[web2py] Re: Anyone willing to help out with Paypal

2010-11-25 Thread mdmcginn
I will pay another $200 US if someone develops a PayPal plugin/module for web2py that doesn't have to be described by the words "Experimental" or "Needs work." On Nov 25, 1:03 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote: > I am implementing PayPal for a animal charity project (natalanimal.com.br), > now this project i

[web2py] Exception handling for IndexError on redirect?

2010-11-08 Thread mdmcginn
My app retrieves 10 records at a time, and the user can click Next to view each page in order . That works until they reach the end of the records, where they get IndexError: list index out of range. To work around that problem, I wrote the following exception handling: try: redirect(UR

[web2py] Re: please help us test new web site

2010-10-12 Thread mdmcginn
Choice C is very clever, but I would have voted for B if there were no C. True, it does beg the question, What is b2p? On Oct 11, 11:03 pm, mdipierro wrote: > P.S. Anyway... everybody should say their opinion now: > > A)http://www.web2py.com/examples/static/img/logo_lb.png > B)http://www.soliewor

[web2py] Re: GAE appstats problem in app.yaml

2010-09-26 Thread mdmcginn
release: "1.3.7" timestamp: 1282688496 api_versions: ['1'] On Sep 25, 10:05 pm, Scott wrote: > What version of the GAE development server are you using? > > On Sep 24, 5:55 am, mdmcginn wrote: > > > > > > > > > GAE appstats no longer wo

[web2py] Re: JQuery plugin

2010-09-24 Thread mdmcginn
Or you could use unobtrusive Javascript , where onClick isn't necessary in the HTML because it's inserted by jQuery. On Sep 24, 4:42 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote: > You can use the new audio tag from HTML5, but this should not work on every > browser > > > Your browser does not support the audio elemen

[web2py] Re: Deploying web2py on linux (Redhat or others) on cpanel or other ways

2010-09-24 Thread mdmcginn
Have you tried Massimo's solution? http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/bc29ddd40d441a6d# On Sep 24, 3:52 am, Rahul wrote: > All, >    Can we use Cherokee or Lighttpd instead on a shared host to deploy > the application. If yes, how and which would be the easiest. > > I dont

[web2py] GAE appstats problem in app.yaml

2010-09-24 Thread mdmcginn
GAE appstats no longer works in app.yaml for 1.85.3 and some earlier versions (at least using dev_appserver.py) This URL gets response code 500: http://localhost:8080/_ah/login?continue=http://localhost:8080/_ah/stats/ It works if I remove "login: admin" (below) from app.yaml - url: /_ah/stats.*

[web2py] Consecutive id numbers in GAE

2010-09-24 Thread mdmcginn
Of course, web2py automatically assigns record IDs, but in GAE, they aren't consecutive. That means this code in my view won't work reliably in GAE: Next Here's a suggested solution. How would I implement it in web2py? http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-python/browse_thread/thread/ead

[web2py] Re: Running web2py in cheap shared hosts

2010-09-22 Thread mdmcginn
nd virtualenv-1.5.1.tar.gz.ZIP, period. virtualenv-1.5.1/ virtualenv-1.5.1/virtualenv.egg-info/ virtualenv-1.5.1/virtualenv.egg-info/not-zip-safe ... installing compatibility modules install_dir /home/mdmcginn/web2py/virtualenv/lib/python2.4/site- packages/ Searching

[web2py] Re: welcome app normalize hack ie and html5 ready

2010-09-22 Thread mdmcginn
Great work! Valid code is important, if we want to show that we're ahead of the curve. I'd like to see tableless forms as well. On Sep 22, 2:51 pm, cjrh wrote: > On Sep 22, 7:33 pm, "Martin.Mulone" wrote: > > > Tellme what you think > > Looks good on Opera 10.61.

[web2py] Re: NLP

2010-09-13 Thread mdmcginn
I'm very interested in NLTK as well. I successfully tested the punkt sentence parser (for example, splits the string at "end." and "Look!" but not at "Dr." or "etc.") and want to use it with web2py. On Sep 12, 1:14 am, annet wrote: > In search for something completely different I came across this

[web2py] Re: help stress test trunk

2010-09-11 Thread mdmcginn
For what it's worth, posts are missing in InstantPress through GAE when running web2py from trunk. The URL or works if I'm running web2py directly,

[web2py] Re: Can't send tweet from my application

2010-09-04 Thread mdmcginn
I don't know if this is the solution, but Twitter is now requiring OAuth instead of the previous Basic Auth. They've warned that many apps would stop working. See http://dev.twitter.com/pages/basic_to_oauth -- Michael McGinnis On Sep 4, 5:39 pm, Yannick wrote: > Hello Mate, > I used to send tweet

[web2py] Re: dashes in controller names?

