[web2py] Re: Passing JavaScript variable to web2py session variable?

2011-07-08 Thread Vasil Petkov
On Jul 8, 3:02 pm, Ross Peoples wrote: > You're doing it right, but there are a couple of things to keep in mind. > Using $.post(url, {input_n: input_number}); is easier than using $.ajax, but > that's merely preference. The other thing you should know is that if a > web2py ticket is generated dur

[web2py] Re: Passing JavaScript variable to web2py session variable?

2011-07-07 Thread Vasil Petkov
On Jul 7, 9:47 pm, Vasil Petkov wrote: > I tried the following: > >     function submit_form(input_number, input_egn) { >         $('input#user_input_number').val(input_number); >         $('input#user_input_egn').val(input_egn); >         $.ajax({ >  

[web2py] Re: Passing JavaScript variable to web2py session variable?

2011-07-07 Thread Vasil Petkov
I tried the following: function submit_form(input_number, input_egn) { $('input#user_input_number').val(input_number); $('input#user_input_egn').val(input_egn); $.ajax({ url: "";, method

[web2py] Passing JavaScript variable to web2py session variable?

2011-07-07 Thread Vasil Petkov
Hello! I am having that JavaScript function inside a web2py view: function submit_form(input_number, input_goal) { $('input#user_input_number').val(input_number); $('input#user_input_goal').val(input_goal); $('form:first').submit(); return false; } I would like to assign the valu

[web2py] Re: web2py and DreamPie - The Python shell you've always dreamed about!

2011-07-06 Thread Vasil Petkov
I am interested in a work with that shell together with web2py, too. As much as i know, web2py works with the IPython shell. On Jul 5, 12:38 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote: > Does anybody knows how can we run web2py in shell mode under DreamPie? > > http://dreampie.sourceforge.net/ > > -- > Bruno Rocha >

[web2py] Re: Documenting a file with sphinx, that has local_import in it

2011-05-28 Thread Vasil Petkov
Hello Jason! On May 28, 11:49 am, Jason Brower wrote: > It's not in your version. What do you mean with this? What is not in my version? > But the upcoming release I think fixes this > very issue. And what and where is fixed? > As far as I know. > Best Regards, > Jason

[web2py] Documenting a file with sphinx, that has local_import in it

2011-05-28 Thread Vasil Petkov
Hello! I use web2py 1.94 on Ubuntu with Python 2.7 and Sphinx 1.0.7. For the documentation purposes, i have created a 'doc'-directory inside my web2py-application. My web2py project has the following structure: web2py |_ server | |_ applications ||_ init |

[web2py] Possible bug in 1.95.1: SQLFORM(..., deletable=True) does nothing

2011-05-11 Thread Vasil Petkov
Hello again! I am using Web2py 1.95.1 on Windows XP, inside Internet Explorer 7. While researching the capabilities of SQLFORM, i have stumbled upon one strange thing: when i used deletable=True in a SQLFORM, there was no checkbox visible, while rendering the form. The form renders fine. Just th

[web2py] UPDATE information in the database from a form that is made from multiple tables

2011-05-11 Thread Vasil Petkov
Hello to all! As a new user of web2py, i tried (successfully) to create a form that uses SQLFORM.factory(db.table1, db.table2). The information for that was found in Chapter 7 of the web2py Book, Section "One form for multiple tables". But i can not find information how to UPDATE table1 AND tabl