Or, just press SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+DEL
Works on most NT based systems.
Ian Cowley
Christ's College, Cambridge University
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
> David Brodbeck
> Sent: Thursday 19 July 2001 18:45
Windows 2000 *is* NT based.
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + Del will work.
Ian Cowley
Christ's College
Cambridge University
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Roy Bosworth
> Sent: Friday 20 July 2001 22:21
> T
27;s called), and on
reboot, VNC should restrat (assuming you've got it installed as a
Hope that helps.
| Ian Cowley | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Tel: +44(0)7979 474830 |
| Christ's College| www.ianc
ls away in one of our other offices, across the
company WAN.
I can probab;ly remmeber details of the batch fiels if pressed
Ian Cowley
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of TURNER Chris
> Sent: Monday 10 September 20
Works fine here, except the wallpaper refuses to disable on an incoming connection.
But other than that, it works fine.
WinXP PRo by the way.
Ian Cowley
Webmaster, Christ's College, Cambridge University
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / 01223 500313 / 07979 474830
At 07:29 11/12/2001, you wrote:
I'm VNCing to a Windows machine from a Mac, and can't find a way of sending
Can anyone enlighten me?
Ian Cowley
Webmaster, Christ's College, Cambridge University
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / 01223 500313
F10 upsets the Mac I'm on.
Brings up the key control panel or something.
Having very little knowledge of Macs and this being someone else's, I don't want to
start upsetting things.
Ian Cowley
At 13:26 05/03/2002, you wrote:
>Usually Shift+F10 will activate the context m
No, that doesn't send a right-click.
Have discovered that pressing the apple button and 3 together sends a right-button
down, and releasing them sends right-up.
Ian Cowley
Randomly stabbing at buttons
At 13:37 05/03/2002, you wrote:
>Maybe with CTRL+click or OPTION+click just as
doesn't appear to have been released yet - when is the intended release
Ian Cowley
Computer Services Dept.
National Farmers' Union
l only work on an NT (or possibly win2000)
Ian Cowley
Computer Services Dept.
National Farmers' Union
-Original Message-
Sent: 19/12/00 20:02
Subject: VNC Noise
I am working on automation tools for deploying and managing VNC in o
is the NETBIOS name of the target machine, and if you
have loads of them, the passing of the names to the batch file can be
automated too.
I have included the contents of the batch files below.
Hope this all helps, if you have any more questions feel free to ask :)
Ian Cowley
Computer Service
The method that i posted to the mailing list a couple of hours ago dopes NOT
put a message up on the user's end, not even at the '"winvnc -install"
Look at that :)
Ian Cowley
Comp. Services
National Farmers' Union
-Original Message-
From: [EM
Unfortunately I don't :(
Ian Cowley
> -Original Message-
> From: Kvnig Marcus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 21 December 2000 21:31
> Subject: VNC
> Hallo zusammen!
> Ein sehr gutes Programm, das VNC!
> Gibt es davo
3.3.2r3 came out a long time ago.
We are now on version 3.3.3r7, which has the features you describe.
Hope this helps.
Ian Cowley
> -Original Message-
> Sent: 28 December 2000 15:05
> Subject:
about employees if they knew they could be spied on.
IMHO I think that the icon should stay and that any versions that have been
recompiled to remove the icon should be condemned by ATT. I'm sure they
wouldn't want the backlash if a spying case ever made it to court...
Ian Cowley
> "read-only" would be nice.
If you read the documentation, there's a registry setting (I think it's
called AllowProperties) you can set at the server end to disable (grey out)
the Properties option in the right-click menu on the VNC system tray icon.
You can also gr
How about running the DOS viewer on the WFW3.11 machine to view one of the
Win98 machines? Then one monitor, mouse and keyboard could run btwo
machines, and you'd have access to the WFW and Win98 machine.
Ian Cowley
Computer Services Dept
National Farmers' Union
>This may
connection based on the viewer's IP
IP ranges can be set to be auto-accept or auto-reject.
