On Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 12:12:53 PM UTC+3,
tim.n...@conted.ox.ac.uk wrote:
> Your grid should be using a query that brings in both tables, rather than
> just the Voyages table:
> def Voyages():
> Voyages = SQLFORM.grid(db.EQ_Voyages.Vessel == db.EQ_Vessels.id,
> fields=[db.EQ_V
First, you can just put all the router code in /web2py/routes.py -- no need
for anything specific in the app folder. Second, you need to specify the
functions in the default controller if you want /default/index to be gone
when there are any request.args.
How are your URLs being generated? What
gluon.contrib.simplejson is not really simplejson but just a dummy module
that calls the Python json module, so no difference between the first and
I suspect response.json will be similar to json.dumps. response.json is
gluon.serializers.json, which ultimately calls json.dumps, but it p
You can conditionally set request.requires_https() depending on whether the
request comes from a GAE Task Queue. Apparently, Task Queue requests will
include HTTP headers as noted here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14838696.
So, you can do something like:
just testing several code that return json
def json_rows_as_list():
import json
query = (db.auth_user.id > 0)
rows = db(query).select()
json_list = json.dumps(rows.as_list(), default = str, sort_keys = True)
return dict(results = XML(json_list) )
curl -X GET --user
On Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 9:12:52 AM UTC-7, Marlysson Silva wrote:
> Then will be there are other framework? And no just to port the web2py
> codebase to py3..
Much of the core will be shared, but the presentation will be simpler.
FORM() for everything, as SQLRORM() is getting too
If I use Google's taskqueue.add(), it keeps giving me a 303 error over and
over in the logs because it tries to use the HTTP version of the page the
POST is sent to, but I have request.requires_https() in my db.py. I can't
find a way for taskqueue to attempt an HTTPS connection.
Removing reque
Then will be there are other framework? And no just to port the web2py
codebase to py3..
Em quinta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2017 15:18:58 UTC-3, Dave S escreveu:
> On Thursday, September 14, 2017 at 8:02:00 AM UTC-7, Muhammad Hashim Malik
> wrote:
>> Hello folks
>> Is there any updat
Yes, I reloaded the app. Nothing happens, it doesn't change the URL.
I tried several different ways to change the routes.py.
In the current situation in the *web2py* folder I have this in the*
routes.py* file:
routers = dict(
BASE = dict(default_application='init'),
Then, in the *web2py/
Did you reload routes or restart the server?
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- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
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