2001-09-11 Thread Gamlem, Noralf
Neither of these works (at least in a W2k environment)... :-( -Opprinnelig melding- Fra: David Brodbeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sendt: 11. september 2001 15:02 Til: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Emne: RE: ALT+PRINTSCREEN problem If that doesn't work, select "Alt Down" from the VNC viewer's tit

SV: tridia VNC

2001-10-31 Thread Gamlem, Noralf
>Hmmm that's not nice !! Well I got one question. Tridia VNC combines the >Viewer and server together. What if I just want to only install the server >end. Is there a way to do that? We don't want out employee to have access to >the viewer. Could you please let me know. I used the installer on on

SV: Windows 2K server

2001-11-13 Thread Gamlem, Noralf
I've got this up and running (just like an ordinary PC). What error message do you get (and can you verify status of the WinVnc service)? -Noralf- -Opprinnelig melding- Fra: Jasper Heus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sendt: 13. november 2001 10:40 Til: VNC mailing list Emne: Windows 2K serve

TightVNC - Default encoding?

2001-11-28 Thread Gamlem, Noralf
>But in the latest TightVNC 1.2.2, released today, you can enable or Pardon me if this is a "read the documentation" issue, but: Is it possible to select default encoding as a command line parameter (e.g. vncviewer -hextile or vncviewer -tight)? -Noralf- -

SV: IDEAS... RE: TightVNC 1.2.2 released

2001-11-28 Thread Gamlem, Noralf
Since we're discussing passwords, I have another idea: 1. Support personell might need access to the computer even if the user is in front of it or not (enter a password and they're on) 2. "Other" people could be granted access by another password AND only after the user has accepted a connection

SV: Need help with installing VNC on a NT machine!

2001-12-03 Thread Gamlem, Noralf
>I can install ,or rather copy the files, needed to run VNC to a NT >workstation but cannot run the service. Is there a registry key that I can >export from a machine that is already running VNC as a service or is it more >complicated than this?? Like you said, copy all necessary files, export r

VS: VNC service always asks for confirmation before starting

2001-01-22 Thread Gamlem, Noralf
I've put the password in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\Default as well (actually only there) on my Win95 workstations, no problem... -Noralf- -Opprinnelig melding- Fra: Gordon Steven-QSG001 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sendt: 22. januar 2001 22:16 Til: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Emne: V


2001-01-23 Thread Gamlem, Noralf
There was a article on this in the latest issue of Windows 2000 Magazine, I guess you can find it on -Noralf- -Opprinnelig melding- Fra: Capobianco, Vince [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sendt: 23. januar 2001 18:35 Til: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Emne: REMOTE INSTALL Hello All

VS: VNC service always asks for confirmation before starting

2001-01-24 Thread Gamlem, Noralf
>Does this hold true for WIN95 also? Yes, in fact I haven't tried on NT (but I'm 99% sure it will work there as well). -Noralf- -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gamlem, Noralf Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 4:31 PM To: 

SV: Logon script for VNC

2001-02-01 Thread Gamlem, Noralf
Have a look at, instant dic ID 16162... I'ts not a logon script, but I guess it's even better. :-) -Noralf- - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also: http:

SV: Logon script for VNC

2001-02-01 Thread Gamlem, Noralf
I haven't tried this way of distribution myself, but I think the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3\Default with key Password set to a nice password should work. -Noralf- -Opprinnelig melding- Fra: Chris Burgess [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sendt: 1. februar 2001 17:50 Til: '[EMAIL PR

SV: McAfee VirusScan and WinVNC.exe

2001-02-09 Thread Gamlem, Noralf
>Anyone having ( again ) the same problem, i'm losing faith in Mcafee right >now ,sending an update but it doesn't work , frustrating ! I'm using F-Secure with no problem. Just to add fuel to the fire... :-) -Noralf- - To unsubs

SV: Installing Vnc on 500 workstations

2001-03-19 Thread Gamlem, Noralf
Hmmm... I can imagine installing the program on one WS first, then record the changes. Actually my experience says these files are necessary: c:\program files\orl\vnc\vnchooks.dll c:\program files\orl\vnc\winvnc.exe c:\program files\orl\vnc\zlib.dll c:\windows\system\omnithread_rt.dll Export the