[web2py] Re: The procedure entry point wcspy_s could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll

2013-12-13 Thread mikech
Done :) On Friday, December 13, 2013 11:34:33 AM UTC-8, Niphlod wrote: > > jump on the bandwagon yourself! > http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=1809 > > On Friday, December 13, 2013 8:30:29 PM UTC+1, mikech wrote: >> >> I am also getting the the procedur

[web2py] Re: The procedure entry point wcspy_s could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll

2013-12-13 Thread mikech
I am also getting the the procedure entry point wcspy_s could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll on WinXP and this is a clean install with no pre-existing projects of databases. On Thursday, December 5, 2013 1:12:53 PM UTC-8, Niphlod wrote: > > recent web2py version enforce FK

[web2py] Re: How to access the auth tables in appadmin?

2012-10-18 Thread mikech
= DAL(...) in your code (perhaps in > different model files)? > > On Thursday, 18 October 2012 12:36:00 UTC-5, mikech wrote: >> >> Hi Bill don't want to take up much of your time. I've verified that the >> auth_* tables are defined using a sqllite2009 pro. I&#

[web2py] Re: How to access the auth tables in appadmin?

2012-10-18 Thread mikech
consistent with the image in the book by the way. On Thursday, October 18, 2012 9:21:39 AM UTC-7, mikech wrote: > > Thanks Bill. > What I'm trying to find out is how do I access the tables involved with > security. Do I need to create views, or is there already some as

[web2py] Re: How to access the auth tables in appadmin?

2012-10-18 Thread mikech
Wednesday, October 17, 2012 6:20:48 PM UTC-5, mikech wrote: >> >> I'm working thru the book again, and when I get to the image tutorial it >> mentions adding a manager group to the auth tables in appadmin: >> >> "Using appadmin create a group "manager&

[web2py] Looking for a tutor

2012-10-17 Thread mikech
I would be interested in hooking up with someone for some tutoring online for pay of course. Anyone interested? I'm in California so a similiar time zone would be best. Mike --

[web2py] How to access the auth tables in appadmin?

2012-10-17 Thread mikech
I'm working thru the book again, and when I get to the image tutorial it mentions adding a manager group to the auth tables in appadmin: "Using appadmin create a group "manager" and make some users members of the group. They will not be able to access" I cannot find where this is, when I bri

[web2py] Re: Problem with adding Grids in book

2012-10-17 Thread mikech
ger; permission = update & > group=manager, > > This is a quick answer on my way out the door > > hope it helped. > > -Bill > > > On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 6:33:19 PM UTC-5, mikech wrote: >> >> The section Adding Grids refers to using appadmin to cre

[web2py] Problem with adding Grids in book

2012-10-16 Thread mikech
The section Adding Grids refers to using appadmin to create a group manager, but I can't find anything in appadmin that allows that. Could someone give me a clue. It seems that something is missing here. --

[web2py] MariaDB

2012-10-05 Thread mikech
MariaDb is supposedly a drop in replacement for MySql. Does anyone have any experience using this with Web2py? --

Re: [web2py] Dart - New Google Language

2012-04-18 Thread mikech
By the way O'Reilly has a free book on Dart at: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920025887.do On Wednesday, April 18, 2012 11:11:55 AM UTC-7, mikech wrote: > > Isn't that the goal of Node.js? I agree Dart is an interesting language, > I'm currently following it. I

Re: [web2py] Dart - New Google Language

2012-04-18 Thread mikech
Isn't that the goal of Node.js? I agree Dart is an interesting language, I'm currently following it. It does seem with efforts like Node.js and Meteor that JS is advancing on both the server and client. On Wednesday, April 18, 2012 10:35:34 AM UTC-7, villas wrote: > > Naturally JS is extremely

Re: [web2py] Meteor web framework

2012-04-11 Thread mikech
Looks very interesting! On Wednesday, April 11, 2012 9:09:04 AM UTC-7, Richard wrote: > > The site is pretty unstable, it keeps reloading the page all the time. > > Richard > > On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Francisco Costa wrote: > >> http://www.meteor.com >> Meteor is a set of new technologi

[web2py] Re: The Winners! Web2py Application Exhibition Version 3.0

2012-03-08 Thread mikech
Next time I would be willing to contribute towards the prize. I think this is a good way to feed the web2py ecosystem. Mike On Wednesday, March 7, 2012 10:49:33 AM UTC-8, NetAdmin wrote: > > > 1st Place Prize $100 > > Brian Cottingham from the U.S. was the First Place Winner. > His entr

Re: [web2py] Re: more tutorials?

