Re: [web2py] Re: web2py and python3

2015-12-06 Thread Pablo Angulo
I also have to work with unicode all the time. While it's true that python3 deals better with this issue, there is no way that web2py can move to python3 and our current code keeps working, precisely because of this issue. Our code has lots of .encode('utf8'), .decode('utf8'), unicode(...), etc. We

Re: [web2py] Re: CUSTOM a large form

2015-12-06 Thread Laurent Lc
Ok Thank you Le 7 déc. 2015 2:01 AM, "Jason Solack" a écrit : > I've done this several ways... the actual HTML generation could be via > web2py's helpers or just writting the HTML. For the tabs i've used > bootstrap or jquery ui to help out creating tabs... using a library helps > the process of

Re: [web2py] Instruct session.connect to keep using the same table name despite the appname change

2015-12-06 Thread Richard Vézina
masterapp='appname'... On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 12:42 AM, Richard wrote: > Hello, > > Is there a way to tell session.connect that it should keep using a give > web2py_session_APPNAME table, because when I am testing before deployment > app name change... I need to keep the same name... > > Thanks

[web2py] Instruct session.connect to keep using the same table name despite the appname change

2015-12-06 Thread Richard
Hello, Is there a way to tell session.connect that it should keep using a give web2py_session_APPNAME table, because when I am testing before deployment app name change... I need to keep the same name... Thanks Richard -- Resources: - - (Documentation

[web2py] Pre-populated Forms

2015-12-06 Thread Anthony Smith
Hi All, I have a products table: db.define_table('product', Field('product_name'), Field('active_ingredient'), Field('batch_no'), Field('expiry_date','date'), Field('product_type', requires=IS_IN_SET(PRODUCTTYPES),d

Re: [web2py] problem while adding a radio button in login form

2015-12-06 Thread Richard Vézina
It form = auth() Below example of my login form refactoring : def user(): """ exposes: http:///[app]/default/user/login http:///[app]/default/user/logout http:///[app]/default/user/register http:///[app]/default/user/profile http:///[app]/default/u

[web2py] custom download function

2015-12-06 Thread Joseph Faulkner
I'm developing a simple webapp in web2py and I want to create a link that let's the user download a file. Like this: However, I want to do this without having to pass the FILE to the user in the page handler. I want to retrieve an ID from the server asynchronously that will correspond to th

[web2py] Re: submitting the form when updating .load file

2015-12-06 Thread Jason Solack
So in this case i was just wanting to see if the form was submitted when reloading the component via: jQuery('#test_div').get(0).reload() and by printing the request.vars to the terminal i saw that it wasn't. I will try your method $.web2py.component and see what results On Sunday, D

Re: [web2py] problem while adding a radio button in login form

2015-12-06 Thread Richard Vézina
login form are part of web2py auth.form or something I haven touch that since a wild... But you have to custom the form and login form is par of controllers/default/user function... You then need to have a look at the book to how customize login form... You may also just try to set readable=True a

[web2py] Re: web2py resources

2015-12-06 Thread Alfonso Serra
No idea, i just know that is pure gold. A set of bests practices to structure your application. I found this in a post in this user group. Someone was pointing someone else to the original pdf in order to answer a question. On Sunday, 6 December 2015 23:40:51 UTC, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > > N

Re: [web2py] Re: web2py and python3

2015-12-06 Thread Jason Solack
i feel this asciii / unicode pain quite often as i deal with data from all sorts of sources and much of it is text inputs from various users... i would love to see web2py move towards python3 On Sunday, December 6, 2015 at 8:09:41 PM UTC-5, Alex wrote: > > I'm still missing a clear strategy from

[web2py] Re: submitting the form when updating .load file

2015-12-06 Thread Anthony
On Sunday, December 6, 2015 at 7:15:04 PM UTC-5, Jason Solack wrote: > > Sorry i'm not clear! I'm trying to break up a reporting site and my > initial idea was to use several LOAD components where in the past i was > using ajax calls. I like the component framework as it seems i can return > H

