Thanks Massimo. I really owe a lot to Web2Py. The ticketing and admin
modules are great. I will kick Gluion's tires an see how far I can go
with it.
On Mar 15, 1:10 pm, Massimo Di Pierro
> Hello Voltron, we missed you.
> Gluino needs testing. Moreover the API may
Full circle, well almost. My largest application was built with
web2py( some years back). Hi Massimo, what is the status on Gluino?
Would you say its stable enough for production? Is the MongoDB/DAL
support coming along?
blems we had deploying the web2py applications
(CherryPY server not scaling, FCGI). We are using a PHP framework for
those domains( 3) instead
On May 15, 8:11 am, mdipierro wrote:
> Hi voltron. was this resolved?
> Glad to have you back from php. ;-)
> On May 14, 7:38 pm
14, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Voltron wrote:
> > Done that, was a pain Massimo as I explained in my first post:
> > "This is not possible for some reason. I could have put them in the
> > "modules" folder, but that involves import gluon.html.gluon.languages
> &
g_form' %
> request.application)
> On May 14, 11:47 am, voltron wrote:
> > I have several forms and accompanying functions, I would like to be
> > able to import them from the controller folder as in:
> > /controlllers
> > /forms/_
I have several forms and accompanying functions, I would like to be
able to import them from the controller folder as in:
import forms.reg_form ### ERROR
This is n
does anyone have an idea what could cause this error?
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of
transaction block
I am trying to make over 2000 inserts at a go, could that be a
You received this mess
plies that a choice has been
> made.
> It is possible that revision 1.55 broke IS_NOT_EMPTY for checkboxes.
> Massimo
> On Feb 27, 2:42 pm, Voltron wrote:
> > apologize, I meant IS_NOT_RMPTY()
> > On Feb 27, 6:31 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > > d
apologize, I meant IS_NOT_RMPTY()
On Feb 27, 6:31 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> db.table.checkbox_field.requires=IS_IN_SET(['on'])
> yes
> On Feb 27, 10:44 am, DenesL wrote:
> > On Feb 27, 10:42 am, Voltron wrote:
> > > Ok, how would I validate
the checkbox is in a fairly large form, it suggests that users should
accept the terms and coditions of a contract. IS_EMPTY() used to work
On Feb 27, 4:42 pm, Voltron wrote:
> Ok, how would I validate if a checkbox is checked in a form?
Ok, how would I validate if a checkbox is checked in a form?
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I use to use IS_EMPTY() to validate checkboxes a while back, is it
broken? Nothing happesn and the form is accpted if the checkbox is
checked or not
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"web2py Web Framewor
great! Thanks
On Feb 4, 6:27 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> limitby=(10,30) means offset=10 and you want 30-10 records.
> On Feb 4, 8:57 am, voltron wrote:
> > Hi!
> > how can one pass an offset to limitby?
> > Thanks
how can one pass an offset to limitby?
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Much lighter
On Feb 3, 2:08 am, mickgardner wrote:
> vote +1 for yuicss, i've used it in the past and its great.
> On Feb 3, 9:17 am, mdipierro wrote:
> > Should this or something like this be included in the web2py
> > scaffolding app?http://
Sorry for the post. I had 2 instances of web2 running, FCGI and Proxy
Reverse accessing the same folders. This must have caused the strange
deletion and modification of the session variable.
On Jan 26, 5:12 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> no
> On Jan 26, 8:24 am, voltron wrote:
> >
But not that it would overwrite or modify an existing variable/Key
would it?
On Jan 26, 3:19 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> it depends.
> all forms change session, the presence of session.flash changes
> session.
> Massimo
> On Jan 26, 6:34 am, voltron wrote:
Maybe a naive question; does requesting a page withh SSL, create or
modify the existing session in some way? I am trying to track down a
bug that has been evading me all morning.
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This is the problem, temporary, hacky, patch
if request.env.server_port:
port = 8000
if not _config.has_key('password') or not _c
Could this be the problem Massimo?
if not _config.has_key('password') or not _config['password']:
raise HTTP(200,T('admin disabled because no admin pas
Oh, before I forget, I have also been using SSL and with the sites,
that has always worked well too
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> ports too.