2012-03-05 Thread mikech
Bruno: This sounds great, I'd like to hear a sample in English when it's available. Mike On Monday, March 5, 2012 4:47:06 PM UTC-8, rochacbruno wrote: > > I teach a Python and web2py online course for begginers[1], I teach the > course in Portuguese and now it is completing one year of existenc

[web2py] Re: room booking system with web2py...

2012-02-28 Thread mikech
You should consider having a from and to date as a start, and as stated below, split room and reservations into two tables joined by room id. On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 11:28:46 AM UTC-8, Christoph Ott wrote: > > Thank you for the great examples, helped me a lot. > > It's almost working I've

[web2py] Re: I would like to learn Web2py but where do I start?

2012-02-24 Thread mikech
Hi Newbie, If you think you'll stick around it would be good to have your real name somewhere. Here is a book on Python that has gotten a lot of attention recently. It starts you from the very beginning. http://learnpythonthehardway.org/ On Thursday, February 23, 2012 12:34:08 PM UTC-8, ne

[web2py] Valentina DB

2012-02-03 Thread mikech
Anyone come across this product in the wild? Seems good, and it has a report writer, which is a missing piece I've been looking for. Has no Python binding, does support SQL. http://www.valentina-db.com/

Re: [web2py] [off topic] Announcement

2012-01-18 Thread mikech

[web2py] Re: PyCharm for web2py development -- interest in a third-party plugin?

2012-01-18 Thread mikech
I also wonder who could've set that bad tone, I haven't seen anything on the request list.

[web2py] Blog mention of Web2py

2012-01-05 Thread mikech

Re: [web2py] Re: Development of the Framework

2011-12-22 Thread mikech
Rhys - as a beginner I think you'll find that web2py is exactly what you want to get going, and get results quickly. Mike

[web2py] Re: Web Development Introduction Based On Web2py

2011-12-21 Thread mikech
Bookmarked! I like the approach as well.

[web2py] Re: new book now available in HTML (english, japanese, italian)

2011-12-20 Thread mikech
Will there be an ebook version for purchase. I want to contribute towards the effort, but don't want a physical book. Either that or a donate button, though I realize that wasn't to lucrative in the past. Mike

[web2py] [OT] Pycharm 2 is out

2011-12-15 Thread mikech
Still no web2py love, but some nice features. http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/whatsnew/ and here is the link for voting for web2py support. http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/PY-1648?projectKey=PY 'web2py the Rodney Dangerfield of Python web frameworks'

[web2py] Re: PyCon 2012 tutorials announced

2011-12-12 Thread mikech
Web2pyCon? Maybe?

[web2py] Re: web2py for dummies

2011-12-05 Thread mikech
Thanks Cliff, I will take a look. I Mike

[web2py] Re: web2py for dummies

2011-12-04 Thread mikech
I've been thinking along these same lines. I would like to see a workbook to go along with the web2py book in which the concepts in the book are illustrated in a sample in the workbook. Perhaps it could be a progressive sample that builds on one of the samples begun in the earlier chapters. M

[web2py] Python27.dll?

2011-11-28 Thread mikech
I know that we can run the source version under 2.7 by specifying the version at the command line. Is it possible to replace the Python25.dll in the binary distribution with the 2.7 dll and have it use this instead? Also where would I find this file?

Re: [web2py] Error in custom_import and Pyforum

2011-11-28 Thread mikech
Thanks, this must be it. I'm running under 2.5 using the web2py standard binary distribution. Mike

[web2py] Re: Error in custom_import and Pyforum

2011-11-28 Thread mikech
I'm on Windows and the json library is there, but I will take Massimo's advice and replace it. Thanks! Mike

[web2py] Error in custom_import and Pyforum

2011-11-27 Thread mikech
Hi: I downloaded Pyforums in order to study some code in what looks like a very well done application. When I try to look at the default index view I get the following error: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Traceback (most recent call last): File "gluon/restricted.py", line 194, in restricted File "

[web2py] [OFF] Python Weekly mention of web2py video by Francisco

2011-11-17 Thread mikech
Great weekly newletter. Occasionally web2py comes up, though Django has the majority of stories. http://www.pythonweekly.com/ Here is the most recent issue: http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=e2e180baf855ac797ef407fc7&id=1c9c8cf4de&e=a7170878cf

[web2py] Re: Oreilly python-Certification

2011-11-14 Thread mikech
Thanks, very useful.

