, March 17, 2018 19:57
To: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io
Cc: vpp-dev
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] Coverity Scan seems to be back
They set up scan.coverity.com<http://scan.coverity.com> so that if you type
http://scan.coverity.com you might start thinking your home wlan is broken or
your browser is broken b
They set up scan.coverity.com so that if you type http://scan.coverity.com
you might start thinking your home wlan is broken or your browser is broken
because they don't automatically transfer you to https://scan.coverity.com.
I guess they must be paranoid after the recent break in.
On Fri,
Coverity's Scan service appears to be back. They should have emailed registered
users about resetting their passwords.
I've also kicked off a build to test it and get things going again.
Hopefully we have time to knock out some fixes for static analysis issues
before the branch in a few weeks!