQLFORM.factory.
I am developing my code further and added basic validation that the
username and password inputs
are not blank prior to submitting twiitter_update
any help appreciated
On Nov 30, 11:43 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> They are. If you should us the code we can help more.
> On Nov 30, 4:55 pm, murray3 wrote:
> > I am using this function
> > def twitter_post(username,password,message):
> > import ur
I am using this function
def twitter_post(username,password,message):
import urllib, urllib2, base64, gluon.contrib.simplejson
args= urllib.urlencode([('status',message)])
headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic '+base64.b64encode(username
request = urllib2.R
Nov 29, 10:57 am, murray3 wrote:
> see ammendments and it worked thanks
> urllib2 and request
> On Nov 28, 10:47 pm, murray3 wrote:
> > def twitter_post(username,password,message):
> > import urllib, urllib2, base64, gluon.contrib.simplejson
> > args= ur
actually discovered the answer by scanning the code in - if
any one else has the same problem.
To expose fields in the users profile use:
etc etc.
On Nov 29, 11:36 am, murray3 wrote:
> Hi I am using notabenes rpxAuth mod
Hi I am using notabenes rpxAuth module nd it allows me to login to my
app via twitter
and google no problems.
The code automatically creates a profile database as well and in there
are the values
for my login provider and pic url etc, I am having problems exposing
these values and need some help /f
see ammendments and it worked thanks
urllib2 and request
On Nov 28, 10:47 pm, murray3 wrote:
> def twitter_post(username,password,message):
> import urllib, urllib2, base64, gluon.contrib.simplejson
> args= urllib.urlencode([('status',message)])
> he
def twitter_post(username,password,message):
import urllib, urlib2, base64, gluon.contrib.simplejson
args= urllib.urlencode([('status',message)])
headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic '+base64.b64encode(username
request = urllib2.Request('
Nov 28, 1:50 pm, "mr.freeze" wrote:
> If you need custom fields you have to create a custom auth table first
> then create a mapping in the RPXAuth instance. I hope that makes
> sense. Feel free to email me your code and I will take a closer look.
> On Nov 28, 3:13 am, m
I am having problems displaying profile data =db.profile.provider and
I cannot get it to work and must be syntax problem, I have tried for
instance auth.provider
but gives value=none.
Any ideas appreciated
On Nov 21, 1:33 pm, murray3 wrote:
> scratch that!!!
scratch that!!!
I had the full url to auth.settings.rpx_login_domain='http://localhost:
8000'/init/default/index', should have been just 'http://localhost:
Thanks again guy's for this code:)
On Nov 21, 12:41 pm, murray3 wrote:
> I have tried the rpxAuth
I have tried the rpxAuth module and it allowed me to login using a
google account.
Did not get auth.user when calling from web2py.
I decided to try the original prxAuth module which does not allow for
local login and I have the same problem.
I have been looking at this for a few hours and not s
Mr Freeze,
thanks for this, I am trying to get it to work but seem to have a
problem when
the iframe choose provider popup displays it does not recognise the url:
Server not found
Firefox can't find the server at
in the controller I have pasted yoiur code as per "slice
Whilst I am awaiting info on ways to code a xmpp client in javascript
(current offerings seem to require BOSH and do not seem to want to
work with google talk) I thought of trying a crude version just using
web2py and jquery.
I need to know how a contrroller function (message) from another app
On Oct 7, 12:12 am, murray3 wrote:
> This works really well now, thanks.
> I want to take it further have you configured any of the javascript
> xmpp client libraries to work with this onGAE?
> any help
> appreciated
> chrism
> On Oct 5, 7:35 am, Robin B
> every request took as long as this cold request, you should make
> changes to optimize your app for better performance, since its the
> first/warm-up request there is not much you can do about the high CPU.
