still there
Best Rregards
发件人: Matthew Smith
发送时间: 2019年9月10日 21:54
收件人: shi dave
抄送: vpp-dev
主题: Re: [vpp-dev] vpp dpdk crypto performance testing (VPP 19.01)
The issue might be fixed if you upgrade to a newer version than 19.01 - see
The issue might be fixed if you upgrade to a newer version than 19.01 - see
On Mon, Sep 9, 2019 at 7:14 AM shi dave wrote:
> Hi,
> Using VPP+DPDK for Ipsec Security Gateway application, want to handle
> traffic (*7Gbps uplink & decrypt + 28Gbps d
Using VPP+DPDK for Ipsec Security Gateway application, want to handle traffic
(7Gbps uplink & decrypt + 28Gbps downlink & encrypt ) with below configuration,
but there have many rx-miss errors in downlink interface, but the Vectors/Call
for ipsec & dpdk crypto node is very low (only 3~4), a