Re: [web2py] Re: Online Book Typo

2011-11-10 Thread mikech
So can we assume that the typos we see there now, have not been reported?

Re: [web2py] Re: Online Book Typo

2011-11-09 Thread mikech
+1 for this. I wasn't thinking about major edits, but we could see whether the typos etc. had already been reported and not crowd the group with repeats.

[web2py] Re: Online Book Typo

2011-11-08 Thread mikech
I was wondering if there was any 'bug' tracking in relation to the documentation. It might be a good idea to track the corrections, and changes.

[web2py] Re: Online Book Typo

2011-11-07 Thread mikech
Ok I'm reading thru that chapter, and forward. So I'll report what I find.

[web2py] Re: new web site

2011-11-07 Thread mikech
Looks real good!

[web2py] Re: new web site

2011-11-07 Thread mikech
Just clicking thru some links - Scanme looks like its moved from http://www.scanme.co.za/ to http://www.scanme.com/

[web2py] Re: Online Book Typo

2011-11-06 Thread mikech
One more thing: As soon as a worker is available it picks the first ready task schduled to run - As soon as a worker is available it picks the first scheduled task that is ready to run.

[web2py] Re: Online Book Typo

2011-11-06 Thread mikech
Further down in the chapter on scheduler there are these paragraphs. Once a task exists (there is a record in the "scheduler_talk" table), is QUEUED, and is ready (*mmeets* all the conditions specified in the record) it can be picked up by a worker. As soon as a worker is available it picks the

[web2py] Re: Online Book Typo

2011-11-06 Thread mikech
I would be glad to help clean up the book if you need it. Otherwise I will post the issues here. Mike

[web2py] Re: Online Book Typo

2011-11-05 Thread mikech
In the section Scheduler: It provides a *standrad* mechanism for creating and scheduling tasks. The first argument of the Scheduler class must be the database to be used by the scheduler to communicate with the workers. This can be the db of the app or another* dedictade* db,perhaps one shared

[web2py] Re: book version 3.1 online

2011-10-28 Thread mikech
Is there somewhere that lists the diff between the most current and prior versions?

[web2py] Re: vote for Pycharm support for Web2py

2011-10-06 Thread mikech
Bump again. The new Pycharm Early Access Program has released a new version discussed at: http://blog.jetbrains.com/pycharm/2011/10/new-pycharm-2-0-eap-build-cython-coffeescript-code-coverage/ It now has support for Cython and Coffeescript. The latter sounds very interesting.

[web2py] Re: book version 3.1 online

2011-09-28 Thread mikech
Time to donate again.

[web2py] 30+ Most Useful Web Development Frameworks

2011-09-19 Thread mikech
Its sort of a mixed bag of tools but web2py gets notice. http://designmodo.com/web-development-frameworks/

[web2py] New UI package

2011-09-12 Thread mikech
Telerik - a Windows UI vendor has made a move into the Javascript/web market with it's Kendo UI http://www.kendoui.com/. The package works with jQuery. Maybe we'll see other vendors embracing this strategy.

[web2py] Re: web2py received 2011 BOSSIE Award by InfoWorld.com

2011-09-09 Thread mikech
Congratulations! Hey DePaul you just got some PR from one of your esteemed faculty!

[web2py] Re: Re-Launch a Better version www.beunick.com

2011-09-09 Thread mikech
Looks good, also interesting idea. Could I ask what UI tool you used?

[web2py] Re: Web2py in a pure python data acquisition system

2011-09-02 Thread mikech

[web2py] Re: {{web2py_conflict}}

2011-08-15 Thread mikech
I will be interested to hear how this works out, as I'm also interested in Angular.

[web2py] Re: infoworld put web2py in the top of python frameworks

2011-08-10 Thread mikech
Very nice! - Going to retweet this again :)

[web2py] Re: Introducing Grafpad!

2011-07-28 Thread mikech
Very nice!

[web2py] Problems with online book?

2011-07-26 Thread mikech
Getting an Internal Error Ticket issued: unrecoverable when I try to access the book from the web2py front page.