> Robin
> On Oct 4, 4:42 am, murray3 wrote:
> > Tha
Thanks Robin,
Here are some snapshots of the logs, as you can see requests are being
made to /_ah/xmpp/message/chat/, I thought I would see the xml /
jabber message somewhere? either returned to the view or in these
I have tried to write a simple bot / responder but not getting far,
any hel
I see no evidence of the message, am I looking in wrong place or have
you any ideas.
On Oct 3, 12:26 am, murray3 wrote:
> this is just a test of your code:
> To receive:
> > > applications/_ah/controllers/
> > > def message():
> > > if request.args[0] == 'chat' and request.method == 'POST':
> > > import logging
> > > message = request.vars
> > >
e = request.vars
> > > logging.debug(str(message))
> > > return message
> > > Add this to app.yaml:
> > > inbound_services:
> > > - xmpp_message
> > > Check your logs to see incoming XMPP messages, only works on
> > > > > This is the gd:im element. In XML output, the address and protocol
> > > > > are
> > > > > provided as the address and protocol attributes, respectively. See:
> > > > >
I am interested in the way we can convert GAE sample web apps to
web2py, in particular the xmpp tutorial :
Seems straight forward to import the modules etc.
How should the following be ported to web2py to handle the xmpp stuff?
def main(
this is very helpful.
On Sep 1, 2:23 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Google group search (for this group) does not seem to find old
> messages properly. Use this instead:
You receive
any further help appreciated with this, as I am stuck??
just need to get the contoller action running from an onclick event in
the view, at present nothing happens and I'm not sure if it is jpolite
or just using the wrong code?
regards chrism
On Aug 26, 11:13 pm, murray3 wrote:
> Ok
Ok I have a better understanding (i read a jquery ajax tutorial) of
what you where trying to do in your first reply. I have amended "=" to
"==" and added ":" in the "if not" statement which where missing and
caused syntax errors.
The problem is that in the view: onclick="{{=URL
> return 'jQuery('#selector%i' % part_id).html('not
> selected')
> else:
> db.prodj_refs.insert(prodj_id=request.args
> (0),part_id=part_id)
> return 'jQuery('#selector%i' % part_id).html
> (0))&(}}
> checked="checked"{{else:}}not
> selected{{pass}} />
> 7) When you change 6) you wil also need to change the jquery commands
> returned by the check() action.
> On Aug 25, 7:17 am, murray3 wrote:
Guy's thanks for your help yesterday.
Massimo, I am developing for app engine so the "&" selects do not work
and I had to modify '=' to '==' in a couple of places to get the view
to load without GAE errors.
It is still not quite working, I nested 'if's' for GAE selects perhaps
you will see what ne
is there a way to run some python db.update code in a view by using
the onclick event from the checkbox.
At present the python code just runs, I put the "checker" in there to
try and toggle it off until the onclick event obviously does not run
the python code as is.
help appreciated
Has been released.
The element structure / labels have been changed from v1.
I am looking at it now but trying to understand massimo's
jquery.myext.js script which adapts it for web2py.
Are you intending to update this soon for jpolite2, or maybe a quick
overview of what needs changing so others
I am very interested in this topic, having used jpolite/web2py as the
framework for my app.
Main prob I had sems to be the passing of args and vars within
I have used a workaround of placing my custom form in a non jpolite
and then embedding it within an iframe. Not such a good th
Any help with this would be great as I am stuck and cannot get it to
work :(
I had FCKeditor working as wiki editor I was able to open and save
to the db without any problems.
I moved the app code to the jpolite framework and now when I edit a
field it does not
update the database.
The for
still can't get this to work? any help most appreciated.
On Jul 12, 12:56 am, murray3 wrote:
> in fact I was trying it with args as that is usal way choosing a db
> select set but could not
> get it to work - (I thought maybe it was because of the way the
> jpolite
Hi All,
Not sure why this does not work using jpolite framework, worked before
in standard page?
the db prodj.main_tab field is not getting updated.
Any help most appreciated.
