[vpp-dev] ERROR while "make install-ext-deps" in vagrant #vpp

2021-06-16 Thread andy . ye
Hi folks, Can anyone help on this? DEBUG ssh: stderr: make[3]: *** [packages/ipsec-mb.mk:48: /vpp/build-root/build-vpp-native/external/.ipsec-mb.build.ok] Error 2 INFO interface: detail: make[3]: *** [packages/ipsec-mb.mk:48: /vpp/build-root/build-vpp-native/external/.ipsec-mb.build.ok] Error

[vpp-dev] what's the equivalent example of snat (https://wiki.fd.io/view/VPP/Progressive_VPP_Tutorial#Source_NAT) for version 21.0? #vpp #vpp-dev #snat #nat

2021-07-08 Thread andy . ye
Hi, Can't find snat command in cli. Best, --Andy -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#19729): https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp-dev/message/19729 Mute This Topic: https://lists.fd.io/mt/84079047/21656 Mute #vpp:https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp-dev/mute

[vpp-dev] what's the equivalent example of snat (https://wiki.fd.io/view/VPP/Progressive_VPP_Tutorial#Source_NAT) for version 21.0? #vpp #vpp-dev #snat #nat

2021-07-26 Thread andy . ye
[Edited Message Follows] Hi, Can't find snat command in cli. Any active vpp dev can help? Best, --Andy -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#19729): https://lists.fd.io/g/vpp-dev/message/19729 Mute This Topic: https://lists.fd.io/mt/840

Re: [vpp-dev] CGNAT port assignment

2021-09-30 Thread andy . ye
Hi Ole, Are these evolutions in the roadmap? Hi Ole and Marcos, Any vpp documents I can find to compare the 3 different NAT vpp provided as plugins (ED, EI and DET), or you can help to tell here? Can any of them be combined to use? Thanks, --Andy -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive al

[vpp-dev] vpp vnet/session design for shared vpp flow session table across vm/hosts #vpp-dev #vpp-hoststack #vpp-memif #vnet #shm #vppctl #control_and_data_plane_together

2021-09-30 Thread andy . ye
Hi, Want to check the feasibility of using vpp vnet/session VCL frameworks to centrally manage sessions across multiple vm/hosts' vpps (dataplanes). multiple vpps on the same vm/host session management is straightforward, we can just use shm to do so. But for across vm/hosts vpps to share the s

Re: [vpp-dev] vpp vnet/session design for shared vpp flow session table across vm/hosts #vpp-dev #vpp-hoststack #vpp-memif #vnet #shm #vppctl #control_and_data_plane_together

2021-09-30 Thread Andy Ye
Hi Florin, Thank you for your reply! "For instance, running apps within the vms that attach to their respective vpps via vcl and then report their connections to a central point, over the network (so potentially over vcl), should be possible." This is partially of the intention. To be clearer, w