[web2py] Re: OffTopic Google+

2011-07-05 Thread mikech
I am interested, but not anxious to add to my social load at the moment. What are your impressions? Mike

[web2py] Re: talks

2011-07-05 Thread mikech
Damn, will be up there weekend of the 16th. Anyone in the L.A. area btw who is involved with socal-piggies? Mike

[web2py] A mvc-mini-profiler for GAE

2011-06-26 Thread mikech

[web2py] FYI: DataTree: Elementtree replacement

2011-06-24 Thread mikech
Emphasizing brevity and aesthetics. http://www.bigjason.com/blog/announcing-datatree/

[web2py] Re: ekjaa

2011-06-23 Thread mikech
Is this a web2py site? Very nice. One comment: How Ekjaa works sliding tool moves a bit fast for me to read, and doesn't pause when my mouse is over it. Mike

[web2py] Re: For Massimo: which version of book to buy?

2011-06-21 Thread mikech
How about we all write letters of recommendation to your Department Chair - just kidding :)

[web2py] Re: For Massimo: which version of book to buy?

2011-06-17 Thread mikech
Wouldn't it be better at this point to use the online version and just contribute to the project using the link on the main page?

[web2py] Re: Discussion: Thoughts about including jQuery UI in core web2py?

2011-06-14 Thread mikech
-1 for this. I realize jquery is by far the most popular js framework, but I think it would be better to be js agnostic. In fact I would like to see more examples using other frameworks, like dojo, angular.js, or yui3. I've seen quite a number of posts about people using other frameworks inst

[web2py] Re: My talk at ChiPy about new features

2011-06-13 Thread mikech
If you're ever in L.A. there is an active Python community here.

Re: [web2py] Re: My talk at ChiPy about new features

2011-06-13 Thread mikech
Advertise it. There is a pretty active Python user group here, and it would make a nice talk.

[web2py] FYI Data Brewery - anyone used it?

2011-06-09 Thread mikech
http://databrewery.org/ Brewery is a Python framework and collection of tools for analysing and mining data. Goal is to provide functions and tools for: - streaming and processing structured data from various sources, such as CSV, XLS files, Google spreadsheets, rel

[web2py] Now everyone is Exec'ing :)

2011-06-06 Thread mikech
... As the blog entry goes on to point out, namedtuple is implemented by generating and exec'ing code for the classes it creates. I have a natural developer's distrust of exec, but as Raymond pointed out in a recent talk: execing code is not a security risk, execing untrusted code *is*. ... ht

[web2py] FYI PyCode Conf Oct 6th & 7th miami, Florida

2011-06-02 Thread mikech
http://py.codeconf.com/ by these people http://codeconf.com/

[web2py] Re: Missing paramenter?

2011-05-29 Thread mikech
Thanks my Pycharm was reporting it as an error.

[web2py] Missing paramenter?

2011-05-27 Thread mikech
Is this code in globals.py missing a parameter? def stream( self, stream, chunk_size = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, request=None, ): missing a parameter after request=None, ? Also in def connect( self, request, response, db=None, tablename='web2py_session', mastera

[web2py] Re: Where is LOAD?

2011-05-27 Thread mikech
This blog post, http://rhettinger.wordpress.com/2011/01/28/open-your-source-more/, got me thinking how nice it would be to link from the book to the source. I'm just beginning with Python and it took me a while to find where Request, Session and Response were defined.

Re: [web2py] What if Massimo got hit by a Bus?

2011-05-26 Thread mikech
Long live Massimo!

[web2py] Re: vote for Pycharm support for Web2py

2011-05-19 Thread mikech
bump - new pycharm release : Today, hot on the heels of the IntelliJ IDEA 10.5 release, we’ve released a new EAP build of PyCharm 1.5. This build includes two major new features (which will probably be the last major new features of the 1.5 release). The first one is *database support*. You can

[web2py] Re: Cubrid?

2011-05-17 Thread mikech
Essen: Thank-you for the quick response. And Massimo that was real quick - talk about Agile! Is anyone going to write this up on the CUBRID site like Essen mentioned above? Mike

[web2py] Cubrid?

2011-05-16 Thread mikech
Has anyone come across this DB? Seems like it might be big in Korea. The screen shots of the manager app looks interesting. http://www.cubrid.org/home

[web2py] FYI - Easter Sale from JetBrains

2011-04-29 Thread mikech
PyCharm on sale for 50% off. http://blogs.jetbrains.com/pycharm/2011/04/easter-sale-from-jetbrains/

[web2py] Re: Interesting tool, Maqetta

2011-04-19 Thread mikech
Yes interesting, and it looks like it uses Dojo.

[web2py] Re: web2py as the best choice for newstarters in web frameworks

2011-04-14 Thread mikech
Yes very good choice, as a beginner I've found it the most learnable.

[web2py] Re: shameless advertisement - web2py course

2011-04-13 Thread mikech
If you give this course again I would be interested. Please let us know

[web2py] How easy is it to replace JQuery in Web2py?

