Re: [vpp-dev] NAT44 for TCP/UDP

2022-08-09 Thread filvarga
Hi Ashwini, I will look into your issue. But for reference I would advise against using a combination of inside interface and output-feature. OUTPUT-FEATURE or in other words output interface already contains nat44-inside node. Output-feature does postrouting - after ip4-lookup node decides which

Re: [vpp-dev] NAT44 for TCP/UDP

2022-08-10 Thread filvarga
Hi Ashwini, Can you also please send me a packet trace from VPP ? Thank you. Best regards, Filip Varga ut 9. 8. 2022 o 23:50 Ashwini Kadam napísal(a): > Hi Filip, > > I did try your recommendations . Updated NAT config to as below > > Test Case 1 > nat44 plugin enable sessions 63000 > nat44

Re: [vpp-dev] NAT44 for TCP/UDP

2022-08-16 Thread filvarga
Hi Ashwini, Thank you. I am looking into it. Best regards, Filip Varga po 15. 8. 2022 o 21:33 Ashwini Kadam napísal(a): > Hi Filip, > > Please let me know your thoughts on what the issue is and how it can be > resolved. We are working towards a demo and hoping to use VPP in it. This > is kind

Re: [vpp-dev] nat44-ed distinct pool for out if

2022-09-21 Thread filvarga
Hi, I would suggest checking vrf table implementation in NAT44-ED that enables restriction of passing packets between different VRFs for more information check commit 691c630b79ec2230b67944c8a9f77f95b49d95ad Meanwhile I will look if there is something else to use. If I find something I will respo

Re: [vpp-dev] nat44-ed distinct pool for out if

2022-09-22 Thread filvarga
Hi Amir, If I understand your use case correctly you have 2 inside and 2 outside interfaces. 2 outside belong to two different ISPs. You want communication entering inside interface one to go through let's say outside interface one and vice versa for the other two. inside 1 <-> outside 1 inside 2

Re: [vpp-dev] NAT44 for TCP/UDP

2022-09-22 Thread filvarga
Hi Ashwini, I am sorry I wasn't able to respond earlier. Basically you have multiple issues here. You are not configuring NAT outside address as suggested by yangbin. Though you can ignore the default route comment you don't need to worry about this to make the example work. Also output-feature (

Re: [vpp-dev] testing vpp question

2022-09-23 Thread filvarga
Hi Laszlo, Are you trying to run specifically the same tests as ones that are in jenkins ? You can simply install all requirements make install-deps make install-ext-deps make test or make test-debug I would also suggest running it in 22.04 ubuntu docker image. Best regards, Filip Varga pi 2

Re: [vpp-dev] nat44-ed distinct pool for out if

2022-09-24 Thread filvarga
"Using vrf routes and tables affect selected tx_fib_index but address allocation for snat(nat_ed_alloc_addr_and_port function) is based on rx_fib_index." - Pretty sure that's not true at all I would know as a maintainer of nat :). If tx_fib_index is supplied then resolution of the pool address is

Re: [vpp-dev] nat44-ed distinct pool for out if

2022-09-29 Thread filvarga
You are very welcome. Best regards, Filip Varga st 28. 9. 2022 o 16:32 Amir Hossein <> napísal(a): > Oh you're right. > thanks to your guidance i was able to reach correct configuration. > thanks a lot! > > > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages

Re: [vpp-dev] snat support bind to specific subnets

2022-10-27 Thread filvarga
Hi Li, There are few errors in your statement. 1) SNAT - is an obsolete name for the old nat plugin. 2) NAT is split among multiple plugins 3) one of the plugins - nat44-ed (the most used and preferred) does support all of the things you have mentioned Please feel free to search in the community

Re: [vpp-dev] snat support bind to specific subnets

2022-10-27 Thread filvarga
ant to try a search in mailing list with > them. > > Do I understand this right? Looking forward to hearing any further ideas > or suggestions from you. > > Thanks & Regards, > Huawei LI > > 2022年10月27日 16:52,filvarga 写道: > > Hi Li, > > There are few error