In controller:
def m203():
try: thisprodj_id=db([0]).select()[0]
except: redire
in fact I was trying it with args as that is usal way choosing a db
select set but could not
get it to work - (I thought maybe it was because of the way the
jpolite js modules work?)
so then I seen your code for passing vars to a controller using ajax
and tried that aproach.
Still on a long learn
you use
> ':eval' ajax expects to recaive a string containing valid js code.
> Your action is returning a serialized table.
> On Jul 11, 12:53 pm, murray3 wrote:
> > Massimo,
> > I tried this on following:
> > view m201 (in jpolite framework)
learning curve I'm afraid:)
On Jul 11, 7:24 pm, murray3 wrote:
> Thanks, I just want to pass the value "other" to the contoller 'm204'
> which will then use
> logic to decide the db selection set and then render view m204.html
> chrism
> On Jul 11, 7:17 pm,
I tried this on following:
view m201 (in jpolite framework)
Prodj Categories:
in controller
def m204():
value=request.vars.m204 prodj=db(db.prodj.genus==value).select
I looked at this a few months ago and Geohashing seemed the
"recommended" way.
I am trying to finish off an open source wiki which has a location
based search facility,
using google maps, the locations for the places are to be stored in
Big table and retrieved
and dispayed as markers using stand
Is there anything special that needs to be done to pass args from a
view module to a controller.
I ask as the standard code that works on a "typical" view and
controller does not work when used in jpolite:
In view module m201:
{{for prodj in prodj
f range
any ideas?
On Jun 3, 12:01 am, murray3 wrote:
> yep, I got it :)
> chris
> {{=LI(A(,_href=URL(r=request,f='m202',args=
> [])),_id='m202')}}
> On Jun 2, 11:36 pm, murray3 wrote:
> > I have a table called Prodj.
> &
yep, I got it :)
On Jun 2, 11:36 pm, murray3 wrote:
> I have a table called Prodj.
> In JPolite if I have the following in a sidebar module (201), what is
> the syntax to
I have a table called Prodj.
In JPolite if I have the following in a sidebar module (201), what is
the syntax to pass
args=[] to the appropriate controller (203), for the recieving
module (203).
side menu
Create Prodj:
Create A New Pr
Jpolite works with javascript code running in modules as I have
FCKeditor running
in one of the modules.
I installed jquery jmaps and I have it referenced in the layout.html
and the
google script with key for localhost.
I also tried this previously just using standard google maps insertion
rwise the
google javascript
just "breaks out of" the module and just goes into a inf' loop!
On May 24, 2:57 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> The latest one should work, does it not?
> On May 24, 6:20 am, murray3 wrote:
> > Static RSS Module just "L
Static RSS Module just "Loading" is there a fix for this?
On May 21, 5:51 pm, murray3 wrote:
> just some feedback, I work of a netbook with win xp and Iexplorer
> 6.0.2 installed (although i always use firefox by default!).
> In IExplorer the tabs tend to disappear and
I am experimenting with jpolite and tried to show a google map in a
Cannot get it to work. Maybe google Javascript code conflicts?
Is it possible to get it to work with jpolite at this stage, or does
it need further work.
any ideas/help appreciated,
I am using:
{{=MENU(,_class='web2py-menu web2py-menu-horizontal'}}
with this in menu.db: = [
['Index', False,
['another', False,
The menu still
just some feedback, I work of a netbook with win xp and Iexplorer
6.0.2 installed (although i always use firefox by default!).
In IExplorer the tabs tend to disappear and you need o refresh to get
them back.
Other than that this looks like it blows away several months of
interface configuring/deve
I am using:
> {{menu=MENU(}}
> {{menu.ul_class_0 = 'web2py-menu web2py-menu-horizonal'}}
> {{=menu}}
with this in menu.db: = [
['Index', False,
['another', False,
ode - href=URL(r=request,f='ii',args=
is incorrect but not sure what synatx should be??