2011-04-13 Thread mikech
I've been following a conversation here: http://blog.rebeccamurphey.com/ in which the author indicates a preference for Dojo Toolkit over JQuery. The comments in her posts seem to support this point of view, not to mention this less respectful post: http://bobremeika.com/2011/03/03/jquery-is-fo

[web2py] Re: Web2Py and IntelliJ Idea

2011-04-12 Thread mikech
We are voting for PyCharm to support Web2Py see this thread: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/web2py/JN7PLI93Vp0/discussion

[web2py] Re: Web2py and the Elements of Style

2011-04-08 Thread mikech

[web2py] Web2py and the Elements of Style

2011-04-08 Thread mikech
Initially I thought this was another blog bashing web2py, but instead its just the opposite. Nice article. http://www.pythonprogramming.info/web2py/elements-of-style.html

[web2py] Re: FAQ topic(s) on typical Web2py FUD

2011-04-05 Thread mikech
Thanks Anthony, that's the information I'm looking for. The only downside re: the blog is that it's marked as old. Is there an updated source?

[web2py] Re: FAQ topic(s) on typical Web2py FUD

2011-04-04 Thread mikech
Agreed. Really can't argue with your point. And, anyone who is serious enough about researching their options would find out that these issues are never mentioned in this group, except when they are made by people unfamiliar with the framework. So, they are either non-issues or we're all in

[web2py] Re: FAQ topic(s) on typical Web2py FUD

2011-04-04 Thread mikech
Thanks all. I'm participating in the Linkedin conversation, and trying to redirect the questioners to places that these issues have already been adressed, rather than let the detractor's comments stand.

[web2py] FAQ topic(s) on typical Web2py FUD

2011-04-04 Thread mikech
I'd like to see some FAQ topics that can be pointed to on the usual FUD about Web2py. For instance: In web2py the code you write for the controller layer (views) goes into files that are not Python modules because they don't include any imports to give context to external identifiers. Web2py l

[web2py] Re: vote for Pycharm support for Web2py

2011-04-03 Thread mikech
IDE talk at Pycon2011. At 13:39 the PyCharm rep shows the Django support, which should give you some idea of what might be done with PyCharm and Web2py, so vote up support at the link mentioned above

[web2py] Re: video about new RESTful APIs

2011-03-25 Thread mikech
Very good and very clear. I wanted to post this to Dzone, but noticed that it's a proposal. Should I wait until the final format is set?

[web2py] Re: Proposals for New Tagline

2011-03-15 Thread mikech
I like the idea of rotating taglines. Instant gratification comes to mind.

Re: [web2py] What to tell designers when they create a mockup for my web2py site

2011-03-14 Thread mikech
Were you using Balsamiq in some of those examples? And did you use anything to generate the html from your mockups? Mike

[web2py] Re: Japan

2011-03-11 Thread mikech
++1. Family in Aomori. Hope they are ok.

Re: [web2py] [tip] Head JS script loader

2011-03-10 Thread mikech
Thanks great find!

[web2py] Re: DAL tutorial video

2011-03-09 Thread mikech
I posted the link in Dzone so vote up if you can. Any search on Web2py should bring it up. re: the text of the session, I would like this too.

[web2py] Re: DAL tutorial video

2011-03-08 Thread mikech
Great video, thanks!

[web2py] Re: vote for Pycharm support for Web2py

2011-03-02 Thread mikech
I just voted this up too. Pycharm is a great IDE and having web2py support would be a nice feature.

[web2py] Re: web2py on Quora

2011-03-02 Thread mikech
Thanks for the responses. Anthony, you're explanation is one of the clearest I've seen, and makes sense, or maybe some of these points are starting to finally sink in. Now if only this message would get out a bit more. If I ever get sufficiently experienced with this, I'll present web2py at my

[web2py] Re: web2py on Quora

2011-03-01 Thread mikech
I was communicating with my local Python User group, and got an opinion from one of the members a lot like this. Unfortunately I don't have the experience to answer effectively. Here is the response that I got: I don't really have time to get into an epic religious discussion but I'll try and

Re: [web2py] Add Web2py to Wingware IDE How-To

2011-02-23 Thread mikech
I've just recently downloaded the Pycharm 1.1 release. The final release version is very useable, and I think I'm going to go with that. The one thing about WingIde that I didn't much enjoy was that lack of auto-completion on ['s and other enclosures which Pycharm has. It also looks like it ha

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