Re: [web2py] Re: web2py and python3

2015-12-06 Thread Alex
I'm still missing a clear strategy from the devs... I could understand if you don't have enough resources and ask for help (web2py is open source and anybody can contribute after all). But saying that python3 is useless and nobody wants it is not a good approach. It seems like most of you only

[web2py] Re: CUSTOM a large form

2015-12-06 Thread Jason Solack
I've done this several ways... the actual HTML generation could be via web2py's helpers or just writting the HTML. For the tabs i've used bootstrap or jquery ui to help out creating tabs... using a library helps the process of making tabs pretty trivial... here's jquery ui's information http://

[web2py] Re: submitting the form when updating .load file

2015-12-06 Thread Jason Solack
Sorry i'm not clear! I'm trying to break up a reporting site and my initial idea was to use several LOAD components where in the past i was using ajax calls. I like the component framework as it seems i can return HTML templates... it just feels cleaner. I have this component within the form,

[web2py] Re: web2py resources

2015-12-06 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Nice, when did Martin write the original version? I do not remember seeing this before. On Saturday, 5 December 2015 23:07:44 UTC-6, Alfonso Serra wrote: > > web2py Best Practices by martin Mulone translated to english by me. > > Download "web2py Best Practices.pdf" >

[web2py] Re: File Upload Table

2015-12-06 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
What is the question? On Saturday, 5 December 2015 10:11:04 UTC-6, Eliot Simcoe wrote: > > Hello World, > > I have a table named File is supposed to be referenced by other tables in > an attempt to simulate the "upload' field type. This table is coupled with > a Folder table and simulates a file

[web2py] Re: submitting the form when updating .load file

2015-12-06 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Not sure what you are trying to do. could you explain again? Why do you have LOAD inside a form? On Friday, 4 December 2015 18:00:09 UTC-6, Jason Solack wrote: > > Hello all, i have this view: > > > for='filter_1'>Test me > > {{=LOAD('chart','test.load',ajax=True, target='test

[web2py] Re: Learning Management System survey

2015-12-06 Thread Richard D
Would love to take this forward too. But I might be able to support you before pyodel is developed further. Richard On Saturday, February 15, 2014 at 8:09:10 PM UTC+1, Nico de Groot wrote: > > Haven't followed thread for a while, I'm still interested. Working at > Dutch university as Bb coordin

[web2py] Re: Problem define model class to model dal table no guide

2015-12-06 Thread Anthony
On Sunday, December 6, 2015 at 9:49:49 AM UTC-5, Alessio Varalta wrote: > > This solution for me is not good. Ok in this case work but virtual field > allows only simple operation on the single filed of a table. > A virtual/method field can be as complex as you want it to be, and it does not ope

[web2py] Re: Problem define model class to model dal table no guide

2015-12-06 Thread Alessio Varalta
This solution for me is not good. Ok in this case work but virtual field allows only simple operation on the single filed of a table. I want class with function where i can use cicle and where i can use another dal object..This is present for all frameworks java-ruiby!!! for exmpale

[web2py] Re: list:string how to limit the number of strings

2015-12-06 Thread Pierre
custom validator fails : why ? model: class IS_LIST_TAGS: def __init__(self, separator=',', error_message='too many tags max=3 tags!'): self.separator = separator self.e = error_message def __call__(self,value): try: li = value.split(self.separator)

[web2py] Re: Does web2py set automatic cookies?

2015-12-06 Thread Leonel Câmara
Note that if you're talking about European rules you probably don't need to inform your users (In my case whenever I thought I needed I didn't) as there are exceptions to the rules. What I found is that the cookie warning is idiotically overused in many places where it isn't needed. For instance

[web2py] Re: st_dwithin

2015-12-06 Thread Pierre
Great !! I'd prefer to use Web2py api instead of executesql but I've read the latter is faster (speed might be a concern in my case). I'll do the modifications you suggest and see if it works. I hope this won't corrupt Web2py magical harmony thanks -- Resources: - - http:/