[web2py] Re: response.download

2017-05-24 Thread Juan Carlos Quesada
This works, thank you Massimo El viernes, 26 de abril de 2013, 18:07:06 (UTC+2), Massimo Di Pierro escribió: > > Please open a ticket about this. The problem is that the roles of > downloading is delegated to the field which stores the upload name. In this > case it was uploaded using a SQLFORM

[web2py] Re: Select filled with years

2017-04-18 Thread Juan Carlos Quesada
def getyears(anyo): from datetime import datetime, date option = [] option.append(OPTION(T('Año'), _value='')) year = datetime.today().year ryear = range(2015, int(year+1)) for r in ryear: if anyo == r: selected = True else: selecte

[web2py] [Contribution] Generate Map using google maps sql and web2py

2017-04-07 Thread Juan Carlos Quesada
function initMap() { var myLatLng = {lat: 40.4636670001, lng: -3.74922366}; var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), { zoom: 5, center: myLatLng }); var markers = []; {{ associa = db.as