2010-08-31 Thread mdmcginn
A more important SEO consideration than dashes/underscores (since search engines usually treat them the same) is duplicate content/ canonical content. Googlebot doesn't like being fed an infinite number of URLs that all point to the same content. Ideally, there should be logic that would send HTTP

[web2py] Re: web2py and SEO

2010-08-12 Thread mdmcginn
Many famous SEO ranking factors, such as meta-keywords, are no longer very important. Site architecture and URL structure (permalinks, for example) have importance. Sitemaps, especially for huge sites, have minimal importance. You're okay as long as Google can figure out how to crawl your whole sit

[web2py] Re: markmin

2010-07-06 Thread mdmcginn
Massimo also announced this at http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python.announce/browse_thread/thread/216e52e03e1a0120/4e9404e70bdeed0e#4e9404e70bdeed0e but didn't include a link to http://www.web2py.com/examples/static/markmin.html. No comments yet. On Jul 6, 11:47 pm, Jason Brower wrote:

[web2py] Re: Password verification - how to?

2010-07-06 Thread mdmcginn
See http://web2py.com/book/default/section/5/2 for documentation on HTML Helpers. I believe Massimo's solution assumes there are tables in your form, which is the default for FORM and SQLFORM. If your form doesn't contain HTML elements such as , maybe you're using or instead. Look at your HTML -

[web2py] Update/insert data into multiple tables with one form

2010-07-05 Thread mdmcginn
I'm working on a variation of an opinion poll application. Maybe I missed this, but what is the best way to update multiple tables with one form? SQLFORM and CRUD work well, but assume that a single table is being updated. On submit, I would like to insert the current user's ID and his answer into

[web2py] Re: web2py with AppStats

2010-07-01 Thread mdmcginn
See http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/tools/appstats.html for the latest official documentation. On Jun 30, 4:13 pm, PanosJee wrote: > I just edited the blog post cos i had forgot the appengine_config.py > (thanx mdmcginn) > > On 30 Éïýí, 13:06, mdmcginn wrote: > >

[web2py] Re: web2py with AppStats

2010-06-30 Thread mdmcginn
I've added a appengine_config.py file in a comment to that blog post, since AppStats didn't work for me without it. Guido van Rossum (who wrote AppStats) says, "it adds some overhead to your application." On Jun 29, 8:27 pm, Richard wrote: > neat! > Does AppStats add much overhead? If not it wou

[web2py] Re: WordPressClone/PyPress GAE fix

2010-06-30 Thread mdmcginn
. The developers are almost all Chinese, but Google Translate is somewhat helpful... On Jun 26, 8:52 am, mdmcginn wrote: > I deployedPypress(based on Wordpress Clone) for Google App Engine > athttp://writers-ear.appspot.com/earblog/but it's still horribly slow: > 06-26 06:27AM 23.966

[web2py] Re: WordPressClone/PyPress GAE fix

2010-06-26 Thread mdmcginn
er of http://code.google.com/p/pypress4gae/ and http://github.com/mdmcginn/pp4gae, so if anybody else wants to work on this project, contact me. I've made it more compatible with the latest Wordpress theme (http://2010dev.wordpress.com/) but I won't continue if it can't be sped up. On

[web2py] Re: WordPressClone/PyPress GAE fix

2010-06-26 Thread mdmcginn
Correction: the owner of pp4gae has just contacted me, saying he has "stopped working on this project since last update" and has given up on further work. Too bad. I have cloned the project at http://github.com/mdmcginn/pp4gae/ and have asked him if he could make me the owner of his G

[web2py] Re: WordPressClone/PyPress GAE fix

2010-06-26 Thread mdmcginn
molhokwai, note that we have both filed issues at Google Code, but we shouldn't have. The pp4gae project has moved to Github: http://github.com/zrenx/pp4gae On Jun 22, 10:38 am, molhokwai wrote: > A reply to the message I saw while in a google search for "pypress"... > Saw it on osdir.com (I'm s