Re: [vpp-dev] snat support bind to specific subnets

2022-10-27 Thread filvarga
addresses respectively used for multi-subnets in a vrf? > > Thanks & Regards, > Huawei LI > > 2022年10月27日 22:06,filvarga 写道: > > Hi Li, > > Yes, try to search one of my mail accounts (current/previous) for example >, or my name

Re: [vpp-dev] snat support bind to specific subnets

2022-10-28 Thread filvarga
h for your detailed instructions and configuration > examples. I will try this method later on. > > Another question about nat, is there any support for new nat session rate > limit in vpp? > > > Thanks & Regards, > Huawei LI > > 2022年10月28日 01:22,filvarga 写道: &

Re: [vpp-dev] snat support bind to specific subnets

2022-10-28 Thread filvarga
, lihuawei wrote: > Hi Filip, > > Yes, it’s "session rate limiting" what I mean. > > Does community have any plan about "session rate limiting" in the > classical flavours of nat? > > > Thanks & Regards, > Huawei LI > > 2022年10月28日 21:20,filva

[vpp-dev] gerrit GPG account issue

2022-10-31 Thread filvarga
Hi guys, I was trying to set up a GPG signature for signing my commits. I followed github guides [0] [1] that I used previously for setting up my github account with GPG signing. I face an issue when I try to add my exported public key into the New GPG key gerrit field. Basically what happens is

Re: [vpp-dev] Gerrit Review Id 37559

2022-10-31 Thread filvarga
On it. Best regards, Filip Varga po 31. 10. 2022 o 14:13 lihuawei napísal(a): > Hi community, > > I have added a fix as gerrit review id 37559. > > *gerrit link: > * > > *short description: *Fix byte order error about t

Re: [vpp-dev] snat support bind to specific subnets

2022-10-31 Thread filvarga
t regards, > Huawei LI > > 2022年10月28日 01:22,filvarga 写道: > > Hi Li, > > NAT44-ED doesn't support ACL. There are other NAT plugins in VPP. For > example PNAT uses ACL rules. You should go through all of the options there > are and pick the correct NAT flavor that wi

Re: [vpp-dev] snat support bind to specific subnets

2022-10-31 Thread filvarga
6 lihuawei napísal(a): > Hi Filip & community, > > About the rate limiting with NAT session, does anyone have recommended > reference? > > Best regards, > Huawei LI > > 2022年10月29日 04:14,filvarga 写道: > > Hi, Li > > There is no such goal. It would’t be good id

Re: [vpp-dev] MAP-E Configuration

2022-11-05 Thread filvarga
Hi Ameen, I will look into it and let you know. Best regards, Filip Varga so 5. 11. 2022 o 13:13 Ameen Al-Azzawi napísal(a): > Hello Filip, > > I saw your reply to one of the MAP-related topics. > > > I am trying to build the topology of MAP-E and MAP-T IPv6 transition > technology. > > I am

Re: [vpp-dev] Gerrit Review Id 37579

2022-11-07 Thread filvarga
Hi, That was already done. Please check your status. Best regards, Filip Varga po 7. 11. 2022 o 9:01 lihuawei napísal(a): > Hi everyone, > > I have added a fix as gerrit review id 37579. > > *gerrit link: > * > > *shor

Re: [vpp-dev] VPP Stateful NAT64 crashes with segmentation fault

2022-11-08 Thread filvarga
Hi Gabor, I will look into it and get back to you. Meanwhile could you run the same test with a debug build and post the results ? Maybe even core dump. Also please post your startup.conf file Best regards, Filip Varga st 9. 11. 2022 o 7:50 Gabor LENCSE napísal(a): > Dear VPP Developers, > >

