RE: VNC used in a commerical product..

2001-06-27 Thread Mel Chandler PMI
I couldn't find where it says it is using or going to be using vnc. Mel L. Chandler, A+, Network+, MCNE, MCDBA, MCSE+I, CCNA [EMAIL PROTECTED] Network Analyst Information Services PMI Delta Dental (562) 467-6627 === = not many animals were harmed in = =the mak

RE: Problem connecting

2001-07-18 Thread Mel Chandler PMI
I have a NetGear 10/100 switch at home, never had any problems with it. Mel L. Chandler, A+, Network+, MCNE, MCDBA, MCSE+I, CCNA [EMAIL PROTECTED] Network Analyst Information Services PMI Delta Dental (562) 467-6627 === = not many animals were harmed in = =the

RE: a Question

2001-07-18 Thread Mel Chandler PMI
TCP/IP will run on a DOS W/S. If that environment grows, all that NetBEUI will surely bite you one day. Mel L. Chandler, A+, Network+, MCNE, MCDBA, MCSE+I, CCNA [EMAIL PROTECTED] Network Analyst Information Services PMI Delta Dental (562) 467-6627 === = not many

RE: Problemto setup an connection with a W2K server

2001-07-18 Thread Mel Chandler PMI
Have you tried SP2 yet? Mel L. Chandler, A+, Network+, MCNE, MCDBA, MCSE+I, CCNA [EMAIL PROTECTED] Network Analyst Information Services PMI Delta Dental (562) 467-6627 === = not many animals were harmed in = =the making of this email =

VNC for NetWare

2001-07-27 Thread Mel Chandler PMI
I realize that rconsole can run over IP for NetWare 5. However, for NetWare 4 and older I don't think it provides this functionality. Is there a VNC server piece being worked on for NetWare 4? If so, where? Otherwise, is it possible to run a java engine on NetWare 4 and run the java VNC server

No Subject

2001-08-29 Thread Mel Chandler PMI
I realize that rconsole can run over IP for NetWare 5. However, for NetWare 4 and older I don't think it provides this functionality. Is there a VNC server piece being worked on for NetWare 4? If so, where? Otherwise, is it possible to run a java engine on NetWare 4 and run the java VNC server

VNC for NetWare

2001-06-21 Thread Mel Chandler PMI
I realize that rconsole can run over IP for NetWare 5. However, for NetWare 4 and older I don't think it provides this functionality. Is there a VNC server piece being worked on for NetWare 4? If so, where? Otherwise, is it possible to run a java engine on NetWare 4 and run the java VNC server

RE: HelP! Server does not have a valid password enabled?

2002-04-30 Thread Mel Chandler PMI
I've had this happen on a Windows 98 SE machine, particularly after it crashes. Mel L. Chandler, A+, Network+, MCNE, MCDBA, MCSE+I, CCNA [EMAIL PROTECTED] Network Analyst Information Services PMI Delta Dental (562) 467-6627 "Life's a reach and then you jibe." -Original Message- From: