[web2py] Re: Upgraded to 2.19 and SQL Server date insert throws an error

2020-06-01 Thread Clemens
Have you already tried the latest version 2.20.4-stable+timestamp.2020. ? On Monday, June 1, 2020 at 8:12:08 PM UTC+2, Seth J wrote: > > I am running IIS connecting to SQL Server. Upgrade seems to have > introduced an error to an othe

[web2py] Tip - Using multiple web2py templates

2020-06-01 Thread Rodrigo Attique
After a lot of brainstorming I found a way to allow web2py to use multiple templates. Perhaps for the elderly it is not a novelty, but for the youngest ... This will be a hand in the wheel. Link: https://web2pymania.blogspot.com/2020/06/using-multiple-web2py-templates.html -- Resources: - http

[web2py] DICA - Usando multiplos templates no web2py

2020-06-01 Thread Rodrigo Attique
Depois de muito quebrar a cabeça encontrei uma maneira de permitir que o web2py use multiplos templates. Talvez para os mais velhos não seja uma novidade, mas para os mais jovens... Isso vai ser uma mão na roda. Segue link https://web2pymania.blogspot.com/2020/06/usando-multiplos-templates-web2