Re: [web2py] Web2py oracle migration

2018-10-23 Thread Michael Buchler
Hmm I appear to have solved this problem by reinstalling the Web2Py Framework and creating a new Oracle account. My issue now is with the AUTH_GROUP and AUTH_EVENT tables. It gives me the strangest error whenever I try to create a new user there. On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 7:15 AM Michael Buchler

[web2py] Web2py oracle migration

2018-10-22 Thread Michael Buchler
Hi guys, I want to use oracle (11g) with web2py and changed the DAL to the following: db = DAL(configuration.get('oracle://USERNAME:PASSWORD@localhost/SCHEMA_NAME'), pool_size=configuration.get('db.pool_size'), migrate_enabled=configuration.get('db.migrate'),

[web2py] ORA-04098

2018-10-22 Thread Michael Buchler
Hi, I managed to get cx_Oracle linked up to my web2py instance, so the previous issue I posted is now resolved. However, I keep getting this error whenever I try to create an account with default/users: ORA-04098: trigger 'MADRN_MAIN.AUTH_USER_TRIGGER' is invalid and failed re-validation I'

[web2py] Deployment to Openshift dependency

2018-10-22 Thread Michael Buchler
Hi fellow coders I'm having a lot of trouble deploying my app to openshift. Every time I try, it asks for distutils. I've tried to install it, but pip can't find it anywhere. Would appreciate any help. -- Resources: - - (Documentation) - http://githu