> On 19.11.2020., at 08:31, Benoit Ganne (bganne) via lists.fd.io
> wrote:
>> We are mixing today 2 different things: packaging for specific distro and
>> making sure that code can work with specific build/runtime dependencies.
> Good point. So basically maintaining something like
> http
> We are mixing today 2 different things: packaging for specific distro and
> making sure that code can work with specific build/runtime dependencies.
Good point. So basically maintaining something like
IMO having list of supported operationg systems is pointless, verifying against
that particular list just makes everybody life harder. We waste more power and
we pollute atmosphere more :)
Instead i think we should have list of dependencies with minimal and preferred
Expanding the audience of https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/28721
> Patch Set 2:
> Am I correct if I summarize your point as:
> 1) we should document the distribution we officially support (this was
the goal of the wiki page you setup)
> 2) as long as we do not break this list we should be allowe