On May 2, 10:50 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I am guessing you want
> iframe>
> Massimo
> On May 1, 6:24 pm
If I have a page with
e the names some more to show what the intent
> is more clearly, since "item" is really the requested prodj - Say what you
> mean, and your debugging will shift from a mystery, to a check to see if you
> are doing the right things :-)
> Hope this helps.
> Regards,
> Yark
Thanks Julio,
I changed some things around but still have not got it working. Here
is my code:
now I have a problem with "id"
LQuery(self, '=', value)
File "c:\apps\web2py\gluon\contrib\", line 570, in __init__
right = obj_represent(right, left.type, left._db)
File "c:\apps\web2py\gluon\contrib\", line 505, in
obj = long(obj)
TypeError: long() argument must
Anyone created any threaded based discussion code similar to what we
using here now. I want to incorporate this into an Open source app I
am developing and
it needs to run on GAE.
I know Reddish did simething similar but it was not updated to work
with latest
version of web2py, so I am not sur
I spent some time looking into this problem, here is my post and
Massimo's solution.
On Apr 6, 9:35 am, Vidul Petrov wrote:
> The mail o
still struggling to get a solution with this GAE issue.
anyone with experience of similar?
any help appreciated
On Mar 29, 11:59 pm, murray3 wrote:
> Here it is I have commented much whilst testing for mistake
> thanks for any help
> chrism
> --
> model:
I posted this when I got up - must have been still asleep as problem
is withcreat function
as it is not working there probably is nothing in db table to select?
Here is code for create controller and subsequent error output from
def create():
"creates a new empty wiki page"
I have a wiki app which has problems when I try and run it in GAE SDK.
Essentially it is a modifies version of the standard example wiki app
from the web2py book.
The GAE SDK throws an error when I try index view with the following
model, controller, and error output from GAE
is that gmail smtp requires that the sendto
> address is the gmail email account.
> Massimo
> On Mar 22, 2:49 pm, murray3 wrote:
> > Massimo,
> > yes I am using gmail smtp and gmail account to send!
> > Chrism
> > On Mar 22, 3:05 pm, mdipierro wr
yes I am using gmail smtp and gmail account to send!
On Mar 22, 3:05 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I use it and it works fine but Google is more picky about smtp. Are
> you using gmail?
> On Mar 22, 7:21 am, murray3 wrote:
> > I have been working on an app w
I have been working on an app which has auth working fine.
I can register and recieve the reg email etc.
I am transferring it to GAE SDK, site seems to work ok.
The registration email process does not work??
Anyone have an idea, been through this problem before?
any help appreciated.
Looking at all the GAE Users documentation - it seems quite straight
forward to
authenticate a user using GAE User class. Using the code:
from google.appengine.api import users
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:
#redirect to login: users.create_login_url()
If anyone has
I need to create my own views/ forms for authentication.
The examples listed produce conflict with my layout /styles
as they auto generate the Auth form.
Is there a listing of how you could produce a custom authentication
form in a controller? so I could just include {{=cust_Auth_form}}
,for exam
Has the various updates to web2py included for replicating the forum
app without T2_plugin, or do I still follow your previous methods
oulined in the posts last november?
I.E. Whats the best way of implementing a discussion forum with 1.57
Here is a forum in web2py.
1) It
, 8:17 pm, murray3 wrote:
> Thanks Massimo,
> I did try using _value=XML(thipage.body,sanitize=True) previouslyand
> although it saves the value in correct format, when the input button
> clicked / activated thenicedittextarea clears?
> If you click it again the updated record d
I have a problem with nicedit in a form textarea not displaying the (i.e.
data that has been previously updated in the form using nicedit and
then submitting.
The data displays after submit, and I can display it on another page
using {{=XML(page.body,sanatize=true}} bu
> you may want to repost your problem in case sombody else if faster
> than me.