I suggest looking at the documentation page
http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/winvnc.html for registry settings
Ian Cowley
Computer Services Dept.
National Farmers' U
can't find rerference in the documentation or FAQ.
Ian Cowley
Comp. Serv. Dept.
National Farmers' Union
> -Original Message-
> Sent: 03 January 2001 21:56
> Subject: Re: Kill Clients
> ----- Message d'origine -
> De : "Ian Cowley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Envoyi : jeudi 4 janvier 2001 10:14
> Objet : RE: Kill Clients
> > Is there a registry setting to disable the "Kill sll
> clien
You'll be able to use VNC as long as you know the IP address of the target
machine, and as long as it's not behind some weird firewall at your ISP.
Hover the mouse over the VNC Server system tray icon, get the IP from the
tooltip that pops up, and you should be away.
Ian C
This is the extra.da that NAI sent me a few hours ago.
http://www.iancowley.co.uk -> Click on "Odd Downloads".
Ian Cowley
Christ's College, University of Cambridge, UK
To unsubscribe, send a message with th
(as was promised for the next version).
Ian Cowley| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ: 37181817
Christ's College | Tel: +44(0)7979 474830 | www.iancowley.co.uk
Cambridge, CB2 3BU|
Subject: RE: Next version???
> Doesn't holding shift whilst pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del work??
> -Original Message-
> From: Ian Cowley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 21 February 2001 12:12
> To: VNC List
> Subject: Next version???
> In the summer
Are you using an NT domain?
If so, I have a batch program that will install VNC Server to remote
computers on the network.
email me for more info.
Ian Cowley| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.iancowley.co.uk
execute the rclient command, then you can pass
a list of computer NETBIOS names to it (these are used in the rclient
command) to automate the installation across aall 400 machines.
Hope this helps.
email/post if you need more info.
a service or an
| Ian Cowley | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Tel: +44(0)7979 474830 |
| Christ's College| www.iancowley.co.uk | +44(0)1223 700648 |
| Cambridge, CB2 3BU | | ICQ: 37181817 |
It's because VNC only uses the first 8 characters of the password
| Ian Cowley | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Tel: +44(0)7979 474830 |
| Christ's College| www.iancowley.co.uk | +44(0)1223 700648 |
| Camb
> Is there any way to set vncviewer with the options:
> Restrict 8 bit pixels
> and
> View Only
> ?
edit whatever shortcut you're using to vncviewer so the command line is
vncviewer -8bit -viewonly
3.3.3r9, and me trying the same trick
on them doesn't do anything, so I assume it's an XP issue.
| Ian Cowley | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Tel: +44(0)7979 474830 |
| Christ's College| www.iancowley.co.uk |
me trying the same
> >trick on them doesn't do anything, so I assume it's an XP issue.
> >
> >-
> --
> >| Ian Cowley | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Tel:
> +44(0)7979 474830 |
> >| Chri
Simon (NESL-IT)"
> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 9:10 AM
> Subject: RE: MAJOR bug with 3.3.3r9 on Windows XP
> > NO - This happens in NT4 and Windows 2000 - I has to be a
> R9 issue - I
> have
> James "Wez" Weatherall
> --
> "The path to enlightenment is
> /usr/bin/enlightenment" Laboratory for Communications
> Engineering, Cambridge - Tel : 766513
> AT&T Labs Cambridge, UK - Tel : 343000
> -
> Right. I know what the code causing the problem is, but not
> why it causes a problem. It *looks* like the problem is that
> the thread which restores the desktop to its normal settings
> is running as the wrong user in some situations.
> What happens during a successful connection? Doe
most secure modes the computer can be in.
| Ian Cowley | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Tel: +44(0)7979 474830 |
| Christ's College| www.iancowley.co.uk | +44(0)1223 700648 |
| Cambridge, CB2 3BU |
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