> Basically, you need to make a ssh tunnel using the port 3128, and configure
> you browser to use the proxy localhost:3128
> Just to know, squid is a proxy type http 1.1
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 12:09 PM, voltron wrote:
> > Can you
I think this might be the same problem I am having too. I posted
something a few minutes ago in another thread
On Jan 22, 3:13 pm, Joel Merrick wrote:
> Presumably web2py is only listening on, hence it will only serve
> pages requested from your localhost
> I'm certain there's an opt
Can you show me how to to that with Squid Alexandre?
On Jan 22, 1:59 pm, Alexandre Miguel de Andrade Souza
> It works, but only with squid and
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:50 AM, voltron wrote:
> > Ok, I give up, can someone conf
Ok, I give up, can someone confirm that the admin does not work (404)
when one uses an SSH tunnel? I canget get it to work, everything else
is ok
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yes, thats true, I could have just added the ports 80 to my SSH list,
it was too early in the morning Fran, thanks :-)
On Jan 22, 8:40 am, Fran wrote:
> On Jan 21, 9:37 pm, voltron wrote:
> > 2. Sorry to be so bothersome, one last thing, I am using vhosts, I
> > have 2 i
That should have read "prevention" :-))
On Jan 22, 6:39 am, voltron wrote:
> Hi Massimo,
> can you detail out how double form submission is prevented using
> web2py in details and phases?
> Thanks
You recei
think that will hold for a month
On Jan 21, 11:38 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> voltron is expecting hunderds of requests/second. I strongly suggest
> getting at least two machines for the different virtual hosts.
> Massimo
> On Jan 21, 3:48 pm, Timothy Farrell wrote:
Hi Massimo,
can you detail out how double form submission is prevented using
web2py in details and phases?
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80 on your server to a local port (81 for
> example. Then connect to localhost:81/admin/default/site and it should
> be your admin interface.
> Routes aren't the end of the world, but if you're already using Apache
> and rewrite, use that instead of routes. It's faster
es stuff to FCGI via the rewrite command. Read up on how
> to use it. The setting that I showed you routes all paths to to
> dispatch.fcgi. You'll want to modify that so that it only writes...say
> /web2py/.* to dispatch.fcgi.
Hi all! I have a few questins concerning FCGI
1. I used to use mod_proxy, I had 2 web2py instances running on 2
ports, 8000 and 8002, what is the equivalent in FCGI?
2. I used putty to create tunnesl to my server so I can administer the
servers remotely, how can I do this using FCGI
3. Using mp
Thanks Timothy for your help. I got it to work somewhat based on your
files and tutorial.
One thing though, I dad to modify the dispatch.fcgi file as in:
#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
import os
import sys
WEB2PY_PATH = os.path.normpath('/path to web2py/')
if not WEB2PY_PATH i
> Also, what is the location of your web2py installation?
> Finally, what version of Apache?
> Cheers
> On Jan 21, 10:35 am, voltron wrote:
> > Hi Massimo!
> > thanks for your help. Sadly, that did not work either , another idea?
> where
> '/bla/bla/bla' should be the absolute path to your web2py folder '/.../
> web2py/'
> and make sure you have the folder gluon in there.
> Massimo
> On Jan 21, 4:09 am, voltron wrote:
> > I cannot get my site to work u
I cannot get my site to work using WSGI, this is the error I see in
the Apache configs:
[Wed Jan 21 10:57:11 2009] [error] [client] mod_wsgi
(pid=31101): Target WSGI script '/projects/test_site/'
cannot be loaded as Python module.
[Wed Jan 21 10:57:11 2009] [error] [cl
Thanks Massimo, I will try that out
On Jan 20, 8:05 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Voltron,
> if you have more than 100 cuncurrent users you should not use
> wsgiserver. You need to use mod_wsgi. I would not swear on wsgiserver
> on that heavy load.