> On Mar 2, 3:08 pm, murray3 wrote:
> > Any ideas Massimo,
> > Is there a problem that's is hard to fix? I am working on other
> > parts of my app until I get a fix for this prob
Any ideas Massimo,
Is there a problem that's is hard to fix? I am working on other
parts of my app until I get a fix for this problem.
thanks Chrism
On Mar 1, 9:48 am, murray3 wrote:
> I have emailed the testwiki app and info to you.
> thanks
> chrism
> On Mar 1, 4:40
I have emailed the testwiki app and info to you.
On Mar 1, 4:40 am, mdipierro wrote:
> Please send me you app and instructions to reproduce the problem.
> On Feb 28, 6:17 pm, murray3 wrote:
> > Massimo,
> > that fixes 50% of problem, I can now edit
t the docs etc.
Any help with this, appreciated.
On Feb 28, 2:07 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I think you need
> form.accepts(.,keepvalues=True)
> On Feb 28, 3:42 am, murray3 wrote:
> > I have a test Wiki Controller which now defines a form with the
> > pro
I have a test Wiki Controller which now defines a form with the
I can customise, I have a text area which is edited by nicEdit. On
saves contents to my db. and can be dispalayed on another page with
while this is OK, when clicking submit, the cod
> > elif form.errors:
> > response.flash="form is invalid!"
> About your first problem:
> replace
> _value=thispage.body
> with
> _value=XML(thipage.body,sanitize=True)
> On Feb 27, 2:27 am, murray3 wrote:
works with the following in controller:
def edit():
try: thispage=db([0]).select()
except: redirect(URL(r=request,f='index'))
form=FORM(DIV(TEXTAREA(_style="width: 98%;",
een to offer my services to
Document this little journey of discovery for others :)
On Feb 26, 12:09 am, mdipierro wrote:
> thispage.update_record(form.vars.wikibody1)
> should be
> thispage.update_record(wikibody1=form.vars.wikibody1)
> On Feb
On Feb 24, 2:27 am, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> If you make a view for your form this will help you control it.
> If you use FORM(...) instead of SQLFORM() this will not generate tables.
> See
> Then you will
> > inserted in the > if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
> > response.flash='form accepted'
> > elif form.errors:
> > response.flash='form has errors'
> > return dict(form=form)
> > Regards,
> >
I have been enjoying the flexibiity of web2py, and my app idea is
well, it is something I have been contemplating for a long time and I
will release it
when I get it to a suitable stage as to take it further it needs to be
open source.
So with that in mind, I would like to solve my mo
thanks for the help on this, but I didn't get it to work and I have
been preocupied
with designing a railway(day job:).
I am still using standard SQLFORM object as this allows for the
nicEdit markup to be
saved to db. When I try using custom form it does not submit.
All I wanted todo was use a te
but I am trying to learn this stuff (slowly), this is a hobby:) I just
want to save my nicedit textarea data to the db
and I wanted a larger text area than SQLFORM() default.
On Feb 17, 2:53 pm, DenesL wrote:
> On Feb 17, 6:07 am, murray3 wrote:
> > using the fa
using the famous mywiki as my testbed i could do with a little more
with implementing the new custom sqlforms:
in model:
in controller:
def edit():
"edit fo
what would be the best way of integrating google or openid
authentication into
a web2py application?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py Web Framework" group.
To post to this group, send em
; I do not know. That is used in applications/admin/views/default/
> htmledit.html and it works.
> On Feb 15, 6:52 pm, murray3 wrote:
> > yes and it failed also!
> > On Feb 16, 12:06 am, mdipierro wrote:
> > > did you replace 'body' with the
yes and it failed also!
On Feb 16, 12:06 am, mdipierro wrote:
> did you replace 'body' with the id of the textarea?
> Massimo
> On Feb 15, 4:16 pm, murray3 wrote:
> > Massimo,
> > does not work at all using this code, the icons where only missing o
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