Hi All,
I wanted to use frr with vpp (for ospf routing), found out using router
plugin(vppsb) is not a good idea as it's not maintained and there is a new
plugin, linux_cp_plugin,
but seems the other plugin needed for using frr is not merged
so what's the solution for usin
I'm working with nat44-ed plugin and I found that we can set a distinct nat
ip pool for each in if (with tenant-vrf) and we can have multiple out if.
But is there a way to have a distinct nat ip pool for each out if?
Imagine a scenario in which a host connects to two isps (with two if each
Hi Ole ,
thanks for hint, but i can't see how using output-feature helps me to have
different pool for out interface?(a->fib_index == rx_fib_index is in
tx_sw_if_index != ~0 too)
can you elaborate more pls?
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Hi Filip,
thanks for suggestion,
so i can have a vrf(rx) use nat ip pool from another tenant vrf?
I'm a little confused about using nat vrf routes can you give me an example?
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thanks for your detail answer.
but again my goal is to have separate nat ip pool per output interface.
in my case i have one in interface and two out if, i want out if1 uses nat ip
address A and out if2 uses nat ip address B.
using vrf routes and tables affect selected tx_fib_index but address al
Oh you're right.
thanks to your guidance i was able to reach correct configuration.
thanks a lot!
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