> You also have 100 datab
Does anyone have an apache example FCGI config script for me?
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performance dips, the response could be fast, but
sometimes they just grind to a halt for no reason, this is not
dependent of database queries oor other processes, just dynamically
rendered "static" pages.
This is a headache
On Jan 19, 11:46 am, mdipierro wrote:
> Voltron,
Thanks Phyo. I will try to make some more tests then.
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Does anyone have any experince with deploying web2py using FCGI or via
Apache revers proxy? Which uses up more memory?
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Thanks Fran
On Jan 19, 3:51 pm, Fran wrote:
> On Jan 19, 2:28 pm, voltron wrote:
> > Can someone tell me where to find the CherryPY server and its
> > configuration file? I would like to set these settings:
> gluon/
> > server.thread_pool: 40
Can someone tell me where to find the CherryPY server and its
configuration file? I would like to set these settings:
server.thread_pool: 40
server.socket_queue_size: 15
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I have been having serious performance problems. Some tracking down
led to the observation that when using Apache as a reverse proxy,
web2py runs up the CPU usage and shuts down after 100 requests. The
strangest thing is that when this happens, the CPU is only at 60%
Is there some setting
gt; address of the proxy with is the server itself.
> web2py "tries" to figure out the actual client address in
> request.client
> Massimo
> On Jan 8, 9:41 am, voltron wrote:
> > I think the value returned is wrong, it should return the IP address
I think the value returned is wrong, it should return the IP address
of the client accessing the running instance of web2py not the server
address on which the instance is running. Could someone else check?
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Thanks Massimo,
The web2PY generic template is not displayed anymore. BUT I have a
more serious problem, forms rendered in the cached view function are
not validated and do not work anymore.
Any ideas?
On Jan 6, 5:55 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> @voltron,
> ignore my original
ge? An error? Can
> you add a print statement to check whether the controller is executed
> when you see the error?
> Why are you using cache.disk over cache.ram? The former involved
> picklying so the latter is much faster.
> massimo
> On Jan 6, 8:09 am, voltron
ntent = """
On Jan 6, 3:07 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Can you provide an example of how you caching a page so that I can try
> reproduce this?
> Massimo
> On Jan 6, 6:19 am, voltron wrote:
> > I have a bad problem at the moment, all the views that use cach
I have a bad problem at the moment, all the views that use cacheing
sometimes default to web2py generic template sporadically then are
then correct after a refresh. I set the template in the views as such
# Example
response.view = "accounts/register.html"
Is there some workaround for this?
I wish you all a merry christmas!
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Thanks Yarko, I will study that
On Dec 22, 12:58 pm, "Yarko Tymciurak" wrote:
> might this be useful?
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 10:58 AM, voltron wrote:
> > Thanks Vince, do you have a better detailed timing solution? Sorry fo
> print t0
> can help you debug your problem
> On Dec 22, 11:51 pm, voltron wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I am still having serious problems. Contrary to what I posted before,
> > the site in question serves an average of 1, 500 users a day. I h
Hi all,
I am still having serious problems. Contrary to what I posted before,
the site in question serves an average of 1, 500 users a day. I have
used cacheing for several pages but to my dismay, I noticed that the
cached pages display the default web2py template instead of the
template which I
I am having serious performance problems with an appliance. I have 2
instances of web2py being served by reverse proxy via Apache2.
The live domain running on port 8000 runs very compared to the test
domain running on port 8002. The only difference is that the live
server is being accessed by ove
> > > Massimo
> > > On Dec 15, 6:07 am, achipa wrote:
> > > > There is an appliance, and I'm also working on something of my own, a
> > > > little teaser:
> > > >
Hi there!
Someone mentioned a project that was to use Web2py to monitor services
on a system,has there been any progress? I am greatly interested.
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Anybody? Phyo?
