Thanks Massimo, so far it working fine. JS code is a lot more cleaner and
no need for node which is nice.
We just need native support from browsers and clients to update to latest
El mié., 28 de mar. de 2018 13:47, Massimo Di Pierro <> escribió:
> Goo
Or :
touch /static/css/myapp.css
Then add :
.btn-default {YOUR WANTED STYLE}
Then modify the /views/layout.html and add a new :
response.files.append(URL('static', 'css/myapp.css'))
You don't really want to customize the bootstrap css class or you should
learn "sass" and add another level of
On Wednesday, March 28, 2018 at 11:43:00 AM UTC-7, Andrea Fae' wrote:
> Yes...I know this, but in web2py application I need to change the style.
> Where is the definition of this class in the files css? Inside the web
> application I mean...
grep btn-default */static/js/*.js tells me it i
Yes...I know this, but in web2py application I need to change the style.
Where is the definition of this class in the files css? Inside the web
application I mean...
Il giorno mercoledì 28 marzo 2018 16:50:15 UTC+2, Richard ha scritto:
> Bootstrap :
> On Tue, Mar 2
How long takes the changes from pydal to be in the web2py git repo...
following the from web2py:
git clone --recursive
This is OK, but now it need a change already in the master granch of
pydal, ¿how can i update the pydal submodule?
I think this is. Can you please open an issue about it?
On Tuesday, 27 March 2018 13:32:15 UTC-5, wrote:
> Hello All,
> I'm an absolute newbie with web2py so I'm not sure if the issue lies in
> web2py/3.6 or my own mistakes... My apologies in advance.
> I encounter
Good work. This helps me a lot.
On Friday, 23 March 2018 14:07:26 UTC-5, marco mansilla wrote:
> Just in case anyone is interested I have uploaded a simple test app with
> VueJS as modules in the browser.
> Did it to test and see how it works, as a demo someone could find it
> useful, more i
can you please provide the final traceback from the erro ticket?
On Sunday, 18 March 2018 02:40:20 UTC-5, Paolo wrote:
> @nbush would you open an issue on
> It seems that languages files were wrongly updated into decoded messages.
> see
> https://githu
You can only use the web2py binary with the prepackaged libraries and some
pure python packages.
If you need to use thrd party libraries that may come to binary form, you
should use the regular source version of web2py.
On Saturday, 17 March 2018 00:25:55 UTC-5, Jaison Raj wrote:
> Hi Anthony
This is all very strange since web2py uses different cookie names, session
id, and session folders for different apps. Therefore I do not see how
things can get mixed up.
The only thing I can think of is if something in routes is accidentally
redirecting form app1 to app2 or vice versa. This wou
Bootstrap :
On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 4:02 PM, Andrea Fae' wrote:
> Where is the definition btn-default in any welcome clone application? I
> need to change the style...thanks
> --
> Resources:
> -
> - (Documentation)
> - http://
It depends...
This is a start if you want to create CSV type of file :
# The code below is greatly inspired by gluon/ class ExporterTSV
and ExporterCSV
import cStringIO
out = cStringIO.StringIO()
final = cStringIO.StringIO()
import csv
if csv_or_xls == 'csv
I've written a print to pdf python script. How can I execute this script
via a button on a web2py screen?
- (Documentation)
- (Source code)
- (Report Issues)
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