[web2py] Re: WordPressClone/PyPress GAE fix

2010-06-19 Thread mdmcginn
I got http://pp4gae.appspot.com/ to work (though slowly) except that I couldn't update user information. When I tried molhokwai's version, I couldn't add pages or posts. I think a Python blog on GAE could be Python's killer app - just as people learn PHP to work with Wordpress and Drupal, they wou

[web2py] Re: New to web app development -- is web2py a good choice

2010-05-10 Thread mdmcginn
But, as has been pointed out, people might be confused or discouraged by the look and feel of web2py.com, if all they want is easy, good- looking websites/webapps. It's great that Massimo is making Drupal and Wordpress templates to work with web2py. But we should strive to make web2py.com, web2pysl

[web2py] Re: SEO

2010-04-30 Thread mdmcginn
Actually, web crawlers don't ignore hidden fields, they penalize their misuse as spam. Don't feed any content to web crawlers that isn't visible to ordinary visitors. Al, you could embed each scanned image into its own HTML page, with the heading (title) and keywords at the top. How about adding n

[web2py] Re: SEO

2010-04-26 Thread mdmcginn
To add to what Massimo said, make sure each page has a unique title and meta-description. Search engines don't like websites where every page appears to be identical. Also, don't count on them reading Javascript. When you view the source of the page, remember that's what the search engine crawler i

[web2py] Re: zengarden anybody?

2010-03-24 Thread mdmcginn
CSS is great, much better than table-based web design, and csszengarden deserves a lot of credit for demonstrating that. But it is just a proof of concept. As you noted, their basic HTML is full of empty divs into which designers can insert fancy images, so it's not a good base for templates. On M

[web2py] Re: Polls doesn't work in GAE

2010-03-04 Thread mdmcginn
Error: non supported on GAE On Mar 4, 1:13 am, "mr.freeze" wrote: > I think the problems is that poll doesn't have a foreign key to > choice, it's the other way around. Try this: > {{poll_choices = db(db.choice.poll==poll.id).select()}} > {{ for choice in poll_choice

[web2py] Re: Polls doesn't work in GAE

2010-03-03 Thread mdmcginn
gth=200), Field('votes','integer',default=0)) db.define_table('recorded_votes', Field('poll',db.poll), Field('voter',db.auth_user)) On Mar 1, 9:37 pm, "mr.freeze" wrote: > Can we see your model? > > On Mar 1, 9:05 pm, mdmc

[web2py] Re: Polls doesn't work in GAE

2010-03-01 Thread mdmcginn
>From index.html: Latest Polls Answer the question [vote] [results] When I click on [results], I'm sent to http://localhost:8080/Polls/default/results/67 ERROR2010-03-02 02:54:08,609 restricted.py:53] In FILE: /home/ michael/mycode/google_appengine/web2py/applications/Polls/views/ default/re

[web2py] Polls doesn't work in GAE

2010-03-01 Thread mdmcginn
The Polls application (from http://wiki.web2py.com/Polls_Tutorial) doesn't work in GAE, though I can't read the tickets. The controller seems to be okay, but not the view (detail and results.html). Controller: def results(): p = db.poll[request.args(0)] if not p: raise HTTP(404) return

[web2py] Re: Ladies and Gentelmen... the web2py book is online

2010-02-27 Thread mdmcginn
When I try to register, I get a flash "Unable to send email" On Feb 15, 9:20 am, mdipierro wrote: > Create a wiki page under preface callederrata. It would be nice if > somebody where to move overerratafrom wiki.web2py.com. > As people fix these problems, we'll mark theerrataentries as fixed. --

[web2py] SQLFORM displays "text" values with text, not textareas

2010-02-25 Thread mdmcginn
Section 7.2 of the book says, "A SQLFORM displays "boolean" values with checkboxes, "text" values with textareas," etc. But instead, it apparently displays "text" values with text. Others have asked how to make them display as textareas - as larger input fields. Sure, I could use FORM instead of SQ

[web2py] Two records inserted instead of one

2010-02-24 Thread mdmcginn
This form inserts two records, the first containing only the submitted data ('choice') and the second containing the poll and voter ids as well. I only need the second one. What should I do differently? Sorry, I'm sure the solution is obvious to everyone but me! Controller: def respond(): p =