On Dec 5, 9:01 am, voltron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anybody here using theUbuntuweb2py startup scripts? I have a few
> questions, for example, line 30
> DAEMON_ARGS=" --password= --pid_filename=$PIDFILE"
> Should that not be:
Got it, was a type in my code
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I am getting this error from a new appliance that I am coding:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\projects\test\website\web2py\test\gluon\", line 228,
in wsgibase
File "E:\projects\test\website\web2py\test\gluon\", lin
define_table in your models. You need to define_table
> (...,migrate=False) for existing tables.
> On Dec 9, 10:39 am, voltron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Are there things that I have to look out for when trying to connect to
> > an existing SQLite database? I ca
Are there things that I have to look out for when trying to connect to
an existing SQLite database? I can see the databse in the appadmin,
but no data is displayed, which is very starnge because I can use
several tools to see and manipulate the data like SQLiteman, SQLite
I am still having problems with CSV import just like the poster of
this thread. All the colum headers are ok, and the file imports well
usíng SQLite manager, Sqliteman , MS Excel and other tools. Is there
anyone that has had some success?
Hmm, I re-read your post, your config is almost like the one I posted.
Are you using Debian/Ubuntu? You can use one config file for all your
Vhosts actually, if you intend to split files, the directives at the
ServerName ""
NameVirtualHost *:80
should only exits in the d
Hello Johann,
I think you have toi move the "servername" directiove out of the
virualhost config block as in
ServerName ""
NameVirtualHost *:80
# Apache server settings
# Auth
Strange DenesL, but like I said, it did not work with 1.51, I had to
response.view = "../../../init/views/base_template.html" I also
think its better than using:
a='../../init' in URL()
Thanks guys
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Thanks for the tips guys. Strangely, I have headers( table field names
in the first row) but I still get errors. Must the number of fields
have to correspond exactly to the number of fields in the database? I
have several new fields in the database I would like to import the
data into
I would have liked that too Yarko, but sadly, it does not work with
that method
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Hmm, thats a typo Massimo, what really works is this:
response.view = "../../../init/views/base_template.html"
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Does anyone else have problems with CSV import? I used SQL Maestro to
export data from an old legacy PostgreSQL databases and tried to
import the data without success in an application. I can migrate using
other methods actually, but I was just curious to see how well the CSV
import works.
Darn, so easy, embarrasing :-)
On Dec 5, 8:27 am, mdipierro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> response.view = "../../init/views/base_template.html"
> On Dec 4, 11:42 pm, voltron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I have a slight
Anybody here using the Ubuntu web2py startup scripts? I have a few
questions, for example, line 30
DAEMON_ARGS=" --password= --pid_filename=$PIDFILE"
Should that not be:
DAEMON_ARGS=" nohup --password= --pid_filename=
Hi all,
I have a slight problem with sharing templates between appliances.
Given 2 appliances, "init" and "test" . Init has a view called
"base_template.html", so I thought a way to call the view from "test"
would be:
# a controller in "test"
response.view = "applications/init/views/base_templat
This is the way I do things like that
you can use Javascript or do it directly in the controller.
$("#my_textarea").text("Put some text here");
#In the controller:
before form.accepts(), assign values, an example:
You can use the python string function
I hope this is what you are after
On Dec 1, 11:14 am, Marco Prosperi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello everybody, my web2py application will interchange data with an
> ERP sys
version are you using? I don't have a a SELECT.options() method
> > in my source?!
> > I just have options() methods in the IS_IN_SET and IS_IN_DB
> > validators.
> > On Dec 1, 8:06 am, voltron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi Massimo,
Hi Massimo,
I was unable to track down when the "options()" function is called/
used in the HTML SELECT helper. Can you enlighten me? I know what is
for, I just would like to know when and at which poit it is called.
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ahh, that was the problem, a typo of some sort! I was staring at it
the whole time and did not see it, no reason for me to update the
table definitions :-))
Thanks a lot guys
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Massimo, insert is wrong since I am presenting the user a form to
manage her/his existing user settings. I needed commit() as a result
of a discussion we had a few months ago, I am sending the user a
verification mail and doing some other stuff in the same controller,
it is supposed to trigger a s
I am using:
Version 1.51 (2008-11-19 14:48:02)
Database drivers available: SQLite3, Postgre
The only code that could be of use is this snippet, the rest are
several lines of forms, strings, mail templates and such
user = db( == session.user_id).select()
if form.accepts(request.vars
I have never had problems with the flash helper, even when I heavily
customized it, but today I noticed something strange, this seemingly
harmless code:
session.flash = user[0].user_name # This is a string field in the db
session.flash = str(user[0].user_name)
session.flash = str(user[0].i
Thanks Massimo! I knew there was a cleaner way
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Hi all,
I allow users to edit their account settings in a web application. One
of the fields is their email address. I put a constraint on the field
stating that it should never be empty, null and unique. I came across
the situation that a user might want to change her/his email address,
the prob
Would it be possible to simplify the flow by just stating a resource
takes a dictionary of values and attributes and the enumerations
Collection, Record, List should conform somehow? My reasons:
1. Web2py hast its own database idioms for collection types for the
DAL, that would mean we have to m
ination of PUT( create resource) + file type is the ticket I
think. Specifying a different function or URL would not be useful if
you intend for it to be fully RESTful, for example:
/employees # main resource
/employees/voltron or /employees?user_name =voltron # GET shows the
user voltron
Nice read, thanks for making this available
On Nov 13, 4:59 am, mdipierro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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"web2py Web
Apples to oranges? Its the same thing IMHO. Besides I think its harder
to sell a "shrink wrapped" T2 plugin/component to someone of no
web2py experience, this is not the case for other frameworks, and I am
not using Drupal as the only example here.
oh well
Nice! thanks for the link.
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to be mistaken for complaining
On Nov 6, 9:42 pm, voltron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I understand what T2 is trying to do, if you would search the forum
> back a little, you would see that I was the few back then that wanted
> more inter-appliance communication. This was way
I understand what T2 is trying to do, if you would search the forum
back a little, you would see that I was the few back then that wanted
more inter-appliance communication. This was way back when there were
not even 40 members in the forum
Why should one start using something that apparently doe
Now I really wonder how many really use or want to use T2 in
production sites? I , like Timothy have also decided against using it
inits present form because it "feels" strange( initializing it in the
model for example). It would be a pity if the component/plugin is not
discussed and finalzed and
I think Massimo means this:
SQLField('Jons_blob', 'blob', default = ""),
right massimo?
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Has anything been finalized about the draft concepts on the T2
component? The docs still label it as a plugin, and I remember that
there was an ongoing discussion about that never ended with final
Another thing, I am somewhat wary if new users are being urged to use
T2 in its draft for
Hello Annet,
The steps are simple, but they have to be followed well.
1. Create a copy of the web2py_ajax.html file
2. Reference the datatables plugin from your copy of web2py_ajax.html
3. Reference the CSS that comes with the plugin too, otherwise the
plugin would not worlk
4. The URLs to
I tried HG, the command client, worked well. I dunno. I will try our
new versions of the clients if the come out
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As cool as the features for BZR, it is just "pain" for those spoiled
by SVN users like me, none of the BZR clients I used worked. I just
did not have the time or patience to hack it up till it worked. I do
not think its because anyone is afraid of BZR, its just that things
work, and work well wit
An excellet article it is sir, thanks
On Nov 3, 5:41 am, "Yarko T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wasn't able to get to it from Steve's link, but this
> worked:
> On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 10:22 PM, Steve Shepherd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Oh I t
Hi Michael. You are right, I mentioned this a while back ago. The
decision to remove the link or disable it for Windows is still
pending, right Massimo?
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I share Achipas opinion, I am quick and merciless. I clicked around,
read a few pages of the documentation, and thought, "nice site design
but not sold yet..."
1. Much more work ( have to learn the expression language)
2. Code duplication. Its doing what the built in Jquery lib is there
Hi Annet! The tablesorter plugin works well, but my favourite is the
datatables plugin( I
wanted a solution that did not always make trips to the database
On Oct 29, 6:24 pm, annet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have got the following table in o
1 - 100 of 121 matches
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