The setup is a machine running VPP 19.01, configured using NAT44, with two
physical interfaces. One interface is inside, other one is outside.
The unit was translating and passing traffic just fine, and then all of a
sudden stopped passing anything through the outside interface. Any packet which
Typo in the configuration printout as it should read:
set int nat44 in BondEthernet0.200 out BondEthernet0.100
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Configuring VPP with LACP via:
create bond mode lacp
bond add BondEthernet0
bond add BondEthernet0
create sub-interfaces BondEthernet0.100
create sub-interfaces BondEthernet0.200
set int nat44 in BondEthernet0.100 out BondEthernet0.200
nat44 add address
Now, NAT only works if we use set nat
Hi Ole,
Thanks again.
1) I've gone through setting it up for 19.01, but it seems to be having some
issues compiling, might be due to recent changes on how VPP is compiled. I've
done this in the past for 18.10, although my concerns were the loss of
performance from using it.
2) I've considered
Hi Ole,
Thank you for the reply, as always.
I was worried the ideal suggestion would be something along those lines.
I'm looking at getting BGP traffic to traverse the dataplane and handle it via
an application, such as Quagga or FRR, then pass it back down to VPP and out
through the appropriat
I'm looking for suggestions regarding how to best pass traffic through VPP, to
the Linux host, and back out through VPP, without using different IP addresses.
Ideally traffic would hit a VPP interface, it would get punted up to the host,
processed by an application, and then sent back down VPP an