[vpp-dev] email address update

2022-11-10 Thread filvarga
Hi guys, Anyone willing to merge my maintainer address update patch ? Thank you. Best regards, Filip Varga -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#22161): Mut

Re: [vpp-dev] email address update

2022-11-10 Thread filvarga
Thank you! Best regards, Filip Varga št 10. 11. 2022 o 17:12 Andrew Yourtchenko napísal(a): > Done! > > --a > > On 10 Nov 2022, at 16:49, filvarga wrote: > >  > Hi guys, > > Anyone willing to merge my maintainer address update patch ? > https://gerrit.fd

Re: [vpp-dev] MAP-E Configuration

2022-11-11 Thread filvarga
Hi Ameen Please read first ./src/plugins/nat/nat44-ed/nat44_ed_doc.rst Yes, running `nat44 enable` will fail because the correct command as you have copy-pasted in your email is `nat44 plugin enable`. Also please avoid using `nat44 forwarding enable` if you are not sure what it exactly does in na

Re: [vpp-dev] VPP Stateful NAT64 crashes with segmentation fault

2022-11-11 Thread filvarga
em on my Windows laptop and upload them through a > gateway.) > > Thank you very much in advance! > > Best regards, > > Gábor > On 11/9/2022 4:04 PM, filvarga wrote: > > Hi Gabor, > > I will look into it and get back to you. Meanwhile could you run the same

Re: [vpp-dev] Gerrit Review Id 37651

2022-11-11 Thread filvarga
Hi, Looks good to me. But I can see that in non of the cli commands if (!unformat_user (input, unformat_line_input, line_input)) return 0; is used. Have a look at Daves patch: e697caf9f84408fd7e2caa9bed58946f068e4c9c Best regards, Filip Varga so 12. 11. 2022 o 5:14 lihuawei napísa

Re: [vpp-dev] Some NAT API Error Values

2022-11-23 Thread filvarga
Hi, Thank you for your notes and pointing out the issue. Feel free to submit any changes in the future and add appropriate people to your review (based on maintainers list). For now I am posting a quick fix. As the nat44-ed control plane is undergoing a continuous huge refactor I wouldn't advise t

Re: [vpp-dev] Some NAT API Error Values

2022-11-23 Thread filvarga
23. 11. 2022 o 12:59 Jon Loeliger via napísal(a): > On Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 12:25 PM filvarga wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> Thank you for your notes and pointing out the issue. Feel free to submit >> any changes in the future and add appropriate people to your re

Re: [vpp-dev] Some NAT API Error Values

2022-11-26 Thread filvarga
Varga st 23. 11. 2022 o 13:59 filvarga via napísal(a): > Hi, > > I understand your perspective. But you have to think in a longer > perspective of NAT changes. The concept of enabling / disabling plugins on > the go is not super common among VPP. This was just

Re: [vpp-dev] Forwarding Specific Packet with LCP Plugin

2023-02-14 Thread filvarga
Hi Burcu, Yes you are able to use VPP host stack implementation with LD_PRELOAD. Please refer to . Best regards, Filip Varga ut 14. 2. 2023 o 14:50 Matthew Smith via napísal(a): > > You set the next hop address to the same as the loca

Re: [vpp-dev] Fixing nat44ed vrf api handlers

2023-03-22 Thread filvarga
Hi, Yes I fully agree with Andrew on changing APIs. Though the api was broken in the first place. If used incorrect message is returned. Because of that I am not even sure if it is functional at all. It is more likely that nobody before addressed this issue because this feature is not used. So I

Re: [vpp-dev] Fixing nat44ed vrf api handlers

2023-03-22 Thread filvarga
If you decide to split the patch and do a second version. I would like to see the first version set as deprecated. So when removed we can put it again in without having to have _v2 _v3 etc. Best regards, Filip Varga st 22. 3. 2023 o 15:33 Daniel Béreš napísal(a): > Thanks for the reasonable ex