Re: [vpp-dev] [csit-dev] gerrit 9904 VIRL verification is failing

2018-01-02 Thread Ed Kern (ejk)
peter was close…the virl salt server we were pointed at did have a hard crash.. ive repointed all 3 (this also should correct the issue therbert was seeing on virl3) at production list of masters and verified all three as getting good license response now. Let me know if you see issues on your

Re: [vpp-dev] [csit-dev] gerrit 9904 VIRL verification is failing

2018-01-02 Thread Marek Gradzki -X (mgradzki - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco)
+ hc2vpp list (hc2vpp csit jobs are failing with the same error message) Regards, Marek From: [] On Behalf Of Peter Mikus -X (pmikus - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco) Sent: 2 stycznia 2018 06:37 To: Ed Kern (ejk) Cc: csit-...@lists

Re: [vpp-dev] [csit-dev] gerrit 9904 VIRL verification is failing

2018-01-01 Thread Peter Mikus -X (pmikus - PANTHEON TECHNOLOGIES at Cisco)
Hello Ed, Can you please take a look? Looks like VIRLs are trying to connect to Cisco master machines but communication failing (due to company shutdown?)? Can you please closer describe why this connection is required? Thanks. Peter Mikus Engineer – Software Cisco Systems Limited From: csit-d