[web2py] translate without translating interface--Firefox

2015-03-07 Thread dangnearhere
I set my Firefox to prefer Italian but then instead of just translating the one word I have marked T(word), Web2Py's interface is translated into Italian. The instructions for Chrome in the video referenced below seemed to say that I should add Italian but not make it first priority, and that

[web2py] Re: Manual--image blog--groups--manager & members

2015-02-24 Thread dangnearhere
Thanks Dave, here is the solution. As you suggested, I created a new record in auth_group called "manager". Then in auth_membership I created a new record for each of my users and assigned them each to the manager group. Now they can each access the management screen with their user names and

[web2py] Manual--image blog--groups--manager & members

2015-02-23 Thread dangnearhere
Instructions in the manual chapter called "Overview": "Using appadmin create a group "manager" and make some users members of the group. They will be able to access"; I don't know what this means. I can get to appadmin:

[web2py] Re: can't type forward slash in editor

2015-02-21 Thread dangnearhere
Sorry I was slow to get back to this, I haven't learned yet how to subscribe to a post. Never used google groups before. I did get the problem to go away by clicking the gear icon on the right for w2p admin interface settings. I had to disable "Enable Close Tag". This must be the functionality

[web2py] can't type forward slash in editor

2015-02-18 Thread dangnearhere
Day 1 newbie. I feel I have entered a new wonderland of capabilities, and lucky to have found web2py, with all the noise being made about flask and django. Flask is all "now to do this you have to install that" and django's "awesome documentation" made me want to give up. Web2py on the other han