Ah silly me. Developer tools should be my friend :) now I can see that
my table inherit style from skeleton.css which set 'border: 0 none'.
Thank you for pointing it out, Anthony!
Hello. I create a simple component (a .load file) with a table in it.
If I call it directly via browser then it would render as expected.
But calling it from within a view (with LOAD method) won't render its
format (border, spacing, etc). I notice that it only happens with
table. Others just render
DenesL, That works and just what I need. Thank you!
Anthony, I did think that the first argument is the field to return :)
Thank you for the clear explanation.
Khalil, Thanks for the tips. I'd consider that for my projects.
According to the book, for what I understand
record = db(db.owner.name=='test').select(db.owner.id).first()
could be shortcut with
record = db.owner(id, name='test')
But the latter return None. How can I shortcut the first statement
Thank you so very much.
Thank you, Cliff. Now it's clear how to do recursive select to
whatever level :)
Thank you, DenesL!
Hello. Here's how I define my models:
db.define_table('owner', Field('name'), format='%(name)s')
db.define_table('retail', Field('owner_id', db.owner), Field('name'),
db.define_table('administer', Field('retail_id', db.retail),
How can I select all administers be
1. in your db.py you should define
def go_log(object):
redirect(URL('default','samples')) #default is the controller,
samples is the action.
auth.settings.login_onaccept = go_log
2. in your default.py create a action
def samples():
return dict()
3. you should have created file samples
pepper_bg. You mean @auth.requires_login() ? Cos it works and you are
100% right about what I'm trying to describe :) Thanks!
Anthony. Thanks again. It seems separating databases and using CAS is
the most suitable for my system.
Anthony. Just tried and indeed it works. Can I combine it with
pepper_bg's tips so I get the same behaviour? Once login will
autologin all apps if we visit them. I still need to click login
button right now.
pepper_bg. I just realize like you mentioned before that I don't need
CAS since I'm sharing the database. Once I set
session.connect(request, response, db, masterapp='app3') it works! It
even autologin to all apps once I login. No clicking login button.
Once logout will logout all apps too. Somethi
Thank you. I'll get your directions and will post the result to inform.
And that's why I'm sharing the database connection. In my
understanding, one registration is one database. I prefix the tables
to know what tables belongs to what apps.
pepper_bg, my project is exactly the same with your samples above
except I'm using MySQL. I have 3 apps and one registration should be
enough to access those all apps. I try to avoid different
registrations and different logins. One login, one username for all.
What approach should I do then?
Hello Anthony. I begin to think that I do the wrong approach for my
system. In my understanding, 3 different databases would make 3
different user registrations. Is it?
Thank you :)
'CAS is working properly' by my little understanding is I'm able to
login to each app with one single id, though I have to manually
provide credentials data once again to each app.
I've followed your sample and it works. Then I change the adapter to
MySQL. Setting up all DAL to refer
This is my 7th day using web2py. I have my CAS working properly. But I
have to manually login with same username to each app. Is this normal?
How to make it automatically once login for all? All apps are on the
same domain. Actually I haven't set anything or change any code. The
new web2py did it f
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