[vpp-dev] nat44 ed mode assertion failed when mulithread enabled in startup.conf

2020-09-08 Thread dfliuc
Dear VPP Folks, I found vpp assertion failed when nat44  forward is enabled. I'm using vpp version on master branch. I configured a simple nat scenario with nat44. My startup.conf : unix { interactive nodaemon cli-listen  /run/vpp/cli.sock cli-no-pager poll-sleep-usec 100 } api-trace { on } api

[vpp-dev] Crash when configured nat with gre interface

2020-09-02 Thread dfliuc
Hi experts, We encounterd crash when configured nat with gre interface version : vpp master vpp configuration: G0 ip create gre tunnel src dst set interface stat gre0 up set interface ip addr gre0 *set interface nat44